Sunday, April 2, 2023

Global SITREP A9-23: Israel BC, Israel AD - Same Difference

02 April 2023: Israel, as recently noted, has been caught in a period of civil unrest, which is nothing new if one is cognizant of Israel's biblical history Before Christ. Circa 930 BC the unified Israel under David and Solomon split into two separate kingdoms, the kingdom of Israel (Samaria) in the north, and the kingdom of Judah in the south.

Israel (Samaria) BC experienced a few coup d'état's with kings of Israel removed from power well prior to the Assyrian and subsequent Babylonian conquests. A military coup d'etat circa 876 BC led by General Zimri killed King Elah (Israel's fourth king) usurping the throne for himself as Israel's fifth king. However, King Zimri was shortly thereafter the victim of a second coup d'etat by his own military commander, Omri, who became Israel's sixth king and established Israel's dynastic House of Omri.

Circa 841 BC Jehu (not the king of Judah, but the son of Nimshi) killed Jehoram of Israel and Ahaziah, king of Judah to become king of Israel. In 870 BC King Rezin of Aram-Damascus, an Assyrian puppet king, attempted a coup d'etat in league with king Pekah of Israel to overthrow King Ahaz and the House of David in Judah. Details are found in 2 Kings and Isaiah 7.

The point here is that the current unrest is not dissimilar to what occurred in ancient time, with a portion of Israel's tribes forsaking Jerusalem and the Jewish religion for secularism, i.e. foreign gods of metal, wood and stone, and the other portion wanting to reestablish the greater Israel of David and Solomon with the third Temple standing in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah. 

In the mist of all this turmoil are the Islamists, both Sunnis and Shi'a, within and outside of Israel's borders, who want to erase all Israel from the map and history as soon as possible. Then there are Israel's other enemies, aligned with the Israeli leftist secularists who want incorporation (assimilation) of Israel into the nascent Beast Empire led by the West. And by no means is this to discount Gog of Magog, and the kings of the south and the east who have similar desires of conquest and empire building.

You get the picture, I'm sure, especially if you're a dispensationalist who understands a great deal of the Lord's prophetic word. This is the current situation in which the world finds itself at this moment - four great world powers all wanting hegemony over Israel and the greater Middle East, as well as to reduce each other in the process. The recipe for a global war of unprecedented carnage - just as prophetically declared by the ancient, inspired prophets of God. There are big fires and little fires burning all over the planet, also exactly as is prophesied. 

Ecclesiastes 1:9 rings true as it always has, that is until Israel's 70th Week of Years commences and then everything changes.


  1. At least now SITREP A9-23 has a title. Took a whole day to decide.

  2. An aircraft of unknown type was shot down today after crossing into Israel from Syria. The IAF scrambled jet fighters and helicopters by established defense protocol to intercept the Syrian aircraft. Israeli forces are investigating.

    1. To recap, Israel has attacked Iranian and Hezbollah targets in Syria three times in four days. Five Syrian and two IRGC troops were killed in the attacks, the most recent occurring this morning. Iran vows revenge.


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