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"Come up hither!" |
Repost 25 February 2021: This is a re-issued SITREP from it's last update on 25 December 2019. It is a reminder that the prophetic times we consider on Eschatology Today are of two distinct calendars. Mixing the two is erroneous and very confusing. In explanation, let's just say that prior to the Harpazo, in our current Romans 11:25 "times of the gentiles" time, time is counted on the 365-day Gregorian calendar. In the post-Harpazo world the Bible is clear (Revelation 11:1-3) that the 360-day Hebrew calendar will be in effect, hence the 2,520 days comprising the 70th week of years, or the two 1,260 days halves (times, time and half a time) delinating the Thlipsis (Tribulation and ministry of the Two Witnesses in Jerusalem at the 3rd Temple) from the Megas Thlipsis (Great Tribulation).
The difference between the Gregorian and the Hebrew calendar with respect to Psalm 90:10 (i.e. form 70 to 80 years) is 350 to 400 days, or about a full Gregorian calendar year. Since no man can know the day or the hour, doing such mathematical calculations is essentially fruitless - we are already deep within the season. The tangible, physical thing that Eschatology Today watches for, prior to being caught up, is a sudden and drastic change in the current status of the Temple Mount. As can be seen in the linked Scripture above, and as discussed here previously, the 3rd Temple will be standing and in operation on day one of the Two Witnesses ministry. Maybe we'll see this, maybe we won't, time is that short.
25 December 2019: The last time this topic of The Harpazo (Laqach or Rapture if you prefer the Hebrew or Latin versions of the word) appeared here over two and a half years ago, it was because of what the late Jack Kelley had written on the subject. I have been feeling a pull to revisit this yet again, feeling that time is very, very short and quickening all the time.
Well, yesterday, and to be perfectly honest, it was made clear that the Lord got tired of my procrastinating and He put it all right in my face. Got my full attention, He did! So, if you will look once again at that linked post, it'll help in understanding what I now understand are absolute facts concerning the day that only the Lord knows and we know as the "blessed hope."
I now believe, although I don't know exactly which one, that the LORD God will send His Son for us and the Harpazo will occur on a Pentecost Sunday in either 2020 or 2021. I had requested others to do some personal Berean research, and maybe that was a little to much to ask, so absent that here's what I've come to understand by Berean study and using our late brother Jack Kelley's well-researched article, on "The Feast of Pentecost" as a Spirit-led guide.
The first Harpazo, which is how the first harvest of grain is taken, suddenly by a sickle, the "first fruits" was that of Henowk (Enoch in modern English parlance, and whose name means "teaching"). It occurred on a day the Lord set aside as a feast day, the very same day tradition holds that Henowk/Enoch was born and was taken by God. It's the same day on which the bride of Christ was born, and God only knows, when He will send His Son to take his bride. This day throughout thousands of years is the same day, be it called Shavuot or Pentecost. Have we just re-learned something from Henowk/Enoch? I believe I have.
This day was also known in advance, which is why its name in Greek equates to "count 50" and in counting 50 days, or more correctly, counting seven Sabbaths (49 days) and the next day, the 50th day is the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the gathered apostles in Jerusalem (and others as well) to give birth to what was originally known as "the Way." Going back a bit in Israel's history, it's also the day Moses delivered "the Law" as given by God, and the nation of Israel was born.
Can anyone see where I'm going with this (?) and which I hope is not confusing anyone either! In dispensationalism, God stopped dealing with Israel on the same day as He began dealing with the bride of Christ, the day the Holy Spirit was poured out on those apostles and the first Christians. It's a day the Lord set apart long ago, and we know how the Lord keeps His appointments.
I'll say something more - all of this is the absolute ultimate in prophetic fulfillment, from Moses giving the Law sent down by God to Israel, to the Lord sending down the Holy Spirit to establish His bride. The end of this dispensation sees this Divine process reversed, the bride of Christ is taken, as Henowk/Enoch was taken on Pentecost, and Israel receives the Spirit on earth as God pours it out upon, at a minimum, 144,000 of them (see Ezekiel 39:29 and Romans 11:25-27).
I also believe Jack Kelley was at least partially correct in that the Harpazo is probably not a date-specific event, but a number specific event (the number of the last human to be redeemed in Christ). However, where I differ is that given the history of the day we know as both Shavuot/Pentecost, it could also be on that day that God has known from the beginning that both the full number of gentiles is the same day the Henowk/Enoch was taken up - Pentecost.
These studies continue as I do believe there is more to learn. One item is the question of "why 50 days?" It's kind of specific, as can be seen in hindsight in the direct relationship between Passover and Atonement in the Blood of Christ and Shavuot/Pentecost. It was all predetermined by the Lord.Lo and behold His command is found in Leviticus 23:15-17.
"And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall offer a new grain offering to the Lord. You shall bring from your dwellings two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah. They shall be of fine flour; they shall be baked with leaven. They are the firstfruits to the Lord."
Finally there's II Kings 2:7, the "fifty men of the sons of the prophets" of Jericho. Why 50? Why not 40 or 60? And again in II Kings 2:16 they are "fifty strong men." Somebody counted out fifty strong men who crossed the Jordan River and searched three days for Elijah who had been Laqach (Harpazoed) by the Lord.
Again, this number 50 is tied to the second Harpazo of a living human being, Elijah. I now also believe fully that the Lord's Two Witnesses in the first half of Israel's 70th Week will be Henowk/Enoch and Elijah.
Excellent Sean!!
ReplyDeleteThe "No man knows" is about the 2nd Coming -- Not the Harpazo.
I also agree that it is over a 90% chance to fall on a Pentecost.
Hopefully the sooner one...
DeleteThat's my hope and prayer, that it be Pentecost next, or the following in 2021. Marana'tha!
Randy Nettles posted the same thing by the numbers Maranatha
50 is a number associated with Jubilee. 7 sevens and then your debts must be forgiven so that you can return home! June is famous for weddings.
ReplyDeleteDan Gilbert
DeleteYes, Jubilee are a counting of years, and likely a type or precursor for the counting of the 50 days.
I agree with Jack Kelley that the Harpazo will happen as the last Gentile is called to redemption. I also concede that God in His timelessness has always known the exact moment this would occur. This magnanimous event will not be random in His eyes!
ReplyDeleteDan Gilbert
The number of gentiles grafted in as a branch of Israel prior to the 70th Week is a specific number known only to God.
ReplyDeleteThe point here is, it's not the final or total number of saved gentiles.
There are millions more, saints of the 70th Week, who like the 5 bridesmaids of Matthew 25, were 'left behind' when the door closed.
They were not taken to the wedding of the Groom and His bride as their lamps had no oil (a metaphor for the Holy Spirit). They knew well of Christ but had not accepted Him and received the covering of Jesus' blood. Post-Harpazo they, in the hundreds of millions, will receive Christ, and be saved, but will never be counted among the pre-70th Week bride of Christ.
ReplyDeletePentecost certainly has a lot going for it as a harpazo (ressurection) event.
1 Cor 15:20 tells us Jesus was the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep. Since all the feasts were acted out year after year, the symbolism of these feast is very clear, especially with the new testament writings. (Past is prologue)
Corinthians also tells us "each in it's own order". Sooo,
Pentecost fits very nicely in the order of events.
I am thankful the Holy Spirit continues to give us insight into these matters so we might be found searching the scriptures as we see the DAY approaching.
ReplyDeleteWhen RandalB said the reference to no man knows being about the second coming and not the rapture kind of made my brain go tilt. The 7-year timeline is so specific down to the very day divided into two three-and-a-half-year periods one can easily calculate the exact day of the second coming based on when the Covenant is confirmed or when sacrifice and oblation are ceased. There are just too many time-sensitive specifics in that 70th week to not know the exact timing of the second coming. Am I missing something?
DeleteThe devastation from the last half of Daniel's 70th week will reduce populations greatly, probably no electricity, cell towers, etc. Most won't know what day or month it is. IMHO
ReplyDeleteI let that go because "those days will be shortened" in order to preclude the extinction of humankind on earth. No one knows because how many of the Megas Thlipsis are shortened, AND because the earth is shaken from its certain orbit (Isaiah 13:13-14), so who can count days in that situation?
So as not to divide I chose to let it go according to this understanding that we've discussed here about what takes place during the Megas Thlipsis.
ReplyDeleteGreat explanation and as always you continue to take the high road by keeping the big picture in mind.Thank you for striving to offer as balanced a perspective as possible. That we would all continue to do the same until He calls us up!
ReplyDeleteThat's it, the high road and the big picture always in mind!
In recent times I've seen an overabundance of people claiming to be Christian, but completely lacking the power thereof that comes from the Holy Spirit. And every time I encounter one of these folks the image of the five bridesmaids without oil for their lamps who are left behild appears in my mind's eye. These are people like Jesus referenced in Matthew 24:44 who are not expecting his coming.
I can relate to how Noah felt as the Ark he built was about to be put to the intended purpose. The blessed hope of the Harpazo - Laqach - Rapture is so very near, that I consider once again the Lord telling Noah seven days in advance when those waters would come. Rest assured this next year I will be counting forward to the Holy Day of Pentecost.
Minutes ago rockets fired from Gaza, red alerts from Ashdod and points south. IAF jets and helicopters over Gaza targets almost immediately. Bennett at work.
ReplyDeletePIJ trying to take out PM Netanyahu who is near in Ashkon. No doubt this is Iranian retaliation.
DeleteMoshe on YT says Bibi is there at this time
ReplyDeleteBibi said those responsible had better hide. That was an hour ago, so they're probably deceased by now.
DeleteLooks like a broad offensive operation is underway. Aircraft, choppers and artillery hitting all of Gaza. IAF over Lebanon, and new fatalities amoung Iranian forces in al-Bukamal, Deir Ezzor, Syria.
ReplyDeleteSince the Revelation 12 sign I have had an app on my phone that I setup a countdown to pentecost on. I also countdown to Passover before it each year. Pentecost makes the most sense; I have learned that over the last two years previous to believing what many teach that it is trumpets. Either way, the point absolutely is that we are on borrowed time as the final gentile that will be raptured comes into fold to worship the Great Shepherd in Spirit and in Truth and then in twinkling of an eye we go up! We know we are in the final window so I try not to be dogmatic about it. Thank you for the post Sean:)
DeleteAmen and Marana'tha!
Sean, doesn't Pentecost fall really close to Israel's anniversary? My guess has been the harpazo would occur on Israel's anniversary in 2020 or 2021
DeleteWithin +/- two weeks or three, yes it does, but never exactly on that date.
And the season we've be watching for may now be counted in days, but still don't know the exact day or hour.
For years I been wondering the significance of Enoch, being a type of the church, being raptured at 365. Could it be that the Holy Spirit is telling us that the rapture will end the 365 day calendar???? I'm thinking that there's got to be some significance but I can't figure out what it is
DeleteGenesis 5:21-24
"Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah. After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him."
At just 65 years old Enoch had Methuselah. Then walked [righteously] with God for 300 years and was harpazoed.
This is unique in all of human history and well worth studying.
ReplyDeleteYes, you counted correctly. I made the same observation and decided it was not something to point out lest a charge of date-setting come our way.
ReplyDeleteWith all due respect brother, the Rapture is the event that no one knows the day or hour, NOT the 2nd Coming of Yeshua. Here's why. The Bible says (Matthew 24:36) "36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of [a]heaven, but My Father only.", that has to be 100% true the WHOLE TIME, not for a period or part of the time, but the WHOLE time, else the scriptures are ALL in doubt/LIE. The 2nd Coming, however, can be KNOWN to at least the day, of it occurrence, ONCE the Anti-Christ and Israel set up their 7 year Peace Covenant. Prophecies are very clear about about the 2nd Coming, in that 1260 days from the Peace Covenant being signed, the Anti-Christ defiles the 3rd Temple and turns on the Jews, causing them to flee into Petra for another 1260 at which point they repent and call Yeshua back, by recognizing Him as the Savior and Messiah they've been waiting for. This in no way meets the requirement set in Matthew 24:36, because the date is easily known the minute the Peace Treaty with the Anti-Christ and Israel are signed - 2520 days later Yeshua Ha'Mashiach returns!
Now all that said, could Yeshua return on Pentecost, absolutely, but we do NOT know which Pentecost it will be, and will NOT know for sure til He calls us up to meet Him, which does fulfill, perfectly the criteria set in Matthew 24:36, unlike the 2nd Coming, which as we've discussed, can be known for a whole 7 years before it happens!
Being that Enoch is the pre-image of the Church, and Enoch's tie to Pentecost, and the fact that if we take those facts that Enoch is the representation of the Church; he was raptured up on his birthday, BEFORE the Noah's Flood Judgment, and the fact that Pentecost falls on his Birthday, AND is the birthday of the Church, then is is very plausible to expect the Rapture to happen on a Pentecost, but again, which Pentecost is the question and I think makes it the best event to fit what Matthew 24:36 is referencing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for making your comment brother, much appreciated!
I was reminded today when studying Scripture that the only reason we know the temporal details of the 70th week of years is due to John's being shown the apocalypse of Jesus Christ, specifically Revelation 11:1-3.
Also, as we've noted here several times, there is the major issue of Isaiah 13:13 where the earth's orbital characteristics are changed, and that effects time as we know it. Nothing like this has ever occurred before and no one will know what day it is much less what time it is, even the sun and our moon won't be in their normal positions.
This article made me think of your recent thoughts of a Pentecost rapture. What an amazing thing about to take place in Africa. Perhaps the full number of saints will be brought in on this very day. Watching while praying.
DeleteThanks for this! The timing is awesome.
Good Morning Sean,
ReplyDeleteI've been spending the last few month's thinking (praying) about this sitrep and a Pentecost harpazo. I know the church has written a host of articles with a host of opinions.
The law of non-contradiction states that on two apposing views, they cannot both be right however both can be wrong. I have leaned toward imminencey and/or the feast of trumpets but really just want to know the truth. Your explanation on a possible pentecost harpazo is intriguing. After much study, I see it as a very good possibility.
Gen 5-11 shows people can represent sheaves and Jesus himself equated people like a harvest of wheat. Since Jesus was resurrected on the feast of first fruits where the first ripened grain was harvested and the priest waved it before God. The next harvest was two loaves of leavened baked bread (jews and gentiles) waved before God at Pentecost. (Our ressurection). There's more but enough to push me in this direction even further.
Thank you for your earnest resolve to be a Berean....it's contagious.
ReplyDeleteJack Kelley's study on Pentecost is like none of I've ever read. The part on the modeling of Naomi as Israel, Ruth as the Church and Boaz as Messiah was one that really got my attention, it truly is a prophecy about the Messiah in the process of redeeming Israel takes a gentile bride, and therefore saves both.
I almost began to create a new SITREP on the Harpazo, but just in the nick of time found this one all ready done from 14 months ago.
ReplyDeleteIt is a timely return to the core subject of Eschatology Today, and reminder to all who deny the word of God regarding our blessed hope and His most profound promise.
Recapping the Harpazo/Rapture always energizes me. It builds up my faith and reminds me that I belong to Jesus and you can't have a better hope than that!
DeleteA big AMEN!
ReplyDeleteYou mean Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest. Good teaching IMHO.
Question, given the fact that the temple will likely be standing on the first day of the 70th week, and the fact that a good amount of the preparations are already there, do you think the construction could take as little as 6 months, or would it take longer for a building like that to be built?
DeleteNot quite one year has passed since Tuesday, April 14, 2020 and
"Global SITREP B4-20: Eye on Temple Mount" was posted.
In that SITREP it was noted that the only thing standing in the way of Temple construction is the desire of the Jews to begin building it. They have everything else well prepared.
In the past 10.5 months the new "Israel Victory doctrine has emerged, as we've also discussed very recently, and it is an essential element to the raising up the third Temple.
So, to your question as to how long it would take once begun I think six months or less is about right. A fully researched update on this topic is also in the works.
Looking forward to it
DeleteA thought, that I admittedly do not know where to go with that piggy backs from Ryan's post on Pentecost and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost of course. But it was not the first time, consider that Jesus breathed on the 10 disciples and they received the Holy Spirit: "John 20:21-22: “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.’ After saying this, He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’”?" A Divine Prelude to the real event of Pentecost; as the 10 Disciples received the breath from Jesus before He ascends into Heaven, during His 40 days on earth? Everyone talks of Pentecost, rightly so; with much study I have learned more about the feast of weeks, the actual day count, and it's connection to the fall feasts knowing Song of Solomon and other places alludes to a summer harvest which goes all the way to the fall feasts. Yet, it would seem John 20 is almost forgotten, I don't really know why.
ReplyDeleteRegarding John 20, it's all about the context of the Scripture, which is about the first spoken words of our Risen Messiah, prior to His Ascension to the Father. His first words were to Mary Magdalene who looked at Him face to face and yet did not recognize His face; she thought the man standing before her was the caretaker of that place, a gardener.
And He breathed the Spirit upon the ten of them, so that they would believe. But Thomas who was not among them at that time and did not have the Spirit breathed upon him refused to believe unless he could put his finger in the wound of His hand and into the wound of His side. Eight days later Jesus came upon them again, and this time Thomas was among them. And Jesus entered into that room even though the door was shut; He had passed through a solid wall. And then Thomas having seen this, then he believed, and said "My Lord and my God."
Jesus had thus proven to all of them that He was risen from the dead, and was was God, exactly as Thomas had proclaimed, and as Jesus Himself proclaimed in verses 22/23: “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Only God had previously forgiven sins, but now Jesus was the source of all sin forgiveness... in addition to being God.
This is a reiteration of what Jesus said as recorded in John 8. Over and over again multiple times He said I AM, which is the name God told Moses to say had sent him. And Jesus said, verse 58, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”
Sean, a great summary, thank you. The only thing I would add in context is how people (I believe) misteach and misunderstand Thomas; known as doubting Thomas. I have no problem with that, Thomas clearly doubted and needed the proof: “Unless I see in His hands the imprint of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” John 20:25. Indeed, faith was required and Thomas did not have it. A lesson to the church, we are saved by God's grace through our faith in Jesus the Lord. However, does it occur to anyone that the disciples were shown the proof from Jesus Thomas later required? "And when He had said this, He showed them both His hands and His side. The disciples then rejoiced when they saw the Lord." John 20:20. It is almost as if for the first time, all the prophecies, the miracles, who Jesus Is and what He did rushed in like a flood; they saw with 20:20 vision. Then Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit on them. Peter before the cross had denied Jesus 3 times as prophesied even though He earlier had told everyone when Jesus asked: "who do you say that I AM?" in answering: "You are the Christ." The ministry of the Holy Spirit is amazing. The 11 Disciples including Thomas saw, then they believed and were anointed with the Holy Spirit...before Pentecost? The Holy Spirit "sends out" so perhaps that is why the apostles needed the Holy Spirit before Pentecost, to be "sent out" to Pentecost as the Spirit would work in and through them and upwards of 20,000 would be saved? What I called a Divine Prelude earlier? The Church believes without seeing and then is saved, anointed through the Holy Spirit. Of course there are many more passages on the ministry of the Holy Spirit and whenever someone is saved by His Grace through their faith it is really the ministry of the Holy Spirit that is accepted (Praise God!); a total opposite of the Pharisees blaspheming the Holy Spirit, the one unforgivable sin, by not only denying Jesus is Lord; also going so far as to say the power Jesus is given comes from satan himself. Now I am rambling, but what I am trying to say is that there is so much here and I do not really think we fully grasp it; at least I don't, not fully. When you word search the Scriptures with "Holy Spirit to and from" it is very interesting to see the ministry of the Holy Spirit moving to and from in all sorts of circumstances. I pray like Elisha that we are given a "double portion," not of the Spirit from Elijah, only THE Spirit of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ; that we may test all things and understand. Thanks for entertaining my ramblings.
ReplyDeleteThe risen but not-yet-ascended Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit upon 10 disciples. This enabled their faith.
DeleteAt Pentecost the ascended Jesus sent the Holy Spirit (a/k/a Comforter, Restrainer) as He had promised; so they were baptized in the Holy Spirit. This is total immersion or indwelling of the Holy Spirit in an individual human being.
First baptized of water, then fully baptized of the Holy Spirit.
As mentioned many times on this blog, believing Christians should pray to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.