Abraham Accord Signing Ceremony |
UPDATE 24 September 2020: How many folks posting articles and commentary on the internet have actually read the text of the Abraham Accords? Eschatology Today is wondering about this after surfing various websites to see what others have had to say about it, and being left with the distinct impression that the answer to this question is - not many.
First and foremost it has been noticed that the "Abraham Accords" most certainly are a "Peace Agreement." The Accords are [a] "Treaty of Peace, Diplomatic Relations and Full Normalization" between the State of Israel, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain according to the 15 September 2020 document published by the White House.
One of the key provisions of the Accords reads: "Recognizing that the Arab and Jewish peoples are descendants of a common ancestor, Abraham, and inspired, in that spirit, to foster in the Middle East a reality in which Muslims, Jews, Christians and peoples of all faiths, denominations, beliefs and nationalities live in, and are committed to, a spirit of coexistence, mutual understanding and mutual respect..." The Accords also invoke the "Treaties of Peace" between Israel, Egypt and Jordan as being integral to the greater goal of advancing a "comprehensive Middle East peace, stability and prosperity."
Again, are these conditions the Abraham Accords declare somehow different from what the prophet Ezekiel foretold in chapters 38 and 39 would exist at the time of the Gog of Magog military confederation's attempt to conquer and pillage the land of Israel? Of course they are and therein lies the prophetic importance of the Abraham Accords in establishing those conditions. How so few will even consider, much less teach, this most important and impending eschatological truth is stunning.
Here's a fact: since Israel declared itself an independent nation 72 years ago there has been an Arab-Israeli conflict. The UAE and Bahrain are Arab Muslim countries and had been in varying levels of conflict with Israel as members of the Arab League. A key institution of the Arab League has been its Joint Defense Council. The Arab League was opposed to the UN Partition Plan of 1947 and created both the All-Palestine Government and the terrorist PLO to operate within Israel. Peace treaties such as the Abraham Accords were as inevitable a necessity as Gabriel's prophecy to Daniel about a "covenant among many" is to the fulfillment of God-breathed prophecy.
The Abraham Accords also seeks to "develop and launch" among the signatory parties a "Strategic Agenda for the Middle East" in a partnership with the United States of America and other nations as yet un-named. It should be apparent and if not demands that we recall the alliance between Israel, Greece and Cyprus that has been in place for a few years now. In other words, the Abraham Accords do not exist in a geopolitical vacuum; the parties committed themselves in obligations that far exceed the text of this soon to expand "covenant among many."
Moreover, eighty percent of Israel's population (both Jew and Arab citizens) have expressed that they are in favor of the Abraham Accords. This is monumental in its scope, unprecedented even, and cannot be dismissed as something of lesser importance than what it really is.
17 September 2020: This morning the Gatestone Institute published a decidedly secular article by Khaled Abu Toameh.
First, by way of introduction, Mr. Abu Toameh is an Arab Muslim journalist who has covered Palestinian issues for at least 3 decades. He studied at Hebrew University and early on in his career worked for a PLO newspaper. Most recently he is known to be the "eyes and ears" for foreign journalists in Judea/Samaria and Gaza; he writes for the Jerusalem Post and is also a producer and consultant for NBC News.
With these credentials today's article took many observers by surprise, including yours truly. It was not what I expected it to be, the title notwithstanding: "Arabs: Israel Is Not Our Enemy." So, in reading just the opening five bullet quotes from Saudi and Emirates media sources you may understand why Eschatology Today views this article confirming what is written in the 14 September update to this SITREP regarding the coming final fulfillment of the Psalm 83 scenario. One could, if the sources were not known beforehand, assess these bullet items were written by a handful of conservative American writers.
A consistent theme emerges in Abu Toameh report, and it echoes part of the enemies list Ezekiel 38. The Arabs of the Gulf and Peninsula, except for Yemen, view Iran and Turkey as their primary enemies; they view Israel as their natural ally against these enemies. I suggest reading the embedded link, and to whet your appetite I include this quote from Saudi Arabian writer Mohammed al-Sheikh:
"Israel is an advanced and superior country in all fields, and by creating a space for peaceful cooperation with it, we believe that we will benefit from its progress and superiority."
This puts some keen perspective upon Ezekiel 38:13, don't you think? I do.
14 September 2020: In the past month we've kept pace with current events of interest through items posted in the comments section of this SITREP. It has taken an entire month to discern what The Abraham Accord is and what it is not, what it replaces and what it doesn't, and what it may mean prophetically.
The first thing to note is the the Oslo Accords (I and II) are dead; those accords died a few years ago. The Oslo I and II accords were supposed to result in a five-year plan (1995-2000) towards a final peace agreement between just two parties, Israel and the "Palestinian Authority" (PA). Accordingly, the Oslo I and II Accords never had a chance in becoming the prophetic "covenant among many."
The PA, or "Palestinian National Authority" as some refer to it, was created to take the place of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). In effect this was just a semantic name change because Israel could not make real peace with an avowed terrorist group (Fatah) dedicated to its destruction, even though Fatah remained as the political power broker, and Yasser Arafat disavowed with empty words the purpose of the PLO and accepted Israel's right to exist.
The question is often asked, "What's in a name?" Now you know. The PLO and Fatah are the current Palestinian Authority. Not much has changed, but one has to look under the veneer to see that fact. This is not a difficult task either if one looks at the PA's statements in the months since the Abraham Accord was announced and Israel's full annexation of Judea and Samaria began to move forward. The terrorist Fatah/PLO is still there as it has always been. Only the soon-to-be literal and final fulfillment of Psalm 83 (which is inclusive of Isaiah 11:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:24-26) will permanently change this status quo.
The Abraham Accord is new, it is a singular accord that is aimed toward having many nations as participants, as guarantors of the peace it intends to create. The UAE and Bahrain are just the first among the many. However, the Abraham Accord also has a fatal flaw - it divides portions of the Covenant land of Israel. However, the aforementioned prophetic fulfillments are that which Eschatology Today believes will summarily eliminate this flaw. We believe these fulfillments will occur as a direct result of the Isaiah 17 prophecy coming to pass. Syria is not a part of the Psalm 83 war and that is a critical point to remember.
Again and for reference, the Psalm 83 prophecy involves, from north to south, Lebanon, Jordan, the PA, the terrorist enclave of Gaza and a remnant Shia militia from Iraq. That's it. The Abraham Accord will remain, but Lebanon, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority along with the Gaza terrorists will be historical footnotes. Looking just a little further forward, these events prepare or "set the stage" the coming fulfillment of Ezekiel 38/39 and the literal creation of the conditions enumerated in Ezekiel 38:10-17. What we cannot know is when in all of this the Harpazo will occur. But occur it will; nothing can stop it.
13 August 2020: United States of America President Donald John Trump made the stunning announcement this morning that the his administration was instrumental in bringing about a peace treaty between Israel and the UAE (United Arab Emirates). The treaty is being referred to as the "Abraham Accord." The Abraham Accord will normalize full diplomatic relations between Israel and the UAE, a reciprocal exchange of ambassadors, embassies and full diplomatic staff for each. Israel will also forgo any further annexation of territory in Judea and Samaria.
Folks who have been reading Eschatology Today for thee past 11 years may recall that a staple here has been the reference to Daniel 9:27 and "covenant among many" as being tied to a covenant among "Abrahamic Religions." This is precisely what we have in this "Abraham Accord" between the three principle nations that are a party to it - Jewish, Islamic and Christian nations. No doubt that is with the name of this accord was so selected. Needless to say, hearing the first reference to this peace treaty as the "Abraham Accord" nearly caused my heart to skip a beat; the hair on the back of my neck did stand on end with goosebumps the full length of my forearms. It was truly a stunner.
I expect, based upon what many are now openly saying, the Abraham Accord will expand to include many other Islamic and Christian nations. I also expect that Iran and its many proxies will do anything and everything in their power to preempt this peace deal.