Thursday, May 27, 2021

Global SITREP F1-21: Javid Shah


27 May 2021: Javid (pronounced Jah-veed) Shah is a Farsi (Persian) language phrase that roughly translates as "Long Live the Shah (King)" It goes hand-in-hand with a similar phrase, Javid Iran, which is the rally cry for Iranian monarchists, who although Shi'a are decidedly in favor of a Constitutional Monarchy returning to power to replace the Twelver Regime of clerics. 

The Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, son of the late and last Iranian Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, is the focus of current cries of "Javid Shah, Javid Iran." This monarchist movement has been gaining steam for a long time in Iran, and, in a most interesting development, it has also spread to a great many of the Shi'a in Lebanon. 

Iranian and Lebanese Shi'a monarchists want Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, who currently resides in exile in the U.S. and was educated at Williams College and USC, to become their new Shah. Some may recall last year following the massive Beirut port disasters how a great many Lebanese marched in the streets and called for French President Macron to become the new leader of Lebanon. 

Not any more, now they've sided with their Iranian brethren and want Crown PrinceReza Pahlavi as their leader to replace the corrupt narco-terrorist Hezbollah leadership. Also interesting is that when Reza's father ruled Iran until the revolution in the late 70's Iran was a very pro-Israel country. 

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is, like his father, also very pro-Israel. He has already been in communications with Israel's government leaders. One can make an educated guess what the two sides discussed, knowing full well Reza's desire for a regime change and a return to a secular monarchy ruling Iran. Such would appeal as a far more viable and less expensive option than a great and destructive war over the all but completed Iranian nuclear weapons program.

It may not even be a stretch of the imagination to envision, in the near future, a more robust effort to overthrow the Twelver Regime in Tehran, a new revolution if you will, with Reza Pahlavi emerging as the new Shah of Iran and maybe even Lebanon. There is a consensus in the US, Israel and even Iran and Lebanon that such an outcome would make for a serious difference in the Middle East.

Don't look too hard, but Jeremiah 49:34-39 might just might hold some strong hints about such thing taking place.


  1. Very interesting, Sean, How do you think that development fits with the Ez. 38/Is 17/Jer. 49 scenarios, since the Shah would presumably be more Israel friendly? Judi

    1. Judi,

      I think the Javid Shah movement has high potential to play a leading role (along with the NCRI and other anti-Twelver/anti-Hojjatieh groups) in a strong regime challenging revolt in Iran.

      Could such an anti-regime insurrection be ongoing during the process of fulfillment of the Lord's prophetic word?

      I say yes, absolutely, and it has been since anti-Twelver revolts began 12 years ago (2009).

      I believe Jeremiah's prophecy includes internal armed opposition (the sword) that is sent after the rulers, it is an integral part of the prophetic four winds.

      The bottom line reason for this Javid Shah SITREP is because none of the other Bible prophecy websites and/or blogs have yet even touched upon this; based upon my canvassing research they may not even be aware of Javid Shah and the role it could play in prophetic fulfillment.

      Eschatology Today has always held to as detailed or as comprehensive interpretation of the Lord's prophetic word as He allows. Such is the accuracy of His prophetic word for His purposes.

  2. Fascinating, thank you. Yes, no one else seems to be mentioning Javid Shah. Amir Tsarfati has an interesting Middle East update, posted yesterday I believe, discussing the Iranian "takeover" of Iraq last week, The Last Jihad ( ), but he doesn't mention anything about internal oposition within Iran. God is always about so much more than we see on the surface. Such incredibly interesting times we live in. Thank you for all your information. I visit several Israeli news sites each day, but don't have the information you do, let alone the analysis, so thank you.

  3. Jeremiah 49 prophecy concerning Elam was in it fulfilled in the past? Elamities were the Persians right.

    1. Nick,

      Jeremiah's prophecy is for these 'last days;' it was not fulfilled in the past.

      The Elamite kingdom had been over run by neighboring kingdom hundreds of years prior to the years when Jeremiah was even born. So verses 34-39 of chapter 49 are a future prophecy and not an erroneous historical record. Moreover, the events Jeremiah details did not occur when Elam ceased to exist as a kingdom.

      Elamites were not and are not Persians, nor Medes, nor Akkadians, nor Sumerians for that matter.

      Elamites were a distinct people into themselves.

      Jeremiah's prophecy refers to a specific region and a distinguishing type of weaponry. Both of these are identifiers and point to the southwestern region of present day Iran as the subject of the prophecy.

      There are several posts here which detail the interpretive specifics.

  4. Nick,

    Here's one of the more recent SITREPs:

    SITREP C3-19

  5. Hopefully SITREP C3-19 answers questions regarding Elam, Persia (Iran) the historical and prophetic fate of each for the 10 or so folks who've used the above link to read it in the last hour. Thanks.

    1. Thanks brother Sean..
      Worth studying these contents.

  6. Would Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi accept installation as the new Shah of Iran if the monarchy were reinstated?

    No, he would not. He says he has profound problems with hereditary monarchies.

    Reza's view, expressed in Farsi during a Voice of America broadcast to Iran on 20 April 2021, is that Iran's next leader should be popularly elected by the Iranian people.

  7. Breaking News in Israel:

    Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid leaking the news that they've agreed to form a government for Israel. Official announcement release tomorrow.

    PM Netanyahu is hoping to persuade defections from both Bennett's and Lapid's political camps to thwart their plans.

    1. The Lord chooses the leaders of nations to suit His purposes.

      So why has Israel not had its next leader chosen???

    2. Understandably, none wish to tackle this question.

      Israel has had four successive elections without the installation of a stable government and a fifth election looming more likely day by day.

      Does this political dilemma in Israel set the stage for a charismatic, 'messianic' figure to emerge?

    3. Possibly, I like Naftali Bennett, he served in the IDF and is against a Palestinian state. He attended a religious school before he became a multimillionaire. He is certainly better than anyone from the left.
      I can't see anyone from the left pushing for a Temple to be built. Do you?

    4. I agree, Naftali Bennett is more nationalist conservative than a nationalist liberal accomodator like Netanyahu, so I'd prefer Bennett be the next PM in rotation with Lapid. Netantahu has had his chance and squandered it IMHO.

      The coming 3rd Temple cannot be stopped.

      The Left in Israel is all but extinct

    5. I agree, the third Temple will be built. Waiting and watching is the hard part IMHO. :)

    6. I'm in total agreement with your assessment on Netanyahu. Israel needs someone who will go in and take out the enemy. Netanyahu talks, then gets close to the finish line then caves. New leadership is needed. By the way, I was one who did not want to tackle the question. All I'd be able to say is simply that it's in God's timing

    7. Hartdawg,

      You had the right answer!

      God appoints Israel's leadership in His perfect timing.

  8. Fatah repeats its threat:

    "Palestine from the Sea to the River” – will be liberated"

  9. It's Memorial Day, the perfect time to thank you for your service in our country's military, Sean. I don't know where or for how long you served and that's okay. I just wanted to thank you for serving:) May God bless you and your family.

    1. Rhonda,

      Thank you,it's appreciated, but I have to defer to others. This is because Memorial Day (ex-Decoration Day) is to honor and remember those who gave all and left it there on the battlefield. We can never repay such debt.

    2. This was taken from a caption on-line. I thought I would pass it on.

      "Many people confuse Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring military personnel who died in the service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. While those who died are also remembered, Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor ALL those who served honorably in the military — in wartime or peacetime. In fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank LIVING veterans for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served — not only those who died — have sacrificed and done their duty."

  10. Here, here to Rhonda's comment!

    God bless you, Sean, for your continued service to our great country and for your service also to the kingdom of Christ. Although both efforts pay dividends, the latter especially will be rewarded handsomely by our Savior.

    Bless your family, too. For they also pay a price for any individual who serves in our armed forces.

  11. Hi all, have you seen Caroline Glick's latest article on Bennett? Very interesting perspective.

    1. Had to delete my response to the Glick report...

      Disinformation is through the roof and coming from every direction regarding the political infighting in Israel.

      I smell Deep State behind it all, sowing mass confusion just as the did in the US from Nov 20 to the present.

      It's all in the Lord's hands.

    2. I agree. The Glick report has always been a "go to" for me for reasonable thought on Israel politics.

    3. Caroline Glick's article was very good. Good find HMEWRDBD.
      I wish I read it before backing Bennett. lol!
      It's a good thing God is in control!

  12. More truth analysis on OP Guardian of the Walls.

    In the 11 days HAMAS/PIJ launched 4,340 rockets. 20% of these rockets (868) misfired and did not reach Israel, but immediately fell short into Gaza's neighborhoods killing several scores of Muslim civilians.

    The terrorists, the U.N. and 98% of world media blamed Israel for these deaths.

    100% of HAMAS/PIJ rockets were used as terror weapons as they explicitly targeted Israel's civilian population and 0% of the IDF's ground forces, artillery bases or IAF airfields.

    HAMAS/PIJ rocket launchers were based in densely populated civilian areas (human shields), distant from HAMAS/PIJ HQ, communication nodes and reserve arsenals/depots.

  13. It's a willful disregard by world leaders including the regime currently running and destroying the USA that think Iran or Hamas/PIJ will live in peace with Israel.
    The day is coming when all will see how they have been deceived as God
    WILL protect Israel.

    1. God is the Guardian of the Walls so that one day His prophetic word will be fulfilled and Israel will dwell in safety, having neither bars or gates.

  14. Just hours remain before a fifth election could become necessary in Israel.

    1. The Lapid-Bennet political coalition has succeeded in the task of forming a new center-left government. However the bandaids applied to hold the disparate pieces of the coalition and political parties together are tenuous at best. The life expectancy of this government might be measured in days or weeks.


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