Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Global SITREP B9-24: Striking the Bow and Bringing the Sword

IRGC Aerospace Shahab-3

UPDATED 16 October 2024: The IDF is actively shaping the battlefield, not only in Lebanon but also in the Golan Heights where since 1 October new forward positions have been created, and operation to remove landmines have been largely completed. Use the clickable map below for reference as we move forward.


Notice the direct connection the UNDOF (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force) Zone has between Lebanon's eastern border, Syria's southern border and a small section of Jordan's northern border. The western border of the zone is known as the A Line and it functions as Israel's de facto border with Syria; the eastern border is Syria's de facto border with Israel separated by UNDOF troop deployments along its entire length since its institution at the end of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. The 1,080 international troops deployed in the zone, in order of contingent size, are Nepal, Uruguay, India, Fiji and Kazakhstan with a handful each from Ghana, Ireland, Bhutan and the Czech Republic.

It is important to note this as Jeremiah 49:26 foretells dire a result for men in general and soldiers ("all the men of war"). Eschatology Today is of the opinion that this verse dovetails with Isaiah 17:12-13. Even a cursory reading these prophetic Scriptures informs as to the reason for the coming dire circumstance which forces their hasty departure.

There is also, as we've noted previously, a reason for the forward push into the Golan, and that would be to flank Hezbollah from the east in southern Lebanon, possibly to in preempt or interdict a mass evacuation of their forces northward. Some reports indicate that Kata'ib Hezbollah (Iraqi Shi'a militia) may have been instructed to forgo engaging in combat with the IDF. This is likely a very temporary situation if accurate.

In the meantime, sand is rapidly falling into the bottom of the proverbial hourglass marking how soon Israel will pounce to strike the bow and bring its very capable sword upon the Iranian Twelver regime. A paradigm changing event to be sure.

IDF released image of KIA Yahya Sinwar

UPDATE 18 October 2024: An IDF armored reconnaissance unit engaged in a firefight with three HAMAS terrorists Wednesday, 16 October. The unit was unaware that one of the three combatants was Yahya Sinwar. Sinwar was attempting to flee from Rafah to the Al-Mawasi humanitarian zone on the Mediterranean Sea when spotted by the IDF recon force. A Merkava IV MBT fired a single round into the impromptu hideaway (a house) which ultimately killed the HAMAS leader. He was also found to have bullet wounds to his head and chest.

Suspecting explosive charges in the immediate area the IDF waited until Thursday to search and clear the area before accessing the site. The image above was released by the IDF; it shows IDF troops standing over the deceased Sinwar. Sinwar's identity was confirmed by DNA testing. Subsequent searching of the immediate area did not locate any of the Israeli hostages nor any sign of their presence. Many media reports had long insisted the Israeli hostages were surrounding Sinwar as human shields. Islamic radicals will almost certainly hail Yahya Sinwar as a martyr who died in direct battle with the IDF. Sinwar is gone but the war is not over in Gaza.

Flight of two B-2 Spirit stealth bombers

In a direct warning to Iran the United States deployed long-range B2 Spirit stealth bombers to destroy five hardened weapons depots in a Houthi-controlled region of Yemen on October 17. The depots contained missiles and other weapons used by the Houthis to attack commercial and military ships in the Red Sea and missiles that targeted Israel. It is unknown if the Spirit's departed from CONUS or from a forward base of operations to conduct the strike. It is very likely the first American use of the B-2 in combat since 2017 and the first operational strike mission employing the GBU-57 MOP (Massive Ordnance Penetrator), a 27,125-pound weapon which can penetrate over 200 feet deep into earth and reinforced concrete bunkers. Each Spirit carries two MOPs. The Spirit's mission and weapon chosen were clearly a powerful message to the Islamic Republic of Iran which now understands that destruction of its Natanz nuclear site is clearly within the capability set of American B-2's armed either with the GBU-57 or newer GBU-57 F/B variants, or the newest GBU-72B, a 5,000-pound all-weather precision strike bunker buster weapon. It is no accident this strike on the Houthis and their Iranian-made weapons occurred as Israel is an advanced stage of their own and very imminent air assault on Iranian targets...

Israeli Air Force F-35i and F-15i Strike Package with airborne refueler

To be continued...

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Global SITREP B8-24: Joshua 13 Northern Arrows (Continued)

IDF Merkava IV MBT entering Lebanon

UPDATED 2 October 2024: In the aftermath of the Iranian Twelver (Shi'a) Regimes ballistic missile attack on the State of Israel, IDF CoS Herzi HaLevi communicated with 4-Star USCENTCOM Commander Eric Kurilla to coordinate a unified response to the attack, even though the attack turned out to be a military failure. It is assessed at this time that the coming unified response will include Iranian nuclear facilities and petroleum infrastructure as well as the depots containing Iran's remain long-range missiles of all types. The price the Twelver regime will pay for its attack will be extraordinary and will eventually lead to its demise.

The attack is assessed to have included 180 ballistic missiles of the conventional Emad and Ghadr designs, and for the first time the hypersonic Fattah-2. Ballistic missiles reach altitudes which scrape the edge of space before descending into the target area. The vast majority were intercepted and destroyed by Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABM) launched by two US Navy destroyers and Israel's own multi-tiered ABM array. 

Meanwhile the IDF's elite 98th Division continued its push into southern Lebanon on the ground with armor artillery and in the air (attack helicopters). The Israel Air Force has complete domination of the high ground in Lebanese airspace above. The IDF's 36th Division has also joined the combat Operation Northern Arrows in Lebanon.

Screenshot capture of the Israeli strike in Latakia, Syria

UPDATE 4 October 2024: Israel has struck and completely obliterated a weapons depot virtually adjacent to the Russian Khmeimim Air Base in Latakia Province, Syria. 

The information collected thus far is that an Iranian (IRGC-QF) Qeshm Air cargo jet landed at the Khmeimim Air Base with a cargo of weapons for Hezbollah. This would indicate Russia has decided to allow deliveries of this type making them as much a part of the current war as is America in supplying Israel with weapons. Russia can always make the claim that Khmeimim is a Syrian base as its official name is Bashar Al-Assad International Airport. 

The Qeshm Air delivery was subsequently offloaded and trucked to a previously unknown depot in the adjacent town of Jableh which Israel struck within an hour of the weapons arrival. The Israeli strike appears to have consisted of 30-some odd missiles or Harop drones that came in from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, indicating that perhaps this was an Israeli Navy strike. In any event this IDF strike is unprecedented and in, no pun intended, uncharted waters. The weapons depot was destroyed in due course by the weapons cooking off for nearly an hour following the initial missile/drone strikes. 

Probably related is the Syrian Arab League Ambassador Ala request for the League to make a decision tantamount to a declaration of war against Israel to halt the "occupiers'" aggression in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. Neither Israel or Russia have thus far acknowledged this action, even though both Russian and Syrian air defenses were reportedly active in trying to engage the incoming Israeli weapons.

 Israel's flag flies in Lebanon

During the 2006 war instigated by Hezbollah the IDF was unable to gain full control of the high ground at Maroun El Ras. The image above illustrates how the IDF has achieved this objective in 2024 by raising the Star of David there in less than a week.

To be continued...

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Global SITREP B7-24: Joshua 13 (Operation: Northern Arrows)

SIDON Being Driven Out, Monday 23 September 2024

24 September 2024: Oh, come now Brothers and Sisters, is this nothing more than coincidence, simply a happenstance??!?!

In my New King James Version of the Holy Bible, the first seven verses of Joshua 13 are boldly captioned "Remaining Land to Be Conquered." And those first seven verses read (underscored italics mine for emphasis):

Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the Lord said to him: “You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much land yet to be possessed. This is the land that yet remains: all the territory of the Philistines and all that of the Geshurites, from Sihor, which is east of Egypt, as far as the border of Ekron northward (which is counted as Canaanite); the five lords of the Philistines—the Gazites, the Ashdodites, the Ashkelonites, the Gittites, and the Ekronites; also the Avites; from the south, all the land of the Canaanites, and Mearah that belongs to the Sidonians as far as Aphek, to the border of the Amorites; the land of the Gebalites, and all Lebanon, toward the sunrise, from Baal Gad below Mount Hermon as far as the entrance to Hamath; all the inhabitants of the mountains from Lebanon as far as the Brook Misrephoth, and all the Sidonians—them I will drive out from before the children of Israel; only divide it by lot to Israel as an inheritance, as I have commanded you. Now therefore, divide this land as an inheritance to the nine tribes and half the tribe of Manasseh.”

In the image above, taken yesterday (Monday 23 September 2024), looking south towards southern Lebanon and northern Israel, are these Sidonian not being driven out before the children of Israel? Is this not a direct literal fulfillment of prophecy before our eyes?

I suggest a thorough reading of Joshua 13 is an essential task as it is a prophecy to be fulfilled and witnessed by our eyes in the present time. As you read you will hopefully notice that verses 15 and 16, wholly part of the remaining land to be conquered by Israel, specifically name geographic place names, such as Aroer, the River Arnon and the city which is in the midst of the ravine, Dibon. 

The Valley of the Passengers Ezekiel

Eschatology Today has been here previously in the series The Prophetic Road to Revelation (Part IV): The War of Gog of Magog. This is linked here for good reason as a refresher for some, and new knowledge for others. A good portion of the discussion of Ezekiel 39 notes these places in the Valley of the Passengers as being in Israel, even though they are today within the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Well prior to the prophetic words of Ezekiel, here we have the writer of Joshua naming the same places as being part of the land to be conquered by Israel! 

How much more prescient can these prophetic indicators be with respect to the lateness of the time in which we are living, eating and breathing with the bodies in which we were born?

Thus, a thorough reading of Ezekiel 38/39 is also highly recommended. Notice what takes place at Ezekiel 39:29, a very strong indicator (and Warning or I&W) that the Harpazo (Rapture) of the Bride of Christ will have occurred in the unknown interim!


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Global SITREP B6-24: Northern Front

IDF troops prepare for operations in Lebanon

UPDATED 18 September 2024: It's said that an object in motion tends to stay in motion. As we have seen in the past couple of days the IDF's "center of gravity" is moving inexorably towards the Northern Front. The IDF mission objective is to fight Hezbollah on Lebanon's territory so as to allow Israeli civilians to return safely to their homes in northern Israel. Based upon Bible prophecy, the books of Joshua, Jeremiah and Isaiah especially, Eschatology Today believes that the Northern Front holds much more in store for Israel and its defense forces than merely driving Hezbollah terrorists north of the Litani River. We'll follow key events closely and as they occur.

UPDATE 23 September 2024: To use colloquial terminology, It's on! 

As of this morning, and following unprecedented leaflet drops, telephone calls and text message warnings from the IDF there are tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians in mass exodus from southern Lebanon and the Beqaa Valley. The IDF has also provided video evidence of civilian homes in Lebanon which show irrefutable proof of special construction of hatches and openings constructed by Hezbollah that contain cruise missiles and other hostile aircraft launch platforms within them. Resident and neighbors were urged for their own safety to depart from these areas with all due haste and these structures will be destroyed. Somewhere between 300 and 400 hundred structures have been destroyed in at least three waves of strikes thus far today, and its only 3:30 PM in Israel as of this writing. The warnings were specific and included the Beqa'a Valley where Hezbollah has long occupied as its primary stronghold.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Global SITREP B5-24: The Multi-Front War

IDF Mass in the North

UPDATED 29 August 2024: Indications and Warnings (I&W) of a ground war erupting on Israel's northern front (Lebanon and Syria) have increased exponentially in recent days. This is despite false global media claims that neither Hezbollah nor their Iranian overlords being desirous of a full-scale war with Israel; such claims ignore the Shi'a Twelver's core jihadist theology. Multiple sources linked to Hezbollah declare a renewed Iranian rocket and drone assault against Israel is close at hand. We should not discount that a major Israeli preemptive strike could come at any moment, the intelligence is that good.

The northern front I&W comes as the IDF is now openly operating with full military force in Judea and Samaria where the IRGC-QF has infiltrated significant advanced weaponry and distributed them via Jordan to numerous jihadist cells throughout the region. At least two of Israel's cabinet minister have stated that Judea and Samaria action is a war no different than in Gaza, including the need to evacuation non-combatant civilians to safer 'humanitarian' areas.

IDF commander's briefings of late speak to the IDF being actively engaged on seven fronts completely encircling the State of Israel. Obviously, the multi-front war described by the singing prophet Asaph in Psalm 83 and other prophecies discussed here since 2009 are present and accounted for in 2024.

4 September 2024: The update to this SITREP can been viewed as a substantial modification to the interpretation of who Assur (Assyria) is where Asaph prophesied in Psalm 83:8 (NIV) "Even Assyria has joined them, to reinforce Lot's descendants." The them are identified in verses 6 and 7. Lot's descendants are identified in the subsequent verses, 9 through 11. Lot's descendants are the peoples identified in verses 3 and 4 who cunningly consult conspire together to destroy the nation of Israel. 

This brings us to the above map which illustrates the maximum extent of Assur (Assyria), the regional military superpower concurrent with the time of Asaph. This map then gives context to the role played by the modern-day Islamic Republic of Iran in the current Psalm 83 warfare. Iran has been an existential enemy of Israel since the revolution (coup d'etat) of the Shi'a Twelvers over the Shah of Iran 45 years ago. There is no question, hindsight being 20/20, that Shi'a Iran (IRGC-QF) and its Shi'a proxies as established in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and the Houthis of Yemen are providing a strong arm of military assistance, both weaponry and foot soldiers, in the war against Israel. It would be a gross error in the exegesis of Psalm 83 not to make this interpretive distinction.

In conducting recent research on this issue, it has also resulted in the gaining of additional knowledge concerning the Lord's prophet Asaph. Asaph ("who gathers together") was a Levite and was put in charge of music by King David when the Ark of the Covenant was moved from the Tabernacle to Jerusalem. He was in the same role when Solomon was King, and the First Temple was inaugurated. Asaph's relationship with God is best known by Psalm 73:25-26. "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire but you. My flesh and heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." We all would do well the study what Scripture says concerning Asaph.

Panoramic image of CERS strike near Masyaf, Syria.
(Image source: Ma'ariv)

UPDATE 13 September 2024: The massive air assault against the Tier-One High Value Target on the CERS complex near Masya Syria turns out to have been a highly coordinated and hugely successful air-ground assault according to new information published on numerous news sites. Moreover, this strike strongly indicates that Israel has now embarked on nothing less than a strategic offensive. Initial Iranian reaction to this assault reveals how damaging to the IRGC-QF's overall campaign against Israel and to their millions of rials investment in Syria's military-industrial capabilities. The CERS complex was the crown jewel in the Iranian investment in Syria.

IAF Shaldag special forces training at Palmachim Air Base
(Source: IDF)

The IAF's elite Shaldag unit was the ground component which assault the CERS facilities; they were reportedly on the ground collecting computers, important equipment, documentation as well as capturing at least two Iranian specialists (putting the lie to Iranian denials of any connection to the previous CERS activities), before detonating high explosive satchel charges to destroy the underground and above ground sections of the complex. The IAF commandos were able to infiltrate by repelling from helicopters due to the IAF's total suppression of Syrian air defenses, complex access denial and drone attacks on any and all responding defense forces. Access roads were cratered as well to deny access. The intelligence collected is no doubt of immense value, the exploitation of which will be evident in the near future.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Global SITREP B4-24: How Close Are We?

Iranian Advanced Centrifuge Display

 09 August 2024: The past ten months have been a continual and literal fulfillment of our Lord's words from His Olivet Discourse on the Mount of Olives, particularly that part where our hearing of "wars and rumors of wars" is concerned. He assured us that "these things must take place, but the end is not yet." We're directed not to fear their occurrence, but to see them as literal signs of His coming again. Amen.

In all of the current conjecturing and speculation about what the enemies of Israel will or will not do, the image above is to remind that the Twelver regime in Iran continues to make steady, unabated progress in acquisition of HEU for a nuclear weapon. The advanced technology being deployed in this endeavor increases month by month and has taken on an increased impetus since Iran's thwarted conventional direct attack upon Israel in April 2024. Current thinking on the potential of a successful Iranian and proxy attack on Israel would almost certainly result in an Israeli and possibly a US counter-strike on Iranian nuclear weapons related facilities. 

Is this where the dire prophetic narratives of Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:34-39 fit into events of the very near future? There's a real reason for the mass exodus of civilians from Iran as well as the destruction of Damascus and of the Syrian state these prophets speak of. Again, we're not to fear these things coming to pass but to see them for what they are in the ever-accelerating run-up to the 70th Week of Years. 

IAF Strike Package on a pratical, reciprocal bearing training mission
 Boeing 707 Refueler, F-35I and F-15I aircraft were on this mission last week.

UPDATE 18 August 2024: The assessment as of this date is for the ceasefire and hostage negotiations to fail in the coming week when HAMAS rejects the "deal."  

The rejection will likely result in Iranian and proxy force attacks on Israel followed by Israel's direct response. The Israeli response will, as expected by IDF Command, result in "catastrophic consequences" for Lebanon. It remains to be seen if the Coalition Forces (CENTCOM, will actively participate in the Israel response against Iran.

If this assessment pans out Global SITREP B5-24 will then be published.

IDF mid-air destruction of an explsive-laden Hezbollah drone this morning.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Global SITREP B3-24: Please Stand By

29 July 2024: In the wake of Hezbollah's murderous massacre of 12 Druze children on a Majdal Shams soccer field on Saturday (Shabbat), Israel's security cabinet has authorized the launch of a major retaliation against Hezbollah in Lebanon. It is currently inconceivable that such an Israeli counter-strike would not spark a much larger war than is occurring at the present time. Hence, the title for SITREP B3-24. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran should also be on the receiving end of the Israeli response since they manufactured and delivered to their Hezbollah proxy the Falaq-1 rocket (110 lb. HE warhead) used in the attack. Shrapnel from the rocket proves beyond any doubt that it was a Falaq-1 of Iranian manufacture. The mere threat of a significant Israeli retaliation has not had any effect upon Hezbollah as four new rockets were fired this morning into the Gome Junction area of Kiryat Shmona this morning, with an additional report within the past hour of more rockets coming over the border into northern Israel. 

UPDATE 1 August 2024: Can't help but to make note that Tisha B'Av occurs eleven days from today. In light of Iranian threats for direct strikes on Israel, one might suppose some type of preemption might take place. Powerful US Navy task forces are on station off Lebanon and in the so-called Persian Gulf. Iran and its proxies had better think twice before launching an attack because these forces are more than likely to robustly defend Israel and then take the fight to all of them. The Iran-linked PMU forces of Babil Province in Iraq (south of Baghdad) got a taste of the power arranged against them this past Tuesday. And this was no preemptive strike but a direct, on-target punitive strike, which Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Iran-aligned Shi'a of Iraq and the Twelvers in Tehran never saw coming. 

To be continued...


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