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Iran Sprints to Nuclear Weapons Capability |
UPDATED February 4, 2025: One of, if not highest priority topic to be discussed in Israeli PM Netanyahu's current visit to Washington, D.C. is the problem of Iranian nuclear weapons. It is no coincidence that in the past twelve hours the New York Times published their knowledge of a new U.S. intelligence assessment which holds that Iran has embarked on a sprint to nuclear weapons capability. The reported thinking behind the new assessment is that a small cadre of Iran's best scientific minds are engaged in a faster track to crude and deliverable nuclear weapons. The US-Israel discussions will be focused on whether to attempt a new nuke deal with Iran or to launch preemptive strikes. Timing will be critical going forward considering the plethora of other high priority issues under discussion.
Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Panama, Mexico, China-Taiwan, Russia-Ukraine, EU-NATO, the list goes on and on in the international arena. And this is now an era, as we all well aware of "America First" domestic issues. The 'roaring and tossing of the seas' indeed! Let's take a very short break and see what emerges from this US-Israel summit.
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US-Israel Summit 4 February 2025 |
7 February 2025: As we're all aware the Trump-Netanyahu meeting was a seismic event followed by an equally powerful aftershock. Move the population out of Gaza which was quickly followed up with a temporary American takeover of the Gaza Strip in order to rebuild it from the 140 square miles of uninhabitable rubble it is today (image below). And most of the world gasped at such a prospective undertaking until American SECSTATE Rubio chided all of the naysayers with "if you have a better idea, let's hear it." If you were listening to this, you could have heard the proverbial pin drop. As expected not one of the opinionated detractors, both Jewish and Gentile, had ever given a single brain cell worth of thought to the idea. In the usual Trumpian style the American president blind-sided the entire globe. First is the lightning strike, then the thunder is heard.
One of the views I find most amusing comes from Israel's military intelligence directorate's chief, Major General Shlomi Binder. MG Binder expressed his worries about this Gaza plan destabilizing Jordan and of dire repercussions during the upcoming Muslim month of Ramadan to "ignite" the region. Clearly this is a secular Jewish viewpoint which has never really had the slightest inclination to review what the ancient prophets of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) have foretold in the Tanakh (the Christian Old Testament). However, it's a good thing that others in Israel believe in the God of Israel and His promises.
10 February 2025: The Iranian military, specifically the IRGC Quds (Jerusalem) Force leadership, are beseeching Ayatollah Khamenei to issue an official nuclear weapons fatwa (religious edict) on their acquisition of nuclear weapons, whereas previously the official position has been that the acquisition of nuclear weapons was not within Shi'a religious dogma. The Quds Force is now openly saying that they cannot 'wipe out" Israel without nuclear weapons; that Shi'a Twelver possession of nukes would hasten the arrival of the al-Mahdi.
Looking forward to what the remainder of this month brings to light, be it Israeli sovereignty for Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley or the reignition of the destruction of HAMAS and Hezbollah. These are most prophetically exciting times!
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Gaza Buffer Zone in Pink |
Nobody has a crystal ball, so anything can happen at any time. Nevertheless, I still assess an Iran, Syria, and Psalm 83 finale as this sequence makes the logical sense.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how the meeting between Trump and Netanyahu is going
ReplyDeleteJon Hartman
DeleteI'm attentive to the substance of that meeting as well. What I do know now is that this is no 'drive through' visit by a foreign head of state, and is probably the most important series of meetings Bibi will have outside of Israel this year. Netanyahu, after initial Trump powwow, has a week-long schedule with other key elements of the U.S. Government. More coming!
You don't necessarily need to publish this, but the Idea of the US owning the Gaza strip and rebuilding it was a thought I never saw coming.
ReplyDeleteNobody but God knew it was coming.
DeleteI don't know how I feel about Trump taking over Gaza. He's been a great friend to Israel, but I hope he's treading very carefully, the land belongs to Israel. I think if he takes it, he should then give it to Israel. I'm not exactly sure what his intentions are. If you know more than please educate me
ReplyDeleteJon Hartman
Have we so quickly forgotten the quintessential Donald J. Trump? "The Art of the Deal."
DeleteMore importantly, God is in complete control, so this is more than likely part of His plan. It may not even come to fruition, but the reality is it's part of the ongoing process.
President Trump said "The peoples of the world " will live there. Will the people who visit Jerusalem to worship Jesus be staying there?
DeleteAt the very least President Trump has given BiBi permission to finish the work of removing Hamas.
I tend to agree with what a commenter on X wrote: "Trump always starts with an extreme proposal, tests it in the news cycle, and then comes out with a more nuanced and sensible final solution."
DeleteChuck - precisely as stated above! The "Gaza Plan" is a prime example of the "Art of the Deal."
DeleteOpen the deal with an extremist position; Close the deal with a sensible position.
Current headlines for Wednesday, 5 February 2025.
1.) The Twelver clerics of the Islamic Republic of Iran are on notice: do something real stupid and you will not live to regret it.
2.) The 'Trump Plan' for the Gaza Strip and its current inhabitants is now open source material:
The USA is coming. Period.
Gaza is a demolition site and will no longer be Israel's problem (or Bibi's problem).
The population will be relocated, the Strip will be prepped for reconstruction from top to bottom. (One thing Trump & Co. know how to do is redevelopment.)
Gaza will become what it should have become decades ago.
And Judea and Samaria will also come under full Israeli sovereignty.
DeleteGaza will become just as the Prophets say: Zephaniah 2:4-7 Gaza will be deserted, Ashkelon left in ruins. At midday all the towns of the Mediterranean coast will be cleared of inhabitants, for the Word of God is against you – land of the Philistines. I shall lay you in ruins, no one will survive.
DeleteJeremiah 47:4-7 The day has come for all of Philistia to be despoiled….Gaza will be shorn bare, Ashkelon ruined. The Sword of the Lord is assigned to its task
Amos 1:6-8 This is the Word of the Lord;
For crime after crime of Gaza, I shall grant them no reprieve….Therefore; I will send fire to consume Gaza and wipe out Ashkelon and all the Philistines who are left will perish.
Discernment is needed regarding Asqalon, and the differentiation between the ancient Philistines (Sea Peoples) and the Arab conquerors of the 7th century, and the Ashkelon city built by Israel since 1948. Modern Ashqelon lies just north of the ancient site's ruins, now known in Israel as Ashqelon National Park. Prophecy 100% fulfilled.
DeleteThere's a massive amount of history here, from 2000 BC to circa 1200 AD.
So-called Arab "Palestinians" have no relation to the ancient Sea Peoples from the proto-Greek island of Crete who became Phoenicians, Cherethites and Philistines, all of whom are extinct as nationalities in the Holy Land.
As for Gaza, it is ruined, demolished, and mostly rubble soon be depopulated as part of the fulfillment of Ezekiel 28:24-26.
As for President Trump's plan for Gaza, there is nothing in Scripture pointing to its successful implementation. It is only a dream of his.
DeleteNot to mention Lev. 25:23: "The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with Me." Regardless of how "they" seek to "divide" God's land, they will heap judgment upon themselves.
DeleteThat's a big Amen for that list.
ReplyDeleteStill looking for the 10, and then the 11th to rise up among them, taking 3 for himself.
ReplyDeletedo you have a good idea on who some of them are?
DeleteJon Hartman
DeleteGabriel was spot-on in specifically pointing out Greece as one, and one of the four divisions of Alexander the Great's empire as where the A/C will come from. As Dr. Fruchtenbaum has said, it's about a certain bloodline, also likely Macedonian Greek. There's also the fact that Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the precursor A/C was a Macedonian Greek.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.
ReplyDeleteThis has been noted here before. A reminder is a good idea at this time.
ReplyDeleteDaniel 8:8-9 NKJV
"8 Therefore the male goat grew very great; but when he became strong, the large horn was broken, and in place of it four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven.
9 And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land.
The male goat was Alexander the Great; the large horn was his Macedonian-Greek empire.
Alexander's empire was divided among his four top generals into four separate Macedonian-Greek kingdoms:
The antichrist will come from one of these four according the bold part of verse 9.
Here they go again. Not even a month has passed for the new Trump Administration and the Leftist Deep State is beginning its first attempt to impeach. Rep. Al Green (D-TX) leading the attempt.
ReplyDeleteDastardly deeds. Lol
DeleteHezbollah moving weapons today in breach of the hudna resulted in IAF strikes in the Beqaa and in southern Lebanon.
ReplyDeleteA "new" government has been appointed by the various factions in Lebanon. It has no chance of success because it is a fascade.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the difference between Amal and Hezbollah? None. They are both Shi'a terrorists and they are allies, have been since the 1980's.
Nabih Berri is the head of Amal. Amal handed out portfolios for five new government ministries, four to itself, one for Hezbollah. Amal will do Hezbollah's bidding as it is directed by Hezbollah's master clerics in Tehran. This breaches a "red line" set by the US and Israel.
God is in complete control, the events taking place now He knew before the earth was formed. The only thing the Bride of Christ waits for in patience is the Harpazo. None of this is a problem for the LORD God.
ReplyDeleteWell said! Amen.
DeleteJust watched DJT's comments on the condition of the Israeli hostages coming out of Gaza. One thing for certain: this US President doesn 't play. Game on - and game over - for Hamas. Very soon. Combined with the nonsense going on in Lebanon that Bro. Sean has just outlined, and the ludicrously bellicose verbiage coming out of Tehran (reminiscent of the divine hardening of the heart of Pharaoh in Exodus); we will see the prophetic flood accelerate near-term. Bro. Steve
ReplyDeleteBro. Steve,
DeleteTrump's comments are very troubling in that as a native New Yorker, and as the 45th and now 47th POTUS with the best intelligence apparatus on earth, he has not learned anything about islamic jihadists who attacked the World Trade Center, the first time 27 years ago and the second time just over 23 years ago killing thousands!
Is HAMAS to be differentiated from al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, Hezbollah, Amal, al-Shabab or Boko Haram?
Lose patience? Very troubling indeed.
Bro. Sean; That's an interesting point - and something I had not specifically considered TBH (and agreed - there is little effective difference between the various jihadist groups - they are all working for global sharia).
DeleteMy take on the comments was that DJT was very close to a point of openly supporting Israel in the full-scale and final annihiliation of their islamist protagonist groups; rather than a pure temperamental response (what we call "going off in a rush of blood" here in Australia). This would complement the recent Israeli leadership statements of intent that you have referenced.
Despite his often blunt rhetoric, he has demonstrated himself as a very strategic thinker. He is also I believe, being used in real time to execute judgement on the wickedness that has pervaded the US of late (Ps37:34 & Ps91:8) - something that seems to be catalysing similar events elsewhere in the world.
Thanks muchly for the feedback. Got me thinking more on this. Bro. Steve
Following Bibi's week in D.C. I've had to remind myself to take media coverage of all things related with copious amounts of salt.
DeleteNumber one, DJT cannot dictate to Israel how it must defend itself as several have claimed in the past 24-hours. We'll see what DJT does this week or next - knowing fully that unless a thing is an appointment of the LORD it won't take place.
Brother Sean, President Trump said if the "All Hostages are not released by 12 noon Saturday they will be destroyed. Wow, so amazing that God is allowing us a front row seat to the end time prophecies. God Bless
DeleteSaturday, 15 February 2025 might be a very special day in the history of television!
Imagine if our parents or grandparents had been able to watch the June 6, 1944 D-Day on live TV.
Live TV from Jerusalem may become a regular thing for a lot of people. I already watch i24 regularly.
HAMAS today has terminated all further planned hostage releases claiming Israeli violations of the agreement.
ReplyDeleteThe IDF has been placed on full combat alert; PM Netanyahu has pushed the scheduled convening of the security cabinet forward to tomorrow morning.
Let us pray Asaph's Psalm 83:13-18 prayer for the Gazan's...
ReplyDeleteO my God, make them like the whirling dust,
Like the chaff before the wind!
As the fire burns the woods,
And as the flame sets the mountains on fire,
So pursue them with Your tempest,
And frighten them with Your storm.
Fill their faces with shame,
That they may seek Your name, O Lord.
Let them be confounded and dismayed forever;
Yes, let them be put to shame and perish,
That they may know that You, whose name alone is the Lord,
Are the Most High over all the earth.
In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
DeleteAccording to two very recent intelligence assessments, one in the last month of the Biden Administration and another at the onset of the Trump Administration, Israel would strike Iranian nuclear facilities in mid-2025.
ReplyDeleteIran says it will just rebuild thier nuclear program if attacked. The long and short of this would mean any attack would have to obliterate every aspect of Iran's nuclear infrastructure - including Bushehr.
Is Bushehr in a populated area?
ReplyDeleteThat would certainly cause evacuations in all directions of the compass.
DeleteYes, Bushehr is the provincial capital and has a 2025 population (extrapolated) to be just under 250,000. The entire province has an (extrapolated) population of about 2.2 million.
Tonight the Israeli Air Force attacked multiple sites in southern Lebanon where Hezbollah was using as weapons depots. Israel made clear the Lebanese government was as complicit in Hezbollah's activities as the Lebanese National Army.
ReplyDeleteThe IDF will remain in several locations in southern Lebanon well into March, and possibly much longer than that.
With the various situations being as fluid and volatile as they are all I want to say at this point is
ReplyDeleteIn the beginning God...
tomorrow at noon, I wonder what it will be, staying informed, praying accordingly
ReplyDeleteJon Hartman
If recent events hold, three male adult hostages will be released and then the rinse and repeat cycle starts again.
DeleteThere is no 12 Noon ultimatum since HAMAS backed down to release the three hostages and both the WH and Israel accepted it.
VP Vance gave Europe's globalist elites a very diplomatic tongue-lashing at the Munich Security Forum.
ReplyDeleteThere's a transcript and video at nationalpulse dot com.
About time an American spoke to European elites without a PC filter. Very refreshing. Very necessary. Very illuminating on how ripe Europe is for the antichrist.
I didn't see the entire speech, but what I had heard was fantastic. Trump couldn't have picked a better VP
DeleteJon Hartman
DeleteJust in case, here's the URL for the video and transcript.
VP Vance Blasts Euro Elites
Sagui Dekel-Chen, Sasha Troufanov and Iair Horn were released a half-hour ago in Khan Younis, Gaza.
ReplyDeleteThe three male hostages appeared to be physically half of what they were in October 2023 when made to speak from a staged HAMAS propaganda show.
And what of the Bibas children??
Somehow the terrorists in Gaza have been able to confiscate IDF combat uniforms. This signals another outrageous disaster could occur at any time.
ReplyDeleteIt appears that early this AM (07:52 EDT - 3 PM IST) President Trump pulled a fast one. I believe he initiated the "all hostages by 12 Noon Saturday or all hell" ultimatum. Netanyahu doubled down on that threat when HAMAS said no more hostages to break the hudna terms.
ReplyDeleteHAMAS blinked, backtracked and released three hostages today at about 11 AM IST.
Now Trump says its up to Israel to decide how to react to only 3 hostages released and not all of them.
Utterly confused situation going on here.
Confusion is the ally of the prepared. Bro. Steve
DeleteHezbollah's chief of drone ops, Abbas Ahmad Hamoud, was killed tonight in a precision IAF strike. His activities were a gross violation of the temporary hudna.
ReplyDeleteUS SECSTATE Marco Rubio began a meeting with PM Netanyahu at 10 AM IST. That was one hour ago. At the conclusion of the meeting both Netanyahu and Rubio are expected to make statements.
ReplyDeleteThe fate of 6 HAMAS hostages who are known to still be alive likely hangs in the balance; Israel is expected insist on the release of these six in the next week.
The PM and US SECSTATE have begun a larger meeting with most of Israel's senior government leadership.
DeleteIDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi HaLevi will make his final trip to the US today for a 72-hour high-level meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Commander CENTCOM. They will coordinate critical strategic and operational planning.
ReplyDeleteLTG HaLevi will step down as the IDF CoS on 5 March.
The US has delivered to Israel's Ashdod Port 1,800 MK-84 2,000lb bombs. When fitted with bolt-on GPS guidance kits they become devastating precision weapons.
ReplyDeleteTo conclude my comments of this morning, there is now clear I&W for what lies ahead as a result of today's meetings.
ReplyDelete1.) Iran is top priority. With the total support of the United States the IDF will finish the job of the denuclearization of Iran and the Twelver's ability to support Hezbollah, HAMAS and other jihadists in the CENTCOM AOR.
2.) The release of all captives held in Gaza is an imperative and further delay is not optional. HAMAS, PIJ and all jihadists in Gaza will be eliminated.
3.) Hezbollah will be fully disarmed. A strenthened Lebanese National Army (LNA) can achieve this. The first step is the continued denial of Iranian aircraft landing rights anywhere in Lebanon, especially Beirut Int'l. The IDF will disarm Hezbollah should the LNA prove to be incapable of completing the mission.
4.) Syria will be watched very closely. Jihadists remain jihadists.
Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir (soon to be Lt. Gen.) will be the new IDF CoS. He will lead the IDF to Victory over all of Israel's enemies; he truly believes offense is the best defense...
ReplyDeleteOr so they hope. Hope is not a strategy.
Israel identified Hezbollah prepping rockets and other weapons in Beqaa Valley, Lebanon. IDF strike aircraft attacked the site of this activity a short while ago.
ReplyDeleteGoing to close out SITREP A3-25: The Issues at Hand, and move on to SITREP A4-25: Playing With Fire.
ReplyDeleteFirst, a couple of conclusions.
1.) There are no alien beings from other planets flying spacecraft around the earth. These are demonic beings masquerading as such. The deceptive purpose of this is obvious to all who've read God's Word.
2.) Asaph's Psalm 83 is a prophetic prayer, it's fulfillment is in accordance with the sovereign will of God as are all the other last days prophecies.