the wing of a Russian Su-34 'Fullback' at Hmeimim Air Base in 2016
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Su-34 Fullback carrying a full load-out of RBK-500 ZAB-2.5SM incendiary bombs prior to takeoff at Hmeimim Air Base, Syria. |
The Group of Seven (G7) industrialized nations will be joined by five Sunni Arab nations: Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan and Qatar. For this reason Eschatology Today is going to coin the phrase "The Ezekiel Summit" for this and all future G7 Summits with their Sunni Arab allies.
The Ezekiel Summit constitutes the first iteration of the alliance found in Ezekiel 38:13 literally translated from the Hebrew Scripture Shĕba' Dĕdan cachar Tarshiysh kĕphiyr as "Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish and all their young lions..." It is not too far or a stretch to at least consider that these 12 nations may a few years become the 10 nations among whom the "little horn" emerges according to the angel Gabriel in Daniel in Daniel 7, as well as the "Ten Toes" of the two feet of the two legs discussed in Daniel 2.
We will be very keen to learn what comes from The Ezekiel Summit as these 12 nations line up against Russia and Iran in a fight over Syria. In this we have most of the nation state actors found in the entire host of pre-70th Week prophecies, and with Israel likely to bear a heavy burden in the eruption of hostilities per Isaiah 17:4-6.
More updates to come...
10 April 2017: The big and as yet unreported news, unreported because no one outside of the United States Government has yet made this public information, is the Obama Administration kept stone cold quiet (this is "flexibility" as defined by Obama) on Russian military forces widespread use of banned incendiary weapons in Syria. Incendiary weapons are not banned in use in combat against enemy forces, but they are banned by international law from use where civilian populations are present.
Russian forces were caught (pardon the pun) red-handed with incendiary munitions, such as RBK-500 ZAB-2.5SM incendiary bombs, deployed to Syria. The above image was taken from a video made by the English-language propaganda station RT on 18 June 2016 as Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was visiting Hmeimim Air Base near Latakia, Syria. The video was broadcast internationally, with the above screen-captured image freaking out Russian military censors. This part of the video footage was promptly removed from subsequent airings. But that did not matter, the cat had escaped the bag. Perhaps not so amazing was that Russia denied after this video aired the first time that these incendiary weapons were deployed to Syria.
RBK-500 ZAB-2.5SM incendiary bombs are loaded with a metallic powder fuel known as thermite. Thermite burns even hotter than white phosphorus; it cannot be extinguished by any normal means and must burn itself out. This is a clear violation of the Convention of Certain Chemical Weapons (CCCW); a convention to which Russia is a signatory nation. These weapons first appeared in Syria after Russian forces first deployed to Hmeimim Air Base, they use as air-dropped incendiary munitions began shortly thereafter and it continues up to the present. They were used on a civilian populated village south of Aleppo, Umm al-Karamil, on 16 March 2017, and they appear to have been used this past weekend, probably as an act of defiance against the U.S. strike on Ash Sha'irat Air Base.
Now you know the likely scenario through which a greater level of hostilities, possibly including a clash between Russian and American forces in the Syrian war zone may well take place in the days ahead.
9 April 2017: The Russian Federation Navy has deployed into the Eastern Mediterranean Sea its most advanced class of guided missile frigate following the U.S. Navy's Tomahawk land attack missile strike on Ash Sha'irat Air Base last Thursday in Syria. Russian Federation Ship 494 Admiral Grigorovich is expected to take up station shadowing U.S. Navy guided missile destroyers (Arleigh Burke class) DDG-78 Porter and DDG-71 Ross either before or after a brief port call to the Russian replenishment facility in port Tartus, Syria. The USS Porter and USS Ross are not the only forward deployed U.S. Navy ships in the combat zone; there are two other U.S. Navy destroyers nearby, and there is without doubt a US nuclear fast attack submarine prowling nearby as well.
Syrian jets were seen departing from Ash Sah'irat Air Base the day following the U.S. strike. The US national military authority has made it clear, as has U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, that additional strikes are possible depending on the actions of the Syrian government, which is a client state of the Russian Federation.
There will also be a direct diplomatic clash between the United States and the Russian Federation as U.S. SECSTATE Rex Tillerson will be travelling to Moscow this week (Wednesday, 12 April) to confront the Russian government with what the U.S. believes is proof the collected intelligence of Russian foreknowledge and complicity in the sarin gas attack on Khan Sheikhoun on Tuesday, 4 March.
The collected intelligence presented will also prove a Russian attempt to cover up the sarin gas attack. The evidence of Russian complicity is being presented privately to Vladimir Putin's government as leverage to force Russia to abandon its military support of the war criminal Bashar al-Assad regime. How Russia responds to this evidence will determine much going forward; the Russian response if negative to U.S. goals may well lead the to a public release of this evidence in an open hearing at the United Nations. What will occur is all but predictable based upon the texts of Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27.
ReplyDeleteI pray that this Resurrection Sunday will bring greater and swifter discernment of God's Moed for all concerned. Most generally I am on top of the world on Resurrection Sunday but this day is very different and no matter how I try to shake it, it is still bitter water to me. I don't really understand it and so I am praying that the Holy Spirit will allow me to enter more surely into His Presence.
This comment by the follower we all recognize as jmol106 deepened my somber state of mind and he nailed it squarely on the head. I quote: "jmoll106 said...
Jeremiah 49:25 asks the question, "Why is the city of praise not deserted, the city of My joy?".
If the people of Damascus could only see what is about to happen they would all flee.
I can't help but conclude reading God's Word and this Sitrep that this warning will go unheeded.
April 9, 2017 at 7:19 AM"
But reading all of that also brought me back to the Book of Amos, Chapter 1, verses 3-5. Again, Damascus has never been totally destroyed but God tells that for 3 sins or even 4 all of that is going to change and my footnotes add this further comment: Verse 4: I WILL SEND FIRE. this phrase (used also in VV 7,10,12,14; 2:2,5) alludes to God's judgment by the fiery destruction carried out by an invading army. Major cities would be burned to the ground." Amos began by pronouncing judgment on Israel's seven neighboring nations. He lists each nation's particular sins, even Judah's, placing all of them under the same formula, "for three sins.......even for four".
Russia trying to get into the middle of it all will be dealt with by God Almighty if they try to prevent "The Destruction of Damascus" make no doubt about it.
Now I am really to hot to continue and it has nothing to do with the beautiful weather in Oklahoma. I will wait for what is to come.
ReplyDeleteSad to say, but with a majority of of of bride brethren not recognizing the progression of Isaiah 17 to fulfillment, and none but Joel Rosenberg citing Jeremiah 49:23-27, that what chance do Muslims in Damascus and the rest of Syria have to escape what is coming. They must choose Christ over Mohammed of their own free will.
ReplyDeleteI'm reading Syrian forces have used white phosphorous weapons today....any truth to that?
ReplyDeleteI think that is what I am so unsettled about and there isn't much time or opportunity to warn them! I did respond today on Twitter to a Muslim who was searching for answers but I will keep praying for the Holy Spirit to show me the next step if he contacts me again! We can Interceed for them by prayers and suplications but beyond that we have to wait in the Lord!
Now it is my bedtime and I am sleepy, so goodnight and God bless!
ReplyDeleteThere proposed Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon pipeline does not yet exist. It never will exist due to the result of the current war.
Israeli and Cypriot gas and oil will go to Europe, and that will create great wealth for Israel, Cyprus and Greece.
This may well be the catalyst for the Magog Confederation's invasion attempt to "take a spoil" from Israel down the road a bit.(Ez. 38/39)
Things are happening so quickly! Events seem to accelerate and escalate (at the same time) constantly.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow in Italy the G7 (US, UK, Germany, Japan, France, Italy and Canada) will hold a meeting led by US SECSTATE Tillerson to discus the Syiran situation.
ReplyDeleteThe G7 will be joined by five Sunni Arab nations: Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan and Qatar.
For this reason I am to refer to this and future G7 Summits on Eschatology Today as "Ezekiel Summit."
This is per Ezekiel 38:13.
ReplyDeleteThere are several SITREPs and articles posted here over the past 9 years which detail the importance Leviathan will likely play in the near future.
But right now the lasrr-like focus is on Jeremiah 49:23-27 and Isaiah 17 (Syria), and which will soon morph to a focus on Paslm 83, Isaiah 11:12-14, Ezekiel 28:24-26 and Joshua 13.
We'll get back into Ezekiel 38/39 in due course - if we're still here that is.
ReplyDeleteIn prophecy Jer 49:23 is evident that "There is trouble on the sea, It cannot be quiet." More to follow on this! Stand By for news!.
I reading vs. 26, 27 It's possible "And it shall consume the palaces of Ben-Hadad",
That Assad could be eliminated. II Kings 8-13.
Hazael became king after the death of Ben-hadad I, under whom he was probably a court official. Ben-hadad, who was ill, sent Hazael to the prophet Elisha to inquire concerning his chances of recovery. Elisha prophesied that Ben-hadad would die and that Hazael would succeed him. Hazael, on his return, smothered Ben-hadad and became king. He ruled for many years, during which time he fought the kings of Judah and Israel with some success, capturing all Israel’s possessions east of the Jordan. He was eventually conquered by Shalmaneser III (859–824 bc), king of Assyria, who defeated Hazael’s forces in battle, the first time taking an enormous toll in lives and equipment and driving Hazael into Damascus and the second time capturing a number of Syrian cities. Damascus itself, though besieged and its oasis devastated, was not conquered.
This could be a dual prophecy in that Assad could be killed? Your thoughts!
It fits with Amos 1:3,4,5.
ReplyDeleteNot only will Bashar al-Assad meet the same fate as Saddam Hussein, but his entire goverment and the country of Syria will cease to exist. Isaiah did not mince words on this outcome.
The Ezekiel Summit (G7 + Sunni Arab nations) has rejected imposing further economic sanctions on Russia.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to the "carrot and stick" approach of diplomacy, the stick was used last Thursday, and today the sweet carrot was offered.
The carrot was offered by The Ezekiel Summit to entice Russia to abandon its support of Bashar al-Assad's murderous Ba'athist regime. They want Russia to take on a key role in ending the Syrian civil war.
Now we wait to hear what SECSTATE Tillerson achieves in Moscow tomorrow.
1938 Nuremburg?
The carrot worked so well for Chamberlain right????
Isaiah and Jeremiah have both provided the world with the near-term future that will take place.
That result leads to the next prophetic domino, and the next, and the next...
It does appear to be starting doesn't it
ReplyDeleteStarting? Oh brother, it's been a process for nearly 70 years, and we're living at the very tail end of it.
ReplyDeleteI was just reading your Sitrep on Syria back in 2009 and you and hartdawg were having a conversation. Alot has transpired since then.
DeleteSean, Like GG5, I feel troubled for what is coming to Syria but like you have inferred so many times, God has reached out to the world only to be rejected, and worse, rejected the gift of salvation through Jesus. Only His judgement will open their eyes to the truth.
ReplyDeleteIs 17:10 Because you have forgotten the God of your salvation,
And have not been mindful of the Rock of your stronghold,
Therefore you will plant pleasant plants
And set out foreign seedlings;
11In the day you will make your plant to grow,
And in the morning you will make your seed to flourish;
But the harvest will be a heap of ruins
In the day of grief and desperate sorrow.
So later today after a full day of tete-a-tete bach'n'forth the only thing which will matter is if Russia agrees to halt any further Syrian chemical weapons attacks on civilians.
ReplyDeleteThat is the U.S. bottom-line stated policy on preventing more attacks on al-Assads military forces. The U.S. cannot back track from this position under any circumstances.
We'll see soon enough.
ReplyDeleteDo we have concrete intelligence that this wasn't a job done by the other side to get us to bomb Asasad? That theory is floating around and Putin has latched onto it...
I tend not to believe it because the other side doesn't have airforce capabilities and obviously our Def. Dept. targeted an airport so...
Ken B
ReplyDeleteIronclad intelligence. We have the radar track of the entire flight of the Su-22 aircraft which attacked Khan Sheikhoun a week ago.
We know the warehouse the Russians and Syrians claim was attacked last Tuesday was actually attacked and destroyed with conventional bombs two months ago (February).
We also know based upon the radar track that the Su-22 attacked just prior to 4 AM and not at mid-day at Russia and Syria claim. There is no video of the sarin attack because it occurred between 03:30 and 03:45 AM in the pitch black of night.
Anyone saying otherwise is lying their bavkside off.
ReplyDeletejmoll106 pinpointed the passage in Isaiah 17:10 that I have been trying to find and couldn't. Kept getting involved in other rabbit holes and I got dizzy.
It is a very sad day when vast amounts of human nay sayers come face to face with an Almighty God who has had it many times over. People tend to forget that God does have the right to bring about destruction but we all know He prefers that mankind repents and takes the high road to So Great a Salvation. I know there is a very Biblical way of expressing what I just said but I want those who are still rebelling to understand perfectly what is being told.
I agree GG5, speaking plainly is the best way to get others to understand. That's why for me this site is a blessing.
DeleteProverbs 9:10
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
SECSTATE Tillerson had an unscheduled meeting with Putin following his meeting with FM Lavrov. Nothing came of either meeting. At loggerheads with Syria remaining a lit fuse.
ReplyDeleteThank you for keeping us informed Sean! I guess none of us are surprised by the visit's result.
ReplyDeleteIs there any truth in the internet news regarding China telling NK to stop with the foolishness or else? It is getting so confusing out there in the mindless internet gatherings that I don't really know who to trust besides you and our gang.
I was sent a gorgeous photo of "ships moving very fast", more like an armada, IMHO and I wanted to share it with all of you but realized it would take up too much space that we will need for forward messaging. But it was beautiful and made me want to salute one more time.