Israel's Iron Dome rocket defense in action. Reuters image. |
UPDATE 15 May 2021: According to info received from a special edition of the MEMRI Iran Threat Monitor Project (ITMP) communication was made from HAMAS Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades which revealed that both HAMAS and PIJ are firing Iranian-made "Sejjil" missiles and several other types of Iranian "arrows" with the designations SH85, J80, SA120, S40 and Q20.
The enemy also has a name for this war. That name is "The Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Swords War." IRGC General Mohammed-Hossein Sepehr has stated that Iran has built bases from Tehran to Baghdad, and from there to Beirut, Syria, Yemen, and to the Horn of Africa. These bases have been built in order to wage war on the cancerous growth that is Israel. He stated, "We have a religious duty to annihilate Israel."
The weapons noted above were delivered to Syria on direct flights from Iran, moved overland into Lebanon where they went to Hezbollah armories. From there they were transported by sea to Gaza. Obviously, these weapons transfers occurred over many years; they were personally overseen of Hajj Qassam Solemani, the late general who ran the IRGC Qods Force. The transfers also involved direct meetings between Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Al-Assad's specific approval for the transfer of the missiles was discussed al length by Nasrallah and Solemani with them agreeing that whoever met him face-to-face first would request his permission to execute the transfer to HAMAS. Nasrallah had the face-to-face and al-Assad's response to the transfer request was "as far as I am concerned, no problem."
Also among the weaponry transferred were Russian-made Kornet anti-tank missiles sold to Iran, transferred to Syria and on to HAMAS in Gaza. There are also armed "suicide drones," known as "Shahab." Some of these Shahab drones have recently attacked Israel's natural gas platforms off the coast of Gaza. Some of the transfers also were routed through the former regime in Sudan. Much of those transfers were conducted under the guise of "diplomatic relations." The movement of diplomatic "bags" is covered under international accords; a "bag" may be as large as a shipping container. They are exempt from the routine customs inspections.
Israel was aware of the weapons transfers and has been attacking their storage depots inside Syria for well over a year now. Based upon the sheer size of the missile barrage from Gaza, Israel got some of the shipment, but most certainly not all of them. The IDF have got a serious fight on their hands. It's no coincidence that rockets continue to trickle into Israel from both Lebanon and Syria in the past couple of days. A sign of the expanded war to come, no doubt.
An almost certain IDF armor incursion into Gaza will encounter the Kornet ATGM and other weapons. These ATGMs are stationed near to the Gaza border with Israel to exact a heavy toll on IDF armor. The IRGC Qods Force, Hezbollah and HAMAS/PIJ work very closely together, like to peas in a pod; they all have the same higher command structure.
Altogether, this war was planned for years in advance and the objective is to soundly "defeat the occupation forces" and liberate all of Palestine. Planning for this war really intensified in May of 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The HAMAS/PIJ soldiers came from both Gaza and Judea and Samaria. They trained covertly at camps set up by Soleimani and they numbers in the thousands. Many have returned to their homes; some now are serving as the tip of the 5th column spear inside Israel. As we all know from Psalm 83, this is precisely the objective as prophesied by Asaph.
11 May 2021: Operation Guardian of the Walls is the name of Israel's ongoing military response to HAMAS and PIJ rocket and incendiary attacks. Closing in on nearly 300 strikes of all types in Gaza alone as of this morning, 11 May. The number of terror rockets fired into Israel is about the same.
The neoCommunist Biden Admin and Democrat Party have lost all credibility in Israel. An epic rupture in bilateral relations that has little chance of restoration has occurred in the last 5 days. Bottom line: Israel has been wholly betrayed by Biden and Democrats who now openly side with Islamic jihadists in Gaza and within Israel itself.
If you've been following comments under SITREP E9-21 then you well aware of the circumstance of how this new conflaggration began in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. This frees Eschatology Today to focus on current news and leave the history to historians.
We are informed by the prophet Ezekiel that prior to the Gog/Magog invasion God speaks to the mind of Gog, "You will say, ‘I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell securely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates’." It may yet turn out that Operation Guardian of the Walls might morph into the fulfillment of Ezekiels prophecy. The current rhetoric coming from PM Netanyahu has been heard repeatedly in the on again-off again conflicts with the Islamic jihadists of the Gaza Strip.
Therefore it remains to be seen in the coming hours/days if this operation truly is the debut of Israel's new no-holds-barred warfighting doctrine we've discussed recently as "Israel Victory." The IV doctrine has all of the elements necessary to produce the outcome foretold by Asaph, Isaiah, Ezekiel and perhaps even Jeremiah. The Iranian hand in Gaza is plainly evident, and a northern front operation by Hezbollah and Syria is entirely possible. It's also interesting to note that this newest shooting war in the Holy Land has erupted just about two weeks prior to Pentecost.