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Israel: Ready on the Golan |
Update 29 December 2017: So, here we are on the verge of beginning 2018. As can bee seen in my comment below this morning, Israel begins 2018, which Eschatology Today assesses as a critical pre-70th Week year, having signed a strategic and tactical agreement with the greatest military power in human history (the USA) in total coordination in the ongoing confrontation with Iran, the war in Syria, in Lebanon (Hezbollah) and against HAMAS in Gaza.
This is not a defensive accord, but rather a proactive and even kinetic (active war) accord involving both covert and overt acts as necessary in containing or eradicating the threats posed by Iran, Hezbollah and HAMAS in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and Iran itself. The timing here is no accident, we should all be aware that it has occurred at a time appointed by the Lord for it to become reality. It is no accident either that this accord reaches across multiple Old Testament prophecies to reach their fulfillment prior to the advent of the 70th Week.
27 December 2017: IDF forces stand ready on the Golan as Hezbollah, Iranian militias and The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) steadily make their way closer to the border by crushing a collection of various opposition/terrorist forces in the so-called Beit Jinn enclave. This once enclave stretched east along the slopes of Mt. Hermon towards Damascus; it now has been reduced to just a few isolated and surrounded small towns. At present the Hezbollah/IRGC and Syrian ground component forces may be as close as 3 miles from the Israel's most forward deployed forces. To the south in Gaza the situation is, according to IDF sources, much as it was in the days/hours prior to the last round of hostilities in 2014.
In Israel, various reports say that David Friedman, the U.S. Ambassador, has called upon our State Department to cease and desist from referring to Judea and Samaria as "occupied." Here also President Trump will provide direction as he has done with Jerusalem, and we can expect these areas to be officially be seen by America as integral to the State of Israel. Additionally, the Jerusalem metro train station at the Western Wall is to be re-named in honor of President Donald J. Trump.
24 December 2017: If you're following events, and all of the swirling rumors thereof, since the UN vote following the American Jerusalem declaration, it certainly appears that The United States of America has taken the position of issuing Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) and most other PA officials non grata status in the U.S. This follows the decision of exactly one month ago where the U.S. State Department de-certified the PLO mission to Washington, D.C.
What this means is that from the perspective of the United States the Palestinian's are no longer recognized as legitimate politically; they are being de-funded of US aid dollars and are being completely ignored with respect to the formulated "peace plan" the Trump Administration will continue to advance to our Arab allies (Sheba and Dedan). The PA has long been a virtual unanimous non-entity from the perspective of the U.S. Congress.
There is even a strong rumor, originating with hostile Arabs and probably as designed-war-mongering incitement by the Islamic Republic of Iran, that the next diplomatic move of the United States will be to officially recognize the State of Israel as a Jewish State. The U.S recognized the government of Israel de jure (as a legal entity) on 31 January 1949 after their first national election. For the past 70 years, or since 14 May 1948, there has been a difference between U.S. recognition of Israel as a "Jewish state" and as the "State of Israel" (See clickable documents here).
The point is this: we know war is coming. The last time, when the birth of Israel fulfilled the Isaiah 66:8 prophecy of a nation being born in a single day, that these sort of rumors circulated and all communications ceased, full-scale war erupted within 6 weeks. It sure looks like we're on that path once again, the one Eschatology Today has since March 2009 referred to as "The Prophetic Road to Revelation."
20 December 2017: This may well be the final SITREP for us to ride out 2017 with. It's fitting to start the SITREP with two Indications & Warning (I&W) items we've discussed in very recent times; the first related to Ezekiel 38/39 and the second to Jeremiah 49:34-39. Other prophecy items will be posted here as they occur until 2018 begins 12 days from now.
This is not a defensive accord, but rather a proactive and even kinetic (active war) accord involving both covert and overt acts as necessary in containing or eradicating the threats posed by Iran, Hezbollah and HAMAS in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and Iran itself. The timing here is no accident, we should all be aware that it has occurred at a time appointed by the Lord for it to become reality. It is no accident either that this accord reaches across multiple Old Testament prophecies to reach their fulfillment prior to the advent of the 70th Week.
27 December 2017: IDF forces stand ready on the Golan as Hezbollah, Iranian militias and The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) steadily make their way closer to the border by crushing a collection of various opposition/terrorist forces in the so-called Beit Jinn enclave. This once enclave stretched east along the slopes of Mt. Hermon towards Damascus; it now has been reduced to just a few isolated and surrounded small towns. At present the Hezbollah/IRGC and Syrian ground component forces may be as close as 3 miles from the Israel's most forward deployed forces. To the south in Gaza the situation is, according to IDF sources, much as it was in the days/hours prior to the last round of hostilities in 2014.
In Israel, various reports say that David Friedman, the U.S. Ambassador, has called upon our State Department to cease and desist from referring to Judea and Samaria as "occupied." Here also President Trump will provide direction as he has done with Jerusalem, and we can expect these areas to be officially be seen by America as integral to the State of Israel. Additionally, the Jerusalem metro train station at the Western Wall is to be re-named in honor of President Donald J. Trump.
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Russian and Byelorus Zapad 17 Exercise, September 2017 |
24 December 2017: If you're following events, and all of the swirling rumors thereof, since the UN vote following the American Jerusalem declaration, it certainly appears that The United States of America has taken the position of issuing Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) and most other PA officials non grata status in the U.S. This follows the decision of exactly one month ago where the U.S. State Department de-certified the PLO mission to Washington, D.C.
What this means is that from the perspective of the United States the Palestinian's are no longer recognized as legitimate politically; they are being de-funded of US aid dollars and are being completely ignored with respect to the formulated "peace plan" the Trump Administration will continue to advance to our Arab allies (Sheba and Dedan). The PA has long been a virtual unanimous non-entity from the perspective of the U.S. Congress.
There is even a strong rumor, originating with hostile Arabs and probably as designed-war-mongering incitement by the Islamic Republic of Iran, that the next diplomatic move of the United States will be to officially recognize the State of Israel as a Jewish State. The U.S recognized the government of Israel de jure (as a legal entity) on 31 January 1949 after their first national election. For the past 70 years, or since 14 May 1948, there has been a difference between U.S. recognition of Israel as a "Jewish state" and as the "State of Israel" (See clickable documents here).
The point is this: we know war is coming. The last time, when the birth of Israel fulfilled the Isaiah 66:8 prophecy of a nation being born in a single day, that these sort of rumors circulated and all communications ceased, full-scale war erupted within 6 weeks. It sure looks like we're on that path once again, the one Eschatology Today has since March 2009 referred to as "The Prophetic Road to Revelation."
20 December 2017: This may well be the final SITREP for us to ride out 2017 with. It's fitting to start the SITREP with two Indications & Warning (I&W) items we've discussed in very recent times; the first related to Ezekiel 38/39 and the second to Jeremiah 49:34-39. Other prophecy items will be posted here as they occur until 2018 begins 12 days from now.
Regarding the first I&W item, and if the above image looks familiar to you, that would be because it represents a current analysis posted by the UK news source The Sun this morning of what Eschatology Today reported on 27 September 2017 as Global SITREP D3-17: Ezekiel 38/39 In Living Color. Perhaps a click on these embedded links to see the similarities of what Eschatology Today reported three months ago and The Sun reported this morning might be in order.
For those with little time to spare in link-following excursions, let's just say The Sun report speaks to an analysis conducted by two leading analysts from a western intelligence service. Their analysis of the exercise reveals it to have been preparatory for a full-scale invasion of the northern portions of the European Union and NATO alliance. A Russian-Byelorus (a/k/a the Union State) war against NATO in other words. The Zapad 17 rehearsal was exactly the kind of invasion that God will preempt by placing "hook"hooks in the jaws of the leader and dragging him and his northern military force south to their deaths upon the mountains of Israel in the prophetic near future. The number of troops involved in all aspects of this offensive was well in excess of 120,000 combat troops.
About the second I&W item. Jeremiah 49:34-39 speaks to a coalition coming against Elam (modern-day Iran). Would it surprise you to learn that since the second direct ballistic missile attack against the Saudi Arabian capital city this week Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman is prepared to take the war directly into the Iranian homeland. One of the first attacks envisioned, following a naval engagement in the gulf's waters, is a Saudi ballistic missile strike on Iranian nuclear infrastructure located in - wait for it - ancient Elam. The fully operational Bushehr nuclear facility to be precise. And there's more. This is followed up by a Saudi ground forces invasion which is ultimately welcomed by the Iranian people as a liberation from their oppressive regime.
All of this is envisioned by the Saudi's in a newly released and highly entertaining video production that has been embedded below.
Crown Prince Salman is seen leading the Saudi assault which culminates in the capture of a cowering IRGC Qods Force General Qassam Soleimani.
Rumors abundant that a preemptive military strike on the North Korean nuclear program is currently on the fast track.
ReplyDeleteI just hope there are some General Schwarzkopf types still left in our military, the prior regime did alot of purging. I am thankful we have the current leadership in the Executive Branch and not all those unamerican SOB's. Thanks for the update. My prayers are for their guidance.
ReplyDelete.....a little isn't it? That's what I hear anyway.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas Eschatology Today family! I wasn't sure if we'd still be here this Christmas but here we are watching bible prophecy happening before our eyes. So fascinating! 2018 here we come, I'm ready to go home......
ReplyDeleteAlthough I personally believe by His inspired written word that our Lord was born in the month of September/Elul, I do also wish a Very Merry Christmas to you and yours and to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ who celebrate His birth on this day!
One can tell just by taking stock of the many events that have taken place, are taking place or appear about to take place, that not only are we very, very deep into the season of our Lord's second coming, but we surely do have an expectation of hearing the cry "Come up hither" to occur literally at any moment. Marana'tha!
Amen, Sean!
ReplyDeleteI wish a very blessed Christmas to all my brothers and sisters in Christ!
As multitudes celebrate the first coming of Jesus, I pray we can celebrate His second very soon together.
ReplyDeleteMay God bless you all!
"IDF forces stand ready on the Golan..." Maybe we'll see armed conflict break out before the end of this year. I wonder what will Russia's reaction be to that. Right now they want to be mediators of peace in the North-Korean and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the military update Sean. Keep it coming as things escalate! God has
ReplyDeletegiven you a great perspective of these things with your past/present? military experiences, your knowledge of the bible, discernment in the constant flow of news and knowing the right people to confer with. I wish more people were on a high alert
status as I am and all who follow this blog! Keep blowing the trumpet until we are
out of here. I will do my best where I am too.
Been tied up with Holidays and work, so I haven't been able to comment. So much developing. My initial thought is with the Abbas development mentioned in your 12/24 update. Always wondered how a peace agreement could result in immediate war, and it is becoming clearer since this development. If one is totally left out of said negotiations (such as Abbas and Co will be), then any agreement would cause extreme anger....and backlash, very interesting.
ReplyDeleteMy real reason for the comment was to wish our little ET family a belated Merry Christmas. I loved the update on the Magoi....it stirs something deep inside of me to consider the events leading up to their journey, and the actual event itself. Amazing...may we all find ourselves on that journey soon. God Bless friends!
ReplyDeleteMy thought on your comment about "maybe we'll see armed conflict break out before the end of this year" is:
1.) The armed conflict has been underway for some time now, albeit low intensity armed conflict, in Gaza, the West Bank, and occasional precision strikes on specific targets in Syria. Occasional flare-ups in the entirety of the continuing Psalm 83 scenario have occurred since the so-called "first intifada" (uprising) in Judea and Samaria (1987-1993); the so-called "second intifada (2000-2005); in the short Hezbollah conflict (2006); and the several operations against terrorists in Gaza from 2006 to the present.
2. What you are most likely referring to is large-scale prophecy fulfilling conflict that will envelope all three fronts (northern, southern [including Sinai] and central) simultaneously. This the ultimate and final act of fulfilling of the Psalm 83 scenario which has been discussed here in many posts since 2009, and to which I have included Joshua 13 as an integral part (Not many others include Joshua 13, but i have no problem doing so).
There are two keys. One is Syria, and for which I believe Jeremiah 49:23-27 is critical. This is because Jeremiah specified some great catastrophe to occur in the northwestern part of the country. This catastrophe will occur in the Idlib and Hama Governorates (Muhafazat).
As we've followed the war in Syria, it has become crystal clear that these two Muhafazat are without doubt the final redoubts where the non-ISIS armed opposition have been getting transported to in 'safe passage' with their weapons for giving up elsewhere in western Syria.
This key stands to erupt, I assess, shortly after the final transfer of Sunni jihadists are given supposedly safe passage to Hama and Idlib from the Beit Jinn pocket just north of the Golan. The Syrian government and their allies will at that point have all of the jihadists in one tidy package, a killing field in other words. We are very, very close to seeing this take place.
The second key is the coming war against "Elam" also per Jeremiah 49.
I pray we are all worthy of being “ caught up with the Lord”
ReplyDelete"What you are most likely referring to is large-scale prophecy fulfilling conflict that will envelope all three fronts (northern, southern [including Sinai] and central) simultaneously."
I meant a *larger scale of war* break-out. Indeed, *armed conflict* wasn't the best choice of words.
If we are all like the 5 with "oiled lamps" of Matthew 25, no doubt we shall be caught up.
ReplyDelete“Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.”
(2 Corinthians 1:21-22)
“For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.”
(Hebrews 10:14)
New Israel-US agreement on thwarting Iran includes these two key provisions:
ReplyDelete"3. Countering Iranian ballistic missiles development and the Iranian "precision project" aimed at manufacturing precision guided missiles in Syria and Lebanon for Hezbollah to be used against Israel in a future war.
4.Joint U.S.-Israeli preparation for different escalation scenarios in the region concerning Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza."
More at axios.com or breitbart.com
ReplyDeleteIf I understand the situation right… Iran has to deal with the USA military forces if they are confronting Israel, right? The USA and Israel are in a strong military alliance. Iran and Russia are also in a strong military alliance. I’ve been wondering about Russia for a while. If the USA military forces come against Iran on the behalf of Israel, what will Russia do??? Perhaps, we could only guess but what are your thoughts on this? Could the whole confrontation escalate into a Russia-USA military clash? (When the prophet talks about “the trouble on the sea”, is it possible that the USA and her allies and Iran&Co including Russia will clash there?) The presidential election in Russia is in this coming March in 2018. Is it possible that the Russian president (occupied with the election) will leave Iran on its own against the USA and Israel? At least until after the March elections…
ReplyDeleteThe enemy forces will have to deal with both US and Israeli forces. Much will depend on timing and location of engagement.
I would recommend a review of The Prophetic Road to Revelation for certain details.
Thank you, I'm going to read it!
ReplyDeleteJust so everyone is aware, I am following the unrest, the deaths, and the disappearances of anti-regime protesters all across Iran.
ReplyDeleteAs of now these protests are pretty much the same as those of 9 years ago.
However, they may very well be instigated as part of the US-Israeli agreement on covert action (noted above) as a vehicle to destabilize the
Shi'a Hojjatieh regime from within. A fifth column in other words.
Likud voted overwhelmingly, some say unanimously, to annex into Israeli sovereignty all of "liberated" Judea and Samaria.
ReplyDeleteNot binding, but a very important step forward. 2018 looking bigger than ever.
It seems that some significant prophetic activity occured in 2017 doesn't it
Nah, surely you jest with such a magnificent understatement as this!
2017 was huge; 2018 will be even more so
Perhaps in a few days you could compile a list of prophetic events that occurred in 2017, in the order of least to greatest significance. That, in my opinion, would be worth a sitrep.
DeleteNot a few days... in a few hours! We are on Grace-borrowed time after all. :)
DeleteHave a very blessed New Year, brothers and sisters!
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank everyone here for their input they gave this past year. To build up one another reflects Christ. God bless you all this coming year.
ReplyDeleteI hope you all get uplifted(😊) this new year!
I'm down with the "uplifting" this year. Hopefully soon! Happy 2018 everyone at least for the part we are here:)