Saturday, October 3, 2020




3 October 2020: Eschatology Today statement on the President and First Lady of the United States of America as they undergo treatment following a positive diagnosis of having contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

If one believes the Bible, and we do, we believe that God establishes the leaders of nations for His purposes. Romans 13:1 states this explicitly as do Romans 9:16, John 19:11, and Daniel 4:17 among still other verses.   

We also believe Genesis 12:3 blessings are promised to those who bless Israel. With President Trump in just 45 months having established himself as being the #1 all-time United States president when it comes to bestowing blessings upon Israel, then there should be no question that God has this situation in His hands 100% and even far greater blessings are forthcoming.

Our prayers are with the President and First Lady, knowing full well that God is with us.


  1. The Lord woke me from a sound sleep and this SITREP is why. Goodnight all.

  2. Thank you Sean, these are extraordinary times and I am pleased to see your insight on events as they unfold.

    1. Thank you Ben, these are indeed the most extraordinary times ever, the "last days" prior the the Harpazo of the bride of Christ, Israel's 70th week of years and Jesus' return to establish His Kingdom as King of kings and Lord of lords!

  3. Jon Hartman wrote:

    "I also woke up from a sound sleep with horrible thoughts about the deep state having Trump murdered and claiming he died from "complications" and other disturbing thoughts till I came across your most recent post.  I didn't want to post this in the comment section out of concern that others might entertain those demonic thoughts (tho they may not be demonic) and I didn't think it would have been appropriate for the blog."

    1. Jon,

      Believe me when I repeat what I've said over and over again about these demonic enemies... they will do anything and everything they can to usurp power, including your suggestion which I also considered.

      But the Lord said otherwise and here we are in His truth!

  4. Needless to say this, but it will be said anyway.

    Ignore the Deep State, Leftist and Globalist media reporting on POTUS and FLOTUS because hatred of them drives wildly erroneous and flat out false reporting.

    God is in complete control.

  5. Trump may be discharged from Walter Reed hospital within hours; sometime today according to latest info.

    Eschatology Today highly recommends a U.S. news aggregation site:

  6. The 2nd Presidential Debate is doubtful to even occur.

    I see this as a 'sign of the times' and indicator of the divide between Conservatives and the Leftist-Globalist sides in America today.

    Even the Presidential Debate Commission has lost its non-partisan status, its leadership having been taken over by the Left. All debate moderators thus far having been highly partisan and devoted to or working for liberal anti-GOP media concerns.

    When to sides won't even talk or work in a neutral setting then worse things lie ahead in the struggle for power and control.

    The occurence of the Harpazo in this situation would prove decisive in the ongoing struggle.


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