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Update 6 October 2019: All the speculation about the revealing of the Trump Administration "Deal of the Century" is pretty much a moot point. We recall that it was to be revealed in full a few months ago. Avigdor Lieberman essentially put a stop to that ongoing process with his resignation as Defense Minister, a portfilio that PM Bibi Netanyahu continues to hold himself. Lieberman's resignation has since resulted in two elections, with possibly three or even four, national elections to come. And since the "Deal" was to be announced after the new Israeli was formed and stabilized, obvious the deal is in haiatus indefinitely.
Curious thing we have here then. God is in complete control, and so no government, no leader, means no "Deal." And that means this plan to divide the land has not progressed any further than from the paper or computer program it has been written on. Eschatology Today is of the mind and believes at this point it is obvious that God is quite definitively expressing His will, the understanding being that His supremely appointed times are the determining factor not only on the non-formation of a new government for Israel, but also on the fact that the Trump Administration's "Deal" has been prevented on being brought forward in any meaningful way.
But this is not to say that there is no movement going on. The U.S. Ambassador is reported in a Times of Israel report today as saying that PM Netanyahu's previously announced plan to annex the Jordan Valley (image above) "does not preclude a political solution." The "Deal of the Century" is precisely that, a political solution. I suggest those with a keen interest read the linked ToI article and ask yourselves if it does not reflect the express will of God.
A Netanyahu decision to enact Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley could happen, probably will happen, now that the U.S. has made public it would be no obstacle. Recall that the Jordan Valley, and the political situation in Jordan (the expected "great upheaval), have been key SITREP topics every now and then for nearly 6 years, always looking for an expected breaking point. Keep an eye on this as well.
And it should not go without saying that Israel remains on very high alert for an Iranian attack. Also, do not be distracted by Iran's ongoing political destabilization of Iraq. The Iranian Shia (IRGC-QF in particular) are committing horrible crimes against humanity in Iraq as we speak. The Iraqi Shi'a who are not part of the pro-Iran militias are fully aware of the Iranian pilfering of multiple millions of dollars worth of Iraq's oil revenues, and that nearly five million Shi'a Iraqis live in abject poverty because of it. Iran's attempt to turn Iraq into another Lebanon will backfire.
2 October 2019: As the Israeli political situation continues to be sorted out, it occurrs that there is something to be said about the still missing pieces, or specific prophetic dominos, which have yet to fall into place.
1. The Islamic Republic of Iran (Parac according to the text of Ezekiel 38:5 and Daniel 6:28, Persia and Persian, respectively.)
The first and most apparent is the agressive role the Islamic Republic of Iran is playing accross the entire MIddle East. According to all of the prophetic texts that relate to the current pre-70th Week period of wars and rumors of wars, the Islamic Republic of Iran is absent from thos texts. What is present is a militarily reduced Iran of Ezekiel 38:5 in the company of other lesser military powers, namely Libya and Sudan, that are part of the larger Magog-led (Russian-led) military expedition that will move against Israel.
What does Ezekiel's prophecy relate? That Persia comes with "shield and helmet." Shields and helmets are the warfighting implements of foot soldiers. This is no further reference in this verse to the other common implements of modern warfare like armor, missiles and artillery. Footsoldiers. So this is is why Eschatology Today interprets Ezekiel 38:5 and referring to a militarily reducing iranian threat, and as we can all see today, Iran is currently the most heavily armed nation in this region. Therefore some kind of military engagement is necessary to reduce Iranian military power to the level of support it will provide to the Magog expedition. We believe this will be manifest in Jeremish 49:34-39 in the near term.
2. Libya and Sudan
Aslo, there are the other nations two named with Iran in Ezekiel 38:5. They are the modern-day Libya and Sudan. Libya is in the midst of its second civil war. Current speculation would follow that the Libyan National Army headquartered in Tobruk and Benghazi and led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, will emerge with a victory. Haftar's forces are aligned with and armed by with Putin's Russia. Sudan is also in the throes of civil war at present and the outcome will also be consistent with Ezekiel's prophecy.
3. The Fourth Beast (Physical Empire)
The third piece is often overlooked, but has been discussed here a couple of times previously, so an eschatological reminder is a good idea. Read Revelation 13:1-2. Eschatology Today interprets "the sea" in verse 1 as being the gentile nations of the earth. This is confirmed by verse 2 which is the focus of this item.
"Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority."
3. The Fourth Beast (Physical Empire)
The third piece is often overlooked, but has been discussed here a couple of times previously, so an eschatological reminder is a good idea. Read Revelation 13:1-2. Eschatology Today interprets "the sea" in verse 1 as being the gentile nations of the earth. This is confirmed by verse 2 which is the focus of this item.
"Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority."
As noted previously, the fourth beast constituent parts are here given in the reverse order of how they were originally prophesied to appear on the earth in Daniel 7. Originally the four empires were the Babylonian Empire, the Medo-Persian Empire, the Macedonian-Greek Empire and the Roman Empire. In Revelation 13:2 description of the reconstituted Roman Empire, the fourth beast, includes in reverse order the Macedonian-Greek, Medo-Persian and Babylonian Empires.
Is this what we see in the world today? No, today we see the Persians ascendent in the Middle East as in ancient times. Persia (Iran) today again appears as a bear with three ribs in its mouth. Who are those three ribs in this modern era? Look at a map. They are Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. This is an undeniable fact.
So, for the appearance of the fourth beast as this prophecy (Revelation 13) from God, Jesus and John on Patmos there are some events that have to come to pass. What has been previously identified as the "eastern leg" needs to be subdued to become integral to the fourth and final beast empire. This may indicate yet another major war as we've also discussed here previously. The emergence of the little horn among the ten occurs as it is conquering and crushing to pieces as we read in Daniel 7:7-8.
Yes, there are some missing pieces, like Israel living in unwalled villages and I'm getting sick and tired of so-called experts saying that the stage is set for Gog/magog. The 2 main ones initials ar A.T and J.F. those 2 guys would do well to read the scriptures as they stand and let the Holy Spirit teach them. They'd also do well to go back and read this blog post and your series on the prophetic road to revelation.
ReplyDeleteBreaking News:
ReplyDeleteAn IRGC brigade just invaded Iraq from Iran... this occurred as Iraqis are fighting Shi'a militia in cities from Baghdad to Basra.
Report that about 80% disruption of internet service in Iraq is ongoing. Getting reports on the situation in most Iraqi cities is very difficult.
ReplyDeleteAny more updates? How are the isreali elections and forming of government going?
ReplyDeleteHartdawg... posting an update shortly that hopefully answers your question.
DeleteI have seen video of the IRGC-QF atrocities in Iraq. Unarmed Iraqis being killed by Iranian snipers in Najaf, Karbala, Baghdad and other cities with head shots. Too grusome to post here. There's no question these are IRGC-QF troops and not the Iraqi PMU Hashd-al-Shabi militia doing the killing. The killers are speaking Farsi (Persian).
ReplyDelete30 minutes ago:
ReplyDelete"France24 correspondent from West Jerusalem: Israeli intelligence division warns of the possibility of firing Iranian missiles from Iraq towards Israel."
ReplyDeleteThe question you asked regards a ROUTINE standing order for natural disaster or other emergency.
This ROUTINE reserve component directive IS NOT due to any current or anticipated event.
Conspiracy lunatics make a big deal out this type of planning directive all the time because they fear everything (fear mongers).
The blessed hope of the Harpazo of the bride of Christ has no real meaning for them.
ReplyDeleteReading this am about Trump making a deal with Turkey as we are to withdraw troops from Syria, and allow Turkish soldiers to come in. From my understanding, Turkey is part of the enemy force mentioned in Ezek 38, and has proven to not play nice with Israel (nor to be a staunch NATO ally). Just wondering where this plays in. God using Trump to set the stage here??
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know Trump has agreed to allow Turkish military control of a swath of northern Syria from Tal Abyad (Opposite from Akcakale, TK) to Sari Kani (opposite from Ceylanpinar, TK), and south along the east-west M4 highway. This land bouned on the west by the Euphrates River and on the east by the Nahr al-Khabur River. This land is to be the new protected home for tens of thousands of Syrian refugees that are now in Turkey. No prophetic implications that are discernable.
Update: We now know from CJTFOIR that a joint US-Turk patrol of the entire area resulted in Turkish confirmation that the YPG had removed fortifications and deployed out of the entire area leaving only Syrian civilians behind. Turkey then acted treacherously by attacking with air and land forces.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your insight. Much appreciated.
DeleteI'm making a correction because what going on now in northeastern Syria does have prophetic implications as foretold by both Isaiah and Jeremiah.
Syria, as noted in Isaiah 17, will soon cease to exist as a nation. The new fighting could accomplish this.
Sean/ Friends
ReplyDeleteHelp me with this, £zekeil 39:9
Then those who inhabit the cities of Israel will go out and make fires with the weapons and burn them, both shields and bucklers, bows and arrows, war clubs and spears, and for SEVEN years they will make fires of them.
Cant comprehend 7 years. When is this happening.
Israel will capture all their enemies weapons / oil..??
Stay alert... eyes on news... next day or so (Yom Kippur) something gonna happen.
ReplyDeleteThis something was the preemptive on Iranian cruise missiles; it may still occur.
DeleteSean, could this be the reason President Trump through the guidance of the Holy Spirit withdrew our solders? I’m thinking it might be the primary reason and that Donald Trump’s spiritual advisors have certainly clued him in on a few “end of days” prophesy. I’m hoping our Lord has not kept him blind to all of this evidence we see around us on a daily/hourly basis.
ReplyDeleteAs always, much thanks for sharing your insight and studies with all of us brothers and sisters!
ReplyDeleteWhen I read about President Trump doing what seemed to be a wholesale capitulation to Edrogen, I was confused, but my spirit was stirred. Turkey is a player in Ezek 38, and we know what the prophesies say. It is really amazing to watch these events unfold daily. I am grateful this am (and every day!) for this site, your immense bible prophesy and military knowledge, and the always excellent comments from my brothers and sisters on this site.
I will stay tuned right here for truth!
Blessings on you my brother.
ReplyDeleteContrary to Mr. Buchanan's view, the angel Gabriel prophesied to Daniel (ch. 9) about the same time period that Matthew recorded of our Lord's prophetic words in chapter 24, verses 4-8:
"The end of it shall be with a flood,
And till the end of the war desolations are determined."
That aside,
#1) I'm of the view that the American soldier DOES NOT ever abandon his brothers-in-arms on the battlefield. Never, ever.
#2) Trump has handled this situation exceptionally badly in his role as the CInC.
#3) Trump made a bad deal with the Turkish Islamist Erdogan who immediately stabbed Trump in the back in the most treacherous manner.
The fallout from Trump's error has just begun. It may ensure the prophecy of Isaiah 17 concerning Syria's destruction as a nation. This same region will be the future nation of Assyria.
Shabbat Shalom Sean,
ReplyDeleteYou up and awake state side? - reports breaking here in the deep south pacific of an attack on Iranian tanker in Red sea !. Maybe this could be the "trigger" for the expected attack on Israel by Iran and/or her proxies....?.
ReplyDeleteYes, they say two missiles hit the ship about 90km south of Jeddah. It was heading for Suez.
Unkown attacker.
Prophesy fulfillment will not be stopped by anyone in office. President Trump will not make all correct decisions, but I side with him on the majority of his pro Israel moves that no other president has accomplished since Israel has became a nation.
ReplyDeleteThanks for speaking up, and I agree 110% that prophetic fulfillment cannot be stopped by anything a human being does.
In fact, I find in history that most often it has been or can be the actions of men which cause the Lord's prophetic word to be explicitly fulfilled. Example: Hitler & Nazi Germany and the Holocaust were a causation for the establishment of the State of Israel.
I also side with President Trump on everything else he has done and will yet do as blessings upon Israel. These things are bring about prophetic fulfillment as well. Trump is head and shoulders above all others in this regard.
There was a better way to disengage our forces from northern Syria, but as it turned out the way chosen resulted in the Islamist treachery of Erdogan. Soldiers salute the CInCs order and carry it out no matter how distasteful it may the the soldier's ethos.
ReplyDeleteHaving reread the Buchanan article in light of your response I agree with your points (my post was on-the-fly and in hindsight cringe worthy). However, I suspect for the U.S. to engage in a large-scale war with Turkey in their own backyard would not bode well either (2nd largest standing force in NATO). Of course, Biblical prophecy must supercede our own private understanding. Thank you for your faithful devotion to God's Word.
ReplyDeleteI cringed too, couldn't remove the url, so just didn't post it.
ReplyDeleteI’ve just read the following: “Chaotic Turkish Bombing Leads to ISIS Escapees & Hits Near US Personnel. ISIS militants held in northeastern Syria escape from prison after bombings by Turkey.” Good job! *sarcasm*
Also, considering the current events in Syria, especially Turkey’s actions, I don’t get how people see the Ezekiel 38 battle as the next big prophetic event around the corner. (At least the destruction of Damascus is placed before it by many.) Turkey&Syria&Iran aren’t so chummy right now.
All accuracy in trying to understand what is occurring in north and northeastern Syria came to a screeching halt 6 days ago. So many contrary reports that the situation remains very confused and therefore no reason to post bad information.
ReplyDeleteBest guess is the SDF and Assad Regime are now in common cause vs Turkish invasion and IS.
US forces may be moving east towards Iraq border.
Do we have any update Sean!
ReplyDeleteYup, a new one coming later today!
ReplyDeleteSlight delay in the update... working on it.
Cool Sean!! Take your time.