27 July 2021: If you've read the prophecy of Jeremiah 49:34-39, and followed a decades worth of interpretive updates on the Eschatology Today blog, then the image above should be a great interest to you. Ancient Elam is both a prophetic reference to the ancient kingdom known by that name, and of the modern-day Islamic Republic of Iran.
The present day Iranian province of Khuzestan occupies the lion's share of the territory of ancient Elam. Of important note at this time are the numerous reports and videos found on many websites, except for those of "woke" and world socialist-obedient American corporate media, the popular uprising that began in this region and has spread to many provinces to the north of Khuzesta. These reports and videos powerfully highlight the prophetic precision found in Jeremiah 49, verses 37c and 38:
"And I will send the sword after them until I have consumed them. I will set my throne in Elam, and from there destroy the king and the princes," says the Lord.
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Protests, now in their 13th day, even in Tehran. |
If this subject were not of particular importance at this time it woud not merit a mention on Eschatology Today. The now 13 days of uprisings which began on 16 July among the non-Persian peoples who inhabit most of western Iran, beginning with the Ahvaz Arabs of Khuzestan, and moving northwards to include the Kurdish and the Azeri peoples all the way up to the northern city of Tabriz.
These uprisings across all provinces are directed at the regime of Twelver clerics and have been exacerbated by a long, acute drought, unrelenting economic devastation caused by direct military control of the IRGC (Iranian currency is virtually worthless), chronic unemployment, rampant COVID-19 pandemic, incessant power outages, has even the people in the capital of Tehran (image above) screaming for the overthrow of the regime. The regime's response - the usual Basij goon squads firing live ammo into the crowds. Four young men were murdered yesterday by IRGC direct fire in Ahvaz.
The greatest fear right now among IRGC commanders not not being ordered into Syria or to make war against Israel, rather it is being ordered into the western cities of Iran to restore regime control. These commanders fear the seething hatred of the Arab, Kurdish and Azeri-speaking population as well as all other major cities joining the anti-regime revolt in support of the people in Khuzestan.
No one except Eschatology Today appears willing to give Jeremiah his due for prophesying with exacting clarity what is now taking place 2,600 years ago.
Global SITREP F6-21: The Current Situation Part III is not just about the prophetic goings-on in the Islamic Republic of Iran. How many recall what occurred in your own town as the CCP COVID-19 biologial warfare made its most unwelcome presence felt? You went to the supermarket one day just 16 months ago and found many empty shelves in empty aisles, especially the paper products aisle, but very quickly all commodities were either unavailable or in very short supply. Signs were posted announcing "LIMIT - ONE PER CUSTOMER" when something was available.
This experience we have all had has been a very mild harbinger of what is to come as we know from The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Jesus Christ, Chapter 6 about the our Lord's opening of the Seals on the Scroll. The First Seal opened brought Antichrist who was given a crown as a false messiah riding on a white horse and he went out conquering and to conquer. The Second Seal was the rider on a red horse which brings world war. And the Third Seal is opened and a black horse sybolizing the direct result of war: tremendous scarcity of food for survival and the exorbiant financial cost to buy the sustenance that is available, (i.e. supply and demand)! Imagine it, two days wages at the current government mandated minimum wage, and thus the reference here as of today is around $250 for perhaps a day or two of the most basic foodstuff for a family of four - or more. And then the Fourth Seal is opened, a pale horse ridden by Death, followed by Hades, emerges that overtakes one-fourth of the earth.
And what caused the shortages of commodities we recently experienced in 2020? The CCP biowarfare agent COVID-19, which was financed by globalists and released upon the world. It was no accident! So, the first victim of this biological warfare dry-run was not a human being, it was the extremely fragile global supply chain. And the world was warned of this pandemic and its costs by the same globalists who financed and set it loose like a wildfire among the global population, Still, to this day the price of buidling materials, tools, aluminum, chemicals, beef and other food products - you name it - has been increased to levels never seen before. Production bottlenecks caused by workers who could not go to work, manufacturing and delivery systems which failed completely for the same reason. Millions of people sequestered in their homes, forced to wear masks to inhale repeatedly that which God, in His infinite omniscience, had designed human beings to exhale immediately. And you know what, this is but a tip of the proverbial iceberg. You know it and I know it, and so do the globalists know it because they planned it.
Yet, there is the blessed hope of the Harpazo when our Lord Jesus Christ will appear in the clouds with the shout of the archangel for us to "Come Up Hither!" If you are one of the Bride of Christ, none of the above will affect you in any way because at that unknown moment soon to occur Jesus is coming to save you from it and to be with Him forevermore. Make Jesus your Lord and Savior today!
Things are going from bad to worse not only in the Islamic Republic of Iran, but also in the People's Republic of China where they also have state-controlled media that admits nothing to its enslaved population, much less to the world-at-large. Flooding, one of primary signs given by Jesus Christ in His Olivet Discourse regarding the 'last days' is causing such disasters in that country that boggle the mind. Imagine the land you live in receiving 10 years worth of rain in just one year. This has happened and is happening in Communist China. The CCP has billions to feed and that's not happening with major crop failures due to the flooding caused by incessant rains, and dams cracking, buckling and outright failing due to the pressure of rising waters they were not designed to withstand. Three Gorges Dam is in danger red territory and the people living downstream are literally living on borrowed time. As the saying goes, borrowed time is never paid back.
So, how does the CCP deal with this? Those who know say to watch for war with India, Taiwan, or both to distract and divert attention.