Current world events seen through the clarifying lens of the LORD's inerrant prophetic word. The Lord's Word proclaims a series of 'latter days' events leading to the second coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom upon the earth in this generation.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
How Can the European Union Recognize a Palestinian State Before it Exists?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The 12 Days of Christmas

I want to wish you the Merriest of Christmases this Saturday, but according to the song, the First Day of Christmas is the day after Christmas, December 26.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Hal Lindsey Report: The Mystery of the Magi

Saturday, December 25, 2010
“Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.”

‘ But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
Are not the least among the rulers of Judah;
For out of you shall come a Ruler
Who will shepherd My people Israel.’”
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Psalm 83 "Inner Ring" Solidifies

Syria, Lebanon, Gaza(Philistia), and certain elements within the West Bank are all benefactors of Iranian "assistance" in the continuing and ever increasing confrontation with Israel. Now Jordan, in the person of its reigning monarch, King Abdullah, made it clear yesterday (12 December) that the Hashemite Kingdom intends to follow the lead of its Sunni Arab brothers in reaching out to Iran. This is a stunning and totally out-of-the-blue reversal of Jordanian foreign policy vis-a-vis the Islamic Republic. Why and why now?
Jordan's king wants improved ties with Iran
Excerpt: "The Jordanian (Royal Court) statement quoted Abdullah as saying it was "imperative to undertake practical steps for improving Jordanian-Iranian relations in the service of both countries, their brotherly people and joint Islamic causes and to consolidate security and stability in the region."
I believe this reversal is based upon the Islamic imperative that confrontation with and destruction of Israel is the ultimate in joint Islamic causes. Consolidated security and stability within Dar al-Islam (land of Submission) cannot occur as long as Israel, a/k/a/ Dar al-Harb (Land of War) exists within the Islamic crescent. Tehran's rapprochement with Amman cannot occur as long as its unilateral peace agreement with Israel remains in force. Thus Jordanian abrogation of the agreement may occur without notice or upon the flimsiest of pretexts. Jordan sees what exists to its north - from Iran to the Mediterranean Sea - an Iranian-led and armed to the teeth coalition is intent on vanquishing Israel in the near term. Jordan, the Hashemite Kingdom, set itself up as the guardian of Islam's holiest shrines - from Mecca to Jerusalem - and over the course of recent history has lost both, the former to the Saudi's and the latter to the Israeli's. I believe this underlies King Abdullah's decision. It is an attempt to restore the Hashemite Kingdom's Islamic legitimacy and honor.
In the period of 1947 to 2003 the Iraqi military precisley fulfilled the role of Asshur as assigned by Asaph. Precisely, and specifically to a 'T'. In fact, Saddam Hussein's clan/family hailed from that former northern Iraqi/Assyrian territory. Iraqi support and direct involvement with the sons of Lot (Ammon and Moab = Jordan) and the whole Arab League's war of annihilation against Israel is precisely what Asaph was speaking to. British-trained Iraqi generals led the pan-Arabic armies in the wars of 1947-47, 1967 and 1973.
Iraq provided training, logisitics, sanctuary and finance to the Abu Nidal "Palestinian" terrorist organization;
Iraq provided significant financial aid and assistance to HAMAS;
Iraq hosted the Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF) under Abu Abbas in Baghdad (of SS Achille Lauro/Leon Klinghoffer infamy);
Iraq paid the families of "Palestinian" suicide bomber cash rewards of $10,000 for each act of mass-murder of Jews and martyrdom. This amount was raised to $25,000 in 2002. The cash was transited directly via automobile from Baghdad to Amman, Jordan along the 10 Freeway and on to the West Bank paymaster Mahmoud Besharat.
The Iraqi Salman Pak terrorist training center specialized the terrorist arts of aircraft, ship and train hijacking, IED and VBIED production, sabotage and assassination.
My final note on this is to recognize that this is an interpretation which could only be fulfilled in this last 'end times' generation, the generation which has witnessed the budding of the Fig Tree.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Vigilance for the Holidays and Beyond
The above embedded video is proof of precisely why "We The People" must always maintain a high state of vigilance with such incompetant, out-of-touch, unelected leaders in charge of our national security.
22 December 2010: Once again the Christmas and New Year holiday season is upon us. Unlike last year when Al Qaeda attempted, and thankfully failed, to blow an American airliner out of the sky on Christmas day, this year Al Qaeda in Iraq have a standing terrorist operations order to carry out attacks against Christian churches across the globe: “All Christian centers, organizations and institutions, leaders and followers are legitimate targets for the mujahedeen wherever they can reach them.” This includes the United States and Canada.
Recent AQAP terrorist plots discovered in the UK that are linked to Anwar al-AWLAKI are reported to have targets that include landmarks, public areas, shopping centers, hotels, restaurants and, last but not by any means least, our food supply. The ages of the terrorists primed to carry out these attacks are said to range from their late teens to early twenties.
The persistence of reports citing planned Mumbai-style terrorist attacks remains a primary concern for Europe and well as North America. Most recently, alerts were issued for a type of terrorist the Northeast Intelligence Network has long cited as being highly prized Al Qaeda recruits, the so-called “lily white” terrorists. This group of “white jihadists” is known to exist since two of them were recently killed while in training for their assignments by just one of the nearly one hundred C.I.A. Predator drone attacks in the northwestern Pakistani region of Waziristan this year. The two who were killed were among many “white jihadists” known to have been in training there.
So, the war goes on. Life goes on. And we each in our own way, where ever we live, work, travel and enjoy recreation and good times with family and friends in this holiday season and beyond need to be fearlessly vigilant to the Islamic enemy coming at us from any and every direction. As always, you see something, you say something. And have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Arab Muslim’s exhibit sickening delight over Israel fire: A Psalm 83 Connection?

And as the flame sets the mountains on fire,
And frighten them with Your storm."
By Douglas J. Hagmann founder and director
Please pray for the safety of Israel and her people as the Muslims metaphorically fan the flames of hatred from all across the globe...
4 December 2010: In what is being described as the “most serious environmental disaster” in the history of Israel, the raging fire has caused at least 42 deaths, the evacuation of over 17 thousand people and destroyed over four million trees. According to a short statement by Israeli authorities, the fire was not a case of arson but of negligence, which is somewhat at odds with initial reports that that the fire had at least three separate points of origin that is suggestive of arson.
Regardless of the cause, the fire has been devastating – to the absolute delight of the Islamic communities in the Middle East.
Researchers of the Northeast Intelligence Network have been monitoring Arab news sources and web sites and forums sympathetic to Muslim terrorists. There have been dubious claims of responsibility for the conflagration, with the latest coming from a previously unknown group calling itself the “Lions of the Mujahideen in Palestine.” According to a statement posted on a web forum used to broadcast messages allegedly from Osama bin Laden, the group stated that they started the fire. According to the statement, the group set fire to the trees and dried brush at Mount Carmel between late Thursday and early Friday, [performing] “a holy and heroic expedition within the territory of the usurpers.”
Perhaps of equal importance consists of the Muslim response published on the forums and in response to news items, especially in the foreign press. Comments originating from all parts of the globe consist of a stomach-turning exuberance by the very people who claim their religion is one of peace. Much like the Muslims dancing in the streets in celebration of the 9/11 attacks, there is an unbridled joy among many that Israel is burning. Muslim prayers are being offered to Allah in thanks and for increased carnage, not only to Israel, but to any Arab Muslim who assists in extinguishing the fire.
The following reflect a few examples of Muslim sentiment from posters in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and even North America:
“Praise Allah for this new Holocaust!”
“Allahu Akbar! This is an effective weapon. We call on our Palestinian
brothers to set fire to all forests.”“This fire is the result of prayers from our prisoners held in occupation
jails. The fire of Hell will be even stronger. May those Arabs who are helping
the Jews burn with them in Hell.”“May Allah punish all Arabs who helped put down the fire.”
“Oh Allah, destroy Israel and all enemies of Islam.”
In addition to such printed reactions, there have been numerous references to the text of some Friday sermons held in mosques in Arab countries and even some in the U.S. that are metaphorically fanning the flames of hatred against Israel and the Jews. Muslim religious leaders are claiming that Israel is being punished for their “occupation,” and promise more destruction and death to come.
NOTE: Join the Facebook group “I support Israel – Fire Disaster 2010″ for updates and information (supported by but not affiliated with the Northeast Intelligence Network)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Stuxnet: Made in the USA

UPDATE 16 January 2011: Israel Tests on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay
1 December 2010: Speculations on Stuxnet’s national point of origin have run as rampant as the trojan malware has within the Iranian nuclear weapons infrastructure since the discovery of the super cyber weapon by the Belarus security firm VirusBlokAda on 17 June 2010. The vast majority of those subject-matter-expert commentaries leading corporate media-driven speculations have centered on Israel and its secretive military intelligence Unit 8200 as that point of origin.
One of those so-called experts, Richard Falkenrath, a former Senior Director of Policy and Plans with the United States Office of Homeland Security, was on Bloomberg Television as recently as September 24 pointing a very accusative finger at Israel. When asked directly by the interviewer what were the chances that the United States was the nation-state of origin Falkenrath responded(at the 1:57 mark of the linked video), “It is theoretically impossible that the U.S. government did this, but in my judgment it is a very remote possibility. More likely is, frankly, Israel. That Israel did it.”
Richard Falkenrath needs to have a conversation or two with his former government peers, or at the least with the New York Times’s David E. Sanger about an article he wrote a full 17 months prior to the discovery of Stuxnet. Published by the Times on 10 January 2009 Sanger’s article, headlined “U.S. Rejected Aid for Israeli Raid on Iranian Nuclear Site,” clearly references the United States as the point of origin of Stuxnet during the last year of the administration of President George W. Bush..
Quoting Sanger’s article:
“President Bush deflected a secret request by Israel last year for specialized bunker-busting bombs it wanted for an attack on Iran’s main nuclear complex and told the Israelis that he had authorized new covert action intended to sabotage Iran’s suspected effort to develop nuclear weapons, according to senior American and foreign officials.... The White House denied that request outright, American officials said, and the Israelis backed off their plans, at least temporarily. But the tense exchanges also prompted the White House to step up intelligence-sharing with Israel and brief Israeli officials on new American efforts to subtly sabotage Iran’s nuclear infrastructure, a major covert program that Mr. Bush is about to hand off to President-elect Barack Obama.”
Stuxnet. Made in the USA.
For all of two years now the big remaining Stuxnet mystery has been hiding in plain sight, and now the operationally deceptive embedded “fingerprints” within the lines of Stuxnet’s code suggesting an Israeli origin are moot. And, for their part, the Israeli authorities don’t seem to have any problem with such misdirection exercises. The Israeli’s might even consider them to have some inherent entertainment value. From an intelligence perspective they do have that quality.
Interestingly, it was also the New York Times’s David E. Sanger who also informed the world in another article, published 29 September 2009, of a team of Symantec researcher’s discovery of a Stuxnet project string code driver (b:\myrtus\src\objfre_w2k_x86\i386\guava.pdb) that contained an apparently ingenious “paternity” reference to Israel linked to the Book of Esther. This article was published just five days after Richard Falkenrath’s accusative Bloomberg TV interview. The Book of Esther tells the story of how the Jews in ancient Elam overcame a Persian plot to annihilate them and instead turned the tables on their enemies and were granted the power to preemptively annihilate their enemies anywhere in King Xerxes realm.
It just so happens that ancient Elam is the same modern day geographical location for most of the crown jewels in the Iranian nuclear weapons program. Now that’s a brilliant touch of flair the American creators of Stuxnet should receive an award for. And now it can be said that the US has finally taken a step towards rectifying all of the acts of war Iran has committed against the US since 1979 as well the murders of our Marines in Beirut and other American heroes in Lebanon.
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