We Can Never Forget |
UPDATED BELOW 11 September 2019: Today is Patriot Day, it's a day we can never forget. So we remember this day, and everything that came after it and which continues for the past 18 years. Nine-Eleven changed America in ways we're still discovering after 18 years of continuous war with desolations continuing just as the angel Gabriel prophesied to Daniel.
Many say we've seen this all before. And we have. Jesus prophesied that these days would be exactly as they have been - like birth pangs of increasing intensity and frequency of occurrence. But we have to take note of the increasing intensity that has become manifest in just the past 30 days. For example, Israel now routinely attacks the enemies in both central and western Iraq. Just yesterday, and for the first time, the enemy in Gaza attempted a decapitation strike against Israel's Prime Minister with a volley of fairly precise missiles. The Iron Dome systems quickly extrapolated the trajectory of the missiles and determined Netanyahu was the target. The missiles were shot out of the sky and the PM was hustled out of harms was by his security detail. HAMAS took advantage of a well publicized political event to strike at the PM because he was a target of opportunity.
The "quiet" now is foreshadowed by the knowledge that Iran, its Iraqi proxies, Hezbollah and the factions in Gaza are preparing a missile and rocket blitz against Israel. For its part, Israel is prepared to postpone an election a week away in order to prosecute a ground war in Gaza, as well as take on Hezbollah in Lebanon and the IRQG-QF and Iraqi proxy militias along with Syrian forces in Syria. This is what makes this time different because when these things take place they will alter the situation in the Middle East irreversibly. Its setting the stage, so to speak, for the advent of Israel's 70th Week of years and we're witness to all of it in near real-time.
13 September 2019: There are a lot of eyes, friendly and not so much, focused on next Tuesday's election in Israel. There's even some serious speculation that it may not take place as scheduled, but would be postponed until after a war against the terrorist factions in Gaza has been successfully completed. This rumor of war has not been dispelled by the Prime Ministers Office, in fact it has been enhanced by statements made to Israeli media. So, we'll see what takes place over the next 72 hours or so.
Whatever developments take place there are now statements coming from Jordan which place the peace agreement in serious jeopardy. Since last spring Jordan has been making its displeasure known over PM Netanyahu's comments regarding annexation of the Jordan Valley, Judea and Samaria. The Jordanian policy has always been in support of a two-state solution as the only viable alternative to war.
It has long been assumed that Jordan would go to war with Israel over Jerusalem and issues related to the Temple Mount which it remains the religious custodian of. However, now it has become crystal clear that Jordan views all of Judea and Samaria as essential for the emergence of a Palestinian state. Eschatology Today believes this is very likely the reason why an Israel war with the Palestinian terror factions in Gaza would be directly tied to an Israeli war with Jordan, exactly as prophesied in Isaiah 11:14. Jordan is ready to militarily support Palestinians in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
Jordan, as has been stated here before, is between Iraq and a hard place. After the war of Israel's independence in 1948, Jordan annexed the whole of the so-called West Bank plus eastern Jerusalem. Israel fixed that problem in the Six Day War that began on 5 June 1967. Jordanian forces attacked Israel on the first day of the war to fulfill a mutual defense pact with Egypt which it had signed on 30 May 1967. Fast forward to fifty-two years later and Jordan doesn't have Egyptian forces attacking Israel's southern front in support of its forces attacking Israel's eastern front. In 2019 Egypt has made it clear that Gaza is solely an Israeli problem; the Gaza Palestinians are on their own. That's where Jordan steps in and that's where Isaiah 11:14 finds its literal fulfillment.
Saudi Aramco facility at Abqaiq attacked by iranian cruise missiles 14SEP19 |
14 September 2019: The photo above making the rounds in global media shows the fires that resulted from an Iranian cruise missile strike early this morning Saudi time. This strike made good on the Iranian threat that if its oil was embargoed from world markets by the sanctions regime imposed by the U.S., then other nations oil would also not make it to market. The full economic impact remain uncalculated, and it will be at least 48 hours before the next Aramco post-attack assessment is made public according to the Saudi Minister of Energy.
Just when some thought tensions with Iran were subsiding this attack occurred, and may be a final wake-up call to the threat that the 21st century regime most like the Nazi regime of the 20th century represents. U.S. government officials and some in the U.S. Congress were making the case for military action against Iran today as a direct result of this attack. President Trump has pledged full U.S. support to the Saudi's.
Virtually concurrent was the discussion between President Trump and Israeli PM Netanyahu regarding a mutual defense treaty between the U.S. and Israel. How will this play out with Netanyahu's talk of annexation of Judea and Samaria if his Likud faction wins the election still scheduled for Tuesday, 17 September, is anyone's guess. Nevertheless, all of these news items are critical in their own right, and potentially monumental all together.
15 September 2019: Follow-up images.
IRGC-QF "Soumar" LACM in Saudi desert |
IRGC-QF "Soumar" LACM intact |
The Iranian Shi'a Twelver War Council |
The top image is of the finned aft-end of an Iranian "Soumar" Land Attack Cruise Missile (LACM) found in the Saudi desert near the Saudi Aramco attack sites of Abqaiq and Khurais. Below it is the "Soumar" as it appears normally, with an auxillary rocket booster attached.
This LACM is derived from the Russian Kh-55 'Granat' Iran clandestinely acquired from Ukraine with Russian assistance more than a decade ago. The Russian version was designed to carry to 200kt nuclear warhead and is the critically important reason why Iran can never develop and deploy its own nuclear warhead.
The bottom image is of the Iranian Shi'a Twelver War Council. To the left of the approaching Ayatollah Khamenei are his clerical underlings. To his right are Iraqi Shi'a cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the IRGC-Qods (Jerusalem) Force, and Iranian Major General Hossein Salami, Chief of Staff of the IRGC. These are the men responsible for all acts of terror inthe MIddle East (and beyond), including yesterday's unprecedented military attack on Saudi Arabia's largest oil field and refining facility. Make no mistake, this attack is a game-changing Act of War.
This Global SITREP is continued above in Global SITREP D2-19: RED ALERTS PART II.