Saturday, October 15, 2022

Global SITREP D5-22: Rising Tide of Violence in Israel

UPDATED 25 October 2022: The Arab Islamist violence continues. The IDF, Shin Bet and YAMAM counter-terrorist forces raided an explosives manufacturing apartment in Shechem (Nablus). Excellent intelligence collection identified the apartment in the Kasbah of Shechem as a HQ for the so-called "Lions Den" terrorists which afterwards was destroyed by Israeli forces. A firefight between Israeli forces and dozens of Arab Islamists ensued; there were no IDF injuries and 4 of the armed terrorists were killed.

15 October 2022: There has been a tremendous increase in Arab Islamist violence in Israel with most of the attacks occurring in the towns of Judea and Samaria, but especially in Jerusalem. This rise in violence is due to primarily to Islamic incitement to violence in the mosques. The increasing violence is also the result of an incredibly weak Israeli government. Not the IDF, mind you, but the government itself. It's the Israeli version of the American Biden administration. They see eye-to-eye on most things.

The violence is marked by stones being thrown at Israel's security forces and common Jewish citizens on a daily basis. This is the low end, whereas the high end is marked by Molotov cocktails and other types of hurled fire bombs, the igniting of tires laced with fuels, shooting attacks and riot after riot in various locations, but primarily in and around Jerusalem. The hardest and most frequently hit is the neighborhood of Shimon HaTzaddik of East Jerusalem. The IDF and Border Police then arrive to restore order - temporarily at best. As stated, the violence occurs on a daily basis. For the average Israeli citizen the IDF and Security Forces arrival on the scene this is not enough, and they are, community by community, kibbutzim by kibbutzim, taking direct action against the Arab's terrorizing their communities. Eventually, and sooner rather than later, things will hit the proverbial fan. We all know it, it's inerrant God-breathed prophecy.

However, there's are changes coming, and they will manifest in a little over two weeks time and within 7 days of each other. The first is Israel's newest round of Knesset elections on November 1st, and the US mid-term elections on November 8th. It is anticipated that the conservatives of Israel and the US will prevail in these elections. That would be a good thing, but as we all all know, God establishes governments and their leaders for His purposes. The coming prophetic fulfillments cannot be stopped, they are the sound of inevitability we all sense in the background. 

On the other side is the just announced reconciliation agreement between the PA-leading Fatah Faction and the terrorist HAMAS (image above) and its associated terror cells. The reconciliation was signed in Algiers, Algeria this past Thursday. A truly united Arab terror front of Fatah and HAMAS should be seen as a harbinger of the coming conflict foretold by several ancient prophets of Israel. It does appear as these three events are coming together, and it is accepted on Eschatology Today that this is not coincidental. God is in complete control.


  1. The point here is that Israel's people in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem's environs are 100% fed up with the Arab terror enabled by a weak government.

    1. Steve G: Point taken - and on a related note, the Iranian Twelver regime is really on the ropes. (Not sure if this link is OK for you to post or not [it's ToI]: < >). With Iranian women and schoolgirls openly & agressively protesting and being roughed up by regime thugs - on camera - the mullahs may well be feeling threatened enough to 'externalise' things by significantly escalating their attempts to direct attention elsewhere (Israel). That is what tyrants often do when in trouble. The Restrainer is working overtime these days. What a powderkeg. YBIC, Steve.

    2. Events in Iran are 100% within the scope of the Jeremiah 49:34-39 prophecy.

      Our "Prophetic Road to Revelation" is on a high-speed electrified rail.

  2. And this situation should inevitably lead to the fulfillment of Ezekiel 28:24-26, wherein the prophet describes all of Israel's surrounding enemies in terms of prickly briar bushes, instead of peer military enemies.

  3. We had a cyber glitch, but Jon Hartmann wrote:

    "Both the people in the Israel AND the U.S are fed up which quite frankly, the way I see it needs to be the case for psalm 83 and other prophetic wars to occur otherwise it's just status quo.

    I don't know how the U.S midterms are going to go down, but from my human standpoint it would seem that conservatives will win the day in Israel. I personally believe that the Israeli elections are of way more prophetic significance than U.S elections and will make future land for peace talks moot."

  4. Both elections loom large.

    A conservative win in the US results in an overwhelming pro-Israel House and Senate.

    It would also lame duck the Biden Admin, and likely result in impeachments, also good for Israel.

    However, the Harpazo would make all of this moot.

  5. IF the Israel right (led by Likud) wins the election then the US-dictated "maritime agreement" will go the same way as Oslo I and Oslo II went - into oblivion.

  6. Just throwing this out there FWIW.

    A Space dot com article I saw led off with this:

    "Have intelligent aliens ever visited the solar system? It's not a ridiculous question. After all, the solar system has been around for over 4 billion years, and if intelligent life arose in our galaxy, it may have reached the level of technological sophistication necessary to explore other systems, including our own."

    Actually, the above is a ridiculous question. Ludicrous in fact.

    Life did not arise on the earth or any other celestial body. ALL life, all living things, were Created by God. They are all sustained by God. At least until Judgment Day.

    1. AMEN AND AMEN rdcrane

    2. You are correct about this being a ludicrous statement where they said the solar system is billions of years old. Anyone in their right mind knows that creation is only around 6 to 8 thousand years old as to what the Bible teaches
      R Mace

    3. What if there is a correlation between the 6 Days of Creation and the Universe being billions of years in age?

      Dr. Gerald Schroeder explained this concept in great detail to the late, great Zola Levitt.

      Here's the video:

      Zola Levitt and Schroeder's 'Time Dilation'

  7. "Lions Den" Arab terrorists opened fire upon the Salem base in northern Samaria this evening. No injuries reported; terrorists being hunted.

  8. Iranian (IRGC) Shahed-136 kamikaze drones and IRGC controllers as employed in Ukraine by Russia will be a factor in the coming Hezbollah war with Israel.

    However, Israeli and US CENTCOM intel passed to Ukraine on these drones enabled Ukraine to destroy about 90% in mid-flight. The 10% that got through and reached their targets caused damage and several deaths among civilians in Kyiv.

    Some form of retribution by Ukraine against Iran is a matter of time.

    1. Ukrainian retribution is likely to first manifest as a full rupture of diplomatic relations with Iran.

  9. This morning Arab terrorists opened fire with automatic weapons on the Samarian town of Shaked. Houses struck but no one was injured, Thank God.
    The terrorists are from the "Lions Den" group operating out of Shechem (Nablus) and Jenin.

    The weak Lapid government will pay at the voting booth which is consistent with the assessment of this SITREP.

    1. Today MG Herzi Halevi (Paratrooper, Sayeret Matkal Special Forces) was appointed (no surprise) as the 23rd IDF Chief of Staff. This an important appointment as we'll soon see.

  10. More confirmation on what we knew and were watching indicators for...

    White House ‘deeply disappointed’ by Palestinian pivot toward Russia
    Russian President Vladimir Putin is a “far cry” from being capable of acting as a mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, says National Security Council spokesperson. (Jewish News Syndicate)

    Abbas said that Ramallah was “happy and satisfied” with Moscow’s support. “Russia stands by justice and international law and that is enough for us,” he said.


  11. Take a little bit if time, copy the URL (link) and watch the entire video and you'll see something phenomenon of Creation from the perspective of God.

    You'll see how the first 31 sentences of Genesis are now being confirmed by scientific observation as human intelligence (increase of knowledge), technological innovation and progress EXPLICITLY confirm what God told Moses to write in ancient Hebrew.

    John 1 confirms all of it.

    1. Wow this is amazing to say the least rdcrane

    2. BTW... The linked Zola Levitt video is from 20+ years ago.

      I often wonder: Why has this discussion been so suppressed by various actors? Why is not commonly known today?

      They even mentioned - again this was 20+ years ago - a recent topic we also touched on here, and that is that we're very, very close to the end of the Lord's 6th day (nearly 6,000 years). The 7th day is the Millennium of Christ's Kingdom.

    3. And...

      This was presented in a small way in my own view back in 2013:


    4. Sean, I am not seeing the URL link to watch the video. Thanks

    5. Thanks for linking the video. Searching out the answers to God's creation brings both awe and humbleness knowing how awesome our God is. If God can create a blade of grass out of nothing He can create the universe.
      Besides, we have only seen a small part of what He has prepared for those who belong to Him.

    6. Russ,

      The word "Bereshiyth" has the link embedded within it.

    7. Jmoll,


      Scripture (Psalm 19) declares that the heavens declare...

      The meaning of this is far deeper than most people comprehend.

      Thanks to Gerald Schroeder PhD for explaining it.

  12. Arutz Sheva brief:

    "The IDF Chief of Staff, Major General Aviv Kochavi, at the end of a situational assessment, instructed the sector commanders in Judea and Samaria to have their soldiers be more vigilant in the immediate future after two soldiers were killed in recent shootings."

  13. The are ongoing and rolling fire fights between IDF troops and armed terrorists (Lions Den) in Shechem(Nablus) this morning.

  14. Here's my intel assessment on the so-called "Lions Den."

    These terrorists are the direct result of the most recent Fatah-HAMAS reconciliation.

    They are the trained fighters of both and a few others, they have no command structure, no HQ to give both Fatah and HAMAS plausible deniability for their terrorist actions.

    They are armed with smuggled weaponry courtesy of the IRGC in Syria.

    They will be annihilated by the IDF in the coming war according to several prophets of old.

    1. "The successful IDF operations last night and on Saturday night in Shechem are praiseworthy and prove that only widescale military activity will eliminate the terror," Yossi Dagan said.

      (Widescale military action = the Psalm 83 war.

  15. This is a Public Service announcement:

    October 7 2022

    State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo Issues New mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance

    TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has announced new guidance regarding mRNA vaccines. The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety.

    This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.

    With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group. Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks.

    As such, the State Surgeon General recommends against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Those with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when making this decision.

    “Studying the safety and efficacy of any medications, including vaccines, is an important component of public health,” said Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. “Far less attention has been paid to safety and the concerns of many individuals have been dismissed – these are important findings that should be communicated to Floridians.”

  16. Vladimir Putin has declared martial law in the four Ukrainian oblasts Russia has illegally claimed to have annexed as the sovereign territory of the Russian Federation.

    1. Russia may be preparing to surrender the Ukrainian city of Kherson rather than continuing to defend if from the Ukrainian counter-offensive to re-take it.

      Kherson is the gateway to the liberation of Crimea, Melitopol and eventually Mariupol.

  17. FYSA - IAF F-35I Adir strike aircraft have been routinely flying over the Islamic Republic of Iran, undetected and for months.

    They're being refueled either in mid-flight or on the ground somewhere.

    Standing by...

  18. Starting today and for the next 14 days, stay frosty and keep your head on a swivel...

  19. BREAKING: Just moments ago air strikes occurred in Damascus, explosions reported over the city. Waiting for more data..

    1. IAF strikes in and around Damascus, including Damascus international where Iranian weapons and war materiel recently arrived.

  20. As 3 NOV 22 the Arab terrorist violence continues. An Israel policeman was stabbed and two others lightly injured by a lone Arab terrorist who was shot dead on the spot. Crowds of Arabs then gathered in the area to honor the dead terrorist as a myrtyr.

    In Sderot homes were riddled with machine gun fire from Gaza. No injuries reported.

    The IAF struck and destroyed a PIJ missile production facility as a response to the PIJ missiles fire yesterday, none of which entered Israel. The "rules of engagement" wrt Gaza terrorist missile fire have changed.


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