Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Global SITREP D6-23: The Great MidEast War

UPDATE 31 December 2023: This final update for 2023 is straight up and succinct. 

A new World War is coming. Russia wants ALL of Ukraine, Putin has zero interest in anything less. NATO, led by the U.S. will not allow that to happen. A NATO vs Russian Federation war in Europe from Finland to to Ukraine become more likely each month. China wants Taiwan, meaning the world war includes the Pacific "ring of fire." North Korea threatens South Korea, Japan and the US with nuclear war. Japan and the US will defend Taiwan. All ambiguity is out the window. 

Bible prophecy (Book of Daniel) hints strongly at this. The "beast" empire is here, albeit without the "Beast" at its head. 

Israel's war will continue for several months into 2024, to include Lebanon and Syria, and also Jordan. No reason to celebrate a New Year, it will prove to be less than happy for the world-at-large.

We pray for many more souls to find Salvation in Christ Jesus and partake in the blessed Harpazo of the Bride of Christ.


27 December 2023: Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced yesterday that Israel is a nation fighting a war on seven fronts. We've known this fact for quite some time, but it is good that all parties hear it from him.

To recap, there was a pitched battle fought in the skies over the Red Sea yesterday with the US Navy shooting at least three Iranian ballistic missiles fired from Yemen at Israel. Of note, this was the first time a US Navy anti-ship ballistic missile engaged and destroyed an incoming Iranian ballistic missile. Both Israeli and American combat aviation scored shoot downs of multiple Iranian drones also launched from Yemen. This war needs to be taken directly to the Ayatollah's doorstep.

In the north, Hezbollah expanded its tactical targets list by attacking a Greek-Orthodox church in the northern Israel town of Iqrit, injuring two Israeli Christians. A second Hezbollah missile was first injuring nine IDF troops who were first responders to the attack. Time to take the gloves of with Hezbollah.



  1. Almost forgot, the cover image is an IDF artillery barrage on top of Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon.

  2. The IDF has reached a high state of readiness on the northern front.

  3. IRGC-QF proxies (Iraqi) in Syria took their first and largely impotent shot at Israel today with a remotely piloted UAV bomb. The vehicle crashed into a building on the southern Golan. This is an escalation of the war.

  4. Gaza Operations continue apace in three arenas.
    North: nearly complete with tunnels the focus.
    Central: consolidation and sterization of terrorist presence.
    South: Khan Yunis surrounded, neutralization of threats; Rafah prevention of HAMAS escape to Egyptian Sinai and Wadi Al-Arish redoubt.

  5. Israel has struck Damascus twice on Thursday night. Significant damage reported.

    Iranian leader promises Israel's annihilation for BG Mousavi assassination in the strike on Monday.

    1. The Damascus strike killed 11 senior IRGC-QF officers!

    2. The problem when you've been threatening someone with the same thing for umpteen years - is that the 'threat' becomes somewhat less than threatening. It is however, useful as an indicator that the Twelvers are saying 'ouch!'.

      If they were sourcing their prophetic information from the correct source (the one we use here at ET), they would be properly aware of what happens to those who threaten Israel. They'll just have to find out directly (like Hamas is).

      Read an article this morning from a Gazan Pastor, that there is a budding revival germinating amongst Gazan's. Seeking the face of the Lord.

      Bro. Steve

  6. Don't know why, but Google not very prompt in notifying that comments are in the queue.

    Bit of bad luck and wrong Rx put me back in hospital. All sorted out now!

    1. Good to hear you're on the mend!

  7. Prayers that you get out wide eyed and health!

  8. There were 11 battles fought yesterday between the IDF and terrorists across Judea and Samaria.

    Daily combat escalation on the northern front.

  9. In the last week four IAF strikes on Damascus have killed 14 of the very highest ranking IRGC-QF officer corps in Syria. Israel taking very high-risk preemptive action, certainly intel based.

    1. Well, Israel does have the best intel Agency in the universe - Hashem. Agent Michael and his team under instruction do some pretty solid work. Bro. Steve

  10. Significant warfighting took place in Syria Friday-Saturday with IAF aircraft striking a truck convoy of weapons from Iran as it crossed from Iraq into Syria.
    20 Lebanese Hezbollah killed in the strike. Two ballistic missiles from Syria also shot down.

  11. We'll continue with this in 2024, a year already forecast to be full of prophetic fulfillment and things which have not occurred in Israel in 2 millennia.


  12. Another battle in Red Sea, Houthis vs USN. A Maersk container ship called for help after being struck by a missile.
    USS Gravely (DDG-107) responded, Maersk declared seaworthy w/ minor damage. DDG-107 then engaged two more Houthi ballistic missiles launched in their direction. Splash two missiles.

    Operation Prosperity Guardian is in defensive posture, transition to offensive posture this coming week; Houthis have bit off more than they can chew.

    IAF twin airstrikes in Tulkarm among other counter-terror ops in Judea/Samaria. Northern front and Southern front ops continue at higher pace.

  13. Dozens of earthquakes in diverse locations all over the world on 30 Dec, many over Richter 6.

  14. A final update to this SITREP today will be global in scope.

  15. A comprehensive series of strikes by "unknown aircraft" killed 10 and injured dozens of multiple nationalities (IRGC-QF militias) today in Al-Bukamal, Syria.

    The assessment is that this was a comprehensive American retaliation against the IRGC-QF-led "axis of resistance" who have conducted 100+ strikes against US-led CJTF-OIR bases in Iraq and Syria. The gloves are off.

    1. The US categorically denied responsibility for these strikes. That leaves Israel.

  16. 2023... Year of the Great Biden Bluff. USS Ford CSG returning stateside.

  17. I believe it's possible that we might witness the destruction of Damascus in 2024. The way things are going, I have not ruled that out, I also haven't ruled out the catching up of the bride in 2024. I really think it could happen

  18. A joint "final warning" has been drafted by the US and UK to the Houthi leadership in Yemen.

    (Today US attack helicopters sank three Houthi vessels killing all crews who had attacked the Maersk containership a second time.)

    Direct allied military action against the Houthis will occur if the joint warning is ignored.

  19. Replies
    1. Well, that ends my wondering on how Jordan with its treaty with Israel would fit into the ring of "touching" nations of Psalm 83. The last piece of the puzzle just fell into place.

    2. Chuck,

      That headline certainly made my eyes "pop."

      But the Jordan Valley is not the invasion axis accorrding to Isaiah 11, but further south in ancient Edom and Moab.

  20. On west coast of Japan shallow earthquakes numbering just under 20 this morning (M4.9-6.2) were preceded by a M7.6 jolt. Tsunami warnings for Japan, North Korea, South Korea and Russia.

  21. I want to thank you sincerely for all your input over thevyrar/years.What a blessing you are constantly pointing us back to the scripture to see where we are. Your blog has really helped me to understand the word of God and to believe without a shadow of doubt that every jot and tittle will ne fulfilled in its time.May God bless you with health, strength and increasing wisdom for 2024.'For to him who has, more will be given '

    1. I second this. Thank you for being faithful to your calling, brother. It has certainly been a catalyst / motivation for my own study - and I know that I am certainly not alone in that. Bro Steve

  22. I second that, Mags! Thanks for being faithful, Sean.
    I know we’re closer than we ever were before, but things are heating up and events occurring at a rate I’ve never seen in over 25 years. How exciting, but also bittersweet. We are so close. The sense of urgency for increased prayers for the peace (salvation) of Israel and the spreading of the Gospel, I pray, will move me and all of this family to up our efforts to reach the lost for our precious Savior. God Bless and Marana’tha!

  23. Amen and Amen! Thank you Sean for all your hard work and patience with all who visit your site. There are so many hidden gems that you bring to mind. May this be the year that we all are praying for.

    1. Joe,
      It's so essential to remain faithful to the calling of Christ when egregious apostasy and outright rebellion against God is running rampant in what used to be the white steepled churches on Main Street, Small Town, USA.

      I no longer recognize the Methodist church I was baptized in; they've exchanged the Gospel of Jesus Christ for Marxist Satanism.

      Prophesy fulfilled!

  24. As if an Israel at War on several fronts needed another crisis, the SECULAR Supreme Court has usurped authority that does not belong to it to invalidate a Basic Law, creating a political firestorm in the process to encourage Israel's enemies.

  25. The birth pains are growing stronger and faster. I think 2024 will be a very hard, fateful year for this planet. America seems to have fallen from within and those who did this, are NOT Israel's ally. When America finally, OPENLY deserts Israel then God will return the gesture to America. MARANATHA! I've always loved America but it has fallen and "the become a cage of every unclean bird" ...

    1. DuncanMc,

      Very eloquently stated and I could not agree more.

  26. 04:30 IST this morning and the IAF began striking several targets around Damascus city, with Syrian army facilities being among those targets.

    Why? Because the Syrian army has no choice but to allow the IRGC to use those facilities as weapons depots.

  27. IDF troop reductions in Gaza have a minimum of two immediate benefits:
    1) Economic and 2) Buttressing of other fronts with real combat power.

  28. Just when I didn't think things could move much faster on the prophetic scale, Israel successfully eliminates several top Hamas leaders at once. Good job, Mossad, IDF! Will be interesting to see what the US demands (Lord willing, Bibi won't listen) of Israel. Lots of moving parts right now--heads up, everyone, Eyes on Israel!

    And it's only the second of January! Wow, hope this means we're going home sooner rather than later!

    1. The part of Psalm 83 that foretells the demise of the enemy leadership is key and a prophetic fulfillment in its own right.

      That this occurred in Beirut, Lebanon proves Israel's promise to seek them out wherever the hide, exactly as had occurred in ancient times. We've discussed this aspect before, so no need to revisit it.

      Hezbollah is making strong threats, Israel is standing by for heavy rocket barrages from Lebanon, you all know the rest!

    2. At the same time, Biden is sending a message by pulling the Ford CSG. I wonder when Israelis will have to finally admit to themselves that America is abandoning them? As for my fellow Americans, most still support Israel but our nation's leaders are doing more cursing than blessing of Israel and they are going to learn that God IS watching. Vengeance is His, He will repay.

    3. The timing of the announcement on the Ford CSG return to Norfolk, VA just 72 hours ago and then this strike taking out Al-Arouri today is absolutely amazing IMHO. What a message to Biden!

  29. The IDF continues increased ops in Gaza, Judea and Samaria while being on very high alert on the northern front.

  30. Planned speech by Hezbollah's Nasrallah scheduled for today.
    Even UNIFIL fears an out-of-control escalation due to Al-Arouri targeted assassination.

  31. A "Black Swan" event in Iran near Qassem Soleimani's gravesite today.

    Two bombs were remotely detonated 10 minutes apart killing more than 100 and wounding near 200 per updates.

  32. The Houthi's were given an ultimatum yesterday... cease attacks or else.

    The Houthi's have chosen or else.

  33. Iran is simply finding the boundaries set by whoever is in control of US policy. I think they understand those limits better than half the nation does. I'll believe Obama's taking them seriously AFTER I see their actions against Iran. Maybe he finally realizes that the current Israeli government is not going to lie down for it any longer. Hizballah seems to be making a nominal retreat from Israel's northern border so maybe they see farther than the DC minions...

    1. Of late, IMHO the Ayatollah is burning both ends of a candle.

      The #1 proxy warmonger in the world on one end, particularly the ME, and upping fissile weapons grade HEU percentages on the other.

      The people of Iran, tens of millions of them, simply wait for the opportunity to overthrow the hated Twelver Regime. They have no animus against Israel, but they only need a strike on the regime power base and they take care of the rest. This reality is a very good match for the text of Jeremiah 49:34-39 and its literal fulfillment.

  34. Israeli protestors are at the Jordanian Embassy in Herzliya, Israel today deomstrating against Jordan as an enemy state of Israel. They're particularly focused on the Waqf being controlled by HAMAS, and therefore HAMAS controlling the Temple Mount.

    We can easily see the prophetic implications in the damands to end Waqf/HAMAS control of Temple Mount to the detriment of religious Israelis.

  35. Following Hezbollah rocket fire at northern Israel today the IAF destroyed Hezbollah's C2 center in Blida, Lebanon with a comprehensive airstrike.

  36. Houthi Yemen has essentially declared war on all nations whose naval forces join the US-led coalition defending the Bab al-Mandab Strait passage.

  37. Several jihadist groups in Samaria are promising in video messaging to launch attacks upon Israeli towns like those that Gaza terrorists executed on October 7, 2023.

    1. A battle between the terrorists and IDF is underway for the past hour in Jenin environs. Bombs and heavy automatic weapons fire.

  38. For the record:

    Arutz Sheva published this today:
    "Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told the Wall Street Journal that Israel is not fighting a single enemy, but an axis."

    Psalm 83, yes or no?

    (There is no maybe, if and or but in response to the question. Simple yes or no.

    1. Psalm 83 for sure. News papers catching up to ET yet again. Bro Steve

    2. Bro's, your quick replies are very much appreciated! God Bless!

  39. Bro Steve,

    Took 'em long enough. ;)
    Actually, it's not really ET they're catching up to, but the prophetic, Spirit-inspired Word of God.

    1. Amen to that!!

    2. Multiple reports now of Jews making wholesale Aliyah - from multiple countries. Off the charts compared to even a year ago. They are flooding back to Israel in droves. Praise God.

  40. Six days ago Tim Moore at Lamb and Lion Ministries wrote an excellent piece Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

    The following excerpt mirrors what has been written on this blog for a very long time! Long-time readers will recognize the same Spirit is responsible for the inspired text.

    "Israel is currently embroiled in a war unlike anything it has experienced in its 75-year existence as a modern nation. The existential threats that Israel overcame in 1948, 1967, and 1973 were only foreshadows of the metastasized cancer of hate and violence that it faces today. The onslaught of recent events demonstrates that God’s prophetic Word is still being fulfilled right before our eyes. Because He has chosen to reveal the end of all things, we can be certain that He is still in control — and that His Will will be done."


    1. So beautifully put. Thanks for posting it here.

      Any truth to the report that Nasrallah's nephew got taken out in Lebanon? Bro. Steve

  41. Sean, I would say yes. Forgive me, as I'm sure you have addressed this before, but I think I missed it (or don't remember at my age). Amir Tsarfati insists this is not the Psalm 83 war, rather it occurred at 1948 (rather than is ongoing),I think is his position, because the current actors are terrorist organizations, not nation states. The reality is these enemies are without question in all the areas mentioned in the Psalm, so the argument perhaps moot. Iran is, ofc, behind all of them and one of the Ezekiel 38 major players.

  42. In reference to my prior question, I suppose we could say the current list of enemies attacking Israel are, for all practical purposes, nation states in that these countries are indirectly responsible b/c they allow the terrorists to function, attack, and take shelter in their territories.

  43. Hmewrdbd,

    Amir is clearly mistaken. Asaph's Psalm 83 enemies are not nation states, they are the descendants of various ethnicities living in specific geographic areas around Israel.

    For example, the Houthi of Yemen are actually southern Ishmaelites.

    1. Agreed - Amir is wrong on this one. Their (Houthi) spokesman looks a lot like Baghdad Bob and he likes to yell. Very entertaining in amongst all the serious business going on. Bro. Steve

  44. My view on who the Psalm 83 enemies are goes back 15 years now, it hasn't changed but has been refined.

    In Lebanon, the minority Shi'a sect, who have been Arabs since 700 AD Islamic conquest, control the coastal cities.

    They have been close allies of the Alawite (near-Shi'a) minority who control mostly Aram-Damascus by military dictatorship. The 2011 revolt all but collapsed the Alawite control of Syria east of the Euphrates, allowing the introduction of Shi'a Iraq militia led by Shi'a Iran to provide the "Assur" element that "strengthens" the enemy axis.

    Jordan is weak as a monarchy, as history has shown. Israel and the USA provide Amman their ability to control northwestern Jordan (cities of Aroer). In the central and southern Moab and Edom jihadist Sunnis maintain modest control. Jordan is currently in active warfighting against the Iraqi Assur militias in the cities of Aroer region, and the drug smuggling operation the Iraqis are using to fund their military operations against Israel. As Isaiah notes, "Ammon" will be an ally of Israel.

    Gaza is deliberately being dismantled and depopulated of Islamic terrorists, as also Sinai will be cleansed of Amalek-like Wilayat Sinai (ISIS).

    ALL of these enemies are the ancestors of the jihadist Ishmaelites who came out of Arabia Felix and Arabia Deserta in the Islamic conquest of circa 1,400 years ago.

    1. Thanks for the quick historical /strategic overview Bro!! Really interesting. Got me doing some more 'digging'... Good stuff. Bro. Steve

  45. The Northern front is rife with cross-border kinetic strikes; Hezbollah hitting Northern Command HQ and Israel striking Hezbollah targets from the sea to the mountains.

    The Kirya (IDF HQ) warns the Coalition War Government that "Judea and Samaria are on the brink of explosion."

    This really isn't new news except to note that "explosion" is code for full-scale warfare the IDF will have to engage in vice the targeted counter-terror strikes in varous PA towns north and south of Jerusalem.

    1. It seems like Psalm 83, Jeremiah 49:34-39, et al, will culminate with Isaiah 17 due to proliferation of “Palestinians” all around Jerusalem and Hamas having factions in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. It will be the only option to address the overwhelming problem of the surrounding enemies of God and Israel.

  46. No such thing as Palestine or "Palestinians". It's an ancient Greek and Roman (beast empire) construct to strike the name of Judea from history, most recently 1,890 years ago when Emperor Hadrian created Syria-Palaestina. There is zero continuity from the ancient Philistines (Greek sea peoples) and the so-called Arab "Palestinians."

    Maybe the fact that "Palestine" appears no where in the Spirit-inspired Biblical record should be acknowledged first and foremost. This land belongs to God who gave it in an everlasting covenant to His people Israel.

  47. This is the biggest problem for the idiots who run the American government- American Imam Threatens: All Jews Will be Killed by Muslims, article on the gateway pundit. They are burning their candle at both ends trying to support the Jewish side of their coalition and the Muslim part of their coalition. The Obiden White House will have to choose sides and will mean they lose the election if they choose Israel (unless they cheat again) because their Muslim subjects want their Jewish subjects dead. What is Obama going to do?

  48. The IDF action in Lebanon throughout Sunday was significant, serious damage done to Hezbollah C2 sites south of the Litani River.

    However, in 100 days of IDF and IAF strikes against Hezbollah since October 7 the deterrent effect is non-existent. Additionally there is zero movement on implementation of UNSCR 1701. These two items, coupled with two civilian deaths from Hezbollah rocket fire on Sunday are I&W that ground offensive action into Lebanese territory by the IDF is more than likely in the coming hours/days. It is a completely untenable situation at present.

  49. This morning (15JAN24) the Russian Federation said that it was developing relations with "our partner" North Korea in all areas.
    North Korea just executed a test flight of its its hypersonic strike missile.

  50. Taking an Axios report with a large chunk of salt, but it says there is a lot of strain in the Biden-Netanyahu dynamic. At every turn Bibi is giving Biden a flat-out NO to all Biden's "requests" regarding the Gaza war, the PA and even the funding being withheld from the PA by Israel. The last phonecon between them ended badly with Biden saying "This conversation is over."

    If accurate, this report is welcome news.

    1. Excellent news! I pray that Bibi holds the line.

    2. Bibi's in the fight of his life, as are all of us and our allies. It's not the "beast empire" just yet, but it's just as authortarian. We'll see it much clearer if Trump is re-elected this coming November.

  51. Reports of multiple missile strikes this evening near Aleppo, Syria. Targets said to be IRGC-QF hit by Israel.


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