The Mā'ar Sallôn (Pricking Brier) |
UPDATED 26 February 2025: The current situation was foretold to Israel in the beginning, in the fourth of the five books of the Torah circa 1,400 and 1,440 years Before Christ, or at least 3,450 years ago.
In Numbers (Bemidbar) 33:50-56 we read where YHWH is speaking to Moses in Moab by the River Jordan, telling him to speak to all Israel about what they must do when they will cross the river into the land YHWH has given them to possess. The salient point here is in verse 55:
"But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall be that those whom you let remain shall be irritants in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they shall harass you in the land where you dwell."
How utterly prophetic. I mean literally God-breathed, and the conclusion or ultimate fulfillment we find in Ezekiel 28:25
“And there shall no longer be a pricking brier or a painful thorn for the house of Israel from among all who are around them, who despise them. Then they shall know that I am the Lord GOD.”
In our immediate future, assuming the Bride of Christ has not been taken up hither in the Harpazo, but certainly for all those unfortunates who find themselves left behind because they did not trust in Jesus to redeem them beforehand, the imminent prophecies concerning Iran, Syria and the Mā'ar Sallôn (Pricking Brier) will come to pass.
We have seen with our own eyes in the past 17 months how Iran, Syria and the Mā'ar Sallôn (Pricking Brier) have tasted war with Israel; most especially Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and now Judea and Samaria (again, how utterly prophetic has the Word of God been concerning "those whom you let remain"!) are on the elimination block, so to speak.
The initial actions of these last days prophecies place them all in the process of complete fulfillment, but exactly how they will arrive at the end state lies within the sovereignty of God and His appointed times. And to be sure, Israel, still largely in disbelief, has suffered much overwhelming tragedy, but the birth pangs have not yet run their course. Isaiah 17 makes this potently and abundantly clear.
Current ISW/CT map of Jihadist Syria |
The earthly human intelligence voices that Israel's leadership should be and hopefully are listening to are saying several things loudly these days. The Iranian nuclear program has never been more vulnerable. It is incredibly poor judgment to think that the Islamic jihadists now in control of Syria will not act against Israel. There are very good reasons why Israel has been striking targets in and around Damascus constantly in the past several hours. The same goes for all of the terrorist monsters in Gaza, Lebanon, Judea, Samaria and even in southern Jordan.
1 March 2025: Top of the list for this update is the crash 'n' burn performance of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in front of President Trump, and VP Vance and American national TV audience. The utter embarassment drove Ukraine's ambassador to holding her bowed head in her hands.
As noted here two weeks ago, watchmen are now closely monitoring Europe where the situation is rapidly ripening for the rise of a strong leader. Perhaps the 14-day series of EU emergency summits will conclude today in London, UK where a select group of 10 to 12 key nations are assembled? We'll see, as Scripture assures the "little horn" rises as a peacemaker and a warrior.
The prospect of a nuclear world war is literally on the lips of all concerned! In 2014 when the Russia-Ukraine war really began with Russia's invasion of Crimea and the Donbas, Eschatology Today was first in warning of the 'last days' prophetic implications of the war, in particular the "hooks" of Ezekiel 38. There's solid prophetic proof in Ezekiel 38/39 of nuclear fire and other lethal nastiness raining down which is concurrent with the Harpazo and then the LORD God pouring out His Spirit upon all Israel. Witnessing Christ Jesus to the unsaved is an imperative Brothers and Sisters!
Jaramana |
The map above locates the majority Druze and Christian community of Jaramana (just 3km from Damascus center) where firefights between the residents and the HTS-led government army have been taking place recently.
It comes as a real eye-opener this afternoon to see that PM Netanyahu and DM Katz have tasked the IDF to prepare to defend Jaramana from the new jihadist Syrian army.
Final UPDATE 14 March 2025: As if to confirm that "transitioning Syria is governed as an Islamist State from Damascus, it comes as no surprise that the so-called "interim leader" chose to wear a western-style suit and tie in the color of Islam. The imagery is meant to convey that the transition in government from Ba'athist dictatorship to constitutional Jihadist totalitarianism is complete in the opinion of Ahmad al-Shara'a. No doubt he and his jihadist cohorts have never read the God-breathed Scripture of Isaiah, Jeremiah or Ezekiel.
Eschatology Today published Global SITREP D9-18: The Prophecy of Ezekiel six and one-half years ago. That SITREP can serve as a primer for this follow-up, as everyone wants to know what the future holds, and Ezekiel, as much as any of the futurist prophets, provides us with tremendous information on what's next, save for the Book of Daniel and John on Patmos' The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ.
The first three chapters of the Book of Ezekiel establish the Authority of the Scripture.
In The first chapter the prophet vividly relates his vision of the throne of the LORD God. Ezekiel finds himself in a face-plant position on the ground near the River Chebar in present-day Iraq upon hearing the voice of One who is speaking to him. The second and very brief chapter opens with the Spirit of God, Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit), indwelling of Ezekiel and standing him upright so that the LORD God can properly speak to him. Ezekiel is given a lecture on rebellious and impudent Israel and a litany of their transgressions, as well as precisely how Ezekiel is to address them: "Thus says the LORD God."
God's description of Israel here invokes that part of the Israeli population today as seen and heard in their media even prior to the October 7 massacre - rebellious, insolent, impudent and at times exceedingly vile and vindictive, ignoring all that which was charged to them in the God-breathed Covenants delivered to them by Moses. And they have paid the same price of disobedience ever since, but not for all time as we shall soon see.
God then instructs Ezekiel that he is not to fear the rebellious Israel or their words to him, but Ezekiel is to straightforwardly speak the word of God to them - no matter whether they accept the words or reject them. So God gives Ezekiel the scroll of a book filled with the Word of God that he is to speak to Israel in Babylonian captivity.
At this point the prophecy transitions seamlessly to chapter three. And God then feeds the scroll of a book to Ezekiel. It is interesting to note that this scroll of a book which was filled with lamentations, mourning and woe is described by Ezekiel as being in his mouth like honey in sweetness. I would summarize this description of the scroll of a book as a transition for all Israel from rebellion to redemption as seen towards the end in Ezekiel 39:29. Chapter three closes much as chapter one did with God appearing to Ezekiel again, the Holy Spirit entering him, falling down prone and God stand him up again and speaking instruction for Ezekiel to keep his mouth shut and speak to rebellious Israel only when God gives him the words to speak: "Thus says the LORD God, he who hears let him hear, and he who refuses let him refuse, for they are a rebellious house."
I find that these first three chapters provide a baseline for what God tells Ezekiel to prophesy in chapters 35, 36 and 37, and that these chapters are precisely where we, the Bride of Christ, find ourselves at this time. This is where we are today.
Chapter 35 finds Ezekiel speaking prophetic judgment of the LORD God upon present day, and so-called "Palestinians." They are not "Palestinians." In truth they are Egyptians, Syrians, Hashemites and other various tribes of Arabs, and whom the Lord refers to in sum as "Mount Seir." Ezekiel 35:5 precisely invokes what Asaph was inspired to say in Psalm 83. They are to be subdued and slain in war, their cities to be destroyed and not rebuilt. Desolation is their future as a direct result of the current war.
Chapter 36 reads like the land of Israel during and immediately after World War II as the diaspora of the children of Israel began their return to Eretz Israel in vast numbers from all over the world wherever they had gone in the previous circa 1900 years or circa 70 to 1945 AD. This chapter is about to ongoing renewal of Israel, the fig tree shooting forth branches and leaves and the bearing of fruit.
The dichotomy of Ezekiel chapters 1, 2 and 3 with what is found in chapters 35 and 36 is astounding, but hey, our God excels is doing astounding things! This is all about the renewal of Israel, particularly in Ezekiel 36:16-20 where God is speaking explicitly once again about why Israel was sent out into the nations and then comes a bombshell at verses 21-22: "But I had concern for My holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations wherever they went. Therefore say to the house of Israel, 'Thus says the LORD God, "I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name's sake, which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went."
The prophecy within Ezekiel 36:23-36 is extremely important. It is, as the prophetic text implicitly states, about the redemption of Israel! Now, do NOT accuse me of invoking any nonsense such as 'dual covenant theology." What I cite here is the word of God, period. I leave to the reader to read the above embedded Scripture for themselves. It says exactly what it says. It says what the LORD God said to Ezekiel!