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Har Megiddo National Park in Israel |
12 June 2016: (Continuation of this post is Below) As seen in the image above, the vast Plain of Jezreel lies before the elevated land mount known in Hebrew since ancient times as Har Megiddo. This mount and the plain before it have on the whole become a byword for the end of the age, and known simply as Armageddon, as taken directly from The Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 16, verse 16:
"And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Harmagedōn."
This prophetic event is final 70th Week global war between the alliance of governments under the leadership of the Antichrist and his earthly enemies, known rather simplistically in Biblical eschatology as the "kings of the east." This war is prophetically announced in the concluding words of Daniel 9:27c:
"Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate."
As discussed previously in Eschatology Today blog items, this final global war occurs during the finale of the angel Gabriel's prophecy concerning Israel's 70th Week (Daniel 9:24-27). However, in real-world terms it almost certainly will occur during the terminal 42 months 7th year (Daniel 11:40-45). Global wars are prosecuted for years, as we have seen in real-time since September 11, 2001 to the present. As can be seen in that passage of Scripture from Daniel, this final global war commences with an Islamist/Russian attack upon the Antichrist's dominion of nations and results in a devastating counter-offensive against those enemies. This global war is vividly described in Jeremiah 25:32-34:
"Thus says the Lord of hosts:
“Behold, disaster shall go forth
From nation to nation,
And a great whirlwind shall be raised up
From the farthest parts of the earth.
And at that day the slain of the Lord shall be from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth. They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried; they shall become refuse on the ground.
“Wail, shepherds, and cry!
Roll about in the ashes,
You leaders of the flock!
For the days of your slaughter and your dispersions are fulfilled;
You shall fall like a precious vessel."
It is at this time that the consummation the Lord's determined wrath poured out upon the earth and its inhabitants is completed.
And it is also at this point in time during the 70th Week that the Lord Jesus Christ suddenly appears in space above and entering the earth's atmosphere with His army of saints to put an end to the global war which Jesus revealed in His 'Olivet Discourse' that no living flesh would have survived were He not to intervene directly.
So, this is how human rule on the Earth comes to an end and the Kingdom of the Lord becomes established. But what happens during the earlier portions of the 70th Week?
As we have seen in the recently revised Part V: Ezekiel 38/39 as a transitional Event to the 70th Week of The Prophetic Road to Revelation, there is a global war involving weapons of mass destruction which serves as the transition in that it completes the stage setting necessary for the Antichrist rise to absolute power through his confirming a covenant (peace treaty) among many nations. That covenant will appear, falsely, to have settled all issues which brought about the brief but extremely violent events described in Ezekiel 38/39.
This is the point during my composing this post at which I sat relatively idle and necessarily prayerfully silent for the past couple of weeks, not knowing where or how the Lord would have me go in furthering in this eschatological interpretation of the events of the 70th Week.
My prayers did not have to wait very long for a response. Out of the blue I am informed by an Email that I am to receive Dr. David Reagan's (Lamb & Lion Ministries) newest book (image above), "Wrath and Glory: The Meaning of the Book of Revelation." This is a revised or second edition of the original first published in August 2001, a month prior to September 11 and the start of the long war between Islamists and the West which has continued to the present moment, and according to Gabriel prophecy of Daniel 11, will continue into the 70th Week. I stated in earlier posts that the past is prologue for the future. It is my personal view that since 9/11 we have been living in an almost benign prologue of what will occur during the 70th Week when WMD use (nuclear, biological and chemical warfare) will be the norm rather than the dreaded exception it is today.
My prayers did not have to wait very long for a response. Out of the blue I am informed by an Email that I am to receive Dr. David Reagan's (Lamb & Lion Ministries) newest book (image above), "Wrath and Glory: The Meaning of the Book of Revelation." This is a revised or second edition of the original first published in August 2001, a month prior to September 11 and the start of the long war between Islamists and the West which has continued to the present moment, and according to Gabriel prophecy of Daniel 11, will continue into the 70th Week. I stated in earlier posts that the past is prologue for the future. It is my personal view that since 9/11 we have been living in an almost benign prologue of what will occur during the 70th Week when WMD use (nuclear, biological and chemical warfare) will be the norm rather than the dreaded exception it is today.
Now, there are a great many books written concerning the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which is in essence the story told in prophecy about the coming events of the 70th Week. Some of these great many books are, quite frankly, very bad and not worth your time in reading them. However, there are some, more than a few actually, which are very, very good. One such book was the first one of this type I ever read and was written by Jack Van Impe (pub. 1982), titled "Revelation Revealed".
However, since my opening and commencement of virtually non-stop reading of Dr. Reagan's book this weekend, there is no question that his book is fully a cut above all of the rest of the good books on this subject, not that this is any sort of a surprise given the years of Bible scholarship that have come from Dr. Reagan's pen and keyboard. And, yes, this is a boldly certain endorsement of Dr. Reagan's book; it is without question fully a Spirit-guided book. Its content and resources make it indispensable for any student of Bible prophecy library, even if you happen to already possess the original 2001 edition.
While I will not at this point quote from Dr. Reagan's book directly, as that will require a specific permission to do so, I will in the coming days address many of the keys he identifies as necessary in coming to a greater understanding of what the Revelation of Jesus Christ is. As always, the Holy Spirit will be your guide.
I was immediately drawn and fascinated by the cover artwork for this book. Look closely, down towards the Earth below and behind our triumphant returning Messiah. You will see the 70th Week version of Har Megiddo which stands in stark contrast to the image at the top of this post. Look even closer and you will see combat aircraft at full afterburner, attack choppers, missiles and all manner of modern military hardware in full battle array engaged deep into a pitched battle rhythm. This image precisely illustrates what the angel Gabriel and John the Revelator describe to us in their respective Scriptures. The cover art is an image of ancient Bible prophecy coming to fulfillment in a 21st century world with 21st century hardware, and which which has been a consistent theme of Eschatology Today. It puts a 21st century face on Biblical prophetic texts which are in excess of 2,500 years old.
The Book of Daniel and the Revelation of Jesus Christ are Spiritual companions of each other. They come from the same Source. They prophesy about the same period of time which is the finality of the 70th Week. The difference for us is that neither is about the distant future with respect to our time. As Daniel was twice informed (Daniel 12:4 and Daniel 12:9) in the book which bears his name, "Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end." This book, and this blog, are about the fact that these prophetic Scriptures are no longer sealed up, they are about the end times in which we live and which we can and should fully understand. The watchmen have been enabled and know with great precision what they are to watch for.
The discussion of Part VI: The 70th Week began with a virtual snapshot of the ultimate and final battlefield at Harmagedōn and linked that to how the 70th Week commences with the Antichrist's confirming of a "covenant (treaty) among many" nations following the chaos of Ezekiel 38/39.
This was intentional and is similar to how the text of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is put together by an omnipotent and utterly sovereign God who exists independent of time and space. As you read through its chapters the texts will jump in time, going either forward or backward at will, but always with the purpose of foretelling the wrath-filled future of the 70th Week and revealing Jesus Christ throughout the process, and in so doing revealing the very nature of God the Father.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ is understandable today simply because the time for its fulfillment is near. That's the work of the Holy Spirit manifest. Just as the Book of Daniel has been unsealed and is understandable simply because we are living in the days of the time of the end of mankind's political rule over the Earth. The end results in the beginning of Jesus Christ's eternal rule as King of kings and Lord of lords.
We should all be reading this book, in prayerful study and in conjunction with the other prophetic books of the Bible, such as Daniel. Do you know why? Because God promises that all who do so (as well as those who hear and those who heed these words) will be Blessed! The Greek word for blessed in this text is makarios, and it means to be blessed in the most supreme manner possible by God the Father. Good reason to start reading, right?
So, what will come next in Part VI: The 70th Week are some of the essential details, given in an orderly fashion so that they make sense and through the power of the Holy Spirit enabling a full, big picture view of the text. God not only whats you to read this book, of which He is the original author, but He wants you to understand it so that you can teach it to others in your family, friends and perfect strangers if and when that potential arises for you.
I am sure we have all seen the various graphically illustrated timelines for the 70th Week. If on the rare chance you've not seen one before simply Google "end of days timeline" and select images Dozens of different variations will be presented for your viewing. Most, if not all, are a simplistic combination of pictures and brief descriptions illustrating the passage of time future from the point of the Harpazo (Rapture) of the bride of Christ to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
I will present the same information but in a slightly different manner.
The Harpazo/Rapture occurs prior to the revealing of the Antichrist. In less than a microsecond the millions upon millions of deceased true believers of Jesus Christ will be instantly raised from the dead in eternal spiritual bodies just like Jesus has after His resurrection, and those who are alive on the Earth will be instantaneously transfigured into the same type of eternal spiritual bodies. Both groups will meet Jesus Christ in the air and enter into Heaven with Him.
The 70th Week begins with the appearance of a rider on a white horse (left in the below image). This is the first of the so-called "four horsemen of the apocalypse" which are symbolic representations of the Antichrist, Global Warfare, Scarcity of Food, and Death. These four are present whenever and wherever war occurs, however, during the 70th Week their effects will be more terrible and unprecedented than at anytime in the history of the Earth. The event which reveals the Antichrist is a covenant (peace treaty) that he will confirm among many nations for a period of 7 years. From the Biblical perspective, the most important of the nations within the provisions of the treaty will be Israel. Antichrist will unilaterally abrogate this covenant with Israel exactly 42 months after he confirms it.
The Antichrist a/k/a the "first beast" of Revelation 13:1-8 is literally an extremely charismatic man who initially mimics the Lord Jesus Christ; he is an imitation Christ, a false, satanically-empowered messiah, a man who orthodox Jews will accept as being Moshiach ben David according to Jesus Christ as recorded in John 5:43. Antichrist brings with him the other three "horsemen" and their appearances are rapid sequential. Also with the Antichrist is a false religious leader, the false prophet, a/k/a the "second beast" of Revelation 13:11-17 who will also be satanic in nature, and in combination with Antichrist and Satan forms an unholy trinity, a false godhead. What the false prophet will do as empowered by Satan is clearly and plainly written in the text
Concurrent with the appearance of the Antichrist and his confirming of the covenant among many nations are the sealing of God's elect: the 144,000 Jewish evangelists and the non-Jewish believers in Christ. The are sealed so that no harm comes from God's wrath being poured out upon the planet during the 70th Week. Also concurrent is the ministry of the Two Witnesses. The details of their ministry is given to us all clearly and plainly written in the text of Revelation 11.
Notice that I have now used the phrase "clearly and plainly written in the text of..." twice. This is of great importance because it is through the plain text that God communicates prophecy directly to each of us. Nothing is hidden, everything is completely understandable and all of it is literal as literal can be. Anyone who says you cannot understand the Revelation of Jesus Christ by simply reading the text of this book is a liar. Again, the Holy Spirit is your guide and comforter in this endeavor, He will convict you of its absolute truth.
If you have any questions as you read the Revelation of Jesus Christ post them in a comment and timely answers will be provided.
However, since my opening and commencement of virtually non-stop reading of Dr. Reagan's book this weekend, there is no question that his book is fully a cut above all of the rest of the good books on this subject, not that this is any sort of a surprise given the years of Bible scholarship that have come from Dr. Reagan's pen and keyboard. And, yes, this is a boldly certain endorsement of Dr. Reagan's book; it is without question fully a Spirit-guided book. Its content and resources make it indispensable for any student of Bible prophecy library, even if you happen to already possess the original 2001 edition.
While I will not at this point quote from Dr. Reagan's book directly, as that will require a specific permission to do so, I will in the coming days address many of the keys he identifies as necessary in coming to a greater understanding of what the Revelation of Jesus Christ is. As always, the Holy Spirit will be your guide.
I was immediately drawn and fascinated by the cover artwork for this book. Look closely, down towards the Earth below and behind our triumphant returning Messiah. You will see the 70th Week version of Har Megiddo which stands in stark contrast to the image at the top of this post. Look even closer and you will see combat aircraft at full afterburner, attack choppers, missiles and all manner of modern military hardware in full battle array engaged deep into a pitched battle rhythm. This image precisely illustrates what the angel Gabriel and John the Revelator describe to us in their respective Scriptures. The cover art is an image of ancient Bible prophecy coming to fulfillment in a 21st century world with 21st century hardware, and which which has been a consistent theme of Eschatology Today. It puts a 21st century face on Biblical prophetic texts which are in excess of 2,500 years old.
The Book of Daniel and the Revelation of Jesus Christ are Spiritual companions of each other. They come from the same Source. They prophesy about the same period of time which is the finality of the 70th Week. The difference for us is that neither is about the distant future with respect to our time. As Daniel was twice informed (Daniel 12:4 and Daniel 12:9) in the book which bears his name, "Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end." This book, and this blog, are about the fact that these prophetic Scriptures are no longer sealed up, they are about the end times in which we live and which we can and should fully understand. The watchmen have been enabled and know with great precision what they are to watch for.
The discussion of Part VI: The 70th Week began with a virtual snapshot of the ultimate and final battlefield at Harmagedōn and linked that to how the 70th Week commences with the Antichrist's confirming of a "covenant (treaty) among many" nations following the chaos of Ezekiel 38/39.
This was intentional and is similar to how the text of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is put together by an omnipotent and utterly sovereign God who exists independent of time and space. As you read through its chapters the texts will jump in time, going either forward or backward at will, but always with the purpose of foretelling the wrath-filled future of the 70th Week and revealing Jesus Christ throughout the process, and in so doing revealing the very nature of God the Father.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ is understandable today simply because the time for its fulfillment is near. That's the work of the Holy Spirit manifest. Just as the Book of Daniel has been unsealed and is understandable simply because we are living in the days of the time of the end of mankind's political rule over the Earth. The end results in the beginning of Jesus Christ's eternal rule as King of kings and Lord of lords.
We should all be reading this book, in prayerful study and in conjunction with the other prophetic books of the Bible, such as Daniel. Do you know why? Because God promises that all who do so (as well as those who hear and those who heed these words) will be Blessed! The Greek word for blessed in this text is makarios, and it means to be blessed in the most supreme manner possible by God the Father. Good reason to start reading, right?
So, what will come next in Part VI: The 70th Week are some of the essential details, given in an orderly fashion so that they make sense and through the power of the Holy Spirit enabling a full, big picture view of the text. God not only whats you to read this book, of which He is the original author, but He wants you to understand it so that you can teach it to others in your family, friends and perfect strangers if and when that potential arises for you.
I am sure we have all seen the various graphically illustrated timelines for the 70th Week. If on the rare chance you've not seen one before simply Google "end of days timeline" and select images Dozens of different variations will be presented for your viewing. Most, if not all, are a simplistic combination of pictures and brief descriptions illustrating the passage of time future from the point of the Harpazo (Rapture) of the bride of Christ to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
I will present the same information but in a slightly different manner.
The Harpazo/Rapture occurs prior to the revealing of the Antichrist. In less than a microsecond the millions upon millions of deceased true believers of Jesus Christ will be instantly raised from the dead in eternal spiritual bodies just like Jesus has after His resurrection, and those who are alive on the Earth will be instantaneously transfigured into the same type of eternal spiritual bodies. Both groups will meet Jesus Christ in the air and enter into Heaven with Him.
The 70th Week begins with the appearance of a rider on a white horse (left in the below image). This is the first of the so-called "four horsemen of the apocalypse" which are symbolic representations of the Antichrist, Global Warfare, Scarcity of Food, and Death. These four are present whenever and wherever war occurs, however, during the 70th Week their effects will be more terrible and unprecedented than at anytime in the history of the Earth. The event which reveals the Antichrist is a covenant (peace treaty) that he will confirm among many nations for a period of 7 years. From the Biblical perspective, the most important of the nations within the provisions of the treaty will be Israel. Antichrist will unilaterally abrogate this covenant with Israel exactly 42 months after he confirms it.
The Antichrist a/k/a the "first beast" of Revelation 13:1-8 is literally an extremely charismatic man who initially mimics the Lord Jesus Christ; he is an imitation Christ, a false, satanically-empowered messiah, a man who orthodox Jews will accept as being Moshiach ben David according to Jesus Christ as recorded in John 5:43. Antichrist brings with him the other three "horsemen" and their appearances are rapid sequential. Also with the Antichrist is a false religious leader, the false prophet, a/k/a the "second beast" of Revelation 13:11-17 who will also be satanic in nature, and in combination with Antichrist and Satan forms an unholy trinity, a false godhead. What the false prophet will do as empowered by Satan is clearly and plainly written in the text
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Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse |
Notice that I have now used the phrase "clearly and plainly written in the text of..." twice. This is of great importance because it is through the plain text that God communicates prophecy directly to each of us. Nothing is hidden, everything is completely understandable and all of it is literal as literal can be. Anyone who says you cannot understand the Revelation of Jesus Christ by simply reading the text of this book is a liar. Again, the Holy Spirit is your guide and comforter in this endeavor, He will convict you of its absolute truth.
If you have any questions as you read the Revelation of Jesus Christ post them in a comment and timely answers will be provided.
Sean, I am thankful that God has given the church teachers that help us put the pieces of the eschatology puzzle together. Even though at times they have tried to make pieces fit where they do not belong, the Holy Spirit will give someone the right piece. We certainly are blessed by You and other teachers to equip us. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAll glory to God, His Son and the Holy Spirit.
ReplyDeleteQuestion, you mentioned the book of Daniel being sealed until the time of the end, (actually, scripture mentions it). When did the book of Daniel begin to be unsealed? Was it at the completion of revelation, the rebirth of israel, or at a later date?
ReplyDeleteMany are there who deny the existence of Divine inspiration. I am here to testify that the painting which adorns the front cover of Dr. David Reagan's book was - without a doubt whatsoever - Divinely inspired.
ReplyDeleteTo the best of my current knowledge, the original hand-painted artwork was created by a teenage young man. Obviously he completed the painting some time prior to the original publication date of the book (AUG 2001). In my post above I noted my initial impression regarding the presence of 21st century military hardware in the image. Dr. Reagan made note of my initial reaction and sent me a HD copy of the original artwork.
That's when I found out why the image stuck me initially, and what I soon discovered literally blew me away. Hard proof of Divine inspiration stares all of us in the face through this young man's painting titled "Messhia".
Here is my response to Dr. Reagan on what I found in the image.
"At first sight I came under the immediate and distinct impression that this artwork was truly Divinely inspired. That's what initially got me excited about the artwork. Looking closer at the HD copy I now have no doubt whatsoever. Simply put there are types of military equipment in the image that simply did not exist in 2001 and, in fact, were just concepts for the future the public could not have known anything about.
Specifically, I clearly see a U.S. Army communications vehicle in this painting. It is on a ridge line next to Jesus' left ankle (right side of the image) It is a HMMWV M-1097 chassis used for tactical Ku-band satellite communications. I personally hand-built the original prototype of this vehicle in 2003-2004 at the (redacted), so I know with absolute certainty that young Douglas Hicks could not have been aware of it's future existence and fielding in 2005."
ReplyDeleteAlmighty God is not going to leave one little detail to chance and all of us know this, even to thee smallest details! You know this and there is a reason you are doing exactly what you have been doing all of these dedicated years. You are a Watchman on the Wall and also located on the high hill! Think of your profession and what you have been dedicated to all of these years are not by accident! That is true of all Real Believers of Jesus Christ! We were all kept here for this Time and this Season by the Creator of all creation!
Dr. Reagan just has a Divine Assignment to lay bare Abba's clear Word on these final days assigned to The Church Age and to put into the dust every lying tongue and teacher who has misrepresented God's Word! Satan will never miss an opportunity to corrupt or put to nothing God's intent and purpose but the Church (that is all of us who are truly HIS) has the Supreme Authority over all the forces of evil!
All of us have to be diligent to the real TRUTH and always watchful and continuously being renewwd in and by The HOLY SPIRIT!
Keeping you in my prayers and always entering into agreement with your words of great wisdom and testimony on our behalf.
ReplyDeleteThe artist of the painting was 17-year old Phelan Douglas Hicks, of Henryville, Indiana. He was 17 in 1979. He died two years later (drowned Lake Michigan) while performing missionary work in Chicago (inner city).
The military hardware Phelan Douglas included in his painting of Jesus' Second Coming would not exist for another quarter century!
(Edit : This comment has been edited to make a single point)
Your answer is in the question you just asked. I'll repeat your question with emphasis added.
"Question, you mentioned the book of Daniel being sealed until the time of the end, (actually, scripture mentions it)."
Again, directly from the Scripture, Daniel 12:4 says "seal the book until the time of the end, and verse 9 repeats it, "the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end."
So, let me ask you a pair of questions.
Are we living in the time of the end?
If so, then is the Book of Daniel sealed or is it unsealed for us (the wise) to understand?
Answer to the first question: Yes, we are living in the time of the end.
Answer to the second question: Yes, the Book of Daniel has been unsealed by the Holy Spirit so that the wise (Bride of Christ) can understand its prophetic content.
However, the Book of Daniel remains sealed to the wicked so that they will not understand its prophetic content.
Section 19th June
ReplyDeleteKISS(Keep it simple Sean) and you have.
I enjoyed this as it leaves it as is, without embellishment.
Thumbs up.
Hey Sean,
ReplyDeleteI was wondering what your thoughts were on the wedding procession of the groom? Do you have any thoughts on what we will see? I read in Rev 1:12 that John heard the voice "like a trumpet blast" and the first thing he describes seeing (after he heard the voice)is the 7 gold lamp stands.
Thinking about the groom approaching, was it the pronouncement of his approach that made the torch bearers come into view, or was it seeing the torch bearers that tipped off his arrival. Probably splitting hairs....I just know I'm looking at all times now for something,
ReplyDeleteI believe that for the Harpazo only the bride, as enabled by the Holy Spirit, will be able to see Jesus' procession coming in some manner which is not precisely described in Scripture. The imagery is of torches leading the procession, and upon arrival of the procession a great shout announced the arrival. This is when both the dead and the living in Christ will be taken up.
As stated before, since we are commanded to "Watch!" then there literally will be something for us to see approaching. Lights perhaps, as a "type" of torch. Noah had 7 days advance notice from God directly to prepare for entry into the ark. There is a lot of consistency here between type and actuality.
Notice the clouds in the Messhia image of this post. That is literally how Jesus Second Coming will appear as stated in Revelation 1:7, and which is identical to Matthew 24:30 and Matthew 26:64; this is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ at the end of the 70th Week. Every eye shall see Him coming then, saint and sinner alike.
Here's a question about the Olivet Discourse that ties in to the blog teaching you wrote about the rapture. In Matthew 24:40-41, Jesus says two people will be in a field (or in a flour mill), one taken and the other left. Is this a hint of the rapture, Sean, or of the sheep and goat judgment when Jesus returns to earth in His second coming? I've read a few Bible studies that teach the Olivet Discourse is aimed at the Jews. But, like some prophecies that have several layers of application, the Church can see the hour of His return drawing near because the future events in these prophecies are casting their shadows long before the actual events arrive. Your thoughts are most appreciated.
ReplyDelete- Brian from Florida
ReplyDeleteSince the bride of Christ (a/k/a the Church) is removed from the Earth via Jesus in the Harpazo prior to the 70th Week, yes, by any measure, the 70th Week is all about Israel.
And so said the angel Gabriel at the outset of his 70 Weeks prophecy given to Daniel in Daniel 9:24
"Seventy sevens are determined for your people and for your holy city,
To finish the transgression,
To seal up sins,
To make reconciliation for iniquity,
To bring in everlasting righteousness,
To seal up vision and prophecy,
And to anoint the Most Holy."
Gabriel then details the actual years of weeks which make up the seventy sevens. Sixty-nine of those sevens (weeks of years) are now in history and only 1 week of seven years remains to pass in the near future.
Jesus' prophesying in Matthew 24:40-41 MUST be taken in the context of verses 36 through 39, which are specifically about the Harpazo.
Only God the Father knows when He will send His Son to collect His bride.
However, once Jesus departs Heaven to collect the Bride to procession commences. The procession will very likely involve millions upon millions of the angelic host who come with Him.
If some disagree with this, to them I would ask:
"So, when the seven days will complete and Noah entered into the ark with his sons, their wives and thousands of animals, would you deny that there were in attendance at that event an angelic host in numbers like the grains of sand on a beachfront?"
And after a short pause I would say:
"How many more of the angelic host would be at the Harpazo of the dead and living in Christ?"
Good stuff. Thanks for the clear teaching, Sean.
ReplyDelete- Brian from Florida
Hey Sean, I stopped reading the latest book that comes out on last days events years ago but out of great respect for you and following your blog I downloaded Dr. Reagans book the other day. I have only read a few chapters and was able to have a good conversation with a young christian about rules of interpretation that really lit there zeal on fire. Praise God!
ReplyDeleteI hope this stirs alot of questions like back in January on a previous sitrep. To gain wisdom on the 70th week will certainly bless us all.
Sean, When Jesus was born into this world the angelic hosts proclaimed His arrival and satan also tried to kill the child by killing a multitude of babies fulfilling the scriptures. Are there any prophetic scriptures written that tell us what the enemy will try to do as He sees the procession approach.?
ReplyDeleteOr maybe this is a foolish question.:)
Great question Jeff! And I'm going outside of the proverbial box to answer it, and of necessity I have to begin the answer with a question. This answer comes from joining two major prophetic Scriptures together.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the one thing in prophecy which God has kept to Himself, so the not even the Son nor the angels nor any man is aware of it, but only God the Father?
The timing of the Harpazo/Rapture.
And since Satan is fully aware of what is written in Scripture, what is the one thing that must happen in which Satan will finally come to the realization that he? (You did reference where this answer lies in Scripture in the prelude to your question.)
The answer here is, and we have discussed this on Eschatology Today previously, the events described in Revelation 12.
We have to remember in dealing with this that time and space are irrelevant in the "third Heaven" (2 Corinthians 12:2), and that their properties only apply to the first and second heavens, which are the atmosphere and space above the earth.
So, God sees that all is prepared and He sends His Son to collect His bride from the earth. At this point Satan knows what comes next, he is enraged and, as Scripture tells us in Revelation 12:7-9 ...
"And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
By the way, keep reading this Scripture, continue to verse 11 which is one of the most powerful in the entire Word of God:
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."
All of this results in verse 12 of Revelation 12: (notice the word "heavens" is plural)
"Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time."
So, what does Satan do as he sees the Harpazo begin? He and his fallen angels launch an ill-conceived war in Heaven against God, and the archangel Michael and his angels thrash them all and cast them down to that part of heaven which is the earthly realm.
This is the 70th Week commencing from the perspective of Heaven above.
After your response I had to just stop and pray "come Lord Jesus". To know that we have the bestowed honor of entering heaven even as our accuser is cast out. No wonder we declare "thou art worthy O Lord to recieve all glory and honor and power."
DeleteThis subject deserves a blog post of its very own, it is that important in my opinion, and I'm not sure anyone anywhere has written on these specifics.
ReplyDeleteOne of the specifics on my mind at this time is that in the Harpazo the bride of Christ is taken to the third heaven prior to the 70th Week. This third heaven is where the Lord is, where the Father's many mansions are located, and the place where Jesus have prepared for us is, and we remain there with Him until the end of the 70th Week when He leads us back to the earth at the finale of the Har Megiddo conflict.
Satan and a great many fallen angels are limited to the confines of the second heaven (i.e. the entire physical universe) and the first heaven (i.e. the atmosphere above the earth). This second heaven is where the battle between Michael and Satan occurs, and he is cast out of it and down to the first heaven, the earth and the air above it. This battle takes place immediately prior to the Abomination of Desolation, the middle of the 70th Week, and from this point there are exactly 1,260 days (42 months of 30 days each) remaining in the 70th Week.
I get into more detail in the coming post.
Personally I feel like a miner after years of digging has finally found a substantial vein of gold. God's word is worth digging into. Pun intended.
DeleteAnd just so folks won't think that I've gone, so to speak, completely "off the reservation," there's Sci-Fi channel mini-series that is pretty good at conveying the concept (and only the concept) of the 70th Week delusion which is to come upon the earth.
ReplyDeleteThe name of the series is "Childhood's End." If you kike good Sci-Fi, then this miniseries will make you think outside of the box, and provide insight in how prophecy will unfold in the 70th Week, "as it was in the days of Noah", etc, etc.
Sorry, no spoilers. The surprise of the miniseries is meant to bowl you over. (chuckle, chuckle)
Well Sean, you asked if we had any questions. :)
ReplyDeleteRev 10 tells us John was given a little book and told to eat. He is also told he will prophecy again to many peoples nations, tongues and kings. The commentaries I've read are unconvincing and to know your opinion on the meaning of this little book and when did John prophecy this message again would be appreciated.
What I could find was this little book isn't the scroll of Rev 5.
Ha, I THINK it's not the scroll of Rev. 5. however Dr. Reagan says the angel is Jesus and this IS the scroll. :/
DeleteOkay, Revelation 10 and the like book in the hand of a mighty angel who comes down from heaven. Right foot goes upon the sea and left foot upon the earth.
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I would note here is that temporally (in a place of time) we're at the start of 70th Week, and these two places where the feet of fire are set down (the sea and the earth) are the same places from which the Antichrist and the False Prophet will arise.
The angel roars as a lion, and in response to this roar seven thunders are heard to speak. The seven thunders speak a prophecy, John hears their prophetic words and is about to write the prophecy down (as he had been instructed to do), but is told instead by a voice from Heaven to seal those prophetic words up. This is a commandment.
I am of a mind to consider the prophesy that was spoken by the seven thunders relates to the identity of both the Antichrist and the False Prophet. The sweetness was due to the fact that the prophecy came directly from God, and the bitterness was due to the satanic nature of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. The book was commanded of John to be eaten in order to illustrate the sealing of the prophecy.
The next chapter (11) introduces the Two Witnesses and their ministry which encompasses the entirety of the first 42 months of the 70th Week, a/k/a the Thlipsis. (The Megas Thlipsis is the second 42 months of the 70th Week.)
Therefore, what has just transpired with the angel, the little book and the prophecy of the seven thunders, is at the beginning of the 70th Week.
Does this answer the question?
DeleteI was refreshing my brain data today and noticed I didn't respond to your answer.(I thought I did ) sorry.:/
It does answer my question.
I am finding this interesting with the "past is prologue to the future" references.
no Rapture as of the moment I send this. Just reading and following along.
ReplyDeleteGreat questions and answers. This is the only place I've read about the
procession. So Sean you're saying the war in heaven in chapter 12 is about
Satan trying to stop the Rapture? Do I have it right that you think we are
given a literal 7 days warning before the rapture? The scripture about not
knowing the day or hour is about the second coming not the rapture correct?
It(rapture) seems so close to me???
DeleteNo, I'm of the view the the war in the second heaven occurs because the Harpazo has happened.
I also believe the Harpazo occurs as described in Matthew 25 and within the context of Noah knowing when the flood would commence.
DeleteNo, I'm of the view the the war in the second heaven occurs because the Harpazo has happened.
I also believe the Harpazo occurs as described in Matthew 25 and within the context of Noah knowing when the flood would commence.
Hey Sean, I just finished Dr.Reagan's book you recommended. You are right that it is very thorough and informative. It was good to see Eschatology Today was listed in the back of recommended prophecy sites.