Thursday, January 7, 2021

Global SITREP D4-21: Moving Forward in the Midst of Spiritual Warfare

UPDATE 14 January 2021: Make no mistake, what is occurring in the U.S. is nothing short of an attempted communist take over of the country. The amount of on-going treason is staggering, beyond imagination even. If this doesn't lift any doubts and fog of war, then we don't know of what else to say except forward directly to SITREP D-5 or wherever else you might want to surf to.

There are far too many details involved than can be made here in a blog format. A few highlights and then direct links will be provided for readers to see for themselves. I had intended to use the originating source (Mary Fanning and Alan Jones), but web dot  com has taken their primary site (TheAmericanReport dot org) offline, no doubt due to the information it contained.

The critical information is (for the moment) sited at Worldview Weekend Hour hosted by Brannon Howse. Yesterday's program was a blockbuster and included the team of Jones and Fanning, plus LTG (Ret) McInerney, Dr. Peter Pry and NSA whistleblower Kirk Wiebe. On 12 January the former Assistant Director of the FBI Counter-Terrorism Division, Terry Turchie, appeared on Brannon's program calling for all Americans to RESIST the ongoing coup d'etat and communist takeover by all means at their disposal.

Of note is the urgency with which all  the program guests cited that President Trump, his closest trusted circle (minus the VP) and the JCS must be presented this data. That presentation may have just taken place or will in short order.  If our leadership follow their sworn Oath then a sudden shift will have to take place, and a postponement of the 20 January inauguration under the Insurrection Act and National Security directives will quickly ensue.

Here are the two URL links to watch the programs of 13 and 12 January.

There is no doubt you will find the above to be distressing, disturbing in the extreme even; hence the subsequent SITREP D-5 and admonition to breathe, remain calm and trust the Lord, He's got this!

13 January 2021: Did you ever think you would see an image like the one below? Armed American troops deployed in front of the Capitol, it's almost surreal considering many of the same Democrats present today strenuously objected to President Trump's expressed desire for a parade to honor our armed forces (Trump got his parade, it was held at Mt. Rushmore). News reports are saying there are 20,000 National Guard troops in the National Capital Region. My sense is that are more than that. I would include the "ghosts" of our SpecOps forces, perhaps a few teams at most. Maybe they've come back for more laptops?

10 January 2021: The image below is a piece of the motherlode of data proving the U.S. national election of November 3, 2020 was stolen through high technical means by enemies both foreign and domestic. No doubt many of you will connect the dots from just this one item. You will find many other documents and video files now archived at Sidney Powell's website. 

This motherlode of documents reveal that Donald J. Trump did in fact win the November 3rd election in a landslide. They reveal that beyond the 6 states we know as "electoral battlegrounds," the vote totals of 17 states were manipulated and switched from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.

8 January 2021: The U.S. Deep State (Socialist Democrats, Marxists and RINOs), according to its media ankle-biters, are hard pressing their bogus case against President Trump. They've even attempted the absurd gambit to get VP Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to immediately remove him from office. 

This news was quickly followed by word that Trump was told on 5 January not to come to Scotland on 19 January by First Minister Nickola Sturgeon for a golf outing as golf is not an 'essential activity' permissible under Scottish COVID rules. Serious problems with the time-line here, wouldn't you say?

Now, besides the sheer panic on full-display by the American Deep State, all of this may be much ado about nothing. It may be, as some maintain, that VP Pence really does wear a 'white hat' and the 'black hat' he appeared to wear on the 6 January joint session of Congress was part of a masterful ruse. That sounds so conspiratorial, but given what goes on in Washington, D.C. these days, even stranger things have happened - like the staged anarchist assault on the Capitol Building as the joint session was convened. 

Breaking the Eschatology Today ban on YouTube video links again, but this one from FlashPoint is self-explanatory with all the evidence necessary to present that the will of God has not yet run its full course. The Deep State may yet have another thing or two, or three coming! I'm sure the comments section will now blow up.

7 January 2021: Lot's of people are depressed today. Some are angry. Some are both. And lots and lots of them are just plain lost. Literally. I know their status for a fact as my email literally blew up yesterday with all kinds of folks looking for answers. Some how I got to sleep and today I awoke knowing what to do after praying the Lord for guidance. 

In earthly military conflict there is always a situation that invariably develops which is known as the 'fog of war.'  The fog is due to a lack of what we call 'situational awareness.' It is the uncertainty of knowing exactly what is going on, why it's going on, what will happen next, who's on your front, rear, left flank right flank, and so on and so on. Sometimes the fog is thick as pea soup, other times it's short-lived that lifts with the changing of the sea breeze. 

Today would be a good day to begin a fast. It would also be a good day to read Daniel 10. That's where the Lord's response took me. It's all about Spiritual Warfare and the message Daniel received; that it concerned a time in the distant future (i.e. the appointed time was long) but he understood both the message and the vision given to him.  

This occurred in the third week of that first month of the year as Daniel had been fasting the three weeks prior and during that time did not bathe or anoint with oil. and then on the 24th day, and, well, read the chapter and you'll see. 

This is where we are today. We're in Daniel 10. We're in the midst of a great spiritual battle that was overtly manifested yesterday at the U.S. Capitol building. If you find yourself in need of true Spiritual situational awareness during this battle, such that there is no trace of the fog of this war and so that like Daniel you'll also be strengthened, having no fear of the days and events yet to come, then talk to our Father in Jesus name.

We all knew this was coming, and now it's here. The oft-repeated reference here is to II Thessalonians 2. So if you continue reading from Daniel 10 into Daniel 11 and then into Daniel 12 you'll come to verses 9 and 10, which contain the clincher - we're supposed to understand what is going on!
And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand."

None of the wicked shall understand. Why? Because as Paul wrote God has sent them a strong delusion; they're supposed to believe "the lie." 

Amen. Marana'tha.


  1. Sean,
    Thank you. This post was Spirit lead and ministered to me and I'm sure many others today.

    Lord, We ask for strength, increased faith, and wisdom as you provided did for Daniel.

    Glory be to God!


  2. Dave,

    Yes, all glory to God! Amen.

    1. Amen, to God be glory for the things he has done, is doing and will do. As my pastor says it doesn’t matter what the enemy does because skip to end of bible we win!

    2. He won the victory even as John the Baptist declared at the Jordan, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!"

  3. Sean,do you have a back up plan for communication in light of all this big tech censorship? As we speak, there is wholesale censoring of conservative speech under the pretense of inciting violence & insurrection. We need you now more than ever.

    1. Alta,

      We're on Goggle, our host is Blogger and subject to their terms of service.

      Here's their statement:

      "It is our belief that censoring this content is contrary to a service that bases itself on freedom of expression."

      I'm exploring options that I've resisted exploring for the past decade.

  4. I would think it wiser for the States that represent American values (red States) band together and reject any federal laws that violate their own constitutions. Our representatives take an oath (which not enough take seriously) when sworn in, and now the people of these States need to hold them accountable to it.
    First thing they would have to do is stop depending on Federal aid since that is the driving force that keeps states in line with the federal government.

  5. Very wise IMHO.

    I also would expect the ongoing drive for the Constitutional Article V "Convention of States" to gather a serious head of steam now.

  6. Since most legislative acts take such a long time to enact the red states could use lower taxes on businesses and personal income tax to draw in as many like minded. Most businesses will be leaving the lunacy of the left as they play out their socialist agenda. Since the socialist will bankrupt our country it would be better to build an infrastructure in red states for sustainability. Of course, this is all to continue to "occupy" and support freedom under God until our Lord calls us home.

  7. We are going to be seeing a lot of bad fruit falling from the leftist tree in the months to come. I personally am not willing to eat.

    1. It's falling as we speak in multiple varieties and various levels of toxicity.

      All I have to say after reading this morning's intel is Thank God for the Restrainer!

  8. It sounds like you haven't given up yet.

    1. hartdawg,

      Anything done now is of God, right? He is in control. Right! The bride of Christ is not falling under judgment, we're victorious!

      So, who gives up? Certainly not me.

      I saw a lot of rubbish news this AM, and then I saw some real good stuff. ;) You'll see (and hear) it too if you follow the recommendation.

      Or don't and let the "ah ha!" moment of next week be a welcome sursprise as mentioned above.

  9. God is in control. Praise His Holy Name!

  10. The censoring and silence from the President is creepy, to say the least..My gut tells me something huge is going on, my brain tells me it's wishful thinking and the communist have taken over...

    1. This tells me that the evil Deep State are petrified with fear of Trump and his tens of millions strong "army." Literally apoplectic.

      He is the most powerful man on earth for another ten days as the CInC of the armed forces who must follow all lawful orders he gives.

      Anything can happen that is lawful. God is in control and men still have free will.

  11. Sean, the disinformation is fast and furious today, have you heard from any sources?

    1. It's been insane, but yes.

      1.) Get gas in your car and $ in your pocket. Now!

      2.) A Rudy tweet went out 8 hours ago saying "tomorrow." Anyone who followed the bread crumbs I dropped in the update and comments today, or recent Rudy videos, knows exactly what that means.

      RUMORS means info is not corroborated by trusted sourcing, so...

      3 ) RUMORS of an alert system text messaging activation in hours.

      4.) RUMORS of Parler being taken down by AWS (Amazon) shortly.

    2. #4 was corroborated and became a fact this morning.

      #3 has also been corroborated. Expect EAS cell phone message soon.

      Ignore all MSM news reports; they are 100% Deep State propaganda.

    3. Wonderful. Smh. I knew Parler was going down, but I have cancer and we don't have any money. 😂 We trust the Lord to provide. The good thing is that we live right by my husband's job, within walking distance, and we have food for the week.
      We're moving atv such a breakneck speed right now, that it feels like we're gonna spin right off the Earth.

      20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Rev. 22:20


  12. It can now be seen (hindsight 20/20) that 1st attempt to impeach President Trump was a Deep State distraction designed to give the CCP bioweapon a foothold in the US population.

    The CCP bioweapon was further politically weaponized by Deep State to cause a shutdown the ecomony and to facillitate the mail-in ballot election fraud and Dominion/Scytl vote switching.

    The CInCs counter-attack is on-the-move.

  13. With twitter throttling so many people and Parler being shut down, that EAS broadcast needs to happen soon...

    1. The EAS is not what needs to happen first, although it will inform of actions that have ALREADY BEEN IMPLEMENTED by the CInC.

      All war is deception. You do not tell the enemy what you will do before you do it. You confuse the enemy with operational deception.

      We are in a war, have been for some time as the SITREPs detail. Folks should rest easy, ignore MSM, information will be forthcoming. Professionals have this.

  14. We appear to be in a technological world war. We have only 9 days to overthrow these shackles. I pray your Intel is accurate. May our Lords mercy shine on a corrupt and sinful nation.

    1. Joe,

      Glad you took the time to read them and/or followed the links, etc. Not reading that info will leave them ill-informed about what will happen in the next 9 days.

      I will not be spoon-feeding anymore intel, too late for that. It's D-Day.

      Pray, pray, pray.

  15. There’s been an attempted update from Apple IOS14.3 in the past 24 hours. I’m ignoring it for now.

    1. Darrin C,

      That iOS update 14.3 was released Dec 15 so your safe to proceed I’ve had on my iPhone since it’s release and it’s safe. I also checked if there was any updates since and there hasn’t been any.

    2. Thanks Ed. I was a little suspicious of the timing given Sean’s advices; it’s odd how the update only made its way to my phone a month after you. Stay safe.

  16. Ok...we're back.

    A couple days ago a YT video clip went viral. If you want to find it point your search engine at one or more keywords in this:

    "Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Special Forces Took Nancy Pelosi Laptop Wednesday, Says She's Frantic"

    Watch it. Pay close attention, especially to the two guys the Antifa terrorists recognize as not being with them. One special operator is heard teasingly saying "we're not here for Antifa." Cute.

    So... use of the word "frantic" is being really polite. LTG McInerney could also have very easily and accurately described Pelosi's mental state as "unhinged apoplexy" over the loss of her laptop to US Special Operators under the direct command of Trump's SECDEF.

    Why the Speaker's laptop?

    Exhibit A in a military tribunal for treason? Yeah, probably.

  17. Ed,

    Planned operations have been in progress for at least two weeks. Some we'll see, some we won't. Some we'll never know about. Some just rumor and "conspiracy theories."

    Inauguration of Donald Trump's second term will be the proof. Mop up ops afterwards.

  18. I know you cant provide guarantees on anything and I’m not trying to get one from you I understand you share with the best intentions which is always appreciated. It’s tough to keep your head clear with this avalanche information being to out and like you said “conspiracy theories” we have to be steadfast in our discipline to keep from getting carried away in the FOG. Thanks for efforts as always

  19. Anyone here who does not now possess the requisite "situational awareness" to maintain a clear head about what is happening deserves to be shrouded in the fog of war.

    I guarantee that!

    Y'all know more than even Newsmax and OANN talking heads are willing to report. Let that sink in.

  20. I appreciate everything you are doing Sean. Thank you.
    A few weeks ago I took the "take a few(hundred) steps back" to get a better picture. Essentially not believing anything I read except what's here and a few Twitter accounts that are saying the same thing.
    But mostly just trusting God for the outcome.
    This has a red sea moment feel about it.

    1. Paul,

      Amen to that! Been saying since the current SITREP series began that we're watching the will of God take place in real-time.

      And so we are seeing it, and I suppose we are something like the ancient Israelites watching the Red Sea part before us. I just hope there isn't a golden calf moment to come, if you get my drift.

  21. The Qalerts site is down hmm I thinks something is brewing. Stay alert be ready and don’t panic the Lord is about show off!

  22. No one knows how many for sure, but there are somewhere between 6,000 and 16,000 federalized National Guard troops (under Presidential Command Authority) in the national capital district. It's been described as an "armed camp."

    In fact, a national emergency was declared for Washington, D.C. from today and extending through 24 January.

    Some folks are wanting 2020 back because 2021 has been a nightmare thus far and dawn seems very distant indeed. The past few weeks seem like an entire decade has passed through, continual crisis. Perplexity in the nation, roaring and tossing of the sea.

    We all sort of sense it, something is building to an epic proportion. I agree with Ed, the Lord is moving powerfully.

  23. The one thing I definitively know is that our G-d is Sovereign, in control, and that,"Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and arighteousness."

    We need the fearless and unwavering faith of Shadrac, Meshac, and Abednego, the wisdom of Solomon, and the discernment of Daniel.

    One thing I ran across today was this Italian newspaper article. What a sad irony that a people we once rescued from tyranny have more freedom to publish truth than their liberators.

    1. The subheading of the lunico dot eu reports machine translated from Italian to English reads as follows (emphasis added):

      "Net of the grotesque reconstructions of the renowned media, some clues suggest that the planned transition between Trump and Biden in the US will not be on January 20, but, after a military interlude, it could be Trump who resumes the role of President."

  24. hartdawg,

    You said you gave up;? a couple of times now in fact. Therefore it's no big surprise that you're not following or believing whai I've posted over the last four years, but especially in the past couple of months.

    I'll try one last time. You're listening to or reading MSM. Even Rudy Giuliani emphasized last Friday to IGNORE all MSM, they're pure Deep State propagandists. They're on the outside looking in.

    Trump is NOT a lame duck. He will have a second term.

    Nancy & DS want him removed as the CInC immediately to take the military control away from him. NOT gonna happen. Again, the greatest, most complex military and intelligence operation in U.S. history has been underway for several weeks now. It's coming to a conclusion shortly.

    God used who and what He pleases to accomplish His will.

    The Babylonians, the Persians (especially Cyrus), and the Greeks and the Romans. Try reading the entire book of Daniel again so that Daniel 10, 11 and 12 will make sence again, and because we are living out that prophecy right here, right now.

  25. I didn't give up, in fact quite the opposite. The questions I posed were rhetorical proving it's not over lol. I refuse to give up till ...well til never. I apologize if I worded it wrong.but I WILL be reading those chapters when I get home that's a promise

    1. Okay then, roger that. Moving on...

    2. By the way, I been following this blog since the beginning. I came across this blog thru the Christ in prophecy blog. Remember those days? One thing that I always appreciated is you NEVER have given in to conspiracy theories. That's how I know I can trust the info. The world has certainly changed since the beginning of this blog hasn't it? It's a pleasure watching earth shattering events with you and the people on this blog.

  26. hartdawg,

    Yup, been a long 10-11 years, and things have changed massively since then. No way anyone but God foresaw where'd we'd be today. And you're right, I loathe conspiracy nonsense; utterly useless. Just advised LookingUp about one of them she inquired about today.

  27. In Alamo, TX the POTUS just referenced the incoming next administration, the Biden Administration. Said they'd never touch the Wall standing behind him.

  28. Either what POTUS just said is the greatest OPDEC (Operational Deception) in human history, or President Trump really is going to just let all of the criminal acts, the stolen election, the outrageous fraud, all of it, just let it go, step down, just walk away, and we pass into rampant Socialism.

    Seriously, nothing said by President Trump at the wall in Alamo, TX just now squares in any way with what "insiders" (you name them -- McInerney, Flynn, Rudy, Sidney, et al) have said in very recent days. I am at a complete loss to expain any of this except for my bolded statement above.

    Time to pray. I'll be back later.

    1. All he said is the next administration better not even dream of touching/removing the wall no mention of Biden/Harris. I have confidence that it was just business as usual talking as if there’s nothing going on except a transfer of power. I feel peace about it but either way I will trust God he has us in his hands.

    2. I heard "Biden Administration" and that set off all manner of alarm bells, red flags, etc.

      I'm good now though.

    3. That’s why you surround yourself with fam we got you! We got each other!

  29. I believe it's the first option. Time and time again Trump said he'd never concede and now that he has the laptops, simply makes no since he'd draw back at the last minute. Not only does it not square with what insiders are saying, it doesn't square with anything Trump has been saying either.

    Yes, time to pray. God's will is going to be done

  30. I like all of you am loathe to admit to myself that this is starting to look like a turn for the worst for our beloved country. However we know that America has been too strong militarily and economically to ever mesh with the long predicted one world gov/economy/religion that God has surely said will come. Coupled with this and the blood of 60 million innocent babies crying forth from the ground since 1973 and the legalization of gay marriage 6/26/15 and we are overdue for Gods' righteous hand of judgment. Election night 2016 was the start of Americas Ninevah moment and he has graciously allowed us all 4 more years to get ourselves ready and those he has sovereignly placed within each one of ours reach. I pray we will be earnest to continue to redeem the time He gives us to invite that last one into the kingdom that the " TIMES OF THE GENTILES BE FULFILLED" and we are called to glory. Help us to hold loosely to the things of this life Lord for we never know when they will be required of us.(Cory Tenboom)
    Richard J/ Spokane

  31. Sean, this seems like interesting timing, doesn't it:

    Just saw this elsewhere. I'm not sure how much you are able to comment on this.

    1. Miriam,

      It makes perfect sense to me. It's certainly not coincidental and probably an I&W of "coming attractions."

  32. Sean,

    Agree with Hartdawg 100%. Makes no sense that he simply walk away. As you said, it's time to pray.

    I have been getting the Exodus story in Ex 14 for the past couple of weeks. God could have simply taken the Israelites in a straight path, but he led them into the wilderness. This was the long way, the hard way and what looked like the hopeless way. When it looked totally dire, He delivered His people in a mighty, and magnificent way. Only He could have done that because under man's power, they would not have survived. But He had a plan for His people. I have shared your site with my wife this week who happened to open up and see the bold post that you posted about Trump's speech, and immediately went to the Lord with her cry. He gave her part of a verse..which was this: "see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today". She looked it up (I was out at the time, and she does not know that Ex 14 has been on my heart in recent days), and that the partial verse she received was contained in Ex 14:13 which states: "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever".

    There is so much noise, and so much confusion, but we all know that this is how war is faught. We trust in NO party and no comment of the moment. We trust in Almighty God. We are believing and trusting that He will make a way when it looks hopeless. Our faith has been rocked recently, and per your advice, we need to pray.

    Just want to encourage all of the readers here. This is a strong group and Godly group, and we will not give up, nor back down. God's mighty angel armies are warring. We stand and believe.

    1. LD,
      Thanks, I am encouraged.
      Having done all to stand, stand!

    2. Yes, Exodus 14:13! No fear. Stand! And see the LORD God accomplish His will.

  33. Hartdawg & Sean, with you 100%.

    The high level, in the know patriots referenced above & others have repeatedly voiced that POTUS had what he needed to fight & win & that he would fight and win. These folks were worthy of assumed credibility. Why would any of us think to question the word of Generals and other credentialed, revered public servants??

    All of the calvary saving the republic voices started soon after Trump took office. They knew he was beyond popular and unlikely to lose re-election unless...., so perhaps they began preparing then to set us all up for a very hard fall. Maybe a psychop to lull the patriots?? I honestly have no clue.

    Whatever the future holds, we belong to Jesus and He will never leave or forsake us, and that is undeniably true.

    Definitely time to pray.

  34. hartdawg,

    I agree with your assessment; what POTUS said in Alamo, TX this afternoon (1500 my time) is the greatest OPDEC (Operational Deception) in human history. I was distraught, and I prayed "Oh LORD!..." Then in less than a moment later words were shouted at me (inside my head, of course), and those words were: OCCAM'S RAZOR! I gave myself the proverbial slap upside my head - of course, Occam's Razor!

    Of the two premises I noted above at 3:45 PM EST (in bold) and accounting for all the facts collected and known to this point, the first or simplest or least problematic premise must be the correct one.

    My gaze is always to the LORD God. It is the purpose of this blog; Eschatology Today is inerrant prophecy centric.

    So... logical thinking cap on... would President Trump, after blessing Israel more greatly than any previous American president in the past 72 years, simply walk away and abandon them to a nuclear Iran? Would Trump force upon Israel the necessity to go for broke with an all-out pre-emptive nuclear strike on the mostly underground Iranian nuclear program, thus guaranteeing the launching of a massive MidEast war? Would Trump renege on his word that Iran would never be allowed to possess a nuclear weapon?

    No, no, no and no!

    This is not just about 'America First' in other words, this is about the sanctity of human life. All life prior to the Thlipsis and Megas Thlipsis, and to that end The Lord's will is being done; as always He is in control; He's got this.

    1. ...and consider my rhetorical questions asked this morning (if you still have access to them)
      Question one, why so desperate to impeach if he is on his way out? Answer they are afraid Trump is going to do something and they have to get him out now
      Question number two, why declare state of emergency in Washington DC for an inauguration that's been cancelled and it's going to be a virtual inauguration and why go beyond his last day in office? answer there are other things going down

    2. Hartdawg,
      I had read somewhere that they were going to pursue impeaching Pres. Trump after he left office. I didn't even think that could be done TBH.
      I agree that the first impeachment was a distraction from covid. Remember when Pelosi was pictured in Chinatown?
      How I wish that GG5 was here to comment on these things! (I'm sure she's happy not to be), but I long to see her excitement about how Sean's post would cause her to stay up all night doing a deep dive in the Book.
      We need to stay in the Book, and stay in prayer. God's in control, and He won't be stopped by anything, or anyone. Whatever happens, He will use to further His Kingdom and for His glory.
      God Bless you, and everyone here!!

  35. Sean, I have been reading your blog for a few years, brought here by my brother. Whenever your posts or comments are updated, he is the one to tell me before I can tell him. This site is wonderful and gives me peace in times of trouble...such as now. When I saw your post above , the one with the bold lettering, I was disheartened to see you so distraught. I thought NO Sean, don’t give up! God is greater than all things, and HIS optics on current events are the ones to watch for. I was pleased to see your update, and to know you are still resolved in faith and prayer. While this is all so upsetting, I anxiously await Gods great reveal! It will be amazing, stunning, and leave us in our knees praising his holy name!

  36. Ed, I agree. This has been incredibly stressful for all of us. One of the positive aspects of enduring this period of testing is that it is bringing spirit filled believers together. It is creating unity in the community of faith. That is where we are going to need to be to reach out to the unsaved, shocked and disillusioned around us in the very near future. We are being prepared and equipped. One thinks of Moses' time in the wilderness, or POTUS having had to declare bankruptcy during the 1980s and rebuild his company from nothing, and how that experience prepared him for what is ahead. God always prepares us for what is coming.

  37. Sean, regarding your post above. Regarding those "insiders" ...I catch myself wondering if those trusted sources are really trustworthy or are they just playing on faith and hopes? Don't get me wrong,,,I try to follow those sources ( a little difficult this week) but I follow this blog for your perspective. Honestly I trust your perspective probably more than the "trusted" sources... Honestly I'm having a hard time remaining optimistic. I know, I know, faith is believing without seeing but hey, Jesus did perform a few miracles and I'm sure he didnt do that for those that believed he could...

  38. Lane change.

    Unless I'm mistaken, SECSTATE Pompeo has made the case recently at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. for kinetic action inside Iran. This case is not based on theIran mullahs 20% nuclear enrichment breakout to weapon capability, that's inclusive in the big picture.

    This case is about Iran being, again and as always, a safe haven and home base for Al Qaeda. And, again, would President Trump just walk away from both of the threats and clearly present dangers in Iran to the US, to the MidEast including Israel, and to the expanding Abraham Accord peace agreements?

    No, he would not. So check this out:

    1. Could the US Senate under Dem control make a rules change wrt impeachment procedure so a Thursday impeachment would be possible, assuming traitor RINO compliance? It's a possibility.

      And would that mean something like a 48-hour window is a potential reality for Trump to act as the Commander-In-Chief?

      We won't have much waiting here. 2 days or 8 days? Praying more, a lot more. Incessant walking around prayers in fact.

  39. How does does Trump move forward in his second term with Pence lurking in the background? I doubt he trusts him anymore.

    1. Rumor is the VP will be LTG (Ret) Michael Flynn.

      Perhaps... President Michael Flynn in JAN 2025.

  40. Another view I've come to consider (some of our brethren have already voiced similar in recent days) after prayer last night. Pray like Daniel prayed for Israel, but for immediate intervention, not years into the future.

    1. The Deep State DEMs have usurped state constitutions with GOP legislatures at will with zero challenges or reversal by State Supreme Courts.

    2. Unconstitutional and illegal electoral college ballots from 6 to 17 states were certified legitimate and made law and archived in the Congressional Recond by the new DEM Congress.

    So, why can't a DEM Senate, with traitorous RINO support, change their impeachment rules so that they vote to impeach Trump on Thursday?

    They have nullified Constitutional law to get this far, so why would they stop now?

    They want insurrection and a rebellion to neutralize 75 million+ MAGA Trump voters, they've made calls for MAGA to be "re-educated."  

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    I think Trump has about 48 hours to act swiftly and surely; 19 JAN is too little, too late.

    So, shall we all pray for America like Daniel prayed for Israel, for We The People, for Israel, for the whole world in need immediate Divine intervention to hold off disaster.

    Or, have we arrived at a time we least expect -- Harpazo and hello 70th Week!

  41. IMHO, the main reason they are trying to impeach him is an impeached President cannot run for President again. Trump's approval rating is still over 50%. I believe the Dems are thinking long term, especially after seeing how their trying to rob this election. This eliminates Pres. T. From running in 2025.

    1. An impeached POTUS can no longer be the CInC and command the armed forces; he cannot then lawfully act against unconstitutional usurpation of our government.

      The anti-MAGA mob are now referring to 75 million+ MAGA American citizens as "domestic terrorists." I saw this on CNN, it was accepted as established fact. With President Trump out of the way they will come for us, already are coming for us.

      Absolute power has corrupted them absolutely and they're one branch of government shy of achieving total control.

      I'm watching the clock anticipating the Lord to intervene spectacularly.

  42. Israel has struck at Dier Ez-Zor on the Syria-Iraq border to destroy an IRGC weapons depot controlled by their proxy militia.

    This is the fourth major Israeli strike in Syria in recent days.

    1. Trusted OSINT report:

  43. All of the U.S. Armed Forces received commo from the JCS yesterday that was signed by all branch chiefs. My own inbox received this commo three times, plus a fourth directly related commo.

    Both commo affirmed the U.S. Armed Forces would follow all lawful orders from the current CInC until 20 JAN 21 when a new CInC is sworn in and his orders become lawful.

    Congressional actions regarding ongoing impeachment of the current CInC are of critical importance in the next 48 hours or to 20 JAN 21.

  44. You wrote” and they're one branch of government shy of achieving total control.” Which branch don’t they control? The supreme courts is totally under their control so I think they have control of all the branches of government.

    1. Zoe,

      Until Joe Biden is sworn in the executive branch of our Government is beyond their ability to control. 7 days more.

  45. From Joanne:

    "Good morning, Sean,
    My reading today took me to 2 Kings 18 and 19. I take great encouragement from it in our current situation, and am praying Hezekiah’s prayer. I am not as wise as you and many of your friends on your blog, but I love the Lord and trust Him. Whether He does something miraculous to pull us back from the brink of socialism, or allows us to march into dark times, I trust His plan and watch the skies for Jesus to call us Home.
    Thank you for your steadfastness and wisdom. You are much appreciated."
    Rejoicing in Jesus,

  46. I never post but watch with ya all. This is bind boggling to say the least, and we are in total total total trust in the creator of all things. Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thank you God for giving each of us here your wisdom to follow your end time plan. Anything can happen through God. Blessing in Christ Jesus.
    Maybe we will see Gods PROTECTIVE hand for Israel's sake through the last Trump and that many in this nation and around the world will now believe THERE IS A TRUE GOD. In constant prayer with all.

  47. The CEO of gab is a born again Christian. He post some amazing proofs of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He’s also a patriot...

  48. Sean, I am encourage by the article you posted earlier regarding SOS Pompeo discussing The Iranian terrestrial connections.
    Especially noticed this point and the fact that he spoke these words just this week... We can’t ignore this truth, and just as we have done with other horrible regimes, like the one in China, the Trump administration will look to this as it is, not as we wish it to be.
    Pompeo had mentioned recently that he has full confidence that President Donald J Trump will be our President for four more years. I believe him.

    1. Joe, one more thing that I would like to add and I am sure I will be corrected if I'm wrong but I cannot for the life of me see how a Biden Administration fits into Bible prophecy with the 70th week I just trying to see it but I just can't see it. With the results of that would bring it seems to contradict a lot of prophecies but then again there are a lot of surprises and God is in control so I don't know

  49. I feel like I’m at sea my optimism is like waves up and down the waiting is stretching my faith but I’m determined to stay above water. I can rationalize the hesitation or delay in taking action now. What more could they be waiting for they must now know who all the actors are in this treason. I’m wrestling with my thoughts, I know God is more then able but is he willing could the answer be simply NO! That this is his will/plan to bring about his final plan for the world. Just a thought sorry for wavering.

    1. A lot of us are at that boat like 75 million people

    2. Exactly. Trump's total IMHO was 80 million or more. Every last one of them is jumping bean anxious for Trump to act, soonest is bestest.

  50. No more YT ever. All existing YT links in this comments section will be deleted.

    1. I think that should go for Twitter as well, but that's your decision

    2. Agreed. Any social platform that has abrogated President Trumps 1st Amendment right, or has censored, banned or otherwise silenced dissent from Christian and/or Conservative points of view will not pass through comment moderation.

    3. This site is the only site I am going to for the time being. I am not even going to conservative sites like Gateway pundit and the light because although some of those are really good sites they are not faith-based therefore they are not looking at current events through the light of Faith which is something we desperately need at this time therefore I will only be going to this site and John mcternan site for the latest because I don't know about you but I need to be looking at this through a faith-based lens

  51. Today's baseless vote in the House of Representative to impeach President Trump has passed as expected. 10 RINOs voted with the Democrat majority.

    1. The U.S. Senate will not return to session until 19JAN21. This effectively means Trump cannot be convicted in a Senate impeachment trial.

    2. That's good news, however after seeing such a disgraceful, hypocritical display in the Jouse of Rep. I am leaning more towards what you stated earlier hoping "we arrived at a time we least expect -- Harpazo and hello 70th Week

    3. Jmoll,

      May it be so that the time of our blessed hope has arrived. II Thessalonians 2 is resonating loudly!

    4. It would make since. Isreals 80th birthday is less than 7 1/2 years away. Perhaps today!!! Meanwhile, keep watching, keep praying and keep working

  52. President Trump addressed the nation this evening via recorded video.

    He reiterated his call for no more political violence; the actions taken to thwart planned leftist violence on inauguration day in state capitals as it has been briefed to him by the U.S. Secret Service, and of deployments of NatGuard units to Washington, D.C. to maintain security. His words evidenced the dangers that lie ahead and his efforts towards a peaceful transfer of power.

    I have serious doubts that his words were well received by the Democrat Bolsheviks, BLM and Fascist Antifa groups across the country.

    The President is also talking to Joe Biden according to Chris Ruddy of Newsmax.

  53. The Bolshevik-Democrat-RINO rush into the impeachment that was concluded today in the House was a pre-emption of the Emergency Electoral Commission championed by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.

    What took place in the House today was utterly disgusting, utterly unAmerican.

    Articles of impeachment will be filed against Joe Biden on 21JAN21 by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R.GA).

    1. Rep. Greene also said on live TV (Greg Kelly Reports - NewsmaxTV) that she'd be going after Kamala Harris for her criminal actions as well.

  54. @Sean Dear Brother, Please forgive me for sounding uninformed or dumb about the question I have. I seem to to be experiencing
    a senior moment or just going through a "duh" phase due to all this stuff. But why would there be any violence or mayhem from those groups if Biden is getting in? I would think they would do things only if POTUS got back in.

    Again, sorry brother!

  55. Brother Frank,

    It's very simple. Anarchists don't care one whit for Democrats or Joe Biden or the USA. They want to "burn down" the whole country. They are Anarchists.

    The Democrats used the anarchists, weaponized them to burn American cities from sea to shining sea. Used them to ransack the Capitol one week ago. Useful idiots in other words.

  56. Sean,

    Roger that! Thanks brother. The air has felt a little heavy at times trying to breathe with all that is happening. It just all seems so unreal at times.

    Blessings Brother!

  57. We must all breathe easier, and from this point forward we shall on Eschatology Today.

    A new SITREP will go up shortly, within hours.

    No longer are we looking to a political upheaval to restore law and order in America.

    We looking to our Lord Jesus Christ and His coming to gather us to be with Him forevermore. This is the focus.

    The political war will continue, we know the outcome, and our Harpazo with Christ in the clouds will unquestionably accelerate America's inevitable descent into the final global empire.
    We are Monarchists awaiting our King.

    Christ is the Rock upon whom we stand, our Father's will is done on earth and in heaven. Marana'tha!

  58. Comments are restored now that this SITREP with its update have been up for a little over 8 hours.

    The information in the two video link updates from 12 and 13 January are far too critical and time sensitive to be missed, and for this reason the entire SITREP has been pushed to the top of the blog line-up.

    All Deep State media is insisting that "right wing militias" in a number of states will begin attacks against all manner of government buildings on Saturday, 16 January, and continuing through next Wednesday, 20 January, the scheduled inauguration day.

    Do not be fooled, any attacks that occur are by armed Marxist-Anarchists.

  59. Sean,

    Is there anything strange about 21,000 US troops at the capitol for an inauguration that is supposed to be virtual? They have also installed a fence with razor wire around the capitol building. Do they really have THAT credible of a threat?

    Just feels like a strange movie...

    Ken B

    1. Ken,

      KFI 640 AM radio reports the number is 26,000 and climbing. Congress in a cage. CNN reporting Trump refuses to resign. Trump today just declassified thousands of pages of documents. Mass document dump within hours per Just the

      Take a wild guess what's going on. :)

    2. Still praying still believing

    3. I think now is about the time where we stand fast and still and wait to see the Mighty Right Arm of the Most High God!

    4. I dunno, but I think maybe that's what I said at the end of the update?

  60. Ed R,

    Nobody will see what's coming. It's a tactical operation.

    I & W. I use this military jargon a lot. It means Indications and Warnings.

    Indication example: The existence of Israel today is an indication that we're living in the "last days."

    Warning example: Darkening skies, pelting rain, increasing winds and clouds swirling like an ocean eddy are warning of an approaching storm.

    We see indications everywhere that something will soon occur in Washington D.C.
    Could be pre-inauguartion security, could be something else.

    A warning would be the activation and use of the emergency broadcast system that danger is coming.

    What is Bible prophecy if not I&W of Jesus coming and of His Kingdom coming.

    We are watching I&W of either Trump remaining or the communists taking over.

    Sit back, relax, eat popcorn, offer prayer. God, the REAL power, is in control.

  61. I have a long-time friend, retired CIA, a former CoS and Ops Directorate guy. Asked him about the videos linked in the update, with emphasis on the Terry Turchie vid of 12 January.

    His response:

    "The Democratic Party is totally Communist and they have taken over…so we’ll see how good they are and what the opposition looks like...if they are as inept as Obama era was, nothing to worry about."

  62. "What I see is fear and panic that Trump might do something before noon on Jan. 20, and this is prompting a frantic attempt to remove him from power even if it’s only just two or three days early."


  63. In the interest of passing on as much received info as possible, a trusted and experienced government alphabet agency analyst is of the opinion that President Trump will complete a peaceful transition of executive power to Joe Biden on January 20th; that we're engaging in wishful thinking.

    1. I appreciate his honesty, as disheartening as it sounds.
      We just pray and look for God's intervention for the sake of the USA.

    2. I pray not but obviously very possible. I personally think it would tarnish Trump place in history for having to chance to stop the take but instead waived the white flag.

  64. ...of the opinion. This is crushing news :( I'm not going to get my hopes up, but I'm still going to pray. Believe God for a miracle, but trust God has a plan regardless of the outcome. If biden gets in, I believe we're going home very soon. "...people were eating drinking, marrying...." I don't see that happening for long if biden gets in

  65. I have ;been silently following this blog for quite a while. I have to admit that I'm getting confused. Are we wishful thinking or is there solid intel that trump may fight this obvious treason?

  66. Thank you for sharing the analyst's opinion, Sean. This is a quote from someone on another site, pointing out what we have been discussing:

    "TRUMP called up 26,000 Troops AND COUNTING &has locked down DC tighter than a Drum. The NG current Rules of engagement are "cleared to use deadly force."
    Razor Wire. All to protect a BIDEN VIRTUAL INAUGURATION?"

    I saw that news has come out confirming that the attack on the capitol last week was premeditated/staged and involved antifa/blm. How to explain all the current fortifications, unless there is some thought that foreign agitators are going to try to cause trouble when Biden is inaugurated virtually. Even with that it seems that it would be hard to justify this level of fortification. If your friend is right, it's hard to know what to make of the current situation.

    It is also hard to imagine how we get to a place where Israel feels safe enough to disarm per Ezekiel 38-39 under a Biden administration. That's another prophetic head scratcher. Of course this would not be the first or last time that something has exceeded my ability to imagine.

    I saw that massive amounts of incriminating material are continuing to be declassified. If Biden is inaugurated, we may reach a point where he is removed for his crimes shortly thereafter. It would be very messy.

  67. Brothers & Sisters,

    That was one (1) man's very secular non-Spirit-led OPINION.

    He could be right.
    He could be wrong.

    Nobody has a crystal ball to know which it is. I certainly don't. I've actually prayed, as we all have, that his opinion is wrong.

    God is in control. NOT this one man and his opinion.

    1. I agree, which is why I started my reply with "of the opinion". On a different note, should this Harold the imminent harpazo, please look me up when we reach that golden sure. I'll be looking forward to meeting you in that heavenly place. I'll be waiting by the river.

  68. Actually, the question is...

    What are the 75 to 80 million American MAGA voting people going to do if the Communists actually succeed on 20 January in having overthrown our Constitutional Republic?

    Is it ALL on Trump's 72-year old energizer bunny shoulders, or do We The People (or should I say Sheeple) hold responsibility over the government ordained by God over us; by the people for the people.

    So, what are those 75-80 million citizens going to do if this lawlessness is allowed to stand?


    Did our Christian forebears who fed to the lions and slain for sport in Roman arenas say, "the Lord's wrath will not be visited upon us, His children."

    It wasn't the Lord's wrath.

    It was the wrath of the ROMAN STATE who took away their rights as natural born Roman citizens.

    History repeats?

    Nobody knows yet, but we're crossing that bridge known as "the will of God" soon, a very few days from now.

    1. And stand-by... it's gonna get even crazier with each passing day, all kinds of things are going to happen.

      For crying out loud... Washington, D.C. today looks a whole lot like the "Green Zone" in Baghdad, Iraq. Even moreso in fact.


  69. I read that Secretary of State Pompeo just tweeted this out:

  70. My (I hope( final thought on this SITREP:

    Let go. In God We Trust.

    Moving on to SITREP D5-20 and putting these SITREP's back in their normal order.


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