Thursday, September 23, 2021

Global SITREP G1-21: Liberty in Distress

23 September 2021: Liberty is in distress, and not just here in the United States, but in a bunch of other places around the world that are or were, at least nominally, established upon Judeo-Christian (i.e. Biblical) values and morals. Many of these places use the Cross of Christ, in one form or another, as a national symbol in their flags. Now this is not really new news to anyone except the most extreme hermits, but it's now more pronounced than ever before with the Global Oligarchy seemingly going for broke to establish their version of a CCP-directed "New World Order." It's also being referred to as "the Great Reset."

I thought things here in the US were bad and pretty much, as expected, since 2016 and the election of Donald J. Trump as the American president. But then came a gross of email links to video's from The Land Down Under. Every last one contained examples of Aussie police and others in military uniforms brutalizing folks just standing in a transportation station, on a town sidewalk or voicing opposition to draconian rules in an exercise of freedom of expression. 

One unlucky fellow nearly had his skull cracked open like an egg by a cop who came from behind and body slammed him onto a tile floor. Another series of videos details how an assembly of men, women and children were gathered around the national Shrine of Remembrance were charged at in tactical fashion by black-clad police firing rubber bullets from shotguns. Those rubber bullets can permanently maim if not kills anyone hit in the head. And they use these tactics against law abiding citizens? These kinds of videography are what might be expected if someone living in the Thlipsis/Megas Thlipsis could transmit the images back through time - if that were possible. These images do mesh well with prophetic Scripture about that coming time.

In Sweden (and other places) there are biochips being implanted in the hands of some folks. It's true that these numbskulls took these devices voluntarily, but the point is the technology for biochip deployment globally exists and is in active use today! This is another in the series of Indications and Warnings (I&W) of the season in which we live, and that means we need to be looking up 24/7/365 these days! Perhaps today!

Now, regarding Biden's Folly in Afghanistan, if anyone truly believes that the Taliban will reject and renounce global jihad there are bridges for sale in their southern desert for sale cheap, so get yours today! There is zero change, nay, less than a zero chance that the Taliban (literally: "students of knowledge") will turn against Al Qaeda or Islamic State or any other jihadist groups. Afghanistan will now become, and probably already is, a very well armed and financed base for global jihad. 

The so-called Long War, thanks to Joe Biden and Company, just got a lot longer. More will be murdered in cold blood, many in mass casualty attacks. That's just the unvarnished truth about what will be. Promises made to turn over a new leaf were nothing more than al-taqiyya, dissimulation, intended to deceive those who'd accept such promises. On the other hand, the Trump Administration made crystal clear that any breach of an agreement with respect to an American military disengagement from Afghanistan, any return to the former Taliban practices of the 1990s would result in a bombardment like the world had not seen before, with the first bombs landing on Sheik Baradar and his Talib cohorts wherever they hid. It would have happened. Thanks to Bloody Joe all that is now water under the proverbial bridge. He should have been impeached for it and other National Security failures such as our southern border crises.

However, to cover all bases there are a few hopeful signs. These are signs of the evil ones perhaps biting off more than they can swallow, so to speak. There's a secular report at Townhall about how in the US the "trick" being pulled by the Left may not work as planned. 

There is also an under current of good news, such as Mike Lindell and his team of forensic experts getting to present their findings of rampant election fraud in  the November 2020 election in ALL of the so-called closely contested states' to the Supreme Court of the United States. Trump won them all and by a lot! According to Mike, "Our evidence is 100%... We went to the Attorney Generals of several red States and presented our evidence. We (will) take our CASE to SCOTUS before Thanksgiving." 

Then there's the Durham highly detailed, all the ducks in a row, investigation that has several cases seeking indictments lined up before a federal grand jury. Hillary Clinton's lawyer Sussmann has been indicted, and there are more coming. Folks like Page, Strok, McCabe, Comey and other much bigger fish are on Durham's yet to be indicted list.  Little of this is reported by MSM, and what is reported is spun to near unrecognizability. Eschatology Today as excellent backchannel sources.

In all, and as always, God is in complete control. This is to get developments to you that might not be seen by some in normal web surfing or chatting with friends. There's more coming, but validation or corroboration needs to happen first, then the beans get spilled!



  1. Hi Sean, this is just food for thought. One of the current day prophetic voices that I have listened to from time to time has pointed out that there is a pattern in the history of there being a forerunner-type event or situation before the actually prophesied event occurs (which we already realize – the Hannukah story being the precursor to the Abomination of Desolation, etc). I also believe I heard a discussion that noted that in the prophecy about the rider on the white horse of Revelation that rode out conquering and to conquer, the Greek word for the crown on his head is “corona” and the weapon in his bow is the Greek word for a poisoned dart (not an arrow). Interesting for sure. The point of this rambling is that we may be in the precursor of certain end time events, which might lead us to think that we are further along on God’s timeline than we really are. I have a spiritual sense that a wonderful period of awakening and the triumph of righteousness lies immediately ahead. Of course everything detailed for us in the Word of God will occur exactly as described, but we may be getting ahead of God’s timeline expectation-wise. And if that’s the case it’s wonderful, because so many of our brothers and sisters around the world are about to join the family of God before the Harpazo. Of course, time will tell either way.

  2. The ChiCom PLA launched dozens of aircraft at Taiwan today, everything from fighters to nuclear bombers.

    This is seen as both a PLA dress rehearsal and to guage the expected Taiwanese counter or response.

    When it happens for real the entire WESTPAC will explode in a bloodbath.

  3. The U.S. House voted today overwhelmingly to fully fund the replenishment of Israel's Iron Dome defense system.

  4. I'm glad the majority of democrats ended up doing the right thing, although, what percentage of them voted for it because they believed it was the right thing to do vs how many simply didn't it out of political expediency would be interesting thing to know.

    On another note, seeing a grown woman with the emotional maturity of a 7 year old cry on the House Floor because she didn't get her Anti-Semitic way was extremely embarrassing.

    1. The anti-Israel Communist votes came from:

      Rashida Tlaib,
      Andre Carson,
      Ilhan Omar,
      Marie Newman,
      Ayanna Pressley,
      Jesus Garcia,
      Raul Grijalva,
      Cori Bush.

      Thomas Massie was the sole Republican to vote against Israel.

      Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Hank Johnson only voted as 'present.'

      425 GOP and DEM voted for Israel.

      425 for.
      9 against.
      2 abstained.

    2. What's sad is that the against/abstain group have absolutely no understanding of the difference between offensive and defensive systems. Should be pretty basic knowledge for a "representative" of the people.

    3. Yep, I can pretty much agree with that, Sean.

  5. Meanwhile Europe is suffering from exploding natural gas prices due to Russia cutting back on gas supplies to Europe, low gas inventories in Europe after a cold winter and a cold spring. This supply crunch of natural gas greatly increases the risk of energy poverty for low-income households, industries heavily dependent on natural gas are suffering too. In Europe there is even a threat of gas and electricity blackouts next winter due to shortages of natural gas.

    Will the escalating energy crisis in Europe pave the way for a deal with Israel for the supply of natural gas from Israel's Leviathan natural gas field? That natural gas deal can be a part of the Covenant with the Many which the antichrist will confirm.

    1. Moin,

      1. President Trump repeatedly warned the EU, and Germany specifically, that Russia would do this NatGas squeeze to them. Silly Europeans think they're so smart.

      2. The Israel-EU NatGas deal will not be a part of the A/C confirmed treaty. The Israel-EU NatGas deal was approved 2 months ago, and the pipeline is in progress as we speak.

  6. The thuggery in Australia is mainly in the state of Victoria and is due largely to the globalist puppet that is the Premier - Daniel Andrews.
    My sister lives there and keeps me informed on what is really happening, as opposed to what the reprobate MSM are trying to spin. The latest protests are due to the Tradie shutdown. The people protesting are all ages and from all walks of life. Many, many people are waking up to what is really going on. Thank you for mentioning it, Sean, and please keep our dountry in your prayers. God bless. Christina

    1. Christina,

      Thank you for the feedback; you confirmed what I believed was the truth in Victoria. I have great and very fond memories of Australia, mostly of Hobart, TAS, but also of Melbourne. Australia is in my prayers, it would be my adopted home if that were possible.

    2. It's worse in Australia than previously noted in this SITREP.
      Paraphrased communication from an anonymous government official Down Under:

      'The government has rolled out the Australian Army against its own people.

      That means one thing for sure. In Australia it's over!

      When ANY democratically elected government rolls out its armed forces against its own people the result is that one of two things will then happen.

      1. Democracy in Australia has ended. It's over.

      2. The people, with assistance from the military, forcibly remove the government from power.

      In either case, something is definitely over in dis-armed Australia.'

      This is a lesson and a stark warning for America.

    3. Sean,

      Melbourne was my home for many years and I lived in Hobart for four years. Very fond memories of both cities. I now call Western Australia home.
      It is relatively free in this state, the real “ guinea pig” testing is all going on over East at present. I have no doubt that it will come to the West eventually, though. I know quite a few here who are awake but our govts are all filled with globalist puppets. Our last state election saw our current Premier supposedly win in a landslide but I personally know only one person who voted for him. He is a bookend of the Vic. premier. Our Prime Minister says he is a believer but so many of his actions belie his words.
      I am so glad that the Lord is in control. That knowledge brings peace.

    4. Christina,

      Thanks for the detail update, seems we're all in the same "boat" these days.

      My following comment might be an explanation about why this is so...

    5. As if right out of the text of II Thessalonians 2 there's this excerpt from an article at American Thinker dot Com.

      "The politically motivated and unprecedented overreaction to a virus with a 99.5% survival rate was launched in March of 2020, thus unleashing what can best be described as a once-in-a-century fiasco. Nineteen months later it is impossible to look at the United States and the world and not conclude that this country and much of the West is in the grip, not of a virus, but of delusional madness and malevolence."

      We are so very close to our great Harpazo escape with the Lord in the clouds!

  7. Global SITREP G2-21 (coming soon) will look at new developments in the Middle East.


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