Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Global SITREP D8-22: Past, Present and Future

16 November 2022: We've seen the past, and we see the present and the Word of God instructs us about the future. And there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). 

Israel has a new government and what has been done will be done there once again. America will also soon be getting a new government. Last night President Donald Trump announced his intent to become an American president once again. Only God knows, but by His will what has been done will be done again.

In searching His word recently a prophecy was found that Eschatology Today has not previously seen or been aware of. What has been seen and has been written about on this blog is the prophecy of the sun not giving its light in conjunction with the moon being blood red, that it has a one-time and one-time only 70th Week of Years fulfillment. This prophecy is found in Revelation 6:12 when the Lord Jesus Christ opens the Sixth Seal.

But there is another prophecy that involves both the sun and the moon. This prophecy comes from Isaiah 30. Taking the entire chapter in context, this prophecy also appears to be one for fulfillment in this current generation and when all Israel is saved (i.e. in the time of the 144,000). In Isaiah 30:26 it is written:

Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun,
And the light of the sun will be sevenfold,
As the light of seven days,
In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people
And heals the stroke of their wound.

Picture that in your mind's eye. The earth's moon as bright as the sun, not just reflecting the sun's brightness, but being as bright as the sun and only a quarter of a million miles away. And the cause for this is that the sun will become seven times brighter than normal, as brightness equivalent to an entire week's worth of the sun's brightness. 

Truly this is a prophetic sign and it appears at first reading to be one which occurs as part of the Lord's judgements during the Thlipsis. Perhaps Isaiah 30:26 is related to the Trumpet judgments of Revelation 8? And it must be noted that this prophecy is just the opposite of what Isaiah 13:10-13 tells us. So placing the prophetic fulfillment in an understandable last days timeline is a challenge; further study is needed for sure.

Until then we know that God controls all things, His will is being done, governments rise and fall as He determines, and we're headlong into the imminent Harpazo of the Bride of Christ with our eyes wide open, watching, praying and saying Marana'tha!


  1. We will follow unfolding current events during the course of this SITREP.

    Leaning forward, one thing that is a near certainty wrt the new Israel government is the impact the religious parties will have on policies concerning Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, Temple Mount and exteral threats from Iran and it's proxies in Lebanon and Syria, as well as Jordan wrt the Temple Mount.

    Eyes wide open...

  2. Again, our Number One rule is that anonymous comments are not allowed.

    A name or identifying handle, like a screen name, (i.e. greatgranny5, hartdawg, etc.) must be included in the comment if you wish to see it posted. There will be no exceptions unless Eschatology Today is informed privately of your identity. There are far too many mal intents out there to relax this rule.

  3. It's now confirmed that the missile strike in Poland yesterday was a Russian-manufactured S-300 that was fired by Ukrainian air defense during a massive Russian missile attack on civilian infrastructure across Ukraine.

    It was a tragic accident and Russia bears full responsibility for it.

  4. Is it possible that the Sun and Moon have a temporary flare up prior to going dark?

    1. However this happens and as with all other judgments - they're from the Lord.

  5. I believe I've got the proper temporal placement for this prophecy.

    However, I'm going to remain mum for a while to see if anyone else can provide an answer on when this will occur.

    Hint: Scripture provides the answer.

    1. "In the day of the great slaughter" when "the towers fall," i.e., the Armageddon event at Christ's coming.

    2. I'm guessing it's at the end of the Millennium when the elements are destroyed by fervent heat?

  6. I'm going with Revelation 18:1,
    "After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory."

  7. Chuck, Hiftobaf, Jmoll:

    All are really great responses and may be correct because they directly relate to last things of the last days.

  8. My view is Isaiah 30:26 is related to the Sixth Seal opening by Christ in Rev. 6:12. This continues to Revelation 7:3 with a temporary restraint is delared to seal the foreheads of the 144,000. That accomplished, this Sixth Seal judgment resumes in full and continues with the Trumpet Judgments. There's an angel who fills a censer with fire and hurls it upon the earth. Mankind has to go underground for some time. All trees and grass are burnt up, a pair of flaming objects harm the seas, life in the and surface ships.

    We recently had solar effects here and all over the earth. Locally this summer there was extreme heat, no rain at all for nearly three months. The local grasses and trees were devastated. Leaves came off the trees this fall enmass. Then rains returned and with all the leaves on the ground it was an opposite kind of flooding disaster. I can only imagine with a 7X sun would do.

    Then in Revelation 11 the Two Witnesses have the power to halt the rains... that would certainly exacerbate the judgments of the 6th Seal and Trumpets to the Nth degree.

    So, I think Isaiah 30:26 is a cumalative judgement the Revelation 6, 7, 8 and 11 have a part in; they amplify and add detail to what Isaiah prophesied.

    Just my 0.02 cents.

    1. And through all of this only the 144,000 of Israel are saving innumerable souls, the rest of humankind remains unrepentant, in rebellion against God and worshipping the Beast.

      The Harpazo is our blessed hope more than many realize.

  9. Most everyone, except for globalists and other antisemites, is pleased with the Israel election and return of Likud's right coaltion government.

    However, there is big trouble within the Likud coalition, between the religious and secular factions of it.

    What we can say with prophetic certainty is that regardless of the government, Israel has trouble ahead, just as Jesus foretold. John 5:43.

  10. Yes; Isaiah 30:26a is related to the cosmic signs of the Sixth Seal. What will happen, is a huge Coronal Mass Ejection, an explosion on the suns surface, sending out a multi billion ton mass of superheated Hydrogen plasma. After the initial flash, as per Isaiah 30:26, this mass will obscure the sun, darkening it to us. Then as it strikes the moon, it causes a thermoluminiscent reaction with the metallic oxides of the moon dust. A very bright red light.
    Then this CME will strike the Middle East at midday, Zephaniah 2:4, and all of the world as it rotates, destroying our modern infrastructure and killing about 1/3 of the worlds population.
    We Christians must stand firm in our faith and pray to the Lord for protection.

    1. Bruce n Jan,

      Thank you for going into the details I was thinking Isaiah referred to. The ancients had no concept of what a CME is, but that's what I believe were talking about, trees and grass burnt up by a CME 7X the sun's daily power. Excellent work.

    2. ALL of the graphically described Bible Prophesies about the Lord's Day of wrath, can be explained by a CME of an unprecedented magnitude. There is no other way those God given warnings can be literally fulfilled.
      It will be the event that 'comes like a thief', unexpected and shocking the world.
      Just for us to know it has been instigated by the Lord, will be a big help in surviving it, We must: Call upon the Name of the Lord and we will be saved.

  11. Sean, a comment stated that, "And the cause for this is that the sun will become seven times brighter than normal, as brightness equivalent to an entire week's worth of the sun's brightness."

    The moon becoming the light of 7 days could begin on December 18, 2022, when the first LIGHT of 8 is lit on celebrating the 7 days of Hanukkah. December 18, 2022, is also the 24th day of the 9th month Kislev, referenced 4 times in Haggai 2:10-23 wherein the "throne of kingdoms" is over thrown aka Satan cast out and the "strength of kingdoms" aka Babylon is destroyed. Also in Haggai 2:7 we read during this shaking the "Desire of all nations" will come. Time Counselor

    1. When a date is mentioned 3 times in Bible Prophecy, we should take note of it.
      It is the 24th day of Kislev, which the Prophet Haggai quotes in, Haggai 2:10, 2:18. 2:20.

      In the time of Haggai and Zechariah, it was the day marked for the promise that the redemption would ultimately come about, “not by power, nor by might, but by the Spirit of Yehovah”–but in the proper time. Zechariah 4:6
      But in the time of the Maccabees, when Syrian ruler Antiochus 4 Epiphanes conquered the Jews and desecrated the Temple, he was defeated 1150 days later, Daniel 8:13-14, and it was on Kislev 24 that the Temple was cleansed and re-dedicated. That is why the festival of Hanukah is celebrated beginning at sundown, at the end of Kislev 24 and the following 7 days.

      It was Sunday, December 9, 1917, Kislev 24: that General Allenby, leading the British forces, liberated Jerusalem for the first time in centuries from Turkish/Muslim rule. That evening the Jewish soldiers in the British army celebrated Hanukkah and worshipped at the Western Wall.

      It can be discerned from Prophesies like Daniel 12:12, that the final fulfilment of Hanukkah, the re-dedication of the Third Temple, will be exactly 75 days after Jesus Returns at day 1260 after the Anti-Christ desecrates it. Daniel 9:27 & Revelation 13:5-8

      However: the next and imminent fulfilment of the Prophecy of Haggai 2:22, is for the great and terrible Day when the Lord will; shake all the nations, overthrow rulers, break the power of the heathen peoples and destroy their military might.
      It will be the next Prophesied event, the Sixth Seal world changer.

  12. Russ and All,

    Everything is good on my end, pray the same for everyone else is true.

    As always the Spirit leads and I follow His lead.

    So, just in case if anyone is wondering, that's why I'm in standby mode at the present with the next full SITREP posting.

    In the meantime I've been posting tidbits of relevant data in the current SITREP's comment section.

  13. I figured that, Sean, but thanks for letting us know. Wow - your post on the other SITREP! Ukraine a member of NATO? Every day our soon departure looks more and more promising. So exciting. Looking forward to your next update. God Bless, Family, and Maranatha!

  14. Ok, time has come for Global SITREP D9-22 to be published. Been up since early AM (Zero Dark Thirty actually!) and the Lord has spoken.

    I'm not to "preach to the choir" any more. Y'all already know what has been posted to Eschatology Today blog concerning His prophetic word, and you know it in great detail. What is coming next will strengthen and enlighten and encourage everybody in the nearness of our departure. Later today, evening actually.

  15. Thanks, Sean! We look forward to the new Sitrep. Strengthening, enlightening, and encouragement? Who in the Family doesn't love those things? Especially, as the Lord knows, how this world is wearying all of us. As we pray for all those specially called to be Watchmen, we pray for you and look forward to the SOON day when we will be able to thank you in person. God Bless you Maranatha!!!

  16. I could CERTAINLY use it right now, Sean!

    Ken B


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