We begin with a direct link (opens a new window) to Brannon Howse' WVW-TV live, hour-long interview yesterday with Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and General McInerney and Mary Fanning. This must see video presentation stands on its own merit, and its content is certain to shock a great many Americans. Pay attention as this has a direct relation to 18 USC 2381 which is U.S. Law regarding treason.
Current world events seen through the clarifying lens of the LORD's inerrant prophetic word. The Lord's Word proclaims a series of 'latter days' events leading to the second coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom upon the earth in this generation.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Global SITREP D1-20: Rumors of War in America Part II
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Global SITREP C10:20: Are We Awake Yet?
18 November 2020: The series of Global SITREPs of the past month that began with C7: Rumors of War in America have all been related, in one way or another, to the U.S. presidential election of 2020. Being aware of the season in which we live, this election is absolutely pivotal in the scheme of events that will follow. The "dominoes" yet to fall in other words familiar to readers of the Eschatology Today blog.
That SITREP led to C8: Looking Ahead on the Prophetic Road to Revelation and which invoked the five-part series of the same name, an overview of prophetic events spanning from Israel's rebirth in 1948 to the concluding dispensational epic of Ezekiel 38/39. We view it as a concluding dispensational epic because Ezekiel 39:29 evidence that the Harpazo of the bride of Christ occurs in very near proximity to its fulfillment. That means the church is gone to be with Christ Jesus and Israel's 70th Week commences, or one dispensation of the past 2000 years will have concluded and the final seven-year 70th Week of Israel will have begun.
And, as we've all been buzzing about over the past three weeks, there's C9: Church in America, WAKE UP!, Pastor Gary Hamrick's Spirit-led election 2020 sermon. None of this is coincidental, and why SITREP C10 is asking the question: Are we awake yet? Have we got the church's attention? Eschatology Today believes, yes, this is so! Marana'tha Lord!
Within this series, which this writer had no idea where it was going to lead because no one knows when the Harpazo of the bride will occur, a response to a question about what in the world was going on came down like a dove from Heaven: We are witnessing in real-time the will of God being done! Current events, like Pastor Hamrick's sermon, are intended to have us ensure our lamps are oiled and to be earnestly watching and listening for His procession to collect the bride.
We are being given glimpses of what the world will be like once the Restrainer has been removed. We see the faces of those who will welcome and worship the Antichrist and do the evil bidding of the False Prophet in our streets. We see the grotesque lies, the incredible disinformation and deception that are more pronounced than ever before in the history of this Republic. We understand with crystal clarity that the so-called 'Deep State' is one of the crowns destined to be worn on one of the heads of the Beast.
So, the question remains of how will this clearly stolen election be resolved within the next week to several weeks? That is the Lord's decision and its already been made in accordance with His will being done. Will there be further restraint or is it time for us to "Come up hither!" Which ever it is, what ever amount of borrowed time is left, Eschatology Today believes it is but a very brief span of time indeed.
We'll continue this until that microsecond of the Blessed Hope finally arrives.
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