Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Global SITREP B8-24: Joshua 13 Northern Arrows (Continued)

IDF Merkava IV MBT entering Lebanon

UPDATED 2 October 2024: In the aftermath of the Iranian Twelver (Shi'a) Regimes ballistic missile attack on the State of Israel, IDF CoS Herzi HaLevi communicated with 4-Star USCENTCOM Commander Eric Kurilla to coordinate a unified response to the attack, even though the attack turned out to be a military failure. It is assessed at this time that the coming unified response will include Iranian nuclear facilities and petroleum infrastructure as well as the depots containing Iran's remain long-range missiles of all types. The price the Twelver regime will pay for its attack will be extraordinary and will eventually lead to its demise.

The attack is assessed to have included 180 ballistic missiles of the conventional Emad and Ghadr designs, and for the first time the hypersonic Fattah-2. Ballistic missiles reach altitudes which scrape the edge of space before descending into the target area. The vast majority were intercepted and destroyed by Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABM) launched by two US Navy destroyers and Israel's own multi-tiered ABM array. 

Meanwhile the IDF's elite 98th Division continued its push into southern Lebanon on the ground with armor artillery and in the air (attack helicopters). The Israel Air Force has complete domination of the high ground in Lebanese airspace above. The IDF's 36th Division has also joined the combat Operation Northern Arrows in Lebanon.

Screenshot capture of the Israeli strike in Latakia, Syria

UPDATE 4 October 2024: Israel has struck and completely obliterated a weapons depot virtually adjacent to the Russian Khmeimim Air Base in Latakia Province, Syria. 

The information collected thus far is that an Iranian (IRGC-QF) Qeshm Air cargo jet landed at the Khmeimim Air Base with a cargo of weapons for Hezbollah. This would indicate Russia has decided to allow deliveries of this type making them as much a part of the current war as is America in supplying Israel with weapons. Russia can always make the claim that Khmeimim is a Syrian base as its official name is Bashar Al-Assad International Airport. 

The Qeshm Air delivery was subsequently offloaded and trucked to a previously unknown depot in the adjacent town of Jableh which Israel struck within an hour of the weapons arrival. The Israeli strike appears to have consisted of 30-some odd missiles or Harop drones that came in from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, indicating that perhaps this was an Israeli Navy strike. In any event this IDF strike is unprecedented and in, no pun intended, uncharted waters. The weapons depot was destroyed in due course by the weapons cooking off for nearly an hour following the initial missile/drone strikes. 

Probably related is the Syrian Arab League Ambassador Ala request for the League to make a decision tantamount to a declaration of war against Israel to halt the "occupiers'" aggression in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. Neither Israel or Russia have thus far acknowledged this action, even though both Russian and Syrian air defenses were reportedly active in trying to engage the incoming Israeli weapons.

 Israel's flag flies in Lebanon

During the 2006 war instigated by Hezbollah the IDF was unable to gain full control of the high ground at Maroun El Ras. The image above illustrates how the IDF has achieved this objective in 2024 by raising the Star of David there in less than a week.

To be continued...


  1. PM Netanyahu has met or continues to meet with the chiefs of Israel's entire security apparatus this morning.

  2. Some may wonder about the initial detection of Iran's launching of 200 missiles, but only 180 counted by US and Israel intelligence collection.

    The discrepancy can be attributed to missile launch misfires. Several of the missiles, about 20, never left Iran - they impacted the towns of Isfahan and Zanjan. Oops.

  3. So, who's ready for
    "Behold, I will break the bow of Elam,
    The foremost of their might"?

    1. BiBi sent out his Rosh Hashanah message while standing in front of an F-35 .

    2. I suspect there won't be much of a delay in the response

    3. "From the four quarters of heaven,
      And scatter them toward all those winds;"

    4. Sean, I agree, the time has come. I just wonder what the catalyst will be for Isaiah 17. Could it be that once the bow of Elam has been broken that in a kneejerk desperate reaction, Iran instructs their proxies in Syria to launch a chemical/biological/nuclear weapon into Israel? We know how that will end.

    5. I’m wondering who would NOT be ready, of those who frequent your site, Sean? I’m trying to wait patiently and prayerfully, but it’s not easy. Got any times or dates? Why do I have a feeling you’re going to say, “It’s imminent?” 🙂

    6. I just read that Biden doesn’t support Israel striking Irans nuclear facilities. And that Israel will have to wait until after the elections. Please….somebody slap me silly and stick some smelling salt under my nose!!!! Why…..why in all that is good does Israel continue to coddle the US ? After they went and leaked info about them moving into Lebanon.

    7. Jason,

      I think you're on the right track!

    8. Shelley,

      It's not only imminent, it's in progress. A slow progression, but it's still a progession to fulfillment.

    9. Been prayerfully ready for years. Hoping the time has come.

  4. Tonight is the start of Rosh Hashanah, the 10 Days of Awe, culminating in Yom Kippur according to the Jewish calendar. I'm sure none of this is a coincidence. It would seem entirely appropriate if Jeremiah's prophecy was fulfilled during this time. Of course it will be fulfilled in God's time, the exact detail of which is still unknown to us...

    1. I nearly included Rosh Hashana in the SITREP dateline but did not because of the Evening and Morning offset. On October 3 it would have been included because I also believe it is important and thus appropriate.

  5. Once again, eyes on Jordan.

    Jordan's top diplomat, Ayman Safadi, warned Israel and Iran today that the country will "defend itself with all its capabilities against any threat."

    Really, Israel is threatening Jordan? No, this statement confirms that Islamic Jordan is threatening Israel.

    1. that's the piece of the puzzle that I been watching for
      Jon Hartman

  6. After that warning to Iran , now Biden is warning Israel not to attack Irans Nuke facilities.. I hope the Israel keeps Washington in the dark on their plans and carries out their plans without interference.

    1. IF Israel were to follow Biden's idiotic dictate for a "proportional" response to the Iranian ballistic missile attack, then Israel would oblige to launch around 200 of its Jericho-2 and Jericho-3 ballistic missiles, and perhaps a slew of sub-launched Harpoon SLCMs against select, high-value targets in Iran.

      I prefer to think Israel would continue to ignore the Biden regime and throw everything and the kitchen sink at Iran.

  7. From ISW:

    "Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov condemned the Israel Defense Force's (IDF) ground operation in southern Lebanon during a meeting with the Lebanese ambassador to Russia on October 1."

  8. Good morning. X9 solar flare just erupted. Maranatha!


    1. Which follows the X7.1 on Oct 1/2. Signs!

    2. Both X-class flares (7.1 & 9) of this week came from the Earth-facing sunspot region named AR3842.
      Both sent massive CMEs at us, they'll arrive this weekend and should result in fantastic auroras.

  9. I heard Israel just struck a Russian air base in Syria. is that true? might be something to watch if so
    Jon Hartman

    1. Jon,

      I have also seen these reports, and at least 5 video of massive strikes in or very near to the Khmeimim Air Base. Reports say a weapons shipment from Iran had just arrived. Secondary explosions and other weapons were cooking off for a long time. Had to be a weapons depot. No Russian or Syrian air defense noted in the videos.

    2. Reports verified and SITREP updated.

  10. I think that oct 7th 2024 would be an excellent time to have jer 49 be invocked

  11. I wonder if it's getting more difficult to find successors these days ?

    1. IDF says Nasrallah successor, Hashem Safieddine, had no possible means of escape from the 73 tons of ordnance dropped by the IAF on his bunker.

  12. Very odd that there is no mention thus far on any Israeli media of the Jableh strike. Zero, zip, nada. As if the info has been 100% embargoed. There are numerous reports from around the world (New Zealand, Nigeria, Kurdistan, The War Zone, etc.) that are quite detailed about the strike.

    1. According to the highly regarded Institute for the Study of War (a/k/a ISW):

      Syrian media reported that the IDF conducted an airstrike on a weapons depot in Jableh, near Russia’s Hmeimim airbase, in Syria on October 3. Syrian media also reported that Russian and Syria air defenses intercepted some of the munitions used with the ones that landed causing a fire and secondary detonations. CTP-ISW cannot confirm the actor responsible for the strike. The IDF was also reportedly responsible for an airstrike targeting an Iranian weapons shipment near Jableh in July 2024."

    2. Satellite imagery of Israel's Nevatim Air Base confirms a couple of things.

      1.) No significant damage was done in the Iranian missile barrage. Nevatim remains completely operational.

      2.) The Iranian missile barrage did in fact overwhelm Israel's air defense array. There were at least 32 Iranian warheads which impacted within the Nevatim Air Base perimeter. The warhead impact craters are randomly spaced vice precision strikes; they missed hitting runways, aircraft, fuels and ordnance depots.

      The Hand of God is evident as 32 warheads should have done great damage.

      Waiting on satellite imagery of the Tel Nof Air Base.

      When Jeremiah 49:34 comes to fulfillment God will have revealed Himself to Israel.

  13. The US CENTCOM commander is due to arrive in Israel this weekend to coordinate a joint US-Israel response to Iran's missile attack.

  14. IDF says the response to Iran's ballistic missile attack will be “serious and significant.”

  15. Trump: Israel should hit Iranian nuke sites.

    I think they will.

    1. I just read that Lloyd Austin is hosting Galant on the 9th. Hmm…..trying to stall the inevitable I would assume.

    2. A lightning visit on Wednesday "to discuss ongoing Middle East security developments" in prep for Iran strike.

  16. Israel has been in a state of kinetic warfare for one full year. This is the longest war in Israel's modern era history.

    As the angel Gabriel told Daniel and the world,

    "The end of it shall be with a flood,
    And till the end of the war desolations are determined.
    " Daniel 9:26b

  17. small, 4.6 earthquake in Tehran. probably nothing, but we'll see
    Jon Hartman

    1. USGS global earthquake listing has nothing above Richter 3.0 anywhere in Iran for the past day.

  18. The commander of Iran's IRGC Quds Force, Esmail Qa'ani, has gone missing in Lebanon since IAF airstrikes in Beirut. He was in Beirut following Nasrallah's elimination.

    1. And Hezbollah's replacement for Nasrallah, Hashem Safieddine, went missing at the same time as Esmail Qa'ani following the IAF 73-ton ordnance delivery to Dahiyeh, Beirut.

      Jordan's FM Ayman Safadi is in Beirut now. Is he next??

  19. I wonder... the last time a senior Israeli leader was in the US (PM Netanyahu @ UN) Israel launched a major strike. Now DM Yoav Gallant is coming to DC for a one day confab at the Pentagon, which follows CENTCOM 4Star CDR Kurilla's just concluded Iran coordination visit in Israel with General HaLevi. Hmmmm.

  20. The Biden Administration is attempting to bribe the Netanyahu government in offering “extensive diplomatic backing and additional military aid” if Israel will forgo striking Iranian nuclear and oil installations.

    A quid pro quo scenerio for which President Trump was falsely impeached by Democrats over a phone conversation.

  21. Who's side is the Biden administration on? I think we know..
    Also... Is it coincidence Hamas is referring to the October 7th attacks as "Al-Aqsa Flood"

  22. The IDF has expanded its operation and footprint in southern Lebanon. There are now three divisions across the border.

    1. Like Gaza, we are seeing a LOT of blowing of Shofar's - in Lebanon. This is not a secular 'police action'. Not this time. Bro. Steve

    2. Now, there are 4 armored IDF divisions in Lebanon.

      This is no longer a "limited incursion" into southern Lebanon, this is a "beach head" no different than Normandy was 80 years ago.

    3. The IDF 7th Armored Division entered Lebanon along its Mediterranean Sea coastal area.

    4. Perhaps the 7th Armored will stop by in Naqoura (Misrephoth Maim) to have a chat to any UNIFIL still there. It's right on the way... Bro Steve.

  23. Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett and former Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked announced publicly yesterday that Israel must take advantage of the current unique opportunity to strike and destroy Iranian nuclear sites.

    Eschatology Today agrees and believes that the ONLY reason Iran does not have a deliverable nuclear weapon is due to the Restrainer!

    Can you imagine where we'd be today if Iran had possessed a deliverable nuclear weapon on October 7, 2023?

  24. The southern edge of now Cat 4 Hurricane Milton has made landfall on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. Intensity may be reduce some more, but Milton will maintain hurricane status all the way across Florida to the Atlantic Ocean. Evacuate today, tomorrow is too late, you'll have to SIP.

  25. Hezbollah launched more than 100 rockets at Haifa in the late morning hours today.

    Many in Israel recall DM Yoav Gallant's warning that if Hezbollah attacked Haifa the IDF would send Lebanon back to the stone age.

  26. Per I24 news. "Egypt and Jordan support Lebanon against "Israeli aggression"

    1. This is a fact as reported in several Arab media, including THE NEW ARAB

  27. Unbelievable...I just read where there's frustration in the Biden administration over the fact that Israel does not share with the US its plans regarding the response attack in Iran. It says the US does not know details about the date of the attack and its expected goals, and expected to receive details during a Gallant visit that was postponed. It also said that senior officials in the administration were surprised by Gallant's announcement to Austin a week and a half ago about the elimination of Nasrallah, and Austin replied with surprise: "Excuse me, what did you say?" And in another conversation after that, Austin asked Gallant if Israel was prepared to be left "alone" in regards to defense given that it did not inform the US about the assassination.

    Oh these poor fools....they do not realize that the Hand of God is on that Nation. They also have no clue just how prophetic some of the words they use and how it absolutely validates Gods Word...."for I will not forsake you or leave you"

  28. Israel will execute its retaliatory strike in Iran. According to DM Yoav Gallant the attack will be “lethal, precise and especially surprising." Gallant also said the Twelver regime "won't know what happened to it, or how it happened."

    Sounds to me like a stealth strike with F22i Adir coming in from every direction (i.e. "four winds) accompanied by stand-off cruise missiles demonstrating extraordinary precision strikes. Probably imminent.

    1. Sounds like the twelvers are on the target list

    2. Yes, both Israel's and the Iranian people's list.

  29. No sooner than the phone was hung up in the White House [following the Netanyahu call] did the leaking of details of the discussion to ABC News begin. It was a near instantaneous leaking of what should have been above TS/SCI classified information.

    How prescient and protective of Israel's national security and sovereignty were Netanyahu and his aides in not divulging to the Biden coven the true nature of the target list inside Iran and the methodology they'll employ to achieve a strategic surprise and mission complete success against the Twelver Regime.

    This is the assessment of Escatology Today based upon the tidbits of OSINT collected in the last 18 hours.

  30. More ET assessment (interpretation) follows:

    Jeremiah 49:35 - “Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, The foremost of their might.'"

    What might this statement indicate with perfect precision? (The Word of God - "the LORD of hosts" is as perfect as perfect can be!)

    1.) The foremost of the Iranian Twelvers might is without question the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

    2.) The foremost military might the IRGC has absolute control over are their ballistic missiles topped with conventional or nuclear warheads.

    If the LORD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) effect the breaking of the bow, then that's a simple matter that will be seen by many human beings and Israelis as a miracle.

    However, if the LORD uses Israel's military as His agency of fulfillment, well that would be regarded as an unforeseen or unacknowledged capability of a world-class superpower.

  31. Seen this morning 7AM central time; YouTube. Turkish warships entering Lebanon. No verification yet.

    1. Turkish Navy amphibious landing ships and escorts arrived at Beirut to evacuate Turkish nationals, spouses as well as Bulgarian, Romanian and Kazakhistani citizens who applied for evacuation to Turkey.

  32. Why is the IDF once again back in Lebanon?

    It may surprise some, but the answer is quite simple.

    Since its inception, expansion and renewal via two UN Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR) the UNIFIL "peace keeping force" of 10,000 troops from several nations has utterly failed to execute and achieve it primary mission objectives:

    1.) Keep Hezbollah north of the Litani River.
    2.) Keep weapons, except those of the Lebanese Army, north of the Litani River.

    The failure of UNIFIL to fulfill its UNSCR mandate purposes between the Litani River and the Blue Line (Israel's de facto northern border) are powerful I&W that it should now be disbanded and its troops withdrawn to their country of origin.

  33. With a little more than three weeks to the US national election, and given the Netanyahu governments distrust of the US Obamiden regime, as well as the expletive ridden adhominem diatribes against Bibi by Joe Biden, the current situation is a no-brainer.

    Israel is keeping the US completely in the dark concerning the timing of its Iran retaliation strike or the specific targets that will be attacked.

    At best Israel may inform 4⭐️ General Kurilla of USCENTCOM when the strike package assets are enroute to their targets to give US forces an adequate reaction time.

  34. Once again, if any doubt remains, the IDF has three divisions in Gaza, one each in north, central and south. There are four IDF divisions in Lebanon from the coast to the interior mountains. The IDF/IAF and SOF are operating in the Beqaa, as well as north and south of the Litani River. There are several IDF brigades hunting terrorists in Judea and Samaria.

    In all areas the IDF is decimating the enemy, killing fighters, breaking their warfighting capabilities and preventing regrouping.

    The Psalm 83 war continues in progress to fulfillment.

    1. Bro. Sean; Israel (IDF) was materially hindered in 2006 by the globalist Bush administration and others; 'imposing' arbitrary and vacillating RoE. Plus, lack of C2 preparedness for the actual action. Clearly not this time.

      I see that they have captured so many brand new weapons from the fleeing Hezbollah units that they are going to equip a special unit of the IDF to deploy these assets. Bro. Steve

    2. Bro Steve,

      Yes, and the Globalists were responsible for UNSCR 1701 which was never intended to be fully implemented.

      Israel still does not get it that the Globalists pose a greater danger to their sovereignty than the Jihadists ever could. The Megas Porne rides on her scarlet beast.

  35. There are indications that Israel will not just launch a one and done strike on Iran, but rather a series of strikes of increasing severity and damage to the regime, its various support (IRGC, etc.), its air defense sites, its offensive capabilities. Regime change.

    1. the only question is when. I have a few ideas, but don't know anything for certain. here's my thinking as to when
      1) after the election to see what kind of support they'll get.
      2) they're planning it now even as we speak and it may begin even before this is posted.
      If we successfully rid ourselves of the current usurper, it would do Israel well to wait until Trump is inaugurated because on day 1 he'll help Israel with all the tools needed to finish the job once and for all.
      If the election is stolen again, then Netanyahu will have to act immediately and act alone and tell NOONE until the job is underway. Either way unless Iran has nukes before November I'm wondering if it's in his best interest to see how the election goes.
      all that said, Israel could be planning the. attack now and could begin literally any moment. I'd like to know what you think
      Jon Hartman

    2. In any case, Jeremiah's prophecy will find fulfillment as written.

  36. Two hours ago ToI posted this (excerpt):

    "In a joint declaration, the leaders of the so-called MED9 — Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, Portugal and Croatia — say they will “continue advocating for further support to Lebanon and its people, including to the Lebanese Armed Forces which are called to play a critical stabilizing role.”"

    1. All of these 9 nations were once part of the Roman Empire.

    2. Clarifcation…the Vatican in Rome….

  37. Will there be another to join to create the MED10? (A nuclear-armed group of 10).

  38. Yom Kippur 2024 (10 Tishrei 5785) comes to a close in a few hours.

  39. Israel demands the withdrawal of UNIFIL from southern Lebanon. Hezbollah uses UNIFIL troops as human shields, which is why the IDF fired on a UNIFIL observation post.

  40. US troops deploying to Israel with the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) system.

  41. My understanding is that PM Netanyahu will convene the security cabinet in less than 15 minutes (1:30 PM EDT) in preparation for the coming retaliatory strikes inside the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    1. I suspect the details of that meeting will be held very close if objectives are to be achieved without interference or political pressure

    2. Tommy,

      The interference and political shenanigans going on at the moment is nowhere more obvious than in the English language Israeli media, particularly the big three who do nothing but parrot the leftist drivel that is spoon fed to them by the NYT, WaPo and AP.

  42. Yes, the mocking bird media echo’s the “un-named source” that Netanyahu has conceded to the O’biden administration demand that they do not strike oil and nuke facilities.
    Ooh my, this merry-go-round since Oct. 7th has got to be un-plugged.
    Dear Lord, we ask of you to please silence these evil minions of nefarious intent. Please grant Mr. Netanyahu discernment and courage to not only destroy the evil that surrounds Israel, but also the evil in governments across the seas and continents that have nefarious plans for the nation of Israel.
    Lord, we ask that you bless Israel and lead them through this time of war, protecting your people and causing the goodness of salvation to be found by many.

    1. Amen!!!

      The O'Biden minions have been hindering and helping Israel for well over a year now. It's a carrot and stick situation on the face of it, but also a spiritual curing and blessing of Israel.

      Netanyahu (pn: Netanya-oo) has been using all his political negotiator skills to hold off O'Biden as much as possible, trading a temp halt to attacks on Beirut for the delivery of THAAD system and US troop deployment to operate it.

      Bibi is clearly waiting for a Trump win in the election which will lame duck O'Biden and make Harris irrelevant going forward. Then it's gloves off and Git'R'Done time without restraints.

      Israel must be weaned from America at some point soon also so the the LORD's will become paramount for all Israel's salvation in Christ Jesus.

  43. Sean, do you think that the leadership of Iran is being considered fair game by Benjamin Netanyahu? Iran has recently confirmed there are no red lines. Perhaps this is all that’s needed this side of the election. What a wonderful moral boost this would have on the people of Iran.

  44. Regarding the rampant media disinformation campaign, remember this always and at all times ---

    The people who really know stay silent;
    the people (i.e. anonymous sources) who do not know never shut up.

  45. Deputy Commander of the IRGC-QF:

    "Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen are working together today against the enemy. The result of the war is clear."

    Does that sound like Asaph's clearest prophetic point in Psalm 83?

  46. Time for SITREP B9-24... as soon as Israel gets after Iran and its "bow."


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