Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Global SITREP B6-24: Northern Front

IDF troops prepare for operations in Lebanon

18 September 2024: It's said that an object in motion tends to stay in motion. As we have seen in the past couple of days the IDF's "center of gravity" is moving inexorably towards the Northern Front. The IDF mission objective is to fight Hezbollah on Lebanon's territory so as to allow Israeli civilians to return safely to their homes in northern Israel. Based upon Bible prophecy, the books of Joshua, Jeremiah and Isaiah especially, Eschatology Today believes that the Northern Front holds much more in store for Israel and its defense forces than merely driving Hezbollah terrorists north of the Litani River. We'll follow key events closely and as they occur.


  1. The IDFs Northern Front operations were planned to begin with detonation of the thousands of "accessorized" (an ounce or two of high explosive) pagers, but worries that the plan was compromised resulted in the order Tuesday to light them up.

    As the pagers displayed alpha-numeric messages most of those killed or injured lost eyes and or hands. This was followed up today with a similar number of exploding walkie-talkies "accessorized" with even larger explosive charges.

    Iranian claims that none of their forces were killed or injured is just so much hogwash. The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon was one of those possessing one of these devices. Thousands of the injured have been transferred to hospitals in Iran.

  2. The current estimate has 8% to 12% of Hezbollah forces being killed or severely injured in the last two days, most in Lebanon and others in Syria. This attack is beyond question the most incredible intelligence operation in history, leaving no doubt about Israel's technological superiority.

  3. Can you explain the part where it says "the fortress of Ephraim shall cease" where does that fit? Is that part of what's happening or does that occur later, and does that imply heavy destruction to parts of Israel?

    1. Jon,

      The context of Isaiah 17:3 is most important in what I believe is a proper exegesis.

      The past serves as prologue here.

      In the past the 10 tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel were aligned with the kingdom of Aram Damascus. The Assyrian Empire swept in from the northeast and conquered them both.

      At present the "fortress of Ephraim" is geographically synonymous with Samaria where Islamic terrorists of HAMAS and others have a string of fortified cities. These terrorists are armed by Iran via proxies in Syria.

      Isaiah has prophesied that Damascus, Syria and tge terrorists in Samaria will all cease to exist during their current war with the State of Israel. The IDF today is well into combat operations to destroy the terrorists in the cities of Samaria.

      Soon the State of Israel will claim sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, the so-called "West Bank."

    2. Bro. Jon & Bro. Sean - Thanks muchly for this Ephraim Q&A. Nice clarity on something that I had not thought of. Bro. Steve

  4. Iran and proxies are playing the long game to wear out Israel in one or two decades.

    1. Iran and its proxies days are numbered; they don't have the luxury of ten to twenty years to complete their "long game."

    2. Bro. Sean; And never mind that Shin Bet just foiled an Iranian plot to assassinate the entire Israeli executive government for the Haniyeh hit. I think the tone deafness here is indicative of how badly they are shaken up by the CERS op and these exploding devices. They are truly 'dismayed' before the Israelites. Bro. Steve

  5. For the second consecutive night the IDF instructed civilians in northern Israel to limit movement outside homes, avoid gatherings and stay near emercency shelters.

  6. Early this morning the IAF hit a vehicle on the Damascus International Airport road. The strike killed the senior leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah of Iraq (Battalions of Party of Allah - Iraq) and several other terrorists in his entourage. These are the leaders responsible for launching UAV attacks on Israel from Iraq.

    Last night the IDF engaged in a firefight with terrorists in Samaria killing the commander of the group and a half-dozen of his fellow terrorists.

    Eschatology Today noted recently that the IDF/IAF would commence heavy strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon as precursor to a ground invasion. These strikes have been ongoing since Tuesday and continue as of today. Hezbollah's command structure is being systematically decimated, which even Hassan Nasrallah admitted yesterday.

  7. IAF strike on Beirut today targeted Ibrahim Aqil, senior Hezbollah Radwan commander. The U.S. had a $7 million bounty on him.

    1. IDF Intel says Ibrahim Aqil was the lead commander for planning the Radwan Force invasion of Galilee.

  8. The IDF ground invasion will go all the way to Dahiyeh, Beirut.

  9. That would certainly create a very nice buffer zone. Do you think Syria will get involved soon?
    Thank you,

  10. Yes, I’m aware of Irans proxy Hezbolla operating in Syria, but what of the Syrian Army (SyA or SA)? I suspect that they will trigger Isaiah 17 at some point in this war. I recall they have launched a scud and certainly have supported Hezbolla. But will they threaten Israel in a grave manner?

    1. The Syrian Army has attacked and been attacked by Israel many times in the past two and more years. The SA have also been under direct IRGC-QF military control for several years. Israel just attacked and destroyed the CERS facility which produces chemical, biological and possibly even nuclear components for missile warheads. Eschatology Today has coved this in several SITREPs. Isaiah 17 tells us there's a bio-chem aspect "in the day of disease and incurable pain.

  11. Thanks Sean for the clarity. Iran has control of the SA.
    On to another blessing from above…
    Amazing what was accomplished on the third day!
    YBIC Joe


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