Friday, May 10, 2024

Global SITREP A9-24: The End of HAMAS and The War in the North Part IV

10 May 2024: Israel will do what Israel must do. Eliminating the primary jihadist threat of HAMAS and its Islamic Jihad allies in Gaza is the first priority of what must be done. The IDF will expand its military operations far beyond the eastern section of Rafah and in so doing annihilate the remaining for or so "battalions" of the terrorists in southern Gaza over the coming days or even weeks. The thing is that despite all pressures and intimidations thrown at Israel by the leftist Biden Administration and Globalist allies, the IDF is now fully engaged in the battle in southern Gaza and will in the coming weeks remain engaged in the search and destroy mission of terrorist arsenals (i.e. continuous demilitarization) hidden underground throughout Gaza. This time, finally, "Never Again" actually means "Never Again." Then the IDF will move against the terrorists in the north and will do so according the Scripture that results in a finality of Israel living peacefully, secure within the borders and none outside making them afraid... at least for a short while when the country will recover from these wars.

We make special note of the fact that signs in the sun, moon and stars are occurring now and throughout this year - as we've discussed previously. We've attained the level of technological development (increased knowledge) that would have made observation of these phenomena with the human eye impossible in the past. Wars and rumors of war, even of the nuclear variety, continue unabated. Global tectonics are driving seismic activity to higher levels that before. Global pestilences, plagues, famines are a constant concern as well. As the Lord said, fear not, these things must take place, and then the end will come. Marana'tha!


  1. Eschatology Today is on full alert, but validating information before allowing it to post remains a top tier priority.

  2. Excellent points Sean,
    The Jewish people have had atrocities done to them now and for thousands of years and that is always forefront on their minds. Israel is their only haven of safety in this demonically controlled world. They should not rest until they have conquered the enemy.
    Though there is much misinformation out there, we do have the ability to seek out the truth of the matter. Hence, why we christians come here. Your insight keeps our eyes on the prize, to be found faithful til our meeting in the air.

    1. Jmoll,

      The misinformation, disinformation and blatant deception going on at the current time is truly of epic proportions. No exaggeration.

    2. Sean, have you heard of the blockout 2024? On all social media platforms, ppl are calling for ppl to "unfollow" and "block" celebrities who haven't come out against Israel's actions in Gaza. The evil is spreading like a plague.

    3. Baptistmama,

      Yes, heard about this, but since I loathe most social media, and hold in disdain radical leftists (i.e. the social media "blockers") whose unrelenting hatred of God and Israel (and all of us, by the way) I pretty much ignore their antics, but pray for their salvation in Christ Jesus. Come the 70th Week they may crow louder yet still find out the Truth the hard way. Marana'tha!

  3. Joshua 1:4

    "From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory."

    This promise of God to Joshua obviously includes the whole of Gaza.

  4. Judges 1:18

    "Also Judah took Gaza with its territory, Ashkelon with its territory, and Ekron with its territory."

  5. Massive barrage of 30+ rockets from Hezbollah in Lebanon, of which only 50% were intercepted, have resulted in massive fires in northern Israel during the start of the Sabbath this evening.
    Fire crews were expecting such an attack and have responded with heavily reinforced battalions. Standing by for Israel's response.

    1. IDF artillery and IAF strike aircraft have decimated at least a dozen Hezbollah targets all across southern Lebanon.

  6. Bro. Sean: Per your technology reference in the last para., we have also attained the capacity via social media, that 'every eye' can see events in real time as they occur. This simply was not a possibility not that long ago. All the pieces are pretty much in place... Bro. Steve

    1. Bro. Steve,
      Absolutely! And as long as certain social media remain in the hands of benevolent controllers of content. A concern now is the advance of AI which makes the new phenomenon of "deep fakes" possible. A "deep fake" is state-of-the-art technologically driven deception. One's seeing something is not always to be believed. Caution is at all times always advisable.

    2. Bro. Sean - yes, good point; AI - something else that has actually been lurking in the BG for a while, but has all of a sudden gone 100% mainstream. Perhaps preparing for advent of the: 'strong delusion, so that they might believe the lie'.

  7. The solar superstorm continued today with an X5.8 CME and several M-class flares. Auroral activity was extreme last night and visible as far south as the Florida Keys. More auroral activity is expected tonight.

    1. Signs, signs everywhere there are signs....

  8. Praise God! Our Redeemer and KING is soon going to call His people HOME...

  9. Breaking News:

    Iranian parliamentarian Ahmad Ardestani was quoted by the reputable Iran International website saying the Islamic Republic has nuclear weapons.

    "In my opinion, we have achieved nuclear weapons, but we do not announce it. It means our policy is to possess nuclear bombs, but our declared policy is currently within the framework of the JCPOA. The reason is that when countries want to confront others, their capabilities must be compatible, and Iran's compatibility with America and Israel means that Iran must have nuclear weapons.

  10. If you'd like to see images of the auroras taken in the US (Wyoming, Kentucy and Florida!) in the past couple of days, then LOOK HERE

    Signs? You betcha!

  11. Biden Administration talking-heads have been blatantly lying to the Israeli government, most recently telling them of the PA's desire to control the Rafah border crossing. The PA blew up this lie in a categorical denial and rejection of any role in Gaza's administration.

    In the north daily rocket fire and explosive-laden drone attacks by Hezbollah has resulted in four IDF troops being injured, three lightly and one moderately. How long can this go on in spite of daily punishing by IDF/IAF counter and preemptive strikes against Hezbollah across a broad swath of Lebanon?

  12. Columns of IDF tanks (Merkava) and infantry fighting vehicles (Namer) are reliably reported to be advancing into central Rafah.

    Operation to root out the HAMAS resurgence in the Jabalya camp continues. Many have hidden in previously unlocated tunnel system.

    Dozens of terrorists have been eliminated across northern and southern Gaza in the past day.


  14. Sun Spot Cycle 25 remains very active. Observation by The Solar Orbiter (the most complex scientific laboratory ever to have been sent to the Sun) this morning initially registered an X-Class flare at 8.8 (X8.8) but analysis indicates it was actually an X18 flare, making it one of the largest, most powerful ever observed since the year 2000 AD.

  15. Hezbollah fired 80 rockets into the Galilee region three hours ago following the elimination of a high-ranking Hezbollah terrorist and his bodyguard by an armed UAV in Tyre. The IDF's immediate response to the rocket fire was massive across southern Lebanon.

    Hezbollah says it will support HAMAS war on Israel "no matter how high the cost."

  16. Hezbollah today attacked the strategic Golani Junction (Hwy 65 & Hwy 77) between Haifa and Tiberias with a kamikaze drone. Israel has responded by striking Hezbollah assets deep in the Beqa'a Valley of northern Lebanon.

  17. Large numbers of Russian troops, weapons and military hardware have been arriving in eastern Libya (Put) in recent weeks. The transit from Russia uses Tartus, Syria as a waypoint and from there to land in Tobruk, Libya. Ref. Ezekiel 38/39.

  18. PM Netanyahu: "A nation (Israel) has to do what a nation (Israel) has to do."

    The methodical operations in Rafah, Jabaliya and Khan Yunis continue as they have for several days. These operation will continue until completed.

  19. Today, 18 May 2024, is the 40th day following the total eclipse of 8 April 2024.

    The Biden regime has NOT repented from its sin of insistance to reward the massacre of 1,200 Israelis by islamic jihadists with dividing Eretz Israel and giving them a state.

    1. And he needs will, that shows how much of an unrepentant and hard heart he has. Just like pharoh

    2. I had that date marked down since the eclipse and circled on our countertop appointment calendar!

    3. Me too!!!

      Until yesterday I've not been one to apply such specific OT judgments to present day nations or cities...

      However, then it dawned upon me that the threat of this judgment was not upon Israel - it was upon a gentile city, and they repented per Scripture!

      Surely, judgment comes post-Harpazo!

  20. The days of Jonas are up. We all knew that the O,Biden regime was placed into power by God just for this specific time. If anybody held onto hope for repentance, well, to be nice about it, they're plumb nuts. We will see what the Almighty has in store for his people.
    I pray for a great revival throughout the world, especially Israel, that they wake up and realize they need God in their lives. Also, for the peace and safety of Jerusalem, the nation of Israel, and our beloved God's peoples there.
    Oil lamp is filled.
    Maranantha! Come quickly Yeshua Hamashiach! Hasten your return!

  21. Iran's president and foreign minister are reported to be in serious, life threatening condition after their helicopter crashed near the Azerbaijan border.

    1. The fate of Ebrahim Raisi remains unknown as of early Saturday morning.

    2. There are no survivors of the helo crash, both the president and foreign minister of Iran are deceased.

  22. With the death of President Raisi (known in Iran as the "Butcher of Tehran") and heir apparent to replace Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, and the Foreign Minister, the Islamic Republic faces an internal political power struggle among the host of wannabe clerics.

    A great number of the Iranian people began celebrating news of Raisi's demise; the people's hatred of him goes back decades.

  23. Israel has officially informed the US that the IDF will expand operations into the other parts of Rafah in pursuit of the elimination of HAMAS, PIJ and all terrorist formations that remain.

    The IDF continues to pummel Hezbollah acoss numerous locations in southern and northeastern Lebanon. The entry of IDF armor and mechanized infantry into southern Lebanon remains just a matter of time.

  24. Israel hit two sites near the Syrian town of Qusayr today killing 6 Iranian proxy troops and 1 Hezbollah soldier according to SOHR observers. This area in Syria near the Lebanese border is firmly under Hezbollah's control.

  25. Enemy forces in Syria and Iraq (Iranian proxies) fired multiple UAVs at Israel today. All UAVs were destroyed by Israel's aerial defense systems.

  26. That Almighty God has sent a "sword" against the Twelver Regime ruling Iran is glaringly obvious.

  27. Habukkuk 2:3

    "For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
    But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
    Though it tarries, wait for it;
    Because it will surely come,
    It will not tarry.

  28. Spain, Norway and Ireland recognise the "State of Palestine."

    In response, Israel recalls its Ambassadors to these nations in a diplomatic break of relations.

    1. To these three we also add Slovenia.

      Israel will take further concrete actions against all countries which give recognition to a non-existant "Palestine."

    2. I believe we are starting to see fulfillment of Zechariah 12:3, particularly, "though all nations of the earth are gathered against it"

      Zechariah 12:3 - And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.

    3. Colombia will open its embassy in Ramallah as ordered by its president today.

      How Israel deals with this will be very interesting; God will deal with Colombia.

  29. The delusion is getting stronger.

    1. Indeed! We're witnessing the fulfillment of Matthew 24 in real-time, day in, day out.

  30. PM Netanyahu was given an operational briefing on the IDF's detailed plans for offensive and defensive operations on the northern front. The 91st, 36th, and 146th divisions of the IDF are ready to execute these plans.

  31. Here are a few thoughts I been having lately
    First, I have literally been seething, I'm talking really furious with how biden not only abandoned Israel, but is seemingly sabotaging them. Is it deliberate? I'm very angry
    Second, it seems to me that God placed Trump in office to help strengthen and protect Israel and give Jerusalem global recognition as Isreals capitol, then allow the steal to set the stage for the fulfillment of the pre-70th week prophecies (Psalm 83, Isaiah 17....)
    Thirdly it also seems to me that God is not done with Trump yet. A Trump administration would allow Israel the financial support, military support and other support that a biden administration would refuse that's needed for Israel to complete the job. Perhaps I'm way off in my assessment. It's just like the Lord to do something completely different than anyone is expecting

    1. That's the problem in the "eschatological community", what's left of it and if I can call it that: The prophecies are not achieving fulfillment in accordance with human expectations. Been saying this for little more than half a year to this point. The prophcies are coming to pass according to God's will, according to His plan.

  32. May GOD have his hand of protection on them.

  33. Relations between Spain and Israel are circling the drain over the Spanish government's unilateral decision to officially recognize "the State of Palestine." The Embassy of Spain in Israel is now forbidden to provide ANY services to non-Israeli citizens in Judea and Samaria.

    1. If the relationship between Israel and Spain go down the drain then wouldn't that disprove the popular teaching that Spain is tarshish in Ezekiel 38:13?

    2. Jon,

      1.) It's the current leftist leadership of Spain (and others); that can and will change.

      2.) This exegesis is how I understand Ezekiel 38:13.

      Who Are the Merchants of Tarshish

  34. Israel is on the path to financially collapse the "Palestinian Authority" by defunding it.

  35. It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway, the governments recognizing the non-existent "State of Palestine" are ruled by socialist/leftist regimes.

    Therefore, it logically follows that socialist/leftist regimes are pro-islamic terror (rape, muder and unspeakable crimes against innocents).

  36. The Word of God is the ONLY light to a person's path that will lead to everlasting life. You are so right the governments recognizing "State of Palestine" are people walking in darkness, they will someday be like chaff that God's breathe blows away.
    Like Jon Hartman, as frustrating as it gets watching these things come to pass, Sean is right, what's written by God must come to pass.

    I'm watching....impatiently. :)

  37. My prayer is that our Lord and savior would once again bless Israel and the USA, together, this side of the rapture. It’s a sorry reality, but without Trump in the W.H. this fall, the U.S. is lost from a watchers perspective. Knowing that our entire intelligence community, that instigated Jan. 6 among countless other atrocities is so compromised, including the majority of republican and democrats representatives, my prayer is that this side of the rapture, our Lord would perform a wonderful thing. That is to bless the U.S.A., culminating in blessings to Israel allowing her to defeat her surrounding, existential grave threats. Thus allowing the latter day prophecies to be fulfilled.
    Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see the rapture fulfilled with a supportive, God fearing US administration being wholly withdrawn in the blink of an eye, thereby allowing the evil minions left behind to fulfill Gods plan of the Jacobs trouble, the finally of the war of heaven and earth.
    That is my prayer, and that is my hope, but let your will be done Lord!
    May there be peace in Jerusalem and throughout all of Israel.
    May god richly bless the residents of the Apple of His eye.
    In Jesus name I pray…Joe

    1. I would say that without God in the W.H….this is truly a “But God” time we are living in. We are so Blessed to be living in the times in which we find ourselves. Watching the things of God come to pass and not what any man can do.

    2. Yes, looking at the global picture at this point, it is obvious that only the Most High God can fix this whole unadulterated mess. He'll either answer His own provocation of 2 Chronicles 7:14 or rapture us out of here!

  38. Staring all the (non-Spirit-filled) world in the face, before their eyes covered by scales, is the literal, ongoing fulfillment of Psalm 83:8

    "Assur also has joined with them;
    They have helped the children of Lot."

    These are the present day Iraqi tribesmen who stretched out their "arm" into Aram Syria and Jordan to strengthen the children of Lot (Ammonites and Moabites) in war against Israel.

    They send drones and rockets at Israel almost daily over Jordan which are shot down as they approach the border near Eilat, Israel.

  39. Amen Sean!
    Ps 83:13 My God, make them like the whirling dust,
    Like the chaff before the wind!

  40. Hello and thank you Sean for your dedication to our Lord and savior. Also, thank you for your commitment to serving our beloved country.
    Happy Memorial Day

  41. Just wanted to say, on this Memorial Day, thank you for your service, Sean. God Bless you, Brother. And thank you for your continued faithfulness in being a Watchman. Hopefully, you won’t be needed in that role much longer. 🙏 Shelleyb

  42. The IDF continues pushing into central Rafah and along the whole of the Philadelphi Corridor.

    Tension with Egypt peaked on Monday when a firefight resulted in the death of an Egyptian soldier.

    Israel will remain in a state of emergency until 31 December 2024.

    1. That Israel will remain in a state of emergency through December is indicative of the War Cabinet's estimate on how much longer the war and pacification of Gaza will continue.

  43. Early this morning (while Americans slept) the Iranian Shi'a proxies in Iraq (Psalm 83:8 Assur) launched a single cruise missile against Israel. The IDF Iron Dome Aerial Defense Array (ADA) shot it down at it approached Israel's Golan Heights.

    Israeli media is silent because the IDF is tight-lipped thus far on what type of cruise missile it was. It could have been a leftover but refurbished Chinese-made "Silkworm" that Saddam had in '03. It could have been a surplus or remanufactured type KH-55 cruise missile that Iran reverse engineered from a dozen of them clandestinely supplied by the former Russia-compliant Ukrainian regime.
    The KH-55, although an older model, was designed to carry a 200kT nuclear warhead.

    Whatever type of cruise missile this was it was surely an older model of late-20th century design, i.e. not a "smart" weapon by any means, but capable of tremendous destruction at the intended target in Israel.

    This is likely a game-changer in how Israel will respond in the coming days.

  44. Genesis 12:3

    Nice summary of tie-ins between those harming Israel and then experiencing adverse events:

    I think we will see a LOT more of this near-term, likely even more noteworthy in scale. In particular, the Joshua 13:6 fulfillment is going to be quite the event sequence.

    Bro. Steve

    1. Bro. Steve,

      No doubt about it.

      By the way, from the time Joshua 13 was first referenced here years ago as a part of the pre-70th Week of fulfillments no one has been Berean enough to acknowledge the direct connection between Joshua 13 and Ezekiel 39; that it all occurs prior to the battle of Gog of Magog (i.e. Dibon will be renamed Hamongog.)

      Thanks for reminding me about this!

    2. Bro. Sean - Thanks back!! You know, watching all of these 'pieces' come together at an increasing rate, is making all of life's challenges and problems (we are having a few right now) become so minor by comparison. We are so close to leaving this place. Bro. Steve


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