Thursday, January 6, 2022

Global SITREP A2-22: Wars and Pestilences (Polemos and Loimos)

Central Asia Demographic Map

6 January 2022: This SITREP is more or less a continuation of SITREP A1-22 in that the focus will remain on Russia and the rapidly emerging Magog military confederation of Ezekiel 38/39, as well as what was included in the comments section of A1-22 regarding the pestilences raging in China that have become a global pandemic of a novel coronavirus and what may yet become a global plague of biological horrors, hence the Koine Greek subtitle of Polemos and Loimos.

The above (clickable) demographic map of Central Asia features our immediate area of interest in Kazakhstan, and the more heavily populated former-Soviet Republics to the south. Today as the revolution in Kazakhstan came dangerously close to toppling the pro-Moscow regime in the capital Astana, the airborne forces of several CSTO nations (first discussed here in September 2013 and noted with comments of SITREP A1-22) made the immediate airborne deployments to thwart the rapidly growing revolt absolutely essential. Tonight there are hundreds of dead Kazakh citizens and Russia is once again the power broker in what had been a nominally independent country rich in oil, gas, and other natural resources like uranium.

We've discussed how Ezekiel 38:4 ("I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out...") with respect to events that continue on Russia's western borders with Ukraine, the EU and NATO. Now with direct military intervention in Central Asia which constitute the other nations of the CSTO that figure prominently in the prophetic attempt to invade and plunder Israel, we are suddenly faced with two distinct areas from which Gog and his Magog confederation can be dragged to their destruction on the mountains of Israel. 

As you are aware from SITREP A1-22 Russia is under tremendous economic pressure (Western sanctions over Crimea and Ukraine) and well as population demographic pressures. Yet the situation in Kazakhstan was so critical to Putin and the Russian Federation that the increased burden of financing yet another military expedition into the vastness of Central Asia made military deployment there essential. A quick note here the the former Kazakh capital was Almaty, but due to its geographic proximity to Communist China, ally or not, made relocation of the seat of government to Astana, and therefore closer to the Russian Federation, an imperative. And between Almaty and Astana, across the breadth of Kazakhstan what you can see in the above map is a whole lot of... nothing. It's a vast plain that sparsely populated and virtually defenseless against foreign invasions, as the Mongol hordes of history made clear.

What happens from this point forward no one knows, but given the expense placed upon this expedition and having to secure this vast country, it resources and its population against the potential of creeping Islamic extremism to the south will be something that would drain any nation. Now image the loss Russia would suffer with the loss of Syria as seen in Isaiah 17, and the further adventure of seeking to extract spoils and riches from Israel one day soon begins to make a little more real-world sense. This is beside the point that God declared it so it will happen, but now we have an inkling of His omniscience that these events would precede the prophecy given to Ezekiel.

Also as discussed in the comments of SITREP A1-22, the reality of what is truly occurring in the Chinese city of Xi'An is made clear by the image above that was received this afternoon. This image goes a very long way to confirming that a biological disaster above and beyond a SARS-CoV-2 variant is underway in that city of 13 million and others. Sources have been relating for a couple weeks that a hemorrhagic virus, very likely Nipah Virus (NiV), is completely out of control. 

PLA troops wearing full biological protective suits with an enclosed oxygen supply backpack are not required for an outbreak of any SARS-CoV-2 variant, but are essential for human survival in a hemorrhagic virus environment where victims bleed from their eyes, nose, mouth and ears from an acute encephalopathy. NiV is know to cause this. If this escapes from mainland China the entire world will be faced with an existential threat as Nipah, if it has undergone gain-of-function research as many are now saying, is anywhere from 50 to 80% lethal to anyone unlucky enough to become infected.

Some western media are beginning to report on the crisis in Xi'An and other Chinese cities, but going so far to admit this is NiV has not yet occurred, not even on Steve Bannon's War Room program. All they will say thus far are that the symptoms of encephalopathy are very real. I have different very reliable sources who initially identified the pathogen as NiV some weeks ago when the crisis began but no one outside of mainland China knew anything about it.

We're watching... 


  1. The two main items of this SITREP will be closely monitored.

    Anyone reading here who has not yet decided to trust Jesus Christ to be their savior, now would be a good time to do so. We're here to help and please see the Positional Statement on Salvation below.

    1. Jon Hartman (hartdawg)January 6, 2022 at 10:20 PM

      Amen! If I were a lost sinner, I'd be scoot'n to the nearest alter as fast as I could. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone

    2. As the Harpazo/Rapture will occur in less than 1 second, I'd advise calling out to the Lord right there, right now!

  2. In A1:22 comments ShelleyB asked (I'm paraphrasing here) if my training and acquired skills provided I&W of when Psalm 83 might transpire.

    My direct response should have been, Yes!

    Firstly, Asaph's prophecy is a revelation that ALL of Israel's surrounding enemies, the so-called "inner ring" living in the current border areas of Lebanon, Judea/Samaria, Jordan, Gaza and Sinai, have been busy secretly plotting and planning to erase Israel from the map, so that not even the name Israel would be remembered afterwards, i.e they secretly plan the complete annihilation of all Israel, God's chosen people.

    But why just the "inner ring," what about the "outer ring" non-border state enemies, where are they when this occurs?

    They cannot lend their strength to the "inner ring" the because the "outer ring" of enemies, except for a group from Assur who will assist, have been already dealt with sufficiently so they cannot assist. The fulfillment of Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27; 34-39 has removed them, the strongest military powers, from participation, hence no mention of them whatsoever in Asaph's prophecy.

    It is obvious to me that God is acting here to preserve the 144,000 Jewish evangelists for Christ. They evangelize the world after the bride of Christ has been taken up. The 144,000 are the "all Israel" who are saved as prophesied by Paul in Roman's 11.

  3. Is the Nipah virus just as contagious as the Covid-19 virus? The symptoms of any infection by the Nipah virus are very similar to Ebola.

    1. NiV is deadly, much more than any CoV. NiV is 75 to 90% lethal to those infected. There is no NiV vaccine.

      However, the CoV may yet indirectly kill millions more due to the mRNA vaccinations which causes the body's immune system to attack the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc, etc. How many world-wide have taken mRNA vaccinations? 200 million +.

      Early on Nipah speads in aerosol form from exhalation, and later through direct contact with uninfected people.

      There big differences between NiV and EbV. Completely different vectors.

    2. Hi Sean,

      Do you think they will attempt to claim that the Nipah virus that is now spreading is another, more dangerous, Covid variant? And perhaps deny that it is the Nipah virus all together? I can't seem to find any current news on this anywhere. The way they (China) are handling Nipah is very similar to how they dealt with Covid in the beginning.

    3. Jay,

      That is exactly what is going on, the CCP says it's a COVID Variant, and 99.99% of our media repeat the CCP narrative verbatim.

      The image included in the SITREP is the key to the truth.

      Those yellow sealed biohazard suits are usually only seen in a level 4 biohazard containment facility. Yet there they are on the city street.

      This should speak volumes that it's not a COVID variant in Xi'An.

    4. INTEL UPDATE: CCP is in panic mode; may resort to culling infected population as nothing else effective (not even starvation) in halting spread of this pathogen.

      Fear that Olympics could take this disaster global as the 2019 World Military Games in Wuhan did. (Recall that the CCP blamed SARS-CoV-2 on the US military contingent at the Wuhan games.)

  4. Kazakh leader has ordered his loyal troops and CSTO troops to "shoot to kill" on sight.

    The Kazakh rebellion has gained momentum, Kazakh's will fight foreign (CSTO) invaders.

  5. By the way...

    Kazakhstan matters to the U.S. due to the fact that Exxon Mobil and Chevron have invested many billions of dollars in the oil fields of western Kazakhstan.

    The several thousand Kazakh Jews will keep a low profile, they support the authoritarian government and welcome the arrival of Russian-led CSTO troops.

  6. Confirmed - On Wednesday, 5 January 2022 IDF tank fire drove off IRGC, Hezbollah or Iraqi Shi'a militia that were attempting to close in to engage with IDF positions on the Golan. IDF helicopters served as forward observers for accurate tank fire.

  7. US-led coalition forces continue preemptive attacks on Iranian Shi'a militia positions with fleets of unmanned combat drones (UCAVs) in Deir Ezzor, Syria.

  8. A PJMedia article blends nicely with the first two SITREPs of 2022:

    PJM:Why Kazakhstan Matters to the West

  9. If my reading of OSINT is correct, it won't be long before Israel is linked to an "attempted coup d'etat" in Kazakhstan bu former strongman Nursultan Nazarbayev and his internal security chief, Karim Masimov.

    Masimov has been imprisoned, charged with treason against the Kazakh state.

    Israel's involvement is the NSO Group spyware allegedly discovered in the iPhone's of the coup leadership. Kazakhstan's government, now a vassal state under Russia, now has a casus belli grievance against Israel. Claims may be made that the coup intended to sever the territory of Almaty province from Kazakhstan.

  10. JPost article:

    Iran and its Proxies Emboldened

    What will Israel do? A decapitation strike seems a logical assumption. Think big picture.

  11. "Distress among nations" will be apparent in this coming week's Geneva/Brussels diplomatic meetings addressing Iran and other issues...

  12. Chuck,

    Wow! Just wow! Amir Taheri has crafted here one massive secular pipe dream. An ice cube in hades would have a better chance of survival for one minute than this dream becoming reality.

    Without nuclear weapons the Shi'a Twelver regime has no raison d'etre. That is, zero chance of fulfilling their self-proclaimed eschatological basis to exist.

  13. NATO has drawn a line in the sand. The North Atlantic alliance will move into a war footing if the Russian Federation does not stand-down and withdraw its forces (at least 100,000 troops) from Ukraine's border or if it presses ahead with a further invasion of Ukrainian territory.

    The Russian military aggression against Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine over the past 13 years have brought Europe and the world once again to the threshold of armed conflict.

  14. Dr. Robert Malone has gone a long way to confirming what has been suspected of the Xi'an hemhorragic outbreak - it may be another bioweapon, a designed recombinant of SARS-CoV-2 and a hemhorragic fever. This subject was discussed on Steve Bannons War Room, specific to Xi'an and another city nearer to Beijing, the city of Tianjin. I'm data mining for more info.

  15. War Room Pandemic

    Episode 1,549 – Covid Explosion In China Putting Olympics In Jeopardy

  16. China has not just made America sick, but the world sick as well, leading to millions of deaths. This alone should be reason for every country to be able to legally cancel any debt it owes to China/CCP as recompense.

    What infuriates me is I can't think of a single politician offhand who is pointing out not just China's moral guilt, but the need to extract payment for damages. I guess China is just too important to too many interests to call a spade a spade.

    I sincerely hope that, like Ebola, this new virus is so deadly that it knocks itself out with spreading very far. (Ebola's lethality is, ironically, the reason it usually doesn't get too far).

  17. Jonathan,

    The problem with this is that China did not act alone.

    The proof is found in the bombshell DoD documents dropped yesterday by Project Veritas which show that Dr. Fauci lied to Congress on Gain-of-Function (GoF) he allowed as head of NIH, NIAID.

    Both went forward with joint GoF that the DoD said was too dangerous to engage in.

    We also know from Canadian sources that Canada's bio research group provided Nipah Virus (NiV) to the Wuhan Level 4 lab for GoF research.

    Veritas BOMBSHELL 10JAN22

  18. I would urge folks to watch the embedded Veritas video above. You'll gain over three years of knowledge in just minutes of your time.

    Or you can ignore all this and remain ignorant of the source of the man-made last days Loimos Jesus prophesied about in His Olivet Discourse.

    The only thing necessary for evil to succeed pre-Harpazo/Rapture is that men and women of Faith do nothing.

  19. According to the documents, specifically the one authored by Maj. Joseph Murphy to the Inspector General, "The potential for SARSr-CoV-WIV to deattenuate requires immediate attention. Live vaccines have been found to deattenuate in the past. If this is the case with SARSr-CoV-WIV, then the mass vaccination campaign actually performs in an accelerated gain-of-function for it. Since it is designed for bats off of a human-susceptible SARS-CoV, vaccinating humans against it actually gains its function back towards a more deattenuated human-susceptible form."

    I apologize for my ignorance, but to be clear, the "vaccine" is part of the gain of function and actually making the virus worse? Is that correct reading? And if so, those who are directing / ordering this campaign are are culpable in the deaths so many people.

    I am ashamed to say that I have been vaccinated with two doses of the Pfizer shot. I have refused the booster though. When I received the shot, I was not convinced of either argument (for or against), but received the shot because the NGA requires all employees to be vaccinated. Now as time has gone on, I am learning more and more, and I am so sorry for getting the shot. However, what's done is done. My life is and always will be in The Lord's hands.

    I long for The Lord's imminent return. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

  20. Prophet Pastor Kent Christmas gave a message about the coming virus if anyone is interested here’s the link hopefully thats ok to share.

  21. According to US Intel source, Russia intends to invade Ukraine. And again NATO warns of catastrophic consequences.

    Ukraine, in preparation for anticipated Russian airstrikes coming from Crimea, has as of 6 January completed the redeployment of the 201st Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade to the south of the country. The 201st primary air defense system is the S-300.

    1. UPDATE 14JAN22

      Headline at Zero Hedge:

      "Drumbeat Of War Sounding Loud" US Says After Russia Declares Talks At "Dead End""

  22. The WSJ recently published this statement:

    "Economic globalization was supposed to make wars harder to start. What if the experience with Russia right now is demonstrating that globalization actually makes them harder to prevent?"

    Is this not proof positive that Globalists have zero regard for "end of days" Bible prophecy.

    War, and lots of it, is THE primary human pastime supercharged with demonic powers from start to finish of the 70th Week of years.

  23. Breaking: PA president Mahmoud Abbas will visit Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus soon.

  24. Sean, I plan on watching the video as soon as I get back from some early morning errands. However, I just wanted to drop a quick note and (if it is ok with you), let everyone know that Project Veritas also has it's own Rumble channel, which is important to a lot of us who try to use Google-owned youtube as little as possible.

  25. Sean, yea, that is a must watch. I already was aware of a lot of it, but there were a number of interactions between Sen. Paul and Dr. Fauci that I hadn't seen. Rand Paul is diamond in the swamp.

  26. There are more videos of this hearing at CFP, including Luara Ingraham's program last night.

    They also include Dr. Fauxci being caught on open mic calling a senator a "moron" and using Jesus' name in vain in the same breath show us exactly the demonically possessed folks that we're really dealing with here.

  27. Israeli officials are almost certain that Hezbollah will attack Israel if it strikes Iranian nuclear facilities, the state-run Kan 11 TV channel reported on Tuesday, citing an anonymous official.

  28. Habakkuk 2:1-3 (NKJV)

    I will stand my watch
    And set myself on the rampart,
    And watch to see what He will say to me,
    And what I will answer when I am corrected.

    Then the Lord answered me and said:

    Write the vision
    And make it plain on tablets,
    That he may run who reads it.
    For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
    But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
    Though it tarries, wait for it;
    Because it will surely come,
    It will not tarry.


    "A chemical leak in Russian-occupied Donbas may become a pretext for a Russian invasion into Ukraine, Ukraine’s intelligence believes.

    In a statement published on its Facebook page on 15 January, Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense (GUR) informed that the Russian occupation administration lost control over chemical substances that are being brought into occupied Donbas. This could be part of a red-flag operation to intensify aggression against Ukraine, it warns.

    According to the military intelligence of Ukraine, on January 14, containers that are leaking toxic ammonia were delivered to PJSC Concern Stirol, a fertilizer plant in Horlivka, a city in Donbas occupied by Russian troops. This can lead to an environmental catastrophe in eastern Ukraine that could be used by Russia to accuse Ukraine of using chemical weapons and as a pretext to intensify the armed aggression against Ukraine, intelligence says."

    A new SITREP will commence when Russia renews its invasion of the Ukraine.


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