Update 13 October 2017: As expected, and strongly hinted at in the previous update, in an important policy speech this afternoon President Trump de-certified the JCPOA. More importantly this speech should be regarded as (coining a phrase here folks) the "Trump Iran Doctrine" or (TID). The TID went well beyond the provisions of the JCPOA to include naming the Iranian Shi'a Hojjatieh regime itself and its primary support mechanism, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps.
The Trump Iran Doctrine outlined key items, specifically acts of war by Iran against the United States of America, that have occurred over the course of the past 39 years. These acts of war, thus specifically enumerated, constitute the casus belli for a formal declaration of war in the future. The United States Congress has 60 days to determine a course of action, failing which President Trump can act under his Constitutional Authority in the manner he deems proper as the U.S. Armed Forces Commander-In-Chief.
Most media are decidedly playing down the gravity of what President Trump announced today. That is not done on Eschatology Today. This is extremely serious business, and in all likelihood will probably result in direct acts of military aggression by Iranian forces against American military forces and interests anywhere in the world.
11 October 2017: This is not new news, but within a finite number of hours President of the United States Donald J. Trump will decertify the JCPOA (Iran Nuclear Deal). As expressed on this blog from the get-go, the JCPOA was an absolute disaster; it was the still-born baby of the godless Global Elite. It is an international agreement which is diametrically opposed to the considerable national security interests of the United States.
As many may already be aware, the mere threat of this action taking place has the Global Elite, (the Global Oligarchy to long-time Eschatology Today readers), and their global corporate media lapdogs, simply besides themselves in hand-wringing angst. If you want to understand global who's who in the run up to the 70th Week simply look to see if a given individual or organization is for the JCPOA. Those individuals and organizations will be the Antichrist's slavish followers. Nobody in their right mind gives apocalyptic Iranian Shi'a mullahs or North Korean dictators the ability to construct nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. That kind of thing is inherently suicidal for the people who allow it to happen.
The Global Elite plainly see that an American President is about to pull that still-born baby off of life support, and they will fight his action tooth and nail, at least for a while or until the point of the JCPOA has been made moot by the fulfillment of Jeremiah 49:34-39 and Ezekiel 38/39 or global thermonuclear warfare engulfs the earth..
What will president Trump's decertification of the JCPOA mean in real terms? It will be a defining moment. It will make clear the the U.N. IAEA has been unable to verify, as required by the JCPOA, from day one that Iran has been in compliance with the provisions of the agreement. How so? Because an America decertification of the JCPOA will make clear that Iran never halted its nuclear weapons program as required; that the nuclear weapons program has been going full-steam ahead within Iranian military infrastructure as well as within North Korea. This has been stated here many times over: a North Korean nuclear test is an Iranian nuclear test.
It is the opinion of Eschatology Today that the impending U.S. decertification of the JCPOA opens the door to the military option of enforcing compliance in that Iran will
a) not acquire the ability to indigenously produce a nuclear weapon,
b) honor commitments in countering proliferation of nuclear technology and delivery systems, and
c) end its destructive and destablizing role in the MidEast as the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism.
All of these are the end result of the aforementioned prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
10 October 2017: Just realized that this SITREP is the 500th post on Eschatology Today. Kind of a milestone I suppose, but there is much yet to be done, so now is not the time to pause in reflection.
Israel24 has published, as have other Israeli media, a report on comments made by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. Lieberman made clear that the next war will include all of Lebanon and Syria, as the correctly named "Northern Front." Lieberman also made clear that the old paradigm of northern sector fighting in either Lebanon or Syria is now dead and buried, never to exist again. From Lebanon's Mediterranean Coast clockwise to the Jordanian border is one, contiguous frontline that Israel will engage in warfighting operations with enemy forces.
Long-term Eschatology Today readers will recognize that these media reports mirror what has been posted here for a very long time now - that the next war will see the fulfillment of a flood of prophecies - one of which is key but unfortunately has long been ignored by other Bible prophecy teachers, websites and blogs.
I am referring to Joshua 13, a chapter which belongs in a grouping of chapters 1-12, but for various reasons has been excluded from being grouped with those chapters. And this is just as well, because the chapter is actually a 2,700-year old prophecy for our time.
5 October 2017: Most have probably heard by now the headline that burst forth at 4 AM this morning on the National Review that President Trump will de-certify that Iran is in compliance of the JCPOA nuclear agreement this coming Monday, 9 October. The de-certification will effectively end the farce that has plagued the Trump Administration from the moment the president first certified that Iran has transparently, verifiably and fully implemented the agreement, and that the agreement is "vital to the national security interests of the United States."
It has been beyond my ability to fathom why President Donald J. Trump would willingly continue with the deception and charade begun by the Barack Hussein Obama administration. The only recourse for a Christian is to state that God is in complete control and what is being done is being done because He wills it to be done. I accept this in faith; it is after all late in the 9th inning.
As the the title of this SITREP, take a moment to go over this report from Deutsche Welle issued a little over three hours ago. The so-called "de-confliction zones" have become killing zones for the Russian, Syrian and Iranian proxy forces in Syria. Indiscriminate slaughter and bombings of hospitals, schools and other critical civilian infrastructure has become rampant, intentional. Where's the antiwar crowd now? In Idlib there are now a half million civilians without and kind of medical institutions to turn to for care in a war zone.
If this kind of slaughter were done by American-led CJTF-OIR forces the antiwar crowd would be screaming for Trump's head on a silver platter. This is the kind of slaughter which could, and probably should, backfire on Russia, Syria and Iran. In all likelihood, it probably will.
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Kurdistan and Israel are Allies |
1 October 2017: Contrary to reporting in global corporate media of late, the war in Syria is not over. Nor is the war in Iraq. These obviously directly related wars are in fact the same war, but there is much more to come before either is resolved and not in favor of the most belligerent party driving both of them, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The war in Syria and Iraq, both of whom have governments completely dominated by the Islamic Republic of Iran, are integral to the international chaos being deliberately created by the Hojjatieh clerics of Iran. The Hojjatieh are Shia supremacists who instigated the revolution in Iran of the late 1970's, and who believe that the creation of international chaos will hasten the arrival of their long-awaited and entirely mythical al-Mahdi (the 12th Imam).
The truth formula here is simple: the war in Iraq and Syria cannot end because neither war has yet managed to create the requisite level of international chaos (rampant war) to hasten their mythical al-Mahdi's arrival. They have managed to come tantalizingly close to bringing Russia and the USA into direct conflict, and that might occur at some point, but not due to the Hojjatieh's designs. As discussed in the previous SITREP, there's a truly Divine appointment book in progress to fulfillment.
So, the in-progress wars and rumors thereof will continue. And the next one looming large will pit newly emergent Kurdistan (the one in Iraq - see map above) against the combined military forces of the Iranian Shia dominated government of Iraq, Iran and its proxies and Turkey. But the Kurds have a stalwart ally in Israel, which is very interesting considering the majority of Kurds are decidedly secular Sunni Muslims. (In forethought of how this will likely play out one can almost sense the Kurds turning as a nation to the God of Israel and ditching the mythical Allah. This outcome would be in keeping with a future literal fulfillment of Isaiah 19:23-25 in the Millennium Kingdom.) Israel immediately recognized the validity of the Kurdish independence vote to achieve their own state.
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Iraqi Kurdistan (Bashur), Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava), Turkish Kurdistan (Bakur) and Iranian Kurdistan (Rojilat) |
In the recent 25 September referendum voting on national independence for that part of autonomous Kurdistan (i.e. the Kurdistan Regional Government or KRG) within Iraq's recognized borders a full 92% of Kurds voted for independence from Iraq. For all intents and purposes Iraqi Kurdistan has been autonomous (semi-independent) since the mid-1990's, and probably since Saddam Hussein attacked Halabja with his entire arsenal of chemical weapons (Mustard gas, Sarin, Tabun and VX) in March 1988 killing 5,000 people, 75% of whom were women and children. Iraqi Kurdistan was protected by American and Coalition combat pilots enforcing the No-Fly Zone from 1991 to 1996 (Operation Provide Comfort and Provide Comfort II) and by US and UK air forces from 1997 to 2003 (Operation Northern Watch).
NOTE: Eschatology Today is ignoring global corporate media reports of the U.S. State Department rejecting the Kurdish referendum vote results. They do not pass the 'smell test' as they reek of "Deep State" and "DC Establishment" disinformation. The fact is that the Kurds are our allies. U.S. Special Forces are embedded with Kurdish military forces in Iraq and Syria; another 5,000 provide direct support; they coordinate CJTF-OIR airstrikes when and where needed. The U.S. has heavily armed and armored the Kurds military formations to the tune of $415 billion in the past year alone. Finally, the U.S. told the Turks to take a flying leap when we went to war at the side of the Kurds and their Syrian Arab allies (the SDF). That leap remains in-progress.
NOTE: Eschatology Today is ignoring global corporate media reports of the U.S. State Department rejecting the Kurdish referendum vote results. They do not pass the 'smell test' as they reek of "Deep State" and "DC Establishment" disinformation. The fact is that the Kurds are our allies. U.S. Special Forces are embedded with Kurdish military forces in Iraq and Syria; another 5,000 provide direct support; they coordinate CJTF-OIR airstrikes when and where needed. The U.S. has heavily armed and armored the Kurds military formations to the tune of $415 billion in the past year alone. Finally, the U.S. told the Turks to take a flying leap when we went to war at the side of the Kurds and their Syrian Arab allies (the SDF). That leap remains in-progress.
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Self-explanatory image. |
ReplyDeleteVery serious update, apparently our President isn't going to the mat to be walked on like past Presidents.
I'm wondering if the parts of Kurdistan in Turkey and Syria will also become part of the Iraq area being declared an independant Kurdistan. That would give them a very large area. It would be great if their eyes would open to the truth of who God is. I pray it is so.
Iran and Lebenon spew alot of threats. You are right that one of these days they will have wished they did not provoke Israel or the U.S.A. God's word will be fulfilled.
Every U.S. President since Reagan has let Iran get away with murder - literally - thousands of murdered Americans - until now. Appeasement of the Ayatollah is over. Remember, notice has already been given. It's real now.
ReplyDeleteGod has said through Isaiah there will only be three nations in the Holy Land in the near future: Egypt, Israel and Assyria.
Watch what happens next.
Quick question about the three nations you mentioned. We know what the Israel borders will be, but what will the borders of Assyria and Egypt be in the future, particularly Assyria? (I believe its mentioned somewhere that Egypt will always be a base nation)
DeleteYour question was answered by the LORD God thousands of years ago. It's the land Covenant made with Abram's descendants in Genesis 15:18-21. All of the land from from the east bank of the Nile River to the west bank of the Euphrates River.
remember the President told us just a couple of days ago, this is the Calm Before
ReplyDeletethe Storm. This could get ugly! We all need to keep praying for our brave President
to put on the Full Armor of God.
ReplyDeleteTrump was not entirely serious with his statement to the media last Thursday. Maybe half serious; half joking. Trump's intent was to set the media up; to send them into an arms-waving-madly-in-the-air frenzy. He was highly successful.
The give-away was the smilong faces of the assembled officers - they got the joke immediately.
Note: The was an accidental technical foulup yesterday that resulted in about 6 months of comments being wiped out. They are unrecoverable. :(
ReplyDeleteHowever, not going to worry over the loss because moving forward without them is more important. Onward!
ReplyDeleteIn all of the today's attempts to go back and refresh my understanding of current affairs and also some of the actual signposts of exactly where we are in God's Time Table of HIS revealing, I happened upon some of my searches from the early studying on Persia, Russia and the mind sets of other nations towards the USA. I found a very remarkable source that I even managed to create hard copies for my files and thought of you. If you don't already know of it, it is at Focus on Jerusalem authored by Darrell G. Young and the title of what I discovered is "IRAN IN BIBLE PROPHECY" subtitle THE PRINCE OF PERSIA.
I only mention it because I found it very factual, straight to the point and it really lays it out for all of us who are not qualified statisticians or diplomats in world affairs. I could have sworn you were the author that created it and so many of your points are represented in this manuscript. But at the very end of the document, Mr. Young presents his opinion of an aspect that I have toyed with but long ago dismissed because it seemed so unthinkable. It was written before Barack H. Obama paraded himself as a qualified candidate to assume the Presidency of the USA. The section I am speaking of is 'THE AMERICAN WAR ON TERROR TRACKS A TRAIL TO IRAN AND SYRIA' and caused me to completely understand exactly the extent that BHO manipulated and authored in bringing about the destruction of the USA.
ReplyDeleteAs a card-carrying member of the Global Oligarchy, BHO tried and failed in his agenda to bring this country down. BHO was clearly not man enough for the job.
In fact, no man is man enough for the job. Bringing down a nation as large and resilient as the USA is something only God accomplishes through judgment.
I believe We the People of the USA will remain as we are until after the Harpazo of the bride of Christ has occurred.
Judgment will befall ALL nations during the 70th Week.
I know Iran, the Iranians as people few do. In the mid-70's I spent a great deal of time with Iranian students. I learned the Farsi language from them. A few years later I volunteered for the Iran hostage rescue mission. I learned everything necessary about the Shi'a Hojjatieh clerics and their ideology and eschatology in the 1970s before the revolt overthrew Shah Reza Pahlavi.