Thursday, May 30, 2024

Global SITREP A10-24: The End of HAMAS and The War in the North Part V

The Theater of Prophetic War

UPDATED 30 May 2024: Eschatology Today may be the first to note that the current war launched against Israel by the Islamic jihadists of HAMAS in Gaza on October 7, 2023, and then joined by the Islamic jihadists in Lebanon, Iraq, Iran and Yemen has fully transitioned from a war of localized tactical engagements to a war of theater-wide strategic engagements. This transition brings us to the doorstep of the over-arching prophetic scenario discussed here for more than the past decade. The deployment and use of strategic strike weapons such as 1,000 miles plus drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles is the defining character of the strategic change to this war. As such great and fearful changes lie ahead as detailed by the inspired prophets of ancient Israel.

UPDATE 03 June 2024: Fires in northern Israel today started by Hezbollah rockets and incendiary drone attacks. 

Most of us will recall that incendiaries were sent over the border from Gaza into Israel prior to HAMAS' invasion and massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023. Those incendiary devices sparked dozens of fires in southern Israel. 

How long will Israel wait before the Hezbollah menace is neutralized? The IDF is well aware that Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies have been practicing repeating what HAMAS did, but this time in northern Israel. The clock is ticking.


Friday, May 10, 2024

Global SITREP A9-24: The End of HAMAS and The War in the North Part IV

10 May 2024: Israel will do what Israel must do. Eliminating the primary jihadist threat of HAMAS and its Islamic Jihad allies in Gaza is the first priority of what must be done. The IDF will expand its military operations far beyond the eastern section of Rafah and in so doing annihilate the remaining for or so "battalions" of the terrorists in southern Gaza over the coming days or even weeks. The thing is that despite all pressures and intimidations thrown at Israel by the leftist Biden Administration and Globalist allies, the IDF is now fully engaged in the battle in southern Gaza and will in the coming weeks remain engaged in the search and destroy mission of terrorist arsenals (i.e. continuous demilitarization) hidden underground throughout Gaza. This time, finally, "Never Again" actually means "Never Again." Then the IDF will move against the terrorists in the north and will do so according the Scripture that results in a finality of Israel living peacefully, secure within the borders and none outside making them afraid... at least for a short while when the country will recover from these wars.

We make special note of the fact that signs in the sun, moon and stars are occurring now and throughout this year - as we've discussed previously. We've attained the level of technological development (increased knowledge) that would have made observation of these phenomena with the human eye impossible in the past. Wars and rumors of war, even of the nuclear variety, continue unabated. Global tectonics are driving seismic activity to higher levels that before. Global pestilences, plagues, famines are a constant concern as well. As the Lord said, fear not, these things must take place, and then the end will come. Marana'tha!