Updated and Revised 17 November 2015: (Originally post date: 14 November) I have selected this post as the most appropriate to update in light of the Islamic State assault on Paris, France last night. This Islamic State assault in downtown Paris, the capital city of France, occurred within a very few hours of U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama falsely declaring on ABC-TVs Good Morning America program that "we have contained them."
Clearly no one on planet earth is more capable of habitually eclipsing the blatant stupidity of Neville Chamberlain than this American president. This president and his minions have also invited tens of thousands of Islamic State jihadists coming out of Syria into America's cities and rural towns. Moreover, Obama and his Congressional and Administrative toadies and lackeys have done this because they care about America's national security as much they care about each and every individual 'you' out there. When the Islamic jihadist carnage erupts in America again how will you thank them for it?
I would like to note that in all of the live coverage I channel surfed to watch over the past 12 hours (CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, FoxNews, ABC, CBS and NBC), not once were the words "Islamic terrorism" mentioned by any of the dozens of on-air talking heads and their subject matter experts. Was there was an iota of doubt about the Islamic nature of the jihadists who were mowing down people at random with AK assault rifles, grenades and homicide vests shouting "allahu akhbar" throughout their rampage, or is it just plain verboten for TV anchors and their invited guests to use that phrase? Obviously it is the phrase "Islamic terrorism" which is forbidden by the government because it is politically incorrect language. Political correctness is killing us just as much as the jihadists are.
To his credit Francois Hollande, the far left Socialist and atheist President of France, refers to this assault as an "act of war." He is precisely correct, albeit very late in the conduct of this war which has been in progress worldwide since the early 1990s. Also to his credit he did not follow the lead of former U.S. President George W. Bush to make the nonsensical declaration of a "war on terror" (one does not declare war on a tactic, but on an enemy), but we'll have to wait and see exactly who the French President identifies as the perpetrator of this "act of war" and how he responds to it, and if any other Western leaders follow his lead.
Meanwhile, if you see something that is not normal - report it to local law enforcement in order to potentially save the lives of family members, neighbors and fellow citizens. There is a war going on and we're all in the middle of the battlefield with the combatants.
Additional Data (Updated)
As of 4 PM EDT on 14 November 2015 the following information has become known:
The first group of 10,000 Muslim "refugees" the Obama Administration wanted to settle in the US during October in arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana on the 3rd of October. The overwhelming majority of these Muslim "refugees" are young men of military age, there is hardly a single woman or child among them. (see image below which is illustrative of the refugees flooding into Europe and the US). At a cost of $16,000 each these "refugees" will be distributed to 180 pre-selected American cities and towns in Louisiana and elsewhere in CONUS. The governors of nearly half of all US states, in the wake of the Paris assaults by Islamic State have balked on accepting any of them without thorough vetting through background checks.
Per a report by WVUE and Channel 10 of New Orleans dated 3 November and which was updated on 14 November:
"...some have argued against the U.S. accepting Syrian refugees,
fearing terrorists might slip through the cracks. We turned to former
New Orleans FBI chief and anti-terrorism expert Jim Bernazzani for
insight on whether that's a legitimate concern. Before coming to New
Orleans, Bernazzani worked to ramp up the nation's anti-terror
strategies after 911.
"If I was in charge of ISIL, logistically
I'd take advantage of this situation and put my people in, into the
United States," Bernazzani said. "Now with that said, the FBI is on top
of this big time with our Joint Terrorism Task Force and we have what's
called a Terrorist Screening Center that these individuals will be run
But make no mistake, not every refugee seeking admission to the U.S. would face such scrutiny.
going to be the 18- to 45-year-old male for the most part," he said.
"It's a percentage game. It's not fail-safe, but it's a percentage
An atypical image of arriving Syrian "refugees"
Even without these new jihadists being settled among us, the FBI currently has more than 1,000 active anti-Islamic State investigations ongoing from sea to shining sea through local area Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) intelligence fusion centers. The are a reported 4,000 combat trained Islamic State terrorists embedded among the tens thousands flooding into Europe and the US. At least two of the Paris assault team were trained by Islamic State and maintained communication with their higher headquarters in Syria until the day of the attack according to a New York Times report of 15 November. According to a (must read) ARS Technica report of 16 November, those communications were encrypted thanks to the American traitor Edward Snowden.
In the online Islamic Social media, they not only claimed responsibility for last nights military assault on Paris, France, but also identified that they will soon launch similar attacks in the capital cities of the USA, Italy and the UK. Note this also. Following the earlier Charlie Hebdo massacre French President Hollande stood up a 7,000-man special operations team that was to canvas Islamic "no-go zones" (majority Muslim urban areas) around the country to locate and neutralize "radical Islamists" before they could strike again. Nice job, Francois, and good luck with your declaration of war against... who?
Finally, these clowns at the top of the leadership of the West think 'climate change' is the greatest threat we face. Let's see if they cancel the big conference scheduled to occur... wait for it.... in Paris, France from 30 November through 11 December.
10 September 2014: The answer to this post's question is yes, based upon polling data of American citizens conducted recently. We nearly all believe that IS terrorists are already here in the USA. Well, if you live in Houston, Texas it's not a polling data issue based upon an unsubstantiated belief, it is a fact.
Above is an image of an Islamic State terrorist leaning on a counter at Jason's Deli in Houston. The IS jihadist logo is circled in red on the right shoulder of the jihadists covering Islamic robe. The Houston Police Department was called to investigate this male suspect. What they found in short order was an Islamic State jihadist wearing body armor underneath his appropriately black Islamic State robe.
Once the robe was removed the Houston Police discovered the body armor, also festooned with the Islamic State logo as seen in the above image of this terrorist in custody in the rear seat of a Houston PD cruiser. They thing about this is that is occurred last Friday, 5 September. Did any of you living in the US outside of Houston hear about this in any media report? I don;t expect we'll hear anything about it from the POTUS Obama in his speech tonight, although it's a virtually certainty that he's aware of it.
And tomorrow is the 13th Anniversary of 9/11/01. Feelin' secure are we America?
Obama's big lie in his speech last night.
What are Sunni jihadists if not Islamic? Are they Buddhists? Hindus? Sikhs? Jews? Are they Presbyterians or Methodists; Lutherans or Roman Catholics? The utterly absurd lie from the current President of the United States of America that the Sunni Muslim political entity known as the Islamic State is not Islamic flies in the face of all rational thought and reality of the world-at-large. This statement is, for Obama's own intents, purposes and agenda, a form of Islamic al-taqiyya; it is recognized as such.
Here's another whopper spoken last night.
"It [this "military action"] will not involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil."
America's finest, our elite Special Forces soldiers, have already been on the foreign soil of Iraq and Syria. This was confirmed weeks ago by Pentagon spokesman RAdm. John Kirby, and broadcast on all major American television stations and print media, such as CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, FoxNews, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today to name just a few who covered the story. This report in the Jerusalem Post from a couple days ago is a good follow-up.
What is it about a sitting American president that he has to offer up bald-faced lies to the American people in a nationally televised speech on the eve of 9/11 concerning renewed long-term war against Islamic jihadists? Does he really think we are that stupid?
Everything I ever needed to know about Islam I learned on 9/11.
11 September 2014: In case no one has noticed, Obama's masterful and just announced "no boots on the ground" plan to join many nations into a anti-Islamic State warfighting coalition in Syria has taken flight just as his last threat of almost exactly two years ago to bomb Assad's forces took off like a lead balloon.
Islamic and NATO allies alike have spun on their heels and are at a full warp factor 10 gallop away from any military adventure bearing evidence of lame duck U.S. President Obama's fingerprints on it. The Sunni Muslim nations in particular want nothing to do with aligning their ground pounding military forces with kufr (infidel) Roman forces against the Sunni Islamic State because their Sunni populations would probably revolt instantaneously at such a prospect. On the other side, the Alawites and Shi'a would love nothing more than America and NATO allies joining with regional Sunni regimes to kill Sunni jihadists of the Islamic State and thereby ensuring an Iranian Shi'a Twelver hegemony from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean Sea.
The Sunni Muslims have their eschatological beliefs too, as we all should be well aware by now, and such a scheme as Obama and Kerry and their fellow liberal allies in Congress have concocted against the newly declared Islamic Caliphate would fall smack dab into the middle of a particularly serious one with a Mahdi-like and generous Caliph figure having emerged in the desert of Iraq who is very much benefiting the Sunnis there against their Shi'a oppressors.
The most ridiculous and inherently dangerous thing Obama wants to do is embed American special forces into the Shi'a dominated Iraqi Army. This is proof positive that Obama is an incompetent Commander-In-Chief and has learned nothing from the Green-on-Blue murders of NATO troops in Afghanistan, the most recent of which occurred on 5 August in the murder of an American commander's commander, someone I had the privilege of knowing personally albeit briefly, American Major General Harold Greene. I imagine Obama will be playing golf instead of attending their funerals in the future.
12 September 2014: I know this is absolutely not the type of information being broadcast by cable TV or other online media sources, but it is one of the reasons why you come to the Eschatology Today blog: you want the straight-up truth of what's really going on in a fallen world that's barreling along at breakneck speed because the driver believes he is transporting a woman in full pregnancy delivery mode to the nearest emergency room.
So, I have been asked, does any of the above posted material have linkage to a corresponding prophetic Bible verse?
No, net exactly. And, yes, it does!
What it has is what occurs to me to me to be a foreshadowing of what the real Antichrist will be doing in the Middle East and the "Levant" in the near future. I think what we're seeing closely approximates the prophetic words the angel Gabriel spoke to Daniel about what will occur in the "Levant."
However, before I get to chapter and verse I want to mention something about the "Levant." Very recently both prophecy authors and lecturers Bill Salus and Terry James each presented me something related to Obama's use of the word Levant, and which Obama is very fond of using as in ISIL, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. It also occurred to me (Thank you, Lord!) that I should present the same response I gave those two dear Brothers-in-Christ to you as well. Here goes...
"I am not sure if Obama is using ISIL as some sort of code phrase (as some suggest) to
include the desired absorption of Israel into an Islamic Khalifa, but I
do know that it's not a phrase that Islamists use as it is distinctly
Western, as in "Roman," terminology. Why would Islamists use the
language of the kufr (western Roman infidels) to identify their state? They wouldn't and they don't.
Levant is an ancient European word, originally born of the
language of the Romans (the Language of the Latii, a/k/a Latin) that
over time worked its way into other Romance languages such as French and
Spanish, and eventually English. Levant has been a
word used for hundreds of years by those western seafaring peoples the
Bible refers to as "the merchants of Tarshish."
The Levantine Sea
In its common usage Levant referred
to those regions east of Italy where the sun rose over the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea Basin, a/k/a the Levantine Sea (between Turkey, Cyprus and the Egyptian coast).
Also, the proper noun Levantine was used to refer to Europeans living
in that region of the Middle East since the time of the Crusades.
The Levant as a
geographic area includes the southern Turkish province of Hatay, Aram Syria to the
Euphrates River, western Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, western Saudi Arabia,
the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and northeastern Egypt to the Nile River.
would be far more correct to say that use of the word Levant refers
specifically to the future geographic status of a greater Israel in
fulfillment of the Lord's Covenant with Abraham found in Genesis
"On the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying:
'To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates— the Kenites, the Kenezzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.'”
In other words, and this is very important prophetically, the Levant is the whole extent of ancient Canaan as
defined by Genesis 15:18-21 making these lands one and the same as the Abrahamic Covenant lands of
So now, what did the angel Gabriel tell the prophet Daniel would happen in this same region? In
Daniel 11:40-45 Gabriel said that Antichrist would be at war here, waging a military campaign and running through these currently Islamic nations like a hot knife through butter.
This entire chapter and the specifically cited passage above details and intertwines a very, very fine line between the precursor Antichrist of 168-67 BC (the Macedonian-Greek King of the Seleucid Empire, Antiochus IV Epiphanes) with the real Antichrist this world is nearly prepared to receive in his own name. However, the dichotomy between what Obama has threatened to do and threatens yet again to do (as a supposed leader of Western nations) and what the Antichrist actually will do in military invasion of the Levant are laid bare for all to see by the Word of God.