Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Global SITREP A1-25: The King IS Coming!

Watch therefore...

1 January 2025: It may sound cliche, but it is true, we have never been closer to the coming of our Lord than we are this day.

In surveying events and potentials for events in the world for 2025, the first item to make a note of is the alleged ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. It apparently has a caveat attached in which the IDF must be completely withdrawn from southern Lebanon by 60 days from November 27, 2024. That means the 61st day which is the day Hezbollah is threatening to renew its attacks on Israel is Sunday, 26, January 2025. We shall see as there are any number of circumstances which could make such an ultimatum a moot point.

The second note to make is Russia's non-negotiable position that there can be no high-stakes summit between Putin and Trump to discuss the end of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine unless Ukraine first renounces its right to sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is not a new Russian precondition, but rather an oft-repeated demand which clarifies the objective of the Russian Federation as the total capitulation of the Republic of Ukraine and on its face cancels any notion of "good faith" negotiation to resolve the war. 

These two items stand as two of six major international crises facing the start of the second Trump Administration. The third is the Iranian nuclear weapons program; the fourth being China/Taiwan, the fifth Yemen and freedom of commercial navigation through the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandeb chokepoint. Trump unilaterally also recently announced a sixth in taking back the Panama Canal from China and Panama. 

Other crises will inevitably crop up throughout 2025, some of them yet unforeseen (seismic, asteroids, pestilences), yet all of them the prophetic birth pangs foretold by our Lord in His Olivet Discourse.



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