Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Global SITREP B10-22: The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums

10 May 2022: This subject is new and the first time to be posted on Eschatology Today. After becoming aware of "The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums" it was time for a deep dive to learn all there was to know about it. That's when I found the article (linked below) by Dr. David R. Reagan of Lamb and Lion Ministries. No where else have I found anything close to the in-depth study of Dr. Reagan's on this subject; it would have taken months for Eschatology Today to effect something approximating what you are about to read. The excitement that this study will generate is unlike any I experienced in the past 52 years of my life since accepting Jesus as my personal savior. Enjoy! And Marana'tha!

The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums

The Millennial Day Theory

By Dr. David R. Reagan


  1. The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums is the most exciting eschatological subject and it ties in perfectly with the massive prophetic convergence occurring right now.

    Get ready!

    1. Hey Sean, the timing of this post is such a coincidence that I can hardly believe it. Sunday night I was watching a prophecy teaching, and this very subject came up and was expoundedon. Furthermore, I been thinking alot about the hosea prophecy which was mentioned in this article. Isn't this an amazing coincidence?

    2. Jon,

      For some time now it has been my belief that none of these things are really coincidental. They are a continuing stream of spiritual convergences.

    3. That's my way of saying the absolute river of coincidences that led to this SITREP were actually the Lord's way of getting my attention. But the story isn't about that, it's about what Dr. Reagan said in the audio sermon and this in-depth written version. IMHO it is God-breathed.

    4. And I look forward for folks responses to what is said here!

  2. Sean,
    Dr. Reagan brought out a lot more references by believers through the ages than I have read through the years. The body of evidence certainly will help believers stand firm in these wicked times.
    From the seven days of creation to the ultimate seven thousand years of human history before eternity is another prophetic "past as prologue " repetition we have seen in so many biblical events.
    Thanks for bringing this into our discussion and thought.

  3. Sean, when I visualize this, it's like streams of information from every direction being funneled by the Holy Spirit into our souls/spirits, filling us up with revelation and knowledge to the point of being "like a flood."

  4. Dr. Reagan did answer a question in his article that has always bothered me. That being how far off the modern Jewish year is. I felt Dr Reagan covered the reason it's so far off to my satisfaction.
    Also, I felt there really isn't an issue about lunar or solar calendars if we go by the "days of tarry" references in the Prophetic Parallel 's video you had us watch about a month ago.
    Like Chuck said it is" like a flood"!

  5. Dr. Reagan covered a lot of information, some of it I'd never contemplated before.

    But the "past as prologue" and ever-present "6-days and day of rest" theme - as it relates to millenniums fell on my brain like a ton of bricks. Wow. So obvious now that I see it.

    I sent Dr. Reagan a 'thank you' note a few minutes ago.

    1. So it turns out that SITREP B10-22, which I consider to be one of the most profound in the 14-year history of Eschatology Today's existence, and which received just under 800 views in about 30 hours, was actually important enough to prompt just three brothers in Christ to respond with positive commentary.

      Truth be told, I personally do not regard the prophecy of the "Weeks of Millenniums" to be merely a exercise in eschatological theorem, but a genuine God-breathed prophecy that is within perhaps months or less of fulfillment for the bride of Christ and an exactly accounted number of days for the concluding week of seven years.

      I've taken this to the Lord in prayer, asking Him if the purpose of this blog has been fulfilled and can now be stood down as "mission completed."

    2. Hello Bro. Sean; There may have only been 3 commenters initially, but I think that is just the proverbial 'tip of the iceberg'. It's all rather profound and quite a few of us (myself for sure) are still digesting all of this. Steve

    3. Sean,

      If indeed The Lord calls Index and the mission has been completed, I want to thank you for being a good and faithful servant. I have learned much from you and this blog over the last several years. I look forward to meeting you in eternity. See you soon!

      Marána thá

  6. There was plenty of discussion on the week of millenniums around the turn of the century (Y2K bug and all!) and Chuck Missler had some great teachings at the time on it. Unfortunately the 2000 years was looking to take into account the birth of Jesus and not his death/resurrection from a time-frame perspective. Over the last few years, we have been discussing this intently on the R12d blog but in line with trying to identify correct calendars etc. Brad (blog author) came across a YTC by Jimmy Evans which was wonderful, however I can't find the original post (apologies) but worth watching if you come across it. Exciting times. RyanD

    1. Thanks Ryan, I appreciate the info.

      I'm fully convinced or convicted of the time when Jesus Messiah "cut off" per Gabriel's 70 Weeks prophecy via Daniel 9:24-27, and Pentecost just 50 days later establishing the church age, as being the initiator of the concluding 2 millennia (completing 2030-2031 AD).

    2. Daniel 9:26a [is the angel Gabriel speaking this prophecy to Daniel, which he recorded for our instruction in truth]:

      "And after the sixty-two weeks
      Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself...

      Flood watch issued.

    3. Sean,

      Thank you for your perseverance and continued obedience to inform and point to the Lord's return.

      For me, this concept was first realized by a video created by CJ Lovik. This certainly rocked my world when I first saw it a few years ago now, but it has become my belief.

      It's long, but it's good. The narrative and the illustrations help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtATSQx3cjI

      We are so very close to the Lord's return.


    4. Russ,

      CJ Lovik's video is most excellent!

      For everyone's ease of viewing here it is embedded.

      CJ Lovik Video

    5. This video is definitely a recommended viewing for the ET fam!

  7. Presumably the sixty second week is this year, 2022?

    "Flood watch"?

  8. Sorry, after the 62nd week is this year.

    1. BenD,

      Actually, Jesus was crucified after the 62nd, and the Jews 7 weeks occurred before the 62 began to be counted.

      So we are living in the 2000 year (2 millennium days) between the 69th and 70th Week.

      Also, I'm seeing evidence abundant that some folks were not properly prepared to digest or have been confused by this work from Dr. Reagan (written about two years ago, i.e. 5781 on the Jewish calendar and 2020 on ours per his text) and that is my fault.

      I'll expound on this issue with a necessary update as a lot of folks (approx 1,800) read this SITREP and bolted by yesterday. So for the 200 or so still interested I'll update this with my own words.

  9. Sean, I have been convinced of this doctrine for almost 50 years. Been watching the video that you posted about the feast days. That is excellent! If this is correct, the dispensation of grace is almost over. Very exciting times we live in. Thanks for your work over the years. Been reading your site since the beginning. I know that you will be greatly rewarded in eternity!

  10. If I didn't know better (and I probably don't), I'd suggest that the Lord's judgment has begun to fall upon Russia and will continue...

  11. I mentioned earlier about a big announcement to be made by the NSF today.

    The announcement is about the very first image of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

    It is an absolutely stunning image taken by the global array of Event Horizon telescopes.

    The Lord has always known humankind would progress to this technological level. Signs in the sun, moon and stars is quite literal.

    1. The Sgr *A supermassive black hole which our entire Milky Way galaxy revolves around is FOUR BILLION times as massive as the Earth's sun (Sol).

  12. I must confess, I’ve been so focussed on reading, digesting, praying and sharing this article with several close brothers and sisters, that I did not even think to comment. I am usually not inclined to comment, but rather glean, pray and share if the Lord leads. Just my m.o.. please be encouraged, Sean, God is using you, your posts and the calling for which He has called you to strengthen and encourage many, myself included. Thank you for being faithful to what He has led you to do. It will be more fully realized…..soon! Even so, Lord Jesus, please come soon!

  13. Amen to you all! God's will be done.

  14. Again...

    30AD + 2,000 years = 2030 AD.

    2030 AD minus the 7 year Thlipsis(Tribulation) of the 70th Week of Years = 2023 AD.

    This is May 2022.

    R U READY?


    1. Hello…..so Harpazo “sometime” in 2023? Or “could” it be before? Just to clarify. Stay well my brother.

    2. No date setting here; not a specific year, month, day or hour.

      Just the Harpazo is imminent and we've never been closer.

  15. It's been a busy Army day, hope I got everyone's comment posted. Will circle back and check again shortly.

  16. David,

    Yes, absolutely! And we're to watch for the signs of the coming of our Groom daily because He will come to snatch us up when least expected; our transfiguration into eternal bodies will be instantaneous in a microsecond.

    The Holy Spirit within each of us is akin to oil in a lamp. He lights our way, just as revealed in Matthew 25.

  17. This all has to begin with the "days" of the Creation.

    The first five days of Creation where when God spoke all things into existence. The entire universe. These "days" were in time only God comprehends.

    And on the sixth day of the Creation then God determined to form man (Adam) from the elements (dust) of the Earth. And God breathed the breath of life into Adam. Adam was unique in all of the Creation. God also then determined Adam was not to be alone and He formed Eve from a rib from Adam (genetic material).

    So, from the day of the creation of Adam, the first unique man created of the Earth to Noah and the Flood was how long???

  18. The current Dispensation of Grace, a/k/a the Church Age, began with the baptism of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and will end with the Harpazo of the Bride of Christ. All who have been saved during this 2000 year period of time were saved by faith.

    At that instant the Church and the Restrainer are no longer on Earth but in the place prepared by Christ for His Bride.

    In the 70th Week, a/k/a the times of Jacob's Trouble, God pours out His Spirit upon Israel, the Roman's 11 is fulfilled in full. The "Saints of the Thlipsis" are persecuted and killed by Antichrist for their testimony, just as the Two Witnesses will be killed by Antichrist. Their place in eternity will be entirely different than that of the Bride of Christ.

    This is what Scripture teaches.

    1. BINGO!!! I noticed that the ones who claim that there are contributions simply don't understand or believe in dispensations. Once you understand dispensationalism a lot of things are cleared up

    2. Not doubting you at all (I've heard other teachers say the same), but could you point me in the right direction in terms of a bible verse/verses on this issue?

    3. Agreed Sean. Still waiting for the Harpazo to validate or surprise us for this theory. God bless. Brian

  19. ETA: I was inquiring about the post-rapture saints not the dispensation of grace, etc.

    1. Daniel 7:21 and Revelation 13:7 are a good place to start - one OT and one NT that agree 100%.

  20. Breaking: There may be big trouble brewing in Red China. Xi is reported to have suffered a cerebral aneurysm in late 2021, and his health has deteriorated since. There are also rumors of a possible coup d'etat over his handling of the COVID crisis in Chinese cities, extreme lockdowns, etc.

    The health issues of both Russian and Chinese leaders, and coup rumors in both capitals, at this time is not any coincidence.

  21. There was an edit made to the graphic at the top of this SITREP in order to remove an inherent problem it presented for a reader or two of Eschatology Today.

    That graphic will still appear of Dr. Reagan's now 2-year old linked post, and with which this blog has no issue at all.

    The new Global SITREP B10-22 lead graphic illustrates the six "days" of the millennium "week" followed by the 7th 1,000-year long "day" of Jesus' Millennial Kingdom to come.

  22. There is an in-progress coup d'etat against Vladimir Putin who is reportedly also suffering from a blood cancer.

  23. Eschatology Today recently informed readers that Jenin would be a flash point in the Arab-Israeli war.

    After the machine gun and explosives battle in Jenin the larger or regional battle will soon be joined.

    Israel stands on the threshold of many crises.


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