French paratroopers make a combat jump into Estonia |
UPDATE 27 June 2022: NATO announced today that the size of its Rapid Reaction Force (RRF) will increase in size eight-fold from 40,000 troops to 320,000 troops. This increase is unprecedented in the history of NATO and a direct response, albeit belated, to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
NATO SECGEN Jens Stoltenberg used diplomatic-speak in saying the eight-fold increase is due, in part, to NATO entering into "an era of strategic competition." Horsefeathers! It's brute force being called up to meet head on with the brute force and not-so-subtle sabre rattling of the Russian Federation.
It is also not really surprising that this announcement was made today, just three days prior to the promised date (June 30th) of Russia's announced retaliation for the NATO "blockade" of its Kaliningrad enclave wedged in between Poland and Lithuania.
And Russia isn't the only strategic threat NATO is addressing with this expanding RRF as Communist China's threats to NATO and its partners in the WESTPAC region also are rapidly approaching critical mass. If any doubt arise concerning the prophetically important aspect involved one need only refer to
Daniel 11:44. Yes, the world is
that close, and getting closer with each passing day.
25 June 2022: Yesterday saw the SCOTUS render its decision to overturn an abomination that has plagued this nation for nearly 50 years. And we can make no mistake about it - this was a decision made by God Almighty, and we had a part in it in the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump to be President of the United States. No Democrat so elected would ever have made the reversal of Roe v. Wade a critical item on his/her agenda. In fact, neither Ronald W. Reagan nor the father-son tandem of George H.W. Bush or George W. Bush made a commitment to follow through on their campaign pledges to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Donald J. Trump made such a commitment and he followed through with it as the opportunity to nominate and seat truly conservative SCOTUS justices (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett) was placed before him by our God. These three joined Justices Thomas and Alito, and therein lies the 5-4 decision victory for the sanctity of human life created in the image of God. Yes, God made the decision and He chose Donald J. Trump to effect its execution, even though the evil opposition was successful - at least and perhaps just temporarily - in removing him by illegal and unlawful means. Today and going forward, all churches who worship God can rejoice as one Church in Christ Jesus.
This is a tangible reminder that our Sovereign God is in complete control; His Divine will has been done. As Christian Americans it will be our duty, fully armored by God, to maintain it by our votes in November, should we still be here to do so. Marana'tha!
24 June 2022: In yesterday's edition of Arutz Sheva's (7INN) briefs section was found a very interesting article by Rabbi Nachman Kahana. This article informed about the ancient Israelite practices following the Exodus from Egypt and how each breaking down of an encampment had four Levites chosen to carry the Holy Ark to the next encampment site. At this time the Holy Ark led Israel into the battles to secure the Promised Land.
Going forward, and following the destruction of the Second Temple, it became customary to construct batei knesset (synagogues) according to the basic design of the interior of the previous Temples. According to rabbinic tradition (and opinion) the Aron HaKodesh housed Torah scrolls just as the first two Temples had the Holy of Holies (Kodesh Kedoshim) within which was the Holy Ark that contained the broken pieces of the first Tablets, the two whole replacement Tablets and a Torah scroll. To this day the Torah scrolls are contained in a symbolic Ark which is adorned "with esthetic and artistic accessories because they are sanctified entities and the closest objects Israel has today to the Temple (Bet Hamikdash) and the Holy Ark."
IDF Major Ronen Aharon is the commander at the HQ of the military rabbinate near Ramle, Israel. It is here that one will find hundreds of Torah scrolls, many donated to Israel's Ministry of Defense, that are being meticulously prepared for delivery IDF unit, from the northern border to the Sinai where the original Torah was received. This is being done in accordance with Israeli military law for every active and called-up reserve unit of the IDF. As in the image above, the highly revered Torah that each unit receives lead that unit into its deployment. As Rabbi Kahana makes clear, cost is no object in this endeavor. The IDF goes henceforth into battle led by hundreds of meticulous copies of the Holy Torah.
Israel Mapping Hezbollah's Military Sites |
23 June 2022: With a hat-tip to our brother-in-Christ Chuck, Eschatology Today is pleased to present Part II of our "Expectation of a Crescendo" series SITREP. Additions to SITREP C4-22 will be added as we move forward or as they happen.
The information presented here can be found, and is free to all, at the website of the ALMA Research and Education Center. Consider a donation to the site if you are so led, as I have been. Mostly, I feel led due to the deterrence (and angst) the ALMA organization is causing and creating within the upper ranks of the terror organization. Much of that is due to simply the content published online and the effect it has been having. Especially the publishing of details about Hezbollah's military installations and sites in southern Lebanon.
To be sure, much of this is very likely known to the intelligence services of the IDF, but there are likely aspects of the OSINT that have added to the overall intel picture the IDF possesses about Hezbollah's military sites. We've reported here many times over that the IDF's brass have stated abundantly that in the coming war Hezbollah will cease to exist. The prophecy of Joshua 13 would appear to foretell that coming reality in geographic detail.