Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Global SITREP B7-24: Joshua 13 (Operation: Northern Arrows)

SIDON Being Driven Out, Monday 23 September 2024

24 September 2024: Oh, come now Brothers and Sisters, is this nothing more than coincidence, simply a happenstance??!?!

In my New King James Version of the Holy Bible, the first seven verses of Joshua 13 are boldly captioned "Remaining Land to Be Conquered." And those first seven verses read (underscored italics mine for emphasis):

Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the Lord said to him: “You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much land yet to be possessed. This is the land that yet remains: all the territory of the Philistines and all that of the Geshurites, from Sihor, which is east of Egypt, as far as the border of Ekron northward (which is counted as Canaanite); the five lords of the Philistines—the Gazites, the Ashdodites, the Ashkelonites, the Gittites, and the Ekronites; also the Avites; from the south, all the land of the Canaanites, and Mearah that belongs to the Sidonians as far as Aphek, to the border of the Amorites; the land of the Gebalites, and all Lebanon, toward the sunrise, from Baal Gad below Mount Hermon as far as the entrance to Hamath; all the inhabitants of the mountains from Lebanon as far as the Brook Misrephoth, and all the Sidonians—them I will drive out from before the children of Israel; only divide it by lot to Israel as an inheritance, as I have commanded you. Now therefore, divide this land as an inheritance to the nine tribes and half the tribe of Manasseh.”

In the image above, taken yesterday (Monday 23 September 2024), looking south towards southern Lebanon and northern Israel, are these Sidonian not being driven out before the children of Israel? Is this not a direct literal fulfillment of prophecy before our eyes?

I suggest a thorough reading of Joshua 13 is an essential task as it is a prophecy to be fulfilled and witnessed by our eyes in the present time. As you read you will hopefully notice that verses 15 and 16, wholly part of the remaining land to be conquered by Israel, specifically name geographic place names, such as Aroer, the River Arnon and the city which is in the midst of the ravine, Dibon. 

The Valley of the Passengers Ezekiel

Eschatology Today has been here previously in the series The Prophetic Road to Revelation (Part IV): The War of Gog of Magog. This is linked here for good reason as a refresher for some, and new knowledge for others. A good portion of the discussion of Ezekiel 39 notes these places in the Valley of the Passengers as being in Israel, even though they are today within the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Well prior to the prophetic words of Ezekiel, here we have the writer of Joshua naming the same places as being part of the land to be conquered by Israel! 

How much more prescient can these prophetic indicators be with respect to the lateness of the time in which we are living, eating and breathing with the bodies in which we were born?

Thus, a thorough reading of Ezekiel 38/39 is also highly recommended. Notice what takes place at Ezekiel 39:29, a very strong indicator (and Warning or I&W) that the Harpazo (Rapture) of the Bride of Christ will have occurred in the unknown interim!



  1. I'm not a teacher, I'm a watchman on the wall. When I see something coming I yell out a warning.

    1. Thank you Brother Sean for being the best watchman of our time.

  2. Seán ..I beg to differ I have learned
    So much from reading this blog.I really appreciate all your work.You have such a great understanding of it all.May God bless you

  3. Thanks for the link "The prophetic road to revelation". I'll be studying these along with the comments.
    I would say a watcher and also a teacher as well.
    Thanks for your thorough due diligence.

  4. In my opinion you are a great Watchman, Teacher and Servant of the LORD.
    Thank you for all your have done.

  5. Ez.39:28 "then they(Israel) shall know......
    God is the one who scattered
    Israel according to Ezekiel and their house left desolate according to Jesus.(Luke 13:34).
    God is the one who brings them back to the Land and fills them with the Holy Spirit.
    They (Israel) "will know" God is the one keeping His word.
    As to the church.."He who has ears to hear... as the saying goes.
    Look up!

  6. Contrary to enemy media (enemedia), the IDF is absolutely prepared and comitted to a ground invasion (operation) against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

    And then there's Syria. There are plenty of Hezbollah and IRGC-QF proxy militias in western Syria, all the way to the River Euphrates.

    Imagine that! Most enemedia are completely silent about the forces specifically arrayed against Israel in Syria. Instead they prefer to express hand-wringing worries about a "wider regional war." The "wider regional war is already in-progress; has been so for for months now.

  7. Although they either don't know, or choose not to know, the meaning of Is. 53, the Rabbis seem to understand Joshua 13 alright:

    Today, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh called to CONQUER Lebanon and for ISRAEL to settle in Southern Lebanon.

    Rabbi Ginsburgh wrote that "the enemy must be struck with full force.”

    He said that Lebanon was part of the Land of Israel and was given to the Jewish people by God, citing verses that claimed that the Land of Israel stretched until the Euphrates River. "In our generation, God gives us the ability to receive the gift [of Israel] again, to CONQUER and to SETTLE the land."

    "Today it is clear that the time has come to conquer the Lebanese territories as well, only in THIS WAY can the threat be removed and true peace brought to the entire country. AFTER the CONQUEST and expulsion of the hostile population, a JEWISH SETTLEMENT MUST BE ESTABLISHED, thus completing the victory."

    Other rabbis have echoed similar calls, with Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita saying, "We need to end the war with Lebanon and a new way for the MESSIAH and REDEMPTION for the people of Israel will be come to be." (Bubba News Telegram)

  8. Iran threatening military intervention on the side of Hezbollah.

    1. They haven't followed thru on that last threat yet...

    2. Tommy,

      Jeremiah 49:34-39 guarantees the exact opposite.

      In fact, the Crown Prince of Iran, Reza Pahlavi, has been extremely vocal of late echoing the Iranian people's role in Jeremiah's prophecy.

  9. In a parallel development, the UN has just enacted its 'Pact for the Future' on 22nd September. This 56-page monstrosity has gone virtually under the radar and looks to be the perfect trans-national, globalist platform to introduce the 'little horn' at the appointed time. Bro. Steve

  10. The IDF's Operation Northern Arrows in Lebanon is underway without the military or intelligence assistance of the USA.

    As we has seen in Sidon, God Himself is leading the way for the IDF as promised in Joshua 13.

    Who opposes or withstands the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel)?


  11. Israel has flat out rejected the US-France ceasefire proposal for IDF operation against Hezbollah. Operation Northern Arrows will proceed with full force.

    1. This "God driven determination" has "completely shattered" the relationship between the Biden Administration and the Likud-led government of Israel.

  12. Syria is part of the Operation Northern Arrows.

    IDF Statement:

    IAF fighter jets struck infrastructure along the Syria-Lebanon border used by Hezbollah to transfer weapons from Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon, which the terrorist organization used against Israeli civilians. The IDF will continue to strike and act against the Hezbollah terrorist organization's attempts to arm itself and transfer weapons into Lebanon from Syrian territory."

    The IAF is striking Syria-Lebanon border crossings used in Iranian overland logistics to replenish Hezbollah's weapons losses.

    A weapons depot near Damascus was hit again last night killing 5 Syrian soldiers.

  13. There's a bill in Congress to drop "West Bank" (a Jordanian delusion) and adopt "Judea and Samaria" as the United States officially recognized name for the region within Israel.

  14. Israel launched at least 10 earth penetrating ordnance airstrikes on Hezbollah's HQ in Beirut. Hassan Nasrallah's fate uncertain.

    1. Per former Israel Intel Chief Amos Yadlin, the strike on Hezbollah's HQ would not have been given a green light without an absolute certainty that Nasrallah was present. Yadlin said his high-level source reports that Nasrallah is no longer among the living.

      Iranian reaction is furious.

    2. Ali Karaki was Hezbollah's commander in southern Lebanon, he was killed along with an IRGC-QF general in charge of Lebanon and Syria. Ayatollah Khamenei convenes the Iranian war council.

    3. Israel has issued evacuation directive to civilians in Beirut (Dahiyeh in particular) as imminent strikes will destroy additional underground targets.

    4. The IAF has begun striking three buildings in Dahiyeh, Beirut that Hezbollah uses as a depot for anti-ship cruise missiles.

    5. A second evacuation notice, and a second set of Dahiyeh strikes; IAF also strikes Hezbollah sites in Tyre.

  15. According to the IDF, yesterday's Operation "New Order" was successful in killing Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah.

    Operation "New Order" included an OPerational DECeption (OPDEC) element: PM Netanyahu's brief trip to New York to speak at the UN General Assembly. The objective of the OPDEC was to imbue Nasrallah and Hezbollah with a sense of ease and relax their OPerational SECurity (OPSEC) in the belief that Israel would not strike while Netanyahu was out of the country and speaking to the UNGA.

    Operation "New Order" worked brilliantly by all current accounts in eliminating Nasrallah and several more senior commanders, some of whom had just advanced to replace others who were recently eliminated in airstrikes, and all of whom are "domen for the earth" as Asaph prophesied in Psalm 83.

    1. Psalm 83:15

      So pursue them with Your tempest, (Ra'am F-15I)
      And frighten them with Your storm (Sufa F-16I).

    2. The strike on Hezbollah's HQ in Beirut yesterday, coupled with PM Netanyahu's threat that "nowhere in Iran is beyond the Israeli Air Force capability to reach," has thoroughly frightened the Shi'a Twelver regime in Tehran!

      Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khanenei has been relocated to a "secure location" with enhanced security measures in effect.

    3. I cannot recall at any past or recent time, such an effective series of sequential decapitation & C2 strikes. Anywhere. Absolutely phenomenal. One could be forgiven for suspecting that Israel is getting some 'extra' help; likely of the supernatural variety. The Source of this assistance is not a mystery to us at ET of course. The islamist enemy must indeed be 100% terrified. Perhaps repentance will blossom in this environment. Bro Steve.

    4. It appears that the now legendary IDF Unit 8200 has hacked into and taken control of Beirut International Airport's (BIA) communications array.

      An IRGC-QF affiliated Qeshm Air cargo jet flying westbound over Iran made a sharp U-turn back to Iran after it was warned to stay away from Beirut or risk immediate attack.

    5. Bro Steve,

      The only military operations that come close, IMHO, are the Gen. Schwsrtkopf hail mary maneuver of the 1991 liberation of Kuwait, and OIF-1 in 2003 where the US-led Coalition crushed Saddam's vaunted Republican Guard divisions in less than two weeks.

      Aside from that memory, the IDFs Operation Northern Arrows is impressive in the extreme, and even though it was declared by the Lord thru His prophet 3,000 years ago.

      His Word is true, enduring and unassailable. He spoke it, and it is. May the islamist repent to know the One True God and His Son.

  16. Iran says it will begin deployment of forces to Syria (opposite Golan) and Lebanon.

    A current assessment numbers Iranian proxy forces in Syria (Syrians, Iraqis and Yemenis) at 30,000 or more.

  17. Russia (Magog) vehemently condemns the elimination of Shi'a terrorist and murderer of Israeli civilians Hassan Nasrallah, and demands that Israel halt military operations against Hezbollah.

  18. Hezbollah's intelligence chief, Hassan Khalil Yassin, was eliminated in Dahiyeh by an IAF missile strike today.

    Syria joins Iran in whining about the elimination of Nasrallah and all of Hezbollah's senior cadre of fellow islamic terrorists.

  19. Hashem Safieddine, a black turban terrorist; cousin of the deceased Hassan Nasrallah; a senior surviving member of Hezbollah's Executive Council and Jihad Council, appears to be the successor to Nasrallah.

  20. Hezbollah launching longer-range rockets into the Jerusalem area. May they score a direct hit on the "Dome of the Rock."

    1. hmm a direct hit on "dome of the rock" don't know if that'll happen, but I've long wondered if the dome would be destroyed during the psalm 83 war. That would be very interesting

    2. Bro. Sean - this has also occurred to me previously. I recall the time that missile headed for Tel Aviv CBD was blown out to sea by an 'east wind'; after 3 attempts by Iron Dome had failed to intercept. I think you were the one who reported about it here on ET. And the Hamas missileers complaining to their commanders that: "Their (Israeli's) God changes the path of our rockets!".

      It would certainly resolve the issue with those trespassing islamic structures. And how can they (islamists) complain if islamists blew up their own stuff?

      We'll soon see what God has in store. Everything is at breakneck speed now. Bro. Steve.

    3. Bro Steve and all,

      There will be, as is the situation right now, the Lord's hand directing and accomplishing His will.
      That Rock and the ediface now covering it does not belong to islam, it belongs to Almighty God. It will soon be the site of the "Holy Place" and the "Holy of Holies."

  21. Thousands of Iraqi Shi'a (PMU and Kata'ib Hezbollah) are attempting to storm the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad in protesting Nasrallah's elimination.

  22. There's increasing I&W that IDF Special Ops have entered Lebanon.

  23. Well I finally got to get on ET after a 4 day hiatus. We got hit by hurricane Helene and lost power, internet and got everything back today. I sure missed a lot these 4 days but this is the first place I went to. Thank you Sean for everything you do.

  24. Robert,

    Praise the Lord! Helene was a monster that grew very rapidly before coming ashore. I was in NOLA for both Katrina and Rita, and then had Sandy come through my backyard. More than my share of hurricanes this century already.

  25. It's common knowledge now that IDF Special Forces inserted themselves into Lebanon, and they used Hezbollah's tunnels to do so.

    Now we hear that IDF armor has massed on the border with DM Gallant indicating a ground op may commence imminently.

    Joshua 13 informs us to expect more than "a limited ground incursion into Lebanon."

  26. The IDF ground forces have crossed the border into Lebanon; seeking to locate and destroy Hezbollah positions.

    The Lebanese Army has abandoned its positions in southern Lebanon and withdrawn to the north.

    1. Joshua 13:6[a]: “As for all the inhabitants of the mountain regions from Lebanon to Misrephoth Maim, that is, all the Sidonians, I myself will drive them out before the Israelites. ..." Bro. Steve

    2. Bro Steve,
      As noted, the keystone reason in imagery and underlined Scripture that this SITREP exists at all. Fulfilled and in-progress in real-time prophecy.

  27. With the IDF engaged in combat operations in the whole of Gaza down to the Egyptian border, in Judea and Samaria, in western Syria to the Euphrates River and now in Lebanon, how can anyone deny as fact the prophetic Psalm 83 war and the related prophecies of Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and so on???

    1. Bro. Sean; I will assume a rhetorical question. No one here at ET is even thinking of denying the self-evident fact of what is going on IMO. "... as a flood." Bro Steve.

    2. Bro Steve,

      The question wasn't for our true brethren, but for those non-believers, doubting Thomas' and the few anonymous mocking trolls popping up now and then.

      I pray not, but it may take the occurence of our Harpazo for the Truth to really hit home.

  28. Presently the "limited" IDF invasion of southern Lebanon is an initial advance to clear tunnels, bunkers and all private homes of Hezbollah's forces from the border north to the Litani River.

    This entire region...
    (1.) Was to be used by Hezbollah as staging ground for a mass invasion of northern Israel, and
    (2.) Is now an IDF-declared war zone in which any civilian presence is at the lethal risk of the individual.

    Israel is unilaterally implementing with full combat power UNSCR 1701 of 2006.

    And that's just for starters.

  29. At some unknowable point the war in the north will have the introduction of a CBRN* element (*Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear). At that point it will all go "off the rails."

  30. As you all know by now... the war has expanded. It's on between Iran and Israel, and hopefully the US has Israel's back. I hear 500+ ballistic missiles are/were inbound to Israel.

    1. Not sure "how" God accomplishes this (which doesn't really matter as He has promised He will), but this certainly appears to be heading to Iran soon....Jer 49:37 (NKJV) For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies And before those who seek their life. I will bring disaster upon them, My fierce anger,' says the LORD; 'And I will send the sword after them Until I have consumed them. Also praying the US has come to the aid of Israel. LD

    2. LD,

      I think the time has arrived.

  31. It's about 10 PM Israel time now (3 PM EDT), so viable news reporting might be slower than normal.

  32. Before the sun rises in the mideast on 2 October we can reasonably expect that Israel will have severely struck Iranian military targets.

    1. Sean, could this be the "Hooks " in the jaws ? Various reports floating around of Russias intent of backing Iran and also making demands of Israel

    2. Tommy,

      No, I don't think so. The hooks are related to Israel's victory, and the resultant economic windfall at Russia's (Magog's) expense in the loses they endure especially in Syria.

    3. I forgot about that part... as usual, your insight is like a flashlight in the dark !

  33. Yes, Iran has now gift wrapped its nuclear facilities for prompt destruction.

  34. sean, are all of the psalm 83 nations now involved? I think Jordan is the only psalm 83 nation not involved yet. am I correct?
    Jon Hartman

    1. Jon,

      Yes, they're all involved to one extent or another.

      Jordan (Edom, Moab and Ammon in those most ancient times) is with "them" as far as islam is concerned (the Jordanian waqf), but the government of Abdullah II is not yet officially involved militarily against Israel. Not yet anyway.

      Bellicose islamic rhetoric thus far from the government, and laxity when it comes to stopping Iranian weapons smuggling into Judea and Samaria through Jordan.

      The Jordanian "man on the street" is agitating to join the war, and Temple Mount will decide the issue for Jordan's participation.

    2. Jon,

      More to the point, Jordan's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi, this past week made it clear how tenuous the Jordan-Israel peace is at present. (Pro-HAMAS and Pro-Hezbollah)
      I'll post a link.

    3. thank you. after this VP "debate" I'll be checking out the link. thanks again
      Jon Hartman

    4. What the VP debate will miss is this.

      Both Biden and Harris very publicly spoke to Iran, saying "Don't."

      Guess what. Iran Did.

      No surprise.

    5. Actually, I quit watching it.I couldn't stand it anymore
      Jon Hartman

  35. AAR (After Action Report): About 200 Iranian missiles were launched, and about 180 were engaged by US Navy destroyers and Israel's Aerial Defense Array (Iron Dome, David's Sling, etc.). Most were intercepted, a few got through, but on the whole the Iranian attack was combat ineffective (a failure). Israel will retaliate significantly.

  36. Moving on to the next SITREP B8-24.

    In the meantime...

    The IDF has deployed more elite combat divisions, armor and mobile artillery into southern Lebanon.

    The IDF also has advised Lebanese civilians to get out of harms way by moving and/or staying north of the Awali River. The AwaliRiver is north of Sidon, and on an west-east axis is north of Damascus, Syria!

    1. So much for 'north of the Litani River'. No more messing around. From the tunnel raid footage circulating, it really looks like the Israeli SF caught Hezbollah napping. Can also see that these tunnels were significantly better built than their Gaza counterparts. Bro Steve

    2. For years the now displaced Israeli citizens reported hearing the sounds of Hezbollah's tunnel construction beneath their homes. Clearly the IDF had destroyed many of those tunnels in recent times, but kept a select number intact for the IDFs own military advantages.


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