Friday, February 19, 2021

Global SITREP D10-21: The "Great Reset" and Bible Prophecy

Update 27 February 2021: About vaccines. The OSINT Daily Report of 27 January 2021 has republished a NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV article from January 1999: "Public should be told that vaccines could have long-term adverse effects." 

19 February 2021: Eschatology Today has, until now, studiously avoided the so-called subject of the World Economic Forum founder Claus Schwab's current Davos theme of "The Great Reset." The reason for this avoidance is because the entire subject is a sort of globalist black hole, and like a cosmic black hole it has "gravitational" forces that'll pull one in like the fictional Alice  falling down a rabbit hole to an underworld. The embeded link is for educational purposes only.

In our real-world millions upon millions have fallen in, many erroneously believing there's a messiah waiting there, many more dove in willingly due to the lure of immense potential profits. Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us about such false messiahs in His Olivet Discourse, this globalist construct is just the most recent big lie.

So, what is the great reset? As stated, it's the current theme of Schwab's Davos global elite members of the World Economic Forum (WEF); a non-governmental organization (NGO) of business leaders who are "among the world's top innovators, market shapers, disruptors that include niche market leaders and "new champions." Their stated agenda is to transform how sustainable business is to be conducted globally in a post-COVID-19 world.

Membership in the globalist World Economic Forum is exclusive by definition, being that it is by invitation only and based upon a specified selection criteria of truly global citizenry. That means the members, both individuals and corporate entities, are not nationalistic, they do not regard themselves as citizens of a particular country, but rather as citizens of the world-at-large, and are nomenclatured as "New Champions" by the organization's hierarchy.

Here's where this all gets real interesting and rather transparent as a completely unmasked conspiracy. The annual WEF meeting is held in The People's Republic of China. Smaller confabs are held in locations around the world, but the primary globalist pow-wow is always under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on its home turf. That's how they control the WEF. Schwab and his legions of individuals and corporate "New Champions" are in all reality minions doing the bidding of the CCP. 

And what is the CCP's bidding of its minions? As noted by Schwab it is a complete and fundamental transformation of the world as we've known it via digital, educational and other strategic global infrastructure advancements. This is the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution. By definition, the 1st Industrial Revolution was brought about by water and coal-fired steam power; the 2nd by electrical power; the 3rd by solid state electronics and Information Technology. The 4th Industrial Revolution is in progress as a fusion of the physical, digital and biological spheres, and that is the fusion of 5G (or 5th Generation communications technology) and artifical intelligence (AI). Think cells phones and tracking technology like integrated chipsets. For example, is your Apple of Android celphone on? Then "they" know exactly where you are and in which direction you are facing. 

High on the list of WEF agenda items is the  novel Corona Virus (nCoV), a/k/a SARS-CoV-2, which is the root source of the Corona Virus-2019 (COVID-19) in human beings. SARS-CoV-2 is a tool of the CCP. It is the CCP's man-made bioweapon the purpose of which has been to accellerate the WEF agenda over multiple avenues of attack. COVID-19 (biological), combined with digital technologies (vote tabulating machines and the internet) plus physical (paper ballots) was used by the CCP's leftist allies in America to steal the November 2020 election.

Here's more. A stated agenda purpose of the WEF is to rid the planet of the CCPs COVID-19 bioweapon through vaccinations of people. How effective will the several vaccines be in achieving this? Consider who are the vaccine manufacturers and are they listed prominently among the elite membership of the WEF?  Use the link embedded above to see the truth for yourself, but point-blank - they are AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer. No wonder the vaccines took less than a year to become available, they've been in a process of development for years (just as long as the "experts" have said it would take to develop them), and nevermind that these manufacturers admit openly that the vaccines will not prevent anyone from getting COVID-19. No vaccine in my arm, thank you very much.

Eschatology Today will now surely be labeled as a tin foil hatter conspiracy website for having stated these truths. We're conservative, so it goes with the territory the "woke" folks have unilaterally assigned to us. But guess what, we've not yet even touched on what Bible prophecy has to say about all this. Eschatology Today has covered the related prophetic issues in dozens of posts. Now its time to link that data with what we see many saying about this subject. 

There are a great number who say that the WEF is bringing about or is a catalyst for the so-called "New World Order," the global governance, or the beast empire of the Antichrist and False Prophet. Well, the Bible says, the Book of Daniel in particular, that its not an elite group of individuals and corporate entities who bring this about, but 10 nations, ten kings or ten horns (Daniel chapters 7 and 8) and whom an 11th horn arises. These are kingdoms, nations who come from the same lineage as was revealed by Daniel in his God-breathed interpretation of Nebuchaddnezzar's vision in Daniel 2. Daniel 2 vividly illustrates in prophetic text that the Ten Toes are directly descendent from the Two Legs of the Greek and Roman empires of antiquity.

This reminds me of a song, and it's not exactly about Nebuchadnezzar's dream interpretation by Daniel, but most everybody has heard The Delta Rhythm Boys 1950 song "Dry Bones" at one time of another. It's about Ezekiel 37:1-14, but  Eschatology Today will use that song as a simile here. From both knees to the ankles to the feet to the toes, all "dem bones" are connected.

Also, there is Revelation 13, and what my favorite NKJV Bible speaks of as "the Beast from the Earth." This is the so-called and singular individual known as the False Prophet. Jesus spoke of many false prophets, and false teachers, and He said because of their actions they would bring on themselves swift destruction. But this beast figuratively comes up out of the earth shortly after the rise of the "little horn" Antichrist. It is the actions of this beast that are of interest here. 

Many say the New World Order will be a cashless global society. Revelation 13 verses 16 and 17 say this second beast will be the origin of the mark of the first beast as "he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, and that no one may by or sell except on who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." The second beast from the earth does this, not the WEF or the Communist Chinese.

Additionally, while it may appear in the numerous WEF narratives that the Chinese-controlled organization gains control of the whole world, that is not the case according to the prophetic word of God. The Book of Daniel specifies the nation of Greece and of the Roman Empire as the origin of the Antichrist, not the "kings of the East." 

Moreover, and as discussed here in the past, Daniel 11:44 clearly illustrates that during the 70th Week of years, the Satan-indwelled Antichrist is troubled by news from the east and from the north as he is militarily subduing enemies throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and that this news prompts him with great fury to deploys his forces to destroy and annihilate many.

Eschatology Today believes that the WEF agenda known now as 'The Great Reset' is not such a great thing as revealed by the prophetic Word of God. A lot of hype in world media and the blogosphere, but much ado about what will amount to nothing much. It may also be that what the WEF intends to create will actually be what The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Chapter 17 refers to as the Great Harlot. It is here also that the same Ten Horns from Daniel are seen again. What takes place in verses 16 and 17 is very instructive.

Much has been written about this subject, but in prophecy-centric websites there wasn't much seen as is discussed above, and that was the impetus for this SITREP to be written. It is hoped that many will find it instructive. What is the will of fallen men compared to that of our Omnipotent God who is in complete control!



  1. I pretty much steered clear the whole "great reset" thing. Conversations and all. I don't know if that was wise or foolish too many unreliable sources on both sides so I haven't given it much thought.

    Concerning vaccines, I normally don't ask for prayer on this blog, but my 73 old Dad is getting the second dose of the Moderna vaccine tomorrow and I'm really worried. I tried to talk him out of it. Please pray for protection from any side effects. He's a believer.

    1. Hartdawg, prayers sent.
      For what it's worth, many of my friends (who are in their 70's and 80's) have completed both shots in the past couple weeks with mild or no side effects. I pray the same for your dad.
      I read about one third of the military does not want the shots, we'll see when they make it mandatory.
      My problem with the vaccine is what Sean has covered and the same "Foundations of these global elite want to reduce populations of the world with one hand and come up with a vaccine to save the world with the other". Hmmm

    2. Hartdawg,

      Your Dad is within our Lord's embrace; he'll be fine with the prayers we're all offering up.

    3. Jmoll and Sean, greatly appreciate the prayers

  2. It became impossible to ignore this subject any longer, and as I've noted not enough time or effort has been expended into exploring it from the perspective of the Bible. Those who use the embedded link should at a minimum garvitate to the WEF Great reset "partners" link. It will take you to an alphabetical listing of all the individuals and corporate entities involved.

    Hence the notation in the conclusion of this SITREP of their being the Great Harlot of Revelation 17 and specifically to verse 17 which says "For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. Now that's truly the bottom line for any true believer.

    1. Reference:

      Tuesday, June 30, 2020
      Global SITREP B10-20: Global "Great Reset" to Establish Global Technocratic Order

      So, as you can see, the subject has been avoided, or more correctly, it has been ignored for 7 months and 3 weeks.

      So, essentially this is a more detailed Part II of the above reference SITREP from June 2020.

  3. Sean,

    Excellent post, timely and very informative. Thank you. I went to Rev 17:16-17 and in reviewing some commentaries, noted the following:

    "These will hate the harlot: After using the false religious system to unify the world kingdoms and gain control of all, the Antichrist—with the help of his ten sub-rulers—will turn against the system, plunder and destroy it, and seize all power and worship for himself. They will be carrying out God's will (Rev 17:17)".

    I couldn't help but enjoy the bitter irony that today's cancel culture elites -the "Global Reset" crowd-those who think they are in supreme control of all, will be utterly cancelled out themselves. "He who sits in the Heavens shall laugh". God is so in control.


    1. As we get closer to the day of the Lord verses like Revelation 17:16-17 become cyrstal clear in their meaning.

      Satan hates mankind, so once these useful idiots are no longer useful for his evil purposes he turns and destroys them.

      I think this occurs just prior to the final 42 months, when Antichrist suffers the near-mortal head wound (attempted assassination) and the megas thlipsis begins and is concurrent with Isaiah 13:13.

  4. Speaking of the Globalist elite, their sock-puppet Joe Biden quietly re-joined the Paris Climate Accords. He then landed in the EU to declare "America is back."

    His declaration means nothing to the Americans, but everything to the Global elite of the EU.

    The bottom line, which will be repeated next week, is that his Leftist administration will rejoin the idiotic JCPOA and force Israel to act alone against the Iranian nuclear program - sooner rather than later.

    It is anyone's guess which of the coming days will be the one on which the point of no return is reached and squadrons of IAF F-35I Adir's go wheels up. This a point PM Netanyahu reiterated just yesterday.

  5. About the COVID vaccines...

    "According to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), there are currently 602 reported deaths in the United States of America attributed to the COVID vaccine.

    This is a subset of a total of 12,697 adverse events reported to the same system since December 14, 2020, when the COVID-19 vaccine first began its rollout.

    VAERS is co-sponsored by the CDC and FDA. It was created in 1990 as a complement to, or outgrowth of, the NCVIA (National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) of 1986, which granted total liability protection to everyone associated with the CDC’s recommended schedule of childhood vaccines.

    No one involved in any manner with the administration of the vaccines has any liability. They are immune from prosecution.

    1. Weapon and Amunition companies should point to this and to the hypocrisy of the government tring to make them liable for atrocities done with a weapon.
      The duplicity of these people is maddening.

  6. How about the honesty of a medical professional to add to the discussion of the brand new vaccines.

    A Doctors View About the New mRNA Vaccines

    1. That was an excellent article.
      Certainly younger women should be informed, so they can weigh out any risk that might come to them.
      I will be passing on this article, thanks for bringing it to our attention.

    2. jmoll106,

      Indeed it is!

      It immediately brought to my mind the massive number of warnings that current pharmaceuticals have in everyday television commercials geared towards "nursing and pregnant women."

      None of them has yet studied what the injection of nCoV mRNA might cause the human immune system to produce antibodies for.

      The risk of human female sterilization is just one example of the unknown potentials.

      Jesus warns similarly about the 70th week that pregnant and nursing Israeli women pray their flight from Antichrist's minions not occur on the Sabbath.

      What are we doing? We have no idea.

    3. I guess they want to put the American people at ease they should be showing the grandchildren (females) of these politicians getting the vaccine instead of the politicians over 60 yrs old.

  7. Heads Up:

    Sidney Powell reports SCOTUS held NOV 2020 election fraud cases conferences on Friday as scheduled.

    As a result:

    On Monday 22 FEB the SCOTUS opinions shall be publicly released.

    On Thursday 25 FEB SCOTUS orders shall be issued.

    This coming week we will learn if the SCOTUS, the third branch of our Constitutional Republic government, has survived intact or if it has become as corrupt as the Executive or Legislative branches since January 20, 2021.

    Big week ahead.

    1. President Trump will be keynote speaker at CPAC on Sunday, 28 FEB.

      Trump's address and CPAC theme will be on how the GOP will continue his "America First" agenda with emphasis on how to win control of the House and Senate next year and the White House in '24.

      CPAC follows multiple SCOTUS' 2020 election fraud case opinions and orders just 36 hours prior. How might they affect the GOP going forward?

    2. Lord, I'm still praying for a miracle. I pray for the sake of the millions of righteous people left in America who still serve you and support Israel that you yet intervene. Not my will but yours be done

    3. Lord, I'm still praying for a miracle. I pray for the sake of the millions of righteous people left in America who still serve you and support Israel that you yet intervene. Not my will but yours be done

    4. SCOTUS has denied review of the Pennsylvania election cases as having no standing before the election and being moot afterwards.

      Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett sided with the liberals in the decision.

  8. I read on natural news about a Dr. who was pregnant who took the vaccine and three days later she miscarried. Last I read was 13 unborn children miscarried or were still born after their mothers took the covid vaccine. This is absolutely terrible news and pregnant women should absolutely not get this vaccine.

    1. Zoe,

      I read that also @ NaturalNews. Here's a quote from that stunning article:

      "According to regulators, pregnant woman are not supposed to be vaccinated with these experimental jabs. According to the manufacturers, there is limited amount of data on the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 on pregnant women. Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed and therefore the vaccine is not recommended during pregnancy. However, the Yellow Card reporting system reveals that some pregnant women bypassed this screening process and four pregnant women suffered from spontaneous abortion after the Pfizer vaccination and two suffered the same fate after the AstraZeneca vaccination."

      The brain, eyes and heart are also at risk according to the report. Scary stuff.

  9. The lawlessness of the last days is definitely here.

    1. Definitely yes it is. In fact, according to Scripture, lawlessness and spirit of the antichrist has been here for the last 2,000 years. The important thing is that it has been restrained and will be restrained until the Harpazo.

  10. The SCOTUS will be of absolutely no help whatsoever in saving our Constitutional Republic from the lawlessness of Globalists and Leftists.


    Because, as everyone in Washington, D.C. with just two functioning brain cells knows our Supreme Court is living in complete terror of having itself "packed" with radical leftist justices by a radical leftist-controlled Congress.

    So they will do nothing to bring the wrath of the Left down upon themselves. They are in survival mode, not for America, but for themselves. This is bad, really, really bad.

    1. I'm deeply devastated and angry 😠 I fear our republic is dead

    2. We had a clue when N.Y. Senator Schumer stood in front of the SCOTUS and directly threatened Gorsuch and Kavanaugh through loudspeakers.

      We had a clue, but nothing was done, no public outcry, no price was paid for Senator Schumer's inciting fear into the Supreme Court with his terroristic threats.

      Was Senator Schumer impeached for the wrath that he threatened and is now following up on?

      Of course not and we all know why. We're next.

  11. Sean,

    I think we all fully expected this horrific outcome. When cases were brought on a timely basis, the courts said "no standing", and evidentiary hearings never took place. Now these cases are brought after the usurper has been inaugurated and the SCOTUS conveniently says "this is now MOOT". Disgusting, cowardly and telling.

    While we all know that God can do anything He so chooses, and He is sovereign, many of us had to have our faith challenged throughout this nightmare. I agree with Hartdawg...the Republic inflicted heavy damage on Nov 4, and now a mortal wound resulted on Feb 22. There is NO justice remaining in this nation. I had to talk myself off the cliff and repent for leaning on man (Trump, SCOTUS, Sydney Powell, etc.) rather than Almighty God. What lesson is He speaking to His people?

    I spent much time the past couple of weeks in Acts 4 and 5. This is a key lesson we (as the "church") need to be learning. We are to obey God, not man no matter the consequences...and yes, we WILL be persecuted, and yet we are to pray for boldness. Remember the words of Jesus that He prayed for US in John 17:15-

    15. I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one.

    He has a plan...I now admit that I have no earthly clue what that is, BUT we know from His word that He is praying for us to be kept FROM the evil one. Take great comfort knowing this.

    There we stand...firm and trusting. It is the only way. He is coming for His bride soon.


  12. "A judge on Friday ruled that Maricopa County must provide some 2.1 million ballots from the Nov. 3 election to the Arizona state Senate and allow access to its election equipment to conduct an audit." Epoch Times
    Not that it will change the past but maybe determine the future.

    1. Continuing The Epoch Times report:

      Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason ruled that subpoenas issued by Arizona’s state Senate are valid and should be enforced, and he disputed arguments from Maricopa County officials saying the subpoenas are unlawful. The county previously stated that multiple audits have been sufficient and said ballots should be sealed.

      “The Court finds that the subpoenas are legal and enforceable,” Thomason wrote (pdf) in his ruling. “There is no question that the Senators have the power to issue legislative subpoenas. The subpoenas comply with the statutory requirements for legislative subpoenas. The Senate also has broad constitutional power to oversee elections.”

      He argued that the “Arizona legislature clearly has the power to investigate and examine election reform matters,” adding that senators can “subpoena material as part of an inquiry into election reform measures.”

      The move was hailed by Republican legislators in Arizona.

      Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, told news outlets after the judge’s ruling that their move was “never about overturning the election, it was about the integrity of the Arizona election system.”

      “This was always about voter integrity and the integrity of the voting system itself,” Fann added.

  13. Johnson & Johnson has received FDA approval for its new single-dose vaccine which is unique among the COVID-19 vaccines because it steers clear of mRNA.

    The J&J vaccine uses a common cold virus known as adenovirus type 26 to introduce coronavirus proteins into cells in the body and trigger an immune response.

    1. one good thing about Pres Trump not in office- if there are people dying at a regular rate from vaccines, and he were there yet, the msm would be saying, "look, now orange man is killing tgem with his vaccine!"

  14. The counter would be that all of the mRNA vaccines are made by corporate big pharma who are integral to the globalist World Economic Forum directed by the CCP - as Eschatology Today sufficiently documented above.

    Few, if any, other Bible prophecy blogs or websites, etc, etc, have yet to make note of these highly salient facts, even though they are among the specific signs given by our Lord in His prophetic Olivet Discourse concerning these last days.


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