French paratroopers make a combat jump into Estonia |
UPDATE 27 June 2022: NATO announced today that the size of its Rapid Reaction Force (RRF) will increase in size eight-fold from 40,000 troops to 320,000 troops. This increase is unprecedented in the history of NATO and a direct response, albeit belated, to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
NATO SECGEN Jens Stoltenberg used diplomatic-speak in saying the eight-fold increase is due, in part, to NATO entering into "an era of strategic competition." Horsefeathers! It's brute force being called up to meet head on with the brute force and not-so-subtle sabre rattling of the Russian Federation.
It is also not really surprising that this announcement was made today, just three days prior to the promised date (June 30th) of Russia's announced retaliation for the NATO "blockade" of its Kaliningrad enclave wedged in between Poland and Lithuania.
And Russia isn't the only strategic threat NATO is addressing with this expanding RRF as Communist China's threats to NATO and its partners in the WESTPAC region also are rapidly approaching critical mass. If any doubt arise concerning the prophetically important aspect involved one need only refer to
Daniel 11:44. Yes, the world is
that close, and getting closer with each passing day.
25 June 2022: Yesterday saw the SCOTUS render its decision to overturn an abomination that has plagued this nation for nearly 50 years. And we can make no mistake about it - this was a decision made by God Almighty, and we had a part in it in the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump to be President of the United States. No Democrat so elected would ever have made the reversal of Roe v. Wade a critical item on his/her agenda. In fact, neither Ronald W. Reagan nor the father-son tandem of George H.W. Bush or George W. Bush made a commitment to follow through on their campaign pledges to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Donald J. Trump made such a commitment and he followed through with it as the opportunity to nominate and seat truly conservative SCOTUS justices (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett) was placed before him by our God. These three joined Justices Thomas and Alito, and therein lies the 5-4 decision victory for the sanctity of human life created in the image of God. Yes, God made the decision and He chose Donald J. Trump to effect its execution, even though the evil opposition was successful - at least and perhaps just temporarily - in removing him by illegal and unlawful means. Today and going forward, all churches who worship God can rejoice as one Church in Christ Jesus.
This is a tangible reminder that our Sovereign God is in complete control; His Divine will has been done. As Christian Americans it will be our duty, fully armored by God, to maintain it by our votes in November, should we still be here to do so. Marana'tha!
24 June 2022: In yesterday's edition of Arutz Sheva's (7INN) briefs section was found a very interesting article by Rabbi Nachman Kahana. This article informed about the ancient Israelite practices following the Exodus from Egypt and how each breaking down of an encampment had four Levites chosen to carry the Holy Ark to the next encampment site. At this time the Holy Ark led Israel into the battles to secure the Promised Land.
Going forward, and following the destruction of the Second Temple, it became customary to construct batei knesset (synagogues) according to the basic design of the interior of the previous Temples. According to rabbinic tradition (and opinion) the Aron HaKodesh housed Torah scrolls just as the first two Temples had the Holy of Holies (Kodesh Kedoshim) within which was the Holy Ark that contained the broken pieces of the first Tablets, the two whole replacement Tablets and a Torah scroll. To this day the Torah scrolls are contained in a symbolic Ark which is adorned "with esthetic and artistic accessories because they are sanctified entities and the closest objects Israel has today to the Temple (Bet Hamikdash) and the Holy Ark."
IDF Major Ronen Aharon is the commander at the HQ of the military rabbinate near Ramle, Israel. It is here that one will find hundreds of Torah scrolls, many donated to Israel's Ministry of Defense, that are being meticulously prepared for delivery IDF unit, from the northern border to the Sinai where the original Torah was received. This is being done in accordance with Israeli military law for every active and called-up reserve unit of the IDF. As in the image above, the highly revered Torah that each unit receives lead that unit into its deployment. As Rabbi Kahana makes clear, cost is no object in this endeavor. The IDF goes henceforth into battle led by hundreds of meticulous copies of the Holy Torah.
Israel Mapping Hezbollah's Military Sites |
23 June 2022: With a hat-tip to our brother-in-Christ Chuck, Eschatology Today is pleased to present Part II of our "Expectation of a Crescendo" series SITREP. Additions to SITREP C4-22 will be added as we move forward or as they happen.
The information presented here can be found, and is free to all, at the website of the ALMA Research and Education Center. Consider a donation to the site if you are so led, as I have been. Mostly, I feel led due to the deterrence (and angst) the ALMA organization is causing and creating within the upper ranks of the terror organization. Much of that is due to simply the content published online and the effect it has been having. Especially the publishing of details about Hezbollah's military installations and sites in southern Lebanon.
To be sure, much of this is very likely known to the intelligence services of the IDF, but there are likely aspects of the OSINT that have added to the overall intel picture the IDF possesses about Hezbollah's military sites. We've reported here many times over that the IDF's brass have stated abundantly that in the coming war Hezbollah will cease to exist. The prophecy of Joshua 13 would appear to foretell that coming reality in geographic detail.
Let's see where this series takes us; there are a slew of dominoes that are primed to topple...
ReplyDeleteA close-in look at the IDF [the IDF that will win the coming wars] in a manner not unlike the army of ancient Israel is next up for this SITREP.
ReplyDeleteThere are parallels and Past-As-Prologue aspects in the IDF update added this morning. Even symbolism is embedded.
ReplyDeleteWho was (or is) aware that the Holy Ark carried by ancient Israel contained the broken tablets, the two whole replacement tablets and possibly the Torah scroll written by Moses? What might the broken and whole tablets represent wrt Israel? Perhaps something akin to what Paul wrote in Romans 11?
Or how about Ecclesiastes 1:9
"That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun."
Ancient Israel went into battle to claim their promised land with the Ark (God) going before them, and now more than 3,000 years hence Israel goes to war, as described by Isaiah 11 (Ephraim and Judah united as one nation under God) to reclaim the whole of the promised land with the representative of the Ark (Torah scrolls with each IDF unit) going into battle at the forefront.
There is more, but ya'll can figure those out just as well as I can.
Just a we're ever so close to the Harpazo, so Israel is to God pouring out His Spirit upon all Israel. (Ezekiel 39:29 is in the past tense):
"'And I will not hide My face from them anymore; for I shall have poured out My Spirit on the house of Israel,’ says the Lord God."
Roe vs Wade overturned. Returns to the states. Thousands of lives will now be spared
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this great news!
I'm also fairly certain that radical leftist baby killers will riot in the streets of red states. Some things never change.
That is because a lot of these leftists are possessed with devils. If they have no problem butchering a baby what makes you think they will not come after you?
DeleteThey are coming after all of us. The FBI has raided three churches in the south recently simply on the accusation of there being"cult" activity.
DeleteGot that? Meeting for prayer and worshipping God in a church is "cult" activity requiring government law enforcement intervention and investigation.
It'd weird... I am sort of without words. I've been waiting for this day for a long time but now that it has occurred, it is almost surreal. The only thing I can think to do is praise The Lord.
ReplyDeleteDon't get me wrong, I a fully aware that this ruling (while a great victory) simply means it will be left to the states (that's the way it should have been all along anyhow in adherence to the 10th Amendment).
Now, each state will decide. Things will gain clarity over the next few months, but my understanding is that via trigger laws, slightly short of half of the nation's states are either banning or EXTREMELY limiting this horrible, Molech inspired monstrosity.
PRAISE GOD!!!! But the fight is not over.
Spot on Jonathan... the issue should always have been for the states and their people to determine.
ReplyDeleteThat aside, the murder of an unborn child is an absolutely Satanic enterprise that we must resist 'til Kingdom come.
Amen brother. Amen.
DeleteAlso, Sean, as a follow up, (and forgive me if I have said this before), but one of my favorite quotes was from Robert Heinlein who said "Man is not a rational creature. On the contrary! He is a RATIONALIZING creature."
DeleteThis is essentially what is going on. Abortion is basically post-coitus birth control and murder. But by framing the issue in terms of "reproductive rights" and a "Woman's control over their own body," they have been quite successful in convincing the public at large that what is essentially a horrific act is simply par for the course and doesn't really mean anything because, as they would tell you, a Fetus isn't Human, basically.
There are MANY ways to shoot down the logic of these people. I'll simply mention this:
Abortion proponents almost always result to the false logic of "DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN DO WITH MY BODY!!! IT IS MY BODY!! KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF!"
But this is easily debunkable. If you took a blood sample from a fetus and a blood sample from the mother who's womb is carrying the fetus, and gave to a medical lab tech, he could easily tell you that the two samples of blood came from two DIFFERENT people.
In other words, that fetus is NOT her body. It is someone else's body. It really is that simple.
And who are we fooling, by the way? Anyone who really takes a hard look at it outside of endangerment of health and rape (a topic for another day), can only come to one conclusion:
Abortion, at it's heart, is murdering out of convenience because society has rationalized into something other than what it is.
OK... phew.. I said may piece. Take care Sean and anyone else reading this. You mother chose to have you. And thank you, Sean, as always for providing a great resource not just on this issue but the Middle East and end times event. Best regards.
Hey, Sean, we are on the page. I had hoped I made that clear above. One person, on Quora, in response to my legal argument and said it and my world view was crap. (Funny how Quora moderation is quite selective in the way it bans comments).
DeleteAny case the only other sentence he wrote that I should look it the 9th and 14 Amendments, which I have, but wanted your take on it. Thanks.
To me...the "Timing" is suspect, at best. I mean, why now? I can't help but feel that this is and was intentional to cause division and chaos. And not to mention that this could easily snow ball into such violence and lawlessness....and just now entering the summer months and yep, I'll say it, right into the elections. Just my two cents for what's it worth.
ReplyDeleteThis is, after all, why we have an expectation of a crescendo. "Why now" is because these are essential birthpangs - they MUST take place.
DeleteIn reference to my above post about abortion and any medical lab tech capable of distinguishing the blood from two different people, I forgto to say the most important part, which is:
ReplyDeleteA mother does NOT share the same DNA as her baby (born or unborn).
I'm hoping for Jesus to return as soon as possible, but while we are still here, I think we kind of owe it to our creator to fight the good fight while we are waiting.
A quote from the SCOTUS decision:
Delete"The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives."
So, this is not really about abortion.
It is about what the US Constitution says and what it does not say.
The US Constitution says zero about abortion.
The US Constitution has a 10th Amendment which says anything not specifically stated is reserved to the States and their people to determine for themselves.
The SCOTUS has corrected an error made in 1973.
If Leftists don't like this correction they can go pound sand.
Per Arutz Sheva:
ReplyDelete"The Wall Street Journal reports that the United States convened a clandestine meeting of senior Middle East military officials last March in the Egyptian town of Sharm el-Sheikh to discuss military cooperation between the countries involved, with particular focus on the aerial threats posed by Iran.
According to the report, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi, his Saudi counterpart Fayyad bin Hamed Al-Ruwaili, and military officials from Qatar, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates were all party to the meeting."
We have here OSINT confirmation that it is the aerial threats of Iran (Elam per Jeremiah 49:34) that the nascent Peninsula Arab, Israel and US military coalition (Sheba, Dedan, Tarshish of Ezekiel 38/39 are most concerned with.
Not Iran's army, air force or navy, but their ballistic missiles are the primary threat (i.e. "the foremost of their might" per Jeremiah's prophecy.)
Former Commander CENTCOM General McKenzie spoke about this threat in detail this past week.
Who cannot see the "handwriting on the wall" at this point?
So, make no mistake, the SCOTUS decision does not ban abortion.
DeleteIt returned the abortion issue to the States, some allow abortion, some do not.
New update coming right away... BIG news!
ReplyDeleteThe so-called silence isn't deafening... it's akin to a kettle full of popping corn.
DeleteWhat a racket!
The archive of posted items has been kept since the start of 2009 as a reference. Data on the accessing of those posts and SITREPs indicates their is minimal interest in their content.
ReplyDeleteOver the coming 4th of July weekend a good number of those posts and their comments will be deleted; only the elect and best will remain here with any status.
The time has come and this will be completed in preparation for the retirement of the Eschatology Today blog. What remains is for the Saints of the Thlipsis/Megas Thlipsis.
May God richly bless you for your diligence and determination to teach His Word to the saints.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to us having all eternity to rejoice in God's plan of salvation with the multitudes of the saved praising Yeshua/ Jesus!
I have treasured your council and patience until the light of God's word broke through the fog of confusion.
I have appreciated and gained insight from the comments of so many here, may God bless all of you.
'Til we meet ...
DeleteThank You and Amen!
Also, as long as we're still here and by the leading of the Holy Spirit, I cannot and will not outright quit. Even retirees keep busy, maybe a new blog? It's up to Him!
That's a bummer, we love your regular posting Shawn!! Good thing web.archive.org will have them. Looks like Dec 21,2010 is the oldest snapshot.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. This blog opened on 18 JAN 2009, and that first item will remain. Of the nearly 700 posts at least 450 of the Spirit-led best will stay put.
ReplyDeleteIn full transparency, I had hoped the Harpazo and transformation would have occurred negating the need for surgery to replace an eye lens a cataract has all but destroyed in the last 3 months.
So, early tomorrow the new lens will go in. A 10-minute operation with a few days to full recovery. Blogging with just one eye put great stress on the other, so not in spite of prayer the op has become essential. We'll see how the Lord leads going forward.
One more essential update to this SITREP.
ReplyDeleteThere will be no Palestinian state between Jordan and Israel!
Even Saudi Arabia agrees that Jordan IS Palestine.
Russia has the gall to impugn Israel at the U.N. over the bombing of Damascus Int'l Airport's two runways upon which Iranian weapons arrive to kill Israelis, Syrians and Lebanese and yet they fire missiles into Ukrainian shopping malls, private residences and maternity hospitals to kill innocents.
ReplyDeleteDamascus Int'l runways are now repaired, but dead civilians due to Russian barbarity remain dead.
It just came to my mind that we should be mindful of Isaiah 17:14.
ReplyDeleteRight now (12:30 PM EDT) is the time of day (evening in the ME) when the fulfillment would commence.
Praying for your IOL surgery tomorrow, Sean. Best wishes for success and speedy recovery. Sorry to see the ET blog signing off as it has been a great source of hope and encouragement. I will still continue to bounce things off of you as I am prompted to maintain the fellowship. Hand salute, sir! Well done!
DeleteBro, I've made a vow to our brethren (who contacted me on the down-low) to not delete anything, and after recovery to maintain some kind of continuation of informational flow. Not sure yet what form it will take, but it will happen. As He leads.
Roger that, Brother!
DeleteAll eyes on the NATO Summit in Spain tomorrow, and on Kaliningrad come Thursday and Russia's ultimatum deadline.
ReplyDeletePraying for your upcoming surgery, Sean, and quick recovery. Thank you for all you have done to educate and inform us watchmen and watchwomen. We may not say it often enough, but it is so appreciated.
ReplyDeleteAs to your comment above regarding Isaiah 17- we all know (or should know) we are close, but is there some reason you said 12:30pm in the ME is when it would commence. Is that a regular time they use for their ops?
ReplyDeleteThank you!
12:30 PM EDT is when the evening begins in the Damascus - Jerusalem time zone.
Isaiah 17:14 explicitly tells us it starts in the evening and by the next morning it is all over.
Pretty sure it won't occur on a Sabbath, Isaiah might have been led to mention that detail.
Praying for you Brother
DeleteYou will be in my prayers, asking for full recovery. Thank you for the ministry you have given yourself to on here. It has been a blessing!
ReplyDeleteToday the Israeli Knesset will quietly vote to dissolve itself and Yair Lapid will become the Prime Minister of Israel.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the prayers, support and well wishes - the operation was a fantastic success, praise God!
ReplyDeleteThis is a new beginning even though we're at the end of The Road to the Revelation.
Praise the Lord!!
DeletePraise God for great news, Sean. Welcome back with a new vision! ;)
DeleteGreat news! Thanks for the update. Continued prayers for you.
ReplyDeleteKnesset dissolved. Elections on 1 November, Lapid is new PM.
ReplyDeleteRussia has withdrawn its forces from strategic Snake Island which guards the sea lanes to the Black Sea ports of Odesa and Mikolaiv.
ReplyDeleteHello Sean; Wonderful news about your surgery!!
DeleteQ: Do you think that this pull-out is a precursor to or even the start of, the 'turning around' foretold by Ezekiel?
Q: Do you think that with Lapid being PM, that Israel's enemies might perceive this as a time of opportune 'weakness'? Steve G.
DeleteThe Rus withdrawal from Snake Island is the same as their withdrawal from Kyiv and northeastern Ukraine - a tactical retreat from territory they cannot hope to hold and a waste of manpower and resources they cannot afford to waste. Ukraine wins here through increased combat firepower.
The Arab street in places (like Jenin, et al) is where it can be seen that Arab perception of Israeli government "weakness" is not the correct barometer to watch (it's actually a media construct). In Jenin it is the Arab jihadists of Fatah, HAMAS and PIJ, etc who are armed with assault weapons standing openly on the streets proclaiming "Jihad is our path" that is the true I&W concerning the imminent war (Ps. 83, etc.).
Scenes such as this across Judea & Samaria have never been seen before; firefights and ambushes (Joseph's Tomb) are an almost daily occurrence. The trigger event could happen at any moment.
So thankful to hear the surgery was a success, Sean. Praise God! Shelleyb
ReplyDeleteI like so many others are so happy and praise God for your successful surgery. God Bless you Sean. Sister in Christ, Melody
ReplyDeleteShelley, Melody, everyone, Thank You and praise the Lord!
ReplyDeletePersonal experience lesson learned first-hand:
ReplyDeleteThe Lord does not permit anything, spiritually or physically, that we cannot endure.
The Adversary and minions have no power over us, the Restrainer is within us all. By faith in Him we overcome!
God is good all the time
DeleteThe Russian ultimatum and threats against the EU and NATO wrt Kaliningrad for yesterday, 30JUN22, was just so much bluster and sabre rattling.
ReplyDeleteIt was all a bluff called by the Allies whose response of pushing and additional 280,000 combat troops towards Russia's western borders proved decisive in the short-lived crisis.
The West's military resolve made Russia stand-down.
So very glad to hear your surgery was a success! It seems when Israel tossed away Judea and Samaria when they failed to renew their right over the land that may have been the event that God the Father was looking for. Gives a new meaning to Zechariah 12:3 in my opinion. They should not have messed with the land, giving away their inheritance. Judgement will fall on them now. I think a spiritual barrier was just breached. Anyway, thank you for all your reporting over the years. I will miss getting end-time updates from this blog. See you in the sky :)
ReplyDeleteWhy does my comment come up anonymous when I know my name is Rhonda, ha ha?
DeleteI dunno, it's coming up as Anon, but I'm sure it's a regular reader so I post it.
DeleteWell, good news, retiring the blog was my own [bad] idea, couldn't "see" a way forward with bad eyesight. Now, I'm good and the Lord said "carry on." So I will carry on with gladness.
ReplyDeleteNow, that's good news. I didn't think He was done using your talents.
DeleteIt's not mine, it's on loan. ;)
DeleteHi Sean,
ReplyDeleteReally good news that the eye op was a total success and that you are doing so well that you are going to continue. Thank our Father because your input has been great over the past 20 years or so.
Pity that GreatGranny 5 is not here to get excited and see all that is happening.
God bless and thank you for your input over the all these years.
Your in Christ
Good news for sure! I felt a great sigh of relief pass through this blogspot.
Byline found at Arutz Sheva this morning:
ReplyDelete"Former US Secretary of State warns that peace will not be achievable in the Middle East until Iran ends its nuclear program."
Eschatology Today response:
It'll be a false peace, and attaining it will not occur via diplomatic negotiations conducted in bad faith by the Iranian regime, but by a multinational coalition's kinetic military means and the ongoing indigenous revolt of the Iranian people... saith the Lord.
Jeremiah 49:34-39
Ed Hindson went to be with the Lord. I understand he was a good prophecy scholar.. I used to watch the king is coming. He's now with the king
ReplyDeleteI remember Hindson's "The King is Coming" TV show; he was one of the best teachers of this era.
DeleteA other interesting tidbit from Arutz Sheva.
ReplyDeleteNorthern town refuses wall to be built around it
The town of Metula is refusing the Northern Command's plan to build a surrounding security wall around it.
Soon there will be no towns in Israel behind walls, bars or gates.
ReplyDelete1) According to IDF spokesman Ran Kochav, the Hezbollah terrorist organization sustained a "significant operational defeat" with the downing of three UAVs it dispatched from Lebanon on Saturday. The UAVs were enroute to an Israeli NATGAS in EastMed territorial waters. Both the IAF and a Navy missile corvette shot down the UAVs.
2. The IAF struck an Iranian arms shipment after it arrived at Port Tartus, Syria and began movement forward Hezbollah in Lebanon on Saturday..