Wednesday, December 27, 2023

26 December 2023; Eschatological Statement


Believe as you wish, but this is the overlook above the valley of the shadow of death where I stand watch, and whether by Divine vision, instruction or visitation, it matters not for it has been given.

It is not obvious to all searching God's Word, as Berean's would do at this late hour, there will be no distinct, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse fulfillments of the several prophetic narratives. There will not be 9 prophetic wars, or 6 wars or even 3.

There is but ONE prior to the 70th Week of Years (which has its own unique God-breathed time-lime of appointments which are painstakingly detailed in The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ) and its fulfillment is completely dynamic, sequential, concurrent and unitary of purpose, like a flood, in preparing all Israel for redemption.

Israel today is in tremendous upheaval! Israel is at war on seven fronts!

There are no "gaps" of time, no here, now or next cases of occurrence, that's all worthless publishers boiler plate for the next book offering.

This is the reason why so very few do not see what is standing before us all - they cannot see past the learned construct they have convinced themselves is real. The "Dispensation of Grace" will end, as in "poof" it's gone, and with the trump and shout of an Archangel the Bride is translated into the Heavenly realm. 


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