Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Global SITREP D3-23: A Greater MidEast War Part II

IDF image: Gaza War Resumes

UPDATE 1 December 2023: A week-long cessation of hostilities has ended and the war in Gaza resumed at 07:03 this morning Israel time. In accordance with the agreement HAMAS failed to deliver a list of hostages for release to the ICRC. Instead at 05:48 HAMAS began launching a barrage of rockets at Ashkelon, Sderot and Beersheba in southern Israel. About an hour later a second barrage was launched. The Iron Dome intercepted some of the rockets and ignored others that present no danger to the public. 

The Israeli Air Force then restarted where it left off by striking multiple targets, no doubt enhanced by intelligence collected during the cessation of hostilities, in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza. IDF artillery then commenced heaving artillery rounds in concentrated fires at known terrorist positions. The IDF then announced, "The IDF has resumed combat against the HAMAS terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip."  The IDF then distribute the "Map of Zones" for Khan Yunis residents to begin evacuations to the area of Rafah on the Egyptian border with instructions to "follow these instructions carefully." The elimination of HAMAS is now in full swing.

Also, Israel struck a Houthi missile and drone depot in Sana'a, Yemen yesterday in response to repeated Houthi attempts to strike Israel with ballistic missiles and drones. The war has expanded into a greater MidEast conflict.


UNRWA and HAMAS Terrorists

29 November 2023: It's been plainly evident for years that the United Nations is to a great extent an anti-Israel and antisemite global organization. This has never been more evident than the completely reprehensible statements made by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre and taking as hostages of Israeli civilians in the "Gaza Envelope." It is also evident in the image above showing UNRWA staffers alongside black flag of Jihad terrorists.

Why Israel remains a member of the U.N. is beyond explanation at this point, especially with respect to the breaking report of two hours ago about the UNRWA actively working as a terror accomplice of HAMAS in the incarceration of Israeli civilians who were ripped from their homes on October 7, and with the distinct possibility that some of them remain in captivity with UNRWA staffers. While this is a major news item, expect globalist media to cover it up.

There have been several violations of the ceasefire agreement, all of them initiated by the terrorists. In the most recent three terrorists paid with their lives after throwing explosives and opening fire on IDF troops manning their operational pause lines. The IDF is prepared for the resumption of combat operations at a moments notice. 


  1. As backdrop to these current events, it should go without having to say that "wars and rumors of war" are global today. There are more hotspots than even I want to count. Thank God for the Restrainer and our Blessed Hope in Christ Jesus.

  2. The War Cabinet says the hostages list delivered from HAMAS is unacceptable; they have until 7 AM to submit an acceptable list or the war will resume at that time.

    1. Just before 7 AM a hostages list within the terms of the agreement was accepted by Israel, cessation extended on Thursday.
      A deadly terror attack has occurred in Jerusalem and a pregnant woman was also stabbed to death in Lod; neither mother or child survived.

  3. To be totally honest, I'm not sure what the best thing for Netanyahu to do is. On one hand, everyone wants to see the hostages released and reunited with their families. If Netanyahu disregards them and goes in and obliterates the enemy, he's a war mongering monster. On the other hand, if he plays games with these terrorists, and doesn't take them out, and a few months later they attack again, his career is over and isreal is still in danger.
    Part of me says do whatever it takes to save these hostages, but another part of me says war is ugly, innocent civilians always suffer in war, it's a shame about these hostages, but go in and take out the enemies. To me it's a hard decision

    1. The war will resume imminently, most likely tomorrow morning. In fact it has been going on without any pause in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. It is going on in the north where a Hezbollah ISR drone was just shot down. All Israel wants Gaza completely cleansed of terrorists, everyone except hard leftists and HAMAS-loving Arabs in Israel.

    2. The IDF attacked Hezbollah in Lebanon following the shooting down of Hezbollah's ISR drone.

  4. How many are aware of this passage from Ezekiel 39:14-16 ??

    14 “They will set apart men regularly employed, with the help of a search party, to pass through the land and bury those bodies remaining on the ground, in order to cleanse it. At the end of seven months they will make a search. 15 The search party will pass through the land; and when anyone sees a man’s bone, he shall set up a marker by it, till the buriers have buried it in the Valley of Hamon Gog. 16 The name of the city will also be Hamonah. Thus they shall cleanse the land.”

    This practice is according to current Israeli law. The regularly employed men work for the ZAKA organization.
    ZAKA performed these functions throughout the entire Gaza envelope after the October 7th massacre. ZAKA performed these functions in Jerusalem this morning after the terror attack - every drop of blood, every speck of human flesh or bone fragment - was cleansed from the ground, the bus stop and even up in the nearby trees.

    Once again we have proof positive that the prophetic Word of God is exact, inerrant, and 100 percent on-point in full view of our witnessing eyes.

    1. The attack and murder of several Israeli civilians in Jerusalem this morning has been acknowledged by HAMAS as being their attack.

      This is an egregious breach of the agreement. It is NOT unrelated to Gaza. The war cabinet must now quickly resume the war to erradicate HAMAS completely, permanently.

    2. Sean,
      I have to admit this is the first time I've heard about the ZAKA organization. I've heard it hear first.

      Yahya Sinwar is a dead man walking.

    3. Jmoll,
      ZAKA has many units within its organization. The Chesed Shel Emes (True Virtue) unit were the first responders at this morning's attack in Jerusalem. They cleaned that site completely spotless in 2 hours.

      The very sad after-action item to note is that the hero Israeli civilian who killed the two terrorists was himself shot by the late-arriving IDF soldiers in a firendly fire accident; he was in the street, on his knees hands raised in surrender when shot. He died as a result his wounds this evening.

    4. The name of this 38 year old heroic Israeli is Yuval Doron Kastelman.

  5. 10-month old Kfir, his brother Ariel and mother Shirri Bibas were murdered by HAMAS. Their remains are to be returned to Israel, possibly today. However, Israeli media is apparently under a gag order to not identify them by name. Their death is clearly a war crime and a major casus bellii.

  6. "The leaders of the occupation should know, October 7 was just a rehearsal." - Yahya Sinwar

  7. At 07:03 IST this morning the war resumed full-scale.

  8. Strange thing that in its war against the Houthis in Yemen the Saudi Air Force had not struck the missile and combat drone depot which Israel destroyed on Thursday. The Houthis have attacked Saudi Arabia with those weapons far more times than Israel. Therefore, Israel rose up to defend itself as well as Saudi Arabia with the precision strike on Thursday.

  9. The strategy the IDF will employ is now very apparent.

    1.) The IDF will largely ignore combat micromanagement coming from the US.

    2.) The IDF will move to encircle Khan Yunis and place it under military seige.

    3.) The IDF will secure the southern Gaza border with Egypt and assume control the Rafah crossing.

    This will fulfill Isaiah 11:14 concerning "they shall fly down upon the shoulders of the Philistines to the West...""

    1. Now that's what I've been waiting for...

  10. Contrary to Biden Admin wishes, Israel has reduced the "humanitarian" aid being sent into Gaza.

  11. Saturday 2 December marks Day 2 of renewed warfare, and it's a BIG-time across-the-board escalation at that!
    Gaza hit 400 times thus far, with Khan Yunis taking at least 50 heavy strikes.
    Hezbollah rockets at northern Galilee resulted in punishing strikes on their positions in Lebanon. On top of this there has been IAF strikes around Damascus, almost certainly on IRGC-QF, Hezbollah and Shi'a proxy forces from Iraq.

    The IDF is actively engaged on three fronts: Gaza, Lebanon-Syria and Judea-Samaria.

    1. This moring's IAF strikes near Damascus killed two IRGC-QF soldiers.

      Also, Turkey has rejected the U.S. demand that it cut ties with HAMAS.

      Stage setting continues with pace.

    2. The Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson statement: Iran will respond to Israel's killing of two IRGC-QF members in Syria on 2 December.

    3. We now know that the two IRGC "members" killed in the IAF strikes in Syria on 2 December were actually Brigadier General Panah Taghizadeh and Brigadier General Mohammad-Ali Ataei.

      Two such high ranking IRGC-QF flag officers where the strikes occurred is an I&W that something much larger is going on in Syria!

  12. 20+ years ago the late-Zola Levitt made the most excellent point that there was never a state of "Palestine." Never a "Palestinian" culture either.

    In fact, from the time of the Bar Kokhba (false messiah) revolt in Israel circa 135 AD when the Roman Empire re-named the province Palaestina (Philistia) until 1948, even Jews were referred to as "Palestinians." This was a deliberate insult by Rome against Judeans by referring to them as their ancient arch-enemy the Greek-Philistians. Jews were the original "Palaestinians" per a Caesar's decree.

    Yes, the Philistians were sea-faring Greeks from Crete and other Greek islands in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

    So, all people in the Holy Land had the "Palestinian" moniker, even through the Ottoman and British imperial occupations, until May 14, 1948 when Israel was reborn in a day according to Isaiah's prophecy.

    Israel continues to makes the mistake of referring to the Arabs as "Palestinians" (Philistians) when all other ancient names have vanished from history but are remembered in the Biblical texts.

    You never see "Palestinian" in the Bible, and now you know why: it's a Roman construct.

  13. BTW... Attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria began again as HAMAS broke the hostage agreement and Israel re-started combat operations.

  14. It's a Sign that HAMAS, armed with both Russian and Iranian Kornet anti-tank missiles and EFP's, has not destroyed a single IDF Merkava (Chariot) main battle tank. Not even one. The IDF Merkava's have taken battle damage, but minimal repairs put those MBT's back into the fight within 6 hours.

    Hezbollah be advised, these are not the IDF tanks your father's have met previously.

  15. Thus far 3 December appears to be a repeat of 2 December. Currently Khan Yunis is receiving massive bombardment, eastern Gaza City being ground up by several IDF BCTs (Brigade Combat Teams), cross-border strikes involving Hezbollah, Lebanon and Syria, maritime engagement at the southern Red Sea Bab el-Mandab choke-point, U.S.-Iran conflict in the Gulf, Iraq and Syria, HAMAS rocket barrages into central Israel.

    1. A UK ship flying the UK flag came under Houthi rocket attack in the Bab el-Mandab strait this morning. US and Israel naval forces responded to the attack.

      Intensifying Hezbollah attacks today have injured at least 12 in northern Israel.

    2. Multiple coordinated drone and missile attacks occurred today in the strategic Bab el-Mandab Strait.

      This strategic choke point has always been vital to both commercial and military freedom of navigation.

      The Houthi (Iran proxy) attacks appear designed to provoke Western military intervention, which is 100% contrary to the U.S. policy of preventing a wide-spread MidEast war.

      America and her allies have important decisions to make. (Being mindful that Gabriel prophesied to Daniel that the 10 western "kings" will be engaged in a great war before the antichrist rises up among them.)

    3. This was a very significant shore-to-ship battle between "the Armed Forces of Yemen" and at least one ship of the USS Eisenhower CSG.

      Analysis of exactly how many Yemeni ballistic missiles and UCAV drones were fired remains ongoing by the US Pentagon.

  16. There will occur some event in the north that changes the current low intensity conflict to one of full-scale warfare.

    Hezbollah has just injured (non life threatening) several IDF troops in northern Galilee with ATGM strikes. An incident such as this could become a warfare initiator. There's an inevitability factor to this as long as Hezbollah remains south of the Litani River.

  17. Indications that IDF war planning calls for surgical dissection of the Gaza Strip into 4 zones:
    1. North,
    2. Central,
    3. Khan Yunis
    4. Rafah

  18. The invasion of southern Gaza has begun following IDF distribution of interactive maps for civilians to use for their personal safety. The intensity of combat in the south will eclipse what was done in the north.

  19. US-led CF-OIR aircraft preemptively struck an IRGC-QF base near Kirkuk, Iraq that was preparing to attack US forces in country.
    The IRGC-QF umbrella Shi'a terrorist group, Islamic Resistance Iraq, lost 5 men in the strike.

  20. Within the past hour the IAF has been rampaging across Lebanon in destroying all manner of Hezbollah targets.

  21. HAMAS in Lebanon now calling itself the 'Al-Aqsa Flood Pioneers' and attempting to recruit local residents of southern Lebanon (Tyre, Sidon).

    All the more reason why an IDF operation inside Lebanon is an inevitability.

  22. Who can correctly answer this eschatological question:

    What exactly is occurring in the Middle East at this time?

  23. Zechariah 9-14
    New Living Translation
    Judgment against Israel’s Enemies
    9 This is the message[a] from the Lord against the land of Aram[b] and the city of Damascus, for the eyes of humanity, including all the tribes of Israel, are on the Lord.

    2 Doom is certain for Hamath,
    near Damascus,
    and for the cities of Tyre and Sidon,
    though they are so clever.
    3 Tyre has built a strong fortress
    and has made silver and gold
    as plentiful as dust in the streets!
    4 But now the Lord will strip away Tyre’s possessions
    and hurl its fortifications into the sea,
    and it will be burned to the ground.
    5 The city of Ashkelon will see Tyre fall
    and will be filled with fear.
    Gaza will shake with terror,
    as will Ekron, for their hopes will be dashed.
    Gaza’s king will be killed,
    and Ashkelon will be deserted.
    6 Foreigners will occupy the city of Ashdod.
    I will destroy the pride of the Philistines.
    7 I will grab the bloody meat from their mouths
    and snatch the detestable sacrifices from their teeth.
    Then the surviving Philistines will worship our God
    and become like a clan in Judah.[c]
    The Philistines of Ekron will join my people,
    as the ancient Jebusites once did.
    8 I will guard my Temple
    and protect it from invading armies.
    I am watching closely to ensure
    that no more foreign oppressors overrun my people’s land

  24. I'm sure you know exactly Sean but this is my best guess!!

    1. Mags,

      You are correct, and your answer is the long version from Zechariah.
      Ezekiel says the same in Chapter 25.

      The succinct answer is Ezekiel 28:26 - "...when I execute my judgment..."

      God is executing His judgment on those all around who hate Israel.

      And, for the purpose: "Then they (everyone - Israel and enemies alike) will know (see) that I AM the LORD (YHWH) God.

    2. Zeph 9:7; 8:23 & Ps 83:16-18 are encouraging in that they suggest pretty clearly, that the defeat to be experienced by Israel's enemies will be so profound that those who survive will be sufficiently motivated to repent and seek the face of the Lord. Glimmers of this are already starting to leak out here and there in the news around the place. Likely precursor to a coming 'tidal wave' of repentance and conversion.

      On a related note, I watched a short by an IDF reservist about the 180deg change in the residents of Be'eri who; prior to Oct 7th; were hard core leftist/secularist 'peaceniks' vis Gaza. Now they have Deut 25:17, in large Hebrew banner letters, hanging at their gate (it was about 10m long). The video guy - who was very familiar with this community - was absolutely incredulous (in a good way).

      We really do need to 'buckle up' as Bro. Sean says. The pace of change is as lightning.

      YBIC, Bro. Steve

    3. Exactly, with but one caveat: Not as I say, but as God has said.

      When Christ our Savior said "Watch!, what do ya'll think he meant? Watch what?

      He meant for us to watch Israel, because Israel is literally like an hour glass. How quickly does the sand fall at the end of the hour!

      I'm watching Israeli TV almost all day, every day. It is a fact that a great majority there now see the enemies as "Amalekites."

      Most had forgotten up to October 6, 2023, but on the Morning of October 7, 2023 everything changed and a Spiritual awakening has been occurring throughout Israel since then.

      And notice in Psalm 83 how it's the leaders of the enemies who are being systematically hunted down. There's no funeral parades any longer; they are literally being slain and left as domen (dung) for the earth.

      Those who think Psalm 83 is not a literal prophecy had better open their eyes to the facts on the ground, and their hearts to what the Holy Spirit is saying. In other words, think again!

    4. Bro Steve, "“He covers His hands with lightning, And commands it to strike the target." (Job 36:32)--yeah, baby.

  25. The US Biden Administration deployed two Carrier Strike Groups and USMC Amphibious Ready Groups and dozens of strike aircraft to deter Iran and its regional proxies.

    Neither Iran or its proxies have been deterred.

    1. There's a growing consensus in military circles that the only thing to deter Iran is for the US to severely strike (as in cripple) what the Ayatollah and his IRGC value the most, and the sooner the better. Failure to act will ensure the conflagration the US seeks to avoid takes place. Catch-22.

  26. An international military "task force" is being assembled to deal with Houthi aggression at the Bab el-Mandeb. This must also include the Iranians (IRGC-QF).

  27. 6 December - The UK_MTO issued an alert concerning UAV activity west of Hodeida port over the Red Sea. Moments later Israel intercepted a ballistic missile fired from Yemen over the Red Sea.

    Cross-border firing of rockets, missiles and UAVs from Lebanon and Syria, orchestrated by the IRGC-QF, continues with Israel returning artillery fire and airstrikes on every launch position.

    U.N. impotence in enforcement of UNSCR 1701 of 2006 will result in the IDF launching a campaign to drive Hezbollah north of the Litani River, and possibly even further north than that. Per UNSCR 1701 there can be no armed groups between the Blue Line and the Litani River other than the Lebanese Army and the UNIFIL troops.

  28. The growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza is 100% due to HAMAS hoarding of the hundreds of tons of supplies, fuel and water being delivered through the Rafah crossing. All of this relief is going underground. The U.S. Biden Administration is fully aware of this fact, as well as that terrorist rockets continue to be launched at Israel from within and adjacent to UN facilities, schools, mosques and other allegedly civilian infrastructure.

  29. As noted previously, and now confirmed by Israeli doctors, Israeli hostages were injected with various chemicals by HAMAS.

  30. I&W that HAMAS may finally be breaking down militarily and, except under force of arms against the Gazan civilians, losing its ability to dictate to the populace.

    Large numbers of terrorists have begun surrendering to IDF units in various neighborhoods in Gaza.
    Civilians in Gaza, Judea and Samaria appearing on Arab media lambasting HAMAS and cursing their leaders for the total disregard of their basic necessities: food, water, medicine.

    How much worse is captivity for the hostages?!

    1. For Iran, the IRGC-QF proxies and Hezbollah the time for their effective military intervention is coming closer every day to becoming irrelevant to save HAMAS from extinction.

    2. You would think at this point the people of Gaza would look at what they've been told by their leaders and realize how much they've been lied to and see Israel in a different light than what they've been taught.
      Concerning Iran it would appear that they don't have the stomach to engage in a battle with a formidable foe.
      I was expecting more of a quick fulfilling of scriptures at this time but it may be moving a little slower now than I had hoped.

    3. This gets to the point made earlier about preconceived notions. Past as prologue.

      The destruction of the 2nd Temple (Jesus Olivet Discourse in ALL of the Gospels) did not take place quickly. The Temple's destruction occurred at the mid-point of the 7-year period of 66 to 73 AD. Or about 33 years after Jesus gave that prophecy knowing His disciples would see it fulfilled literally.

      Psalm 83, et al, find fulfillment in ways most have not considered. Over weeks, months, even years as God has appointed them.

      This is the closing of THE generation Jesus spoke about.

    4. You've mentioned this several times in Sitreps and your right, I think my mind doesn't like to wait. Lol

    5. The degradation (combat ineffectiveness) of Gaza terrorist military capability and populace control must be emphasized. It's hugely important!

    6. Interesting that I posted this I&W assessment a full day prior to it being acknowledged by the IDF. It'll be the leading headline in the coming days.

  31. 8 December - Overnight projectile launches (mortars or rockets) from positions in Syria received counter-fire from the IDF arty and tanks.
    An infiltration attempt by an enemy squad in the Har Dov ( Sheba'a Farms) area in the western Golan was identified and eliminated.
    Hezbollah terrorist activity across the border in Lebanon received numerous IAF strikes.
    At least seven HAMAS and PIJ terrorists were eliminated who fired on the IDF near Shechem.
    450 HAMAS targets in Gaza also received due attention from the IDF, IAF and Naval forces.

  32. While citing the IRGC-QF as the leading force directing proxy forces, it can now be narrowed down to a specific element of the IRGC-QF. Corellated all source OSINT has made this assessment possible.

    This element is known as Unit 340 and has drawn the high value interest of both Israel and the US. Unit 340 is tasked with direct technological support of Iran's proxy forces in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and within Israel itself (Judea and Samaria) and HAMAS, PIJ and others being destroyed in Gaza.

    The identification of Unit 340 closes the loop on Iranian Twelver orchestration of its proxies throughout the region.

    Recently an advanced Iranian air defense system was located near an isolated villa near Sayyada Zainab, Syria which strongly indicated its importance to Unit 340. In real-time surveillance of the villa two senior Unit 340 officers were observed entering the villa and within minutes the IAF struck destroying it and the dedicated air defense system. There were no survivors. The two officers were Unit 340/IRGC-QF brigadier generals whose deaths were reported here earlier.

    1. Afternoon in Israel - an IAF airstrike on a vehicle near Quneitra killed four occupants of proxy militia who have not been positively identified after being consumed by fire. Rockets and drones were launched from the proxies under IRGC-QF Unit 340 control. Israel responding at this time.

  33. Is it not obvious that The Restrainer is keeping Israel's enemies (as named by the prophets, such as Asaph) from coming all at once in full force against Israel, so that Israel can dispatch the threats they pose one at a time?

    It's obvious to me!

    1. Yes, it's totally obvious. I been thinking that for years. If I may, I'd take it a step further, not only has the restrainer been keeping all of isreals enemies from coming all at once, but the restrainer has also been keeping the total collapse of the economy from coming, and America's enemies from coming in too IMHO

    2. Jon,
      Agreed, several steps forward. Through this war and the insane protests against it, we are getting a glimpse of the world condition after the Restrainer and the Bride of Christ have been removed.

    3. This also appears to be a pre-separation of the sheep and goats to see where one chooses between good and evil.

  34. Yes Seán..its incredible.I have often been conscious of God's restraining hand.Events on a knife edge, economies also but they don't topple because He is in control.

  35. The US-led CJTF OIR has a base in Kharab Al-Jir in Rmeilan, Syria. The base and its airport was attacked three times in succession today by rockets fired from near Ninevah, Iraq by the "Axis of Resistance" group of Iraqi Shi'a militias under the IRGC-QF Unit 340 command structure.

    Thus far no confirmed reports of significant damage or casualties have been released. A US DoD spokesperson said a response would come at the time and place the Coalition will determine.

    1. In addition the US Embassy in Baghdad and three other CJTF-OIR bases in Syria also came under rocket attack from the "Axis of Resistance" a/k/a the Shi'a Islamic Resistance in Iraq militia.

  36. Today the U.S. vetoed a UNSC resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

  37. Replies
    1. Yes, and it appears to be a precision poke in the eye of islamists everywhere.

  38. You know what the 3 letters all islamists hate? IAF

  39. Hezbollah took more serious pounding overnight after two of their UCAVs engaged the IDF and moderately to lightly injuring 6 soldiers. The UCAVs were shot down ending the brief engagement.

    More HAMAS fighters are surrendering in large numbers in north Gaza, which destroys the islamic myth of their being jihadi mujahideen committed to martyrdom in battle over surrendering to the "zionist entity." They are interrogated and are revealing key intel enhancing IDF targeting of hidden command posts.

    Gazan civilians are increasingly contacting the IDF and Shin Bet to turn on HAMAS and Yahya Sinwar; they understand completely HAMAS ISIS has betrayed millions of Gaza's civilians, are the real occupiers of Gaza and have brought this destruction. They'll likely receive the IDF as liberators going forward and not as a conquering army. HAMAS' days are finitely numbered.

  40. There is the hard, long-established fact that ArabMuslim children in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are indoctrinated (i.e. brainwashed) to hate Judaism, Zionist Israel and to love the life of becoming a shahid "holy warrior" for jihadist islam. This is the Muslim Brotherhood (al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun), Salafist and Wahabbist ideology at work.

    This has been going on for decades, even in United Nations UNRWA schools funded with American taxpayer dollars with money also coming from Qatar, UAE and Saudi sources as well. (These are the same muslims who brought 9/11 to America. They live amongst Americans as they do Israelis, French, British, etc, etc.

    Sadly, we have forgotten how the "Palestinians" celebrated in Judea and Samaria that infamous day passing out sweets in PA-controlled areas. It's the same ideology which made the massacre manifest on Simchat Torah (7 October 2023) in Israel.

    1. It is also important that we view the above as the bottom line reason why Israel's Security Cabinet voted to ban the entry of "Palestinian" workers into the country. Thousands of those workers used intelligence they gained by working in Israel to slaughter 1,200 and take hundreds more as captives in a major crime against humanity.

      The legacy of the Simchat Torah massacre is the near total loss of confidense of Israel's citizens in the institutions of their current and previous governments to protect them from islamist butchers.

      There's a new paradigm in Israel which we will see going forward, not only in Gaza, but moreso in Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and southern Lebanon as well.

  41. Sean,
    An excellent explanation and perspective.

    1. Jmoll,
      Just a necessary in-a-nutshell summary about which multiple volumes of books have been written over the past two plus decades. Memories may fade, but truths endure.


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