Clickable Map of Syrian Governorates |
UPDATED 8 December 2024: The above clickable (enlargeable) map is for those who would like a graphic point of reference for provinces (governorates) and their capitals and the locations of important cites. The chosen title for this SITREP, "Catastrophic Success" comes from a decade ago when many in the government feared a radical Islamist (ISIS) takeover of the whole of Syria. Eschatology Today accepts this terminology as being appropriate for the current situation in Syria.
For those who are new here or just arriving after searching out a website like this (yes, I do see you accessing this site), Eschatology Today is first and foremost a blog about God-breathed prophecy in the Holy Scriptures. The sovereign will of God Almighty has been expressed through His prophets of ancient Israel; He has known what will come to pass on this earth since before time began as He has always existed outside of time and space as humanity can understand those concepts.
Hence, the LORD spoke of future events through the prophets He selected; He did so for the purpose the living in those days would have understanding by seeking out His Word. To those who seek He provides understanding as necessary through His Spirit. For questions that begin with, "Will this or that happen..." seek His inerrant counsel on the issue as Jesus our Messiah (Christ) taught us, and that is go into a private place and ask of Him directly the question you may have. My personal suggestion for those who earnestly are seeking Him, ask Him to prove to you that He is what He has always said He is. He is the "I AM that I AM." (In Hebrew this is written as YHWH." Be ready for His response - it will change your life FOREVER and in ways that will leave no doubt about His love for you personally. There is no better time for this as we are living in the days of the so-called "end times." The "end times are simply those days, months and years prior to the physical Second Coming of Jesus Christ to establish the His Millennial Kingdom on this Earth.
The Syrian Ba'athist regime of Bashar al-Assad that arose in a coup d'etat led by his father Hafez al-Assad is no more. Remnants of the regime will fade into history over the coming days, weeks or months, as the fractious conglomeration of rebellious militias, primarily Sunni, begin to assert control over the areas they currently hold. They may begin to war amongst themselves or strike out at other enemies such as Shi'a militias which are not Syrian but foreigners. They may move against Russian controlled territory in the governorates of Tartous and Latakia. Thay may, as Islamist all, move against Israel on the Golan. Whatever does actually take place going forward has been foretold primarily be the prophet Isaiah (Chapter 17) and the prophet Jeremiah (Chapter 49). These things are what will take place in the near-term. Eschatology Today will track these events as the LORD directs based upon His revealed word in Scripture.
Clickable Map of the UNDOF
The IDF has occupied the area on this map shaded in yellow. With the collapse of the Syrian regime the 1974 Disengagement of Forces agreement (DOF) became null and void. Israel increased in land area today.
It has long been said that World War IV (WWIV) would begin in the Middle East. Yes, WWIV, because WWIII was fought and won, it was the so-called "Cold War" of 1944-1991.
WWIV began on October 7, 2023 and it continues to this very minute and will continue for some time to come. WWIV will likely conclude, if that's the correct terminology, with Ezekiel 38-39, which heralds the start of the 70th Week of Years, a/k/a the Thlipsis and Megas Thlipsis (Tribulation and Great Tribulation). You all are well aware of how this ends, and for the Bride of Christ it's with the shout "COME UP HITHER!"
9 December 2024: The Bottom Line - The al-Assad regime is gone but the civil war in Syria has not ended. There has not been a legitimate transfer of political power which realistically keeps Syria a powderkeg with a lit fuse.
An amalgamation of insurgent militias have control of Syria's major cities in most of western Syria. These insurgents have differing ideological views.
Some, possibly a majority, are Sunni jihadists.
Some are scattered remnants of ISIS.
Some are north Syrian tribesmen who are loyal to Erdogan's Turkiye.
Some are Kurds who control a third of Syria in the regions east of the Euphrates River and are backed by the U.S.-led military coalition.
Some are southern Syrian tribesmen also backed by the U.S.-led military coalition centered in Al-Tanf on the Jordan and Iraq border region, and who recently extended their control northward to Palmyra.
Some are Arab Syrians from the southern Dara'a region who are mixed with local Druse populations.
And then there are the Alawi, cousins of Shi'a Islam in Tartus and Latakia on the Syrian coastline who until a day ago had been dominant over the rest of Sunni Arab Syria via the al-Assad regime.
Added to this mix are foreign military groups such as the IRGC-QF advisors and technical support from Iran, the Shi'a Iraqi PMU militia formations and the Shi'a Fatemiyoun militia from Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as isolated Russian troops in several makeshift encampments scattered across the rest of Syria west of the Euphrates River.
All of this lies right across the northern border of Israel.
And the prophecies of Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49;23-27 have not come to complete fulfillment, which is something global media would never mention.
It's not over in Syria yet, not by a longshot.
UPDATE 11 December 2024: In the elapsed time since the last update (about 48 hours) Israel's land, sea and air forces have attacked and destroyed more than 250 military bases, depots, facilities, grounded aircraft (fixed and rotary wing), missile batteries, AA gun emplacements, tanks and armored vehicles. You name it as a military asset of the former regime and the Israeli Air Force has destroyed it. This continuing IDF action, known as Operation Bashan Arrow, is unprecedented in the past 100-year history of modern warfare.
And it has been a virtual turkey shoot because since the former regime's troops abandoned their posts there has been ZERO air defense over Syria or any kind of defense against Israel's actions. Zip, nada, nothing. Russian and Iranian forces are of no help, they can't fly or are hunkered down in survival mode and looking for a way out. The U.S. and Turkey have hit select targets but not nearly on the scale that Israel has.
One has to wonder how the victorious Sunni-led insurgency is viewing the annihilation of their expected war booty. There's not much left except for burnt and charred scrap metal.
UPDATE 14 December 2024: The image above captured one of seventeen IAF air strikes on Friday night directed at Iranian-constructed tunnels within the Qalamoun Mountains west of Damascus.
The strategic tunnels were identified by intelligence operations to contain missiles, warheads and their launching platforms. Battle damage assessments have not yet been released on mission objectives.
It's not too far-fetched to envision that IDF special forces will need to converge on the area, raid the tunnels and destroy them completely as strategic tunnels would contain strategic assets of the former regime such as WMD warheads for the missiles.
A masked opposition fighter carries a flag of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in the courtyard of the Umayyad Mosque in the old walled city of Damascus, Syria, on December 10, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)
The flag carried by the "opposition fighter" in the image above IS the standard Black Flag of Jihad used by Islamic Jihadists all over the world in their ongoing war against non-Muslim kufr (infidels). HTS was and remains a Jihadist army now in control of Syria.
Any questions? |
The above are Sunni jihadists of the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP). Their contingent in Idlib, Syria is reported to be 4,000 fully equipped troops. The TIP are Uighurs from Xinjiang, PRC. They call their homeland East Turkistan, but currently operate as a integral component force of HTS in Syria. Their ultimate objective is to wage jihad against the PRC and establish an Islamic caliphate in Xinjiang and throughout Central Asia.