Chinese PLA Dong Feng (DF)-17 HGV |
19 October 2021: The prophet Isaiah (41:10) wrote: "Fear not, for I am with you' be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
Recent media reports have suggested that none of a wide range of highly classified ground and spaceborne US sensors which detect rocket and space launches all over the globe did not detect a Chinese PLA test launch of a Dong Feng-17 allegedly equipped with a Hypersonic Glide Vehicle (HGV) this past August. Some reports say test launches just prior to and just after this particular launch were detected.
To this Eschatology Today says hogwash. The array of US sensors are sensitive enough to detect a simple campfire, so the launch of a DF-17 MRBM (Medium Range Ballistic Missile) to place its HGV payload into low earth orbit would have been detected and tracked for the entirety of its flight. We note that proof of this is found in all of the media reports where they acknowledge the HGV missed its designated target by 24 miles. That alone proves the launch, the low earth orbit and tracking of the HGV occurred with very high precision. It is also a fact the re-entry of an HGV is actually slower than the re-entry of a conventional nuclear warhead, and those warheads are routinely tracked and impact points calculated well in advance. Nuclear interception would occur in the upper atmosphere or by other classified means.
Eschatology Today is of the educated opinion that these media reports are intended to instill fear in the American people; that we are hostages to Communist Chinese technology for which we have no answer and cannot defend against. This blatant attempt at fear mongering by Biden Administration-friendly media also is hogwash. The Communists in Beijing are well aware that any strike against US would result in their total destruction. This also reminds us of the abject nonsense pulled by C-JCS Milley during the waning days of the Trump Administration where he openly acknowledged he would provide his PLA counterpart with a heads up if we were to launch a preemptive surprise attack against the People's Republic of China.
Now for some facts the media conveniently omit in their reporting. US Intelligence has been aware and have tracked with all due interest the development of the road-mobile DF-17 and its HGV payload for the past 7 years. In 2014 the system was designated DF-ZF/Wu-14. It is also irrelevant that the DF-17 conventional and nuclear strike system is road-mobile as a launch will be detected no matter where it occurs; our sensors will detect and track the vehicle during is boost phase into orbit and then the subsequent burn necessary to de-orbit the HGV. We know the DF-17 HGV became an operational system in 2019.
As believing Christians, and for those who are not so as yet, the above Scripture from the prophet Isaiah is our assurance from the Lord that we need not fear or be dismaying by anything in the world. Marana'tha!
In other areas of our interest:
Israel: Even though we will be with the Lord at the time, we all know from Scripture that Israel will be betrayed by the nations of the Beast Empire under the Antichrist at the middle of the 70th Week of years. However, it appears even at this point in the late era of the dispensation of the Church Age dispensation that a betrayal of Israel is already in progress.
Many of the great things President Trump did for Israel during his first term in office are on the proverbial chopping block by those persons in control of President Biden and his alleged Administration (BHO, Susan Rice, Ron Klain, etc.). The most important is the ongoing effort to open a US Consulate in East Jerusalem. This would be in keeping with the already non-starter "Two State Solution." Such a consulate would eventually be re-designated as the US Embassy in the "State of Palestine." As we just noted, this is a non-starter, but you should be aware of the effort at a minimum.
Globalism: In a bit of "good news," the current global elite attempts to establish a so-called "New World Order" is a failure in almost all of its aspects, including the one aspect most secular folks openly fear the most, the "Great Reset." Scripture, particularly the several latter chapters in the Book of Daniel (Daniel 7 and 8 especially) detail the latter days prophetic big picture as spoken by the angel Gabriel to Daniel about future events. In this dialog the rise of the 10 nations is very specific.
The 10 nations (horns or kings) from the ancient Greco-Roman world are in no way to be considered as a "New World Order." They are 10 individual nations, or kings (horns) and they are at war with other unidentified nations of the world when an 11th "little horn" rises up among them. This is the genesis of final version of the fourth empire in the sequence noted in Daniel (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome and its revival). This final form will have the attributes of the four which came before it.
Without going into much further detail as several older Eschatology Today posts have previously addressed this issue in great detail, suffice it to say that much of what the globalists are attempting to create will be used by the Antichrist and False Prophet. On top of this the dark Satanic powers will amplify what men have fashioned and use them for their own evil purposes. But it will not stand; it's lifetime measured in a finite number of months, 42 to be exact.
Lebanon: This country on Israel's northern border is teetering on the brink of yet another immensely destructive civil war. An inquiry concerning the massive explosion of improperly stored Hezbollah munitions that leveled Beirut's port in August of last year has become the straw which has broken Lebanon's back. As a result of Hezbollah wanting to stifle the inquiry into its culpability, recent firefights on the streets of Beirut have become indicative of the battle lines that have been drawn. This coming war with pit Sunni' Arabs and Maronites against the Hezbollah and Amal Shi'a militias under the patronage of Twelver Iran and Syria's al-Assad Alawite crime family. It's no great stretch of imagination or exegesis to see Israel aligning with the Sunni-Maronite alliance when it comes to the prophetic fulfillment of Joshua 13:1-7, and which Eschatology Today has long ascribed as being an integral part of the overall Psalm 83 fulfillment scenario.
How many Assyrian soldiers under the command of King Sennacherib did the angel of the Lord dispatch in a single night as the slept in the camp outside of Jerusalem? 2 Kings 19 has the details, but the number of Assyrian soldiers who did not live to see the next morning was 185,000. Perhaps the same could befall those who hate our God and our Lord Jesus, profaning His Name and comit blasphemy against His Holy Spirit? Eschatology Today believes so by faith and by the Word of God that we have in Scripture.
Yesterday, Hezbollah's black turban wearing leader, Hassan Nasrallah, came out of hiding to give a speech in which he engaged in over-the-top braggadocio about the 100,000 soldiers under his command, as if to frighten the Sunni-Maronites and Israel, if not the 85,000-strong Lebanese national army, as if he, Hassan Nasrallah were a modern-day Sennacherib. I suggest here a reading of 2 Kings 19 is in order; Isaiah's prophecy could be repeated when the coming battle is engaged.
COVID-19 Vax and Mandates: The godless Biden Administration is now all about imposing by coercion and outright threats its unconstitutional vaccine mandates. Unconstitutional as no such authority exists for said mandates to inject experimental and unapproved vaccines with a demonstrated potential for life-threatening side effects. They've gone so far as to belittle the religious beliefs of active duty chaplains, servicemen and servicewomen seeking exemptions on religious grounds. Never before in American history has a presidential administration engaged in such horrific abuse of the armed forces of the United States. Yet they, we, will resist regardless of the punishments being promised for refusal. Even civilian contractors working for the armed forces are being coerced in the same manner - jab or get fired.
The net result of this has become one very massive class action lawsuit against the lawlessness of the current administration and its various executive departments.