20 October 2010: "Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow..." Revelation 9:16-17 (NKJV). Notice the emblem on Chinese PLA General Liang Guanglie's hat. Is it mere coincidence that the above Communist Chinese Army emblem contains the prophecied colors of the 200-million man army of the kings of the East?
Let's look as some prophetic specifics.
According to God, per Revelation 1:1, these kings of the East are on the move at the sounding of the 6th angel's trumpet during Daniel's 70th Week. Their army is numbered at 200,000,000 strong, and they kill a third of mankind while enroute across Asia to a crossing of the river Euphrates which is dried up in the 6th Bowl wrath of God Judgment found in Revelation 16:12-16.
According to the text of Daniel 11, particularly verses 42-44, after the other Middle Eastern military campaigns which the Antichrist executes successfully, news (i.e. military intelligence) comes to him about an approaching enemy force from the East and the North. Antichrist goes out with his military forces to engage them in battle.
"He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels. But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many."
A 200-million man army coming from East Asia would not approach the Euphrates along a single axis of advance. No, sound military tactics and warfighting doctrine would determine that these Asian forces will enter the region in several columns across a broad, 800-mile front from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea/Caucasus region. This 200-million man armed force will approach from the East and the North exactly as Daniel has foretold.
"He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels. But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many."
A 200-million man army coming from East Asia would not approach the Euphrates along a single axis of advance. No, sound military tactics and warfighting doctrine would determine that these Asian forces will enter the region in several columns across a broad, 800-mile front from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea/Caucasus region. This 200-million man armed force will approach from the East and the North exactly as Daniel has foretold.
Incidentally, the third of mankind which killed by these military forces are not necessarily resident on the continent of Asia, but all over the world, and which when expressed in real numbers and based upon today's population of the earth, amounts to over 2.025 billion people. These deaths are attribbuted to the Eastern kings weaponry which is described as fire, smoke and brimstone. The text provides a clear description of nuclear warfare on an unprecedented scale, and it is at the same time quite symbolic of their nuclear weaponry and its effects: the fire - of a nuclear blast, the smoke - the over-pressure of the expanding sphere of destruction, and the brimstone- the fallout of nuclear debris.
I hold no doubt that the prinicple of these kings of the East is mainland China. The colors match, they can field a conquering army of 200 million men and they are nuclear armed. China is the emergent eastern superpower.
And where is this 200-million man Army going? To the Battle of Har Megiddo where the Antichrist awaits with his own armies several hundred miles west of the Euphrates River. These kings of the East will be at war with the Antichrist. Coming to this realization answered another question I have long pondered: why must the Euphrates River be dried up? The answer is because in that day all of the land west of the Euphrates will be within the boundaries of a much enlarged Israel.
Here's proof:
"On the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying: “To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates— the Kenites, the Kenezzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.” - Genesis 15:18-20
“I will send My fear before you, I will cause confusion among all the people to whom you come, and will make all your enemies turn their backs to you. And I will send hornets before you, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite from before you. 29 I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land become desolate and the beasts of the field become too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased, and you inherit the land. And I will set your bounds from the Red Sea to the sea, Philistia, and from the desert to the River. For I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you shall drive them out before you." - Exodus 23:27-31
“For if you carefully keep all these commandments which I command you to do—to love the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways, and to hold fast to Him — then the LORD will drive out all these nations from before you, and you will dispossess greater and mightier nations than yourselves. Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the River Euphrates, even to the Western Sea, shall be your territory. No man shall be able to stand against you; the LORD your God will put the dread of you and the fear of you upon all the land where you tread, just as He has said to you." - Deuteronomy 11:22-25
"From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory." - Joshua 1:4
Interestingly, these verses also put the kibosh to the theory espoused by the proponents of an Islamic Antichrist - Eastern Leg empire since these soon-to-be-former Muslims lands will at that time belong to Israel - from Lebanon north to the former Hittite Empire which today comprises the bulk of modern Turkey and northern Syria, east to the Euphrates river and Iraq. When in all of previous history has Israel occupied the lands of the Hittites? Since the answer is never, then the occurance of Israel's occupation of the land promised by God in Exodus must be a future reality, and logically a result of the coming Gog-Magog war.
So why is this subject on my mind? In the past week both Bill Gertz and Debka posted reports on the presence of Chinese PLA Air Force warbirds in Turkey for participation in the recent "Anatolian Eagle" air combat exercise. The Su-27 and MiG-29 aircraft flew direct from China to a refueling on the ground in eastern Iran and then continued to the their deployment station at Konya Air Base in central Turkey. Previously only NATO allies and Israel participated in the exercise. Turkish PM Ergodan stated the Red Chinese participation signalled a raising of bi-lateral Turkish-Chinese military relations to a "strategic level" per an agreement signed in Ankara on 8 October 2010. An advance guard 'kings of the East" have arrived per the strategic agreement between Turkey and the People's Republic of China.
Bible prophecy is continually in the news these days.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see someone writing about the colors in Revelation. I have said this for a while. The flag we see flying over China is the communist flag, not the Republic of China Flag which flies over Taiwan. The colors on this flag are red, white, and blue, but I have read that when the flag is used in the military that the color white is often replaced by the color yellow. The colors represent the three main ethnic groups that make up China: red (Han), Blue (Mongol), and Yellow (Manchu).
Also, these are the exact colors on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations flag too:
ReplyDeleteIn reading the now completed article I think you will see that this is not about Gog/Magog. This is about a certain time in Daniel's 70th Week and thru to the Battle of Har Meggido.
i`m not entirely sure as to whether the 200million army is a human military army from the east or literally 200 million DEMONIC horsemen. after all, the previous judgement appears to be demonic locust (that is appears to be locust). either senerio would make perfect sense tho and a (literal) 1/3 of humanity dies either way.
ReplyDeleteI never thought it was about Gog/Magog. I was referring to the Kings of East mentioned in Revelation. My comment on White was the fact that they are missing from their colors because this small Muslim minority could join the Gog/Magog invasion. We have already captured some Chinese Muslims in Afghanistan (I believe), and had them in Guantanamo.
Revelation 9 concerns 2 different trumpets blown for two different purposes of God.
ReplyDeleteRevelation 9:1-12 is about the 5th Trumpet which releases the demons from the Abyss led by Abaddon/Apollyon and they perform their function upon the unsealed for just 5 months. This is the first Woe.
Revelation 9:13-21 is about the 6th Trumpet which marks the beginning of a war, the KILLINg of 1/3 of all mankind, and the over 4,000 mile march of the kings of the East - who are literal kingdom on the earth - towards the Holy Land.
These are very distinct events of two different Judgments.
The vivid description is symbolic of their nuclear weaponry and its effects: the fire - of a nuclear blast, the smoke - the over-pressure of the expanding destruction, and the brimstone- the fallout nuclear debris.
Both of these Trumpets (5th and 6th Trumpets) occur prior to the Angel with the little book the John eats (Rev. 10), followed by the appearance of the Two Witnesses, and then finally the 7th Trumpet which proclaims the Kingdom of Heaven.
People who confuse these verses in Revelation 9 are in effect saying through their confusion that God has the same purpose for two different trumpets of His Judgment. No, He has two Judgments announced by two distinct trumpet blasts.
Additionally, why would the Euphrates River need be dried up at a very spepcific time for demonic beings to cross? No, the four angles dry up the Euphrates to prepare the way for the massive army of the literal kings of the East.
ReplyDeleteThe color white is not mentioned in Revelation 9.
Again, Gog/Magog has nothing to do with the march to Armageddon. They are two distinct events separated by several years of time as we know it.
hmm....i`m gonna hafta reread the chapters a little closer. i`m leading a bible study on prophecy to mostly 18-19 year olds who have never been taught prophecy, this study will come in handy when i go over the judgements. i`m gonna xplain both positions.
ReplyDeleteI know they are two separate events, not saying they are the same event. Disregard that comment. It has to do with the colors China use that correspond to the different ethnic groups.
ReplyDeleteVery informative as always, thank you. I do a lot of studying of prophecy, but something still stumps me. Some prophecy teachers say that what John was seeing are metaphors, ie., locusts = helicopters. I take the bible literally though. What are thoughts on the 'Horseman?' Do you think the Kings of the East are on horseback? Nuclear fallout could destroy a lot computer boards etc., which would disable all sorts of war machines. If you believe they are on horse back, does China currently have that many horses to support an army that size? I'm sort of rambling but appreciate your thoughts. GB
ReplyDeleteYour question brings up a slightly different aspect of the two distinct Trumpets of Judgment in Revelation 9 than the points I raised in my response above.
I'm going to repeat those responses with more context to also answer your question.
Revelation 9:1-12 is about the 5th Trumpet which releases the demons from the Abyss led by Abaddon/Apollyon and they perform their function upon the unsealed of God for 5 months of literal time. In the vivid symbolism of the imagery of demonic locusts, there is no death of any of mankind involved, only the 100% spiritual torments of these demons from the abyss led by Abaddon/Apollyon.
(See Revelation 11:7, 17:8-14 and 20:1-3 for additional context... and then explore the question of whether or not Abaddon/Apollyon is Satan, Lucifer, the Dragon, the Beast, and what happens to whom upon the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.)
What are demons? They are fallen angels. All angels are created beings, and in their creation they were created to look very much just like mankind, and were actually mistaken as being men. (See Genesis 19:1-13)
Thus the symbolism of being scorpion-like stinging locusts which have the shape of horses prepared for battle, with mens afaces and womens hair is precisely that - it's a spiritually manifested judgment of 5 months duration upon an unrepentant mankind. This is the first woe.
Revelation 9:13-21 is about the 6th Trumpet which marks the beginning of a war, the KILLING of 1/3 of all mankind, and the over 4,000 mile march of the kings of the East - who are literal kingdoms on this earth - towards the Holy Land.
In the VISION they are warriors sitting upon horses, who contrary to the imagery above, have heads like lions breathing the fire, smoke and brimstone represented by the breatplates the literal men upon them are wearing.
The vivid description is symbolic of their nuclear weaponry and its effects: the fire - of a nuclear blast, the smoke - the over-pressure of the expanding destruction, and the brimstone- the fallout nuclear debris.
ReplyDeleteYour question brings up a slightly different aspect of the two distinct Trumpets of Judgment in Revelation 9 than the points I raised in my response above.
I'm going to repeat those responses with more context to also answer your question.
Revelation 9:1-12 is about the 5th Trumpet which releases the demons from the Abyss led by Abaddon/Apollyon and they perform their function upon the unsealed of God for 5 months of literal time. In the vivid symbolism of the imagery of demonic locusts, there is no death of any of mankind involved, only the 100% spiritual torments of these demons from the abyss led by Abaddon/Apollyon.
(See Revelation 11:7, 17:8-14 and 20:1-3 for additional context... and then explore the question of whether or not Abaddon/Apollyon is Satan, Lucifer, the Dragon, the Beast, and what happens to whom upon the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.)
What are demons? They are fallen angels. All angels are created beings, and in their creation they were created to look very much just like mankind, and were actually mistaken as being men. (See Genesis 19:1-13)
Thus the symbolism of being scorpion-like stinging locusts which have the shape of horses prepared for battle, with mens afaces and womens hair is precisely that - it's a spiritually manifested judgment of 5 months duration upon an unrepentant mankind. This is the first woe.
Revelation 9:13-21 is about the 6th Trumpet which marks the beginning of a war, the KILLING of 1/3 of all mankind, and the over 4,000 mile march of the kings of the East - who are literal kingdoms on this earth - towards the Holy Land.
In the VISION they are warriors sitting upon horses, who contrary to the imagery above, have heads like lions breathing the fire, smoke and brimstone represented by the breatplates the literal men upon them are wearing.
The vivid description is symbolic of their nuclear weaponry and its effects: the fire - of a nuclear blast, the smoke - the over-pressure of the expanding destruction, and the brimstone- the fallout nuclear debris.
ReplyDeleteYour question brings up a slightly different aspect of the two distinct Trumpets of Judgment in Revelation 9 than the points I raised in my response above.
I'm going to repeat those responses with more context to also answer your question.
Revelation 9:1-12 is about the 5th Trumpet which releases the demons from the Abyss led by Abaddon/Apollyon and they perform their function upon the unsealed of God for 5 months of literal time. In the vivid symbolism of the imagery of demonic locusts, there is no death of any of mankind involved, only the 100% spiritual torments of these demons from the abyss led by Abaddon/Apollyon.
(See Revelation 11:7, 17:8-14 and 20:1-3 for additional context... and then explore the question of whether or not Abaddon/Apollyon is Satan, Lucifer, the Dragon, the Beast, and what happens to whom upon the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.)
What are demons? They are fallen angels. All angels are created beings, and in their creation they were created to look very much just like mankind, and were actually mistaken as being men. (See Genesis 19:1-13)
Thus the symbolism of being scorpion-like stinging locusts which have the shape of horses prepared for battle, with mens afaces and womens hair is precisely that - it's a spiritually manifested judgment of 5 months duration upon an unrepentant mankind. This is the first woe.
Revelation 9:13-21 is about the 6th Trumpet which marks the beginning of a war, the KILLING of 1/3 of all mankind, and the over 4,000 mile march of the kings of the East - who are literal kingdoms on this earth - towards the Holy Land.
In the VISION they are warriors sitting upon horses, who contrary to the imagery above, have heads like lions breathing the fire, smoke and brimstone represented by the breatplates the literal men upon them are wearing.
The vivid description is symbolic of their nuclear weaponry and its effects: the fire - of a nuclear blast, the smoke - the over-pressure of the expanding destruction, and the brimstone- the fallout nuclear debris.
thank you Sean! ; }
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. I probably should have given more detail at the get-go because those verses from Revelation 9 have befuddled a lot of folks for a long time.
Many still do not see the clear distinctions between the 5th and 6th Trumpets events, the timelines involved, and the torment vs death aspects.
The other night I was listnig to an old Bad Company recording of a song called "Joe Fabulous". In that song, Paul Rodgers says, "There are no nations, just large corporations, flying the flag of the day."
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't agree with that in it's entirety, I do think I understand the sentiment. I have come under the conviction of late that the leaders of nations like North Korea, China, Iran, Syria, Russia, etc. have given themselves over to Satan. They are now no longer acting of their own volition, but rather being directed and used by the evil one in his endgame scenario. Because of this, their rejection of Christ, and their desire to serve Satan, God will punish them and destroy them completely.
I have a great fear that our country, the United States is following this same path, and as such is in for the same final judgement. I pray that this country have a spiritual awakening, and that our people and leaders come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and seek forgiveness from God, and his restoration. Maybe we will see some evidence of this desire for restoration and forgiveness in the upcoming election, but it has to start in each of our hearts.
"Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done."
Anonymous wrote:
ReplyDelete"I would guess that dissenting comments are not acceptable--for example, comments from atheists, agnostics, skeptics, non-fundamentalist or evangelical churches, REAL theologians, evolutionary biologists, climate change supporters, and the scientific community in general. Or am I being unfair?"
You guess quite correctly. However, there is nothing unfair about my ignoring of such opinions, which is all that would be posted.
There is zero utility in debating this or any topic of deep religious conviction with any of the aforementioned un-saved or non-Bride of Christ types because none of them have any frame of reference for Holy Spirit-inspired truth or prayer-response revelations, and especially of those you refer to a "REAL theologians."
Find me a "REAL theologian" who has received a baptism in the Holy Spirit and I'll show you someone who would never dare to refute or debate what the Holy Spirit has informed us about.
Sean, I'm not sure if the Kings of the East has a more updated Sitrep. If one exists I was unable to find it. It's been 12 years since this one, with a few comments in later years. I would say that what was written is just as relevant today except China's influence is certainly far greater proving the Word of God's accuracy that all the pieces are falling into place.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading Revelation 9 through again one thing that stands out to me is...
"Rev 9:15 So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind."
This verse certainly sets a date even to the hour in human history for these events to occur during Daniel's 70th week. I have to admit I wish I knew that day and year. lol!
Anyways, I take this verse as literal, if I'm wrong I would welcome insight.
This Sitrep was a good refresher.
DeleteI was, for a while this month, on a hot standby to post a Part II for this SITREP. So from DEFCON 1 for a PLA assault on Taiwan we're back to a quick halt hold at DEFCON 2. Maybe I should post it anyway just to be at least current.
I used the search function to help me find this Sitrep but I knew what I was looking for.
DeleteMaybe new visitors would benefit also with the update.
I agree, and so a new and significantly updated SITREP on "The Kings of the East" is in progress.