Thursday, January 13, 2022

Global SITREP A3-22: Is the 70th Week Upon Us?

13 January 2022: I've embedded here a Part I and Part II video series made by Stephen Dexter. I do not know Stephen, and had never heard of him before this morning when he was introduced to me by our sister Gail, with whom I have communicated on several occasions. It must be said these videos are very well made, almost cinematic in scope and without question reveal very quickly that Stephen Dexter has logged countless hours of study in their presentation, much of it paralleling my own study of the Scriptures.

So therefore, and against my own self-imposed rule against posting YouTube videos, I nevertheless am compelled that this two video series should be offered to Eschatology Today readers. The subject material within these videos are identical to a great number of posts on Eschatology Today over the past eight years. In particular the three part series titled "All These Things Be Fulfilled" as well as "Global SITREP B3-20: Psalm 90:10 Exegete" and the series of 2017 posts regarding the sign of Revelation 12:1-2. These are all Spirit-led subjects from Scripture, and in these two video's many of you will hear them echoed once again. Play them, watch in full until the end, and then pass judgment if you feel the need.

However, that all said, it must also be said that it took the entire day for the wrestling with the times and dates which are made within both videos to be overcome. We all know about "date setting" and how many in the fellowship of the bride of Christ are vehemently against the practice. So, I waited on the Lord to answer me, to guide and correct as necessary. It was then that it was realized that I had done such general date setting with the interpretation of Psalm 90:10 in concluding that we are a generation of strength; that 80 years from May 1948 would terminate our generation circa the year 2028. That has been a central theme of Eschatology Today for the majority of its existence. Also came the reminder that I felt led by the Spirit to say that it would not surprise if we were also warned 7 days ahead of time as Noah had been warned 7 days in advance. That theme was also picked up within these videos.

Is all of this perfect; is the information presented absolutely 100% correct? No, probably not because only God is absolutely perfect and 100% correct in His prophetic word. This is why I have led off notification of this post by quoting Habakkuk 2:1-3 as the last comment I make in the previous SITREP. It came to me that all of the Psalm 83 prophetic scenario, Jeremiah, Isaiah and other prophetic texts will have to literally come to fulfillment as a flood within the next few months if the dates presented are accurate. In this I've come to quickly understand that all of the anticipated prophetic fulfillments can actually occur with months or even weeks at the earliest, or actually be events of the 70th Week. This is no time to be dogmatic 

It goes without saying that everything I've noted herein as a watchman in these past 12 years stands to be corrected, simply because my 2028 and Stephen 2028/2029 date for the Second Coming of our Lord Yeshua HaMashiach are only about 6 months or so from one another. As was Habakkuk prepared to be corrected by the word of the Lord, so am I. 

As the Lord responded to Habakkuk: 
"Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry."



  1. Truth be told, I will also be viewing both of these videos repeatedly in the coming days.

  2. I look forward to viewing the videos. Thanks for your diligence to seek the truth.

    1. Jeff,

      Let me know what you think about them. Thanks in advance Bro!

    2. Wow! If these videos don’t open some eyes then nothing will. Part 2 is even more revealing than the first. Very deep study and interpretation by this producer. They take me to a whole other level of watching.

    3. Chuck,

      Indeed, big-time eye opener.

      So used to the pulpit refrain of "The Lord tarries." Habakkuk says different.

      There are the Lord's appointed times and we're living in one right now. Given the pace of late, tarry time appears to have expired.

    4. Hi Sean,

      I have seen many prophecy videos and read much commentary while waiting for our Lord. However, I have never seen anything as compelling as these. Never been moved to tear filled prayer afterward like I was with these. I am so grateful that you are so receptive to the Holy Spirit and shared these videos. They have edified and blessed me, as I am confident with many other readers here.

      I do have some lingering questions though. I always assumed that the remnant Nation of Israel would flee to the desert in the second half of the Tribulation period (last 3.5 years). Stephen places them fleeing at the beginning with Rapture parallels and Moses parallels. So I will be doing some more study on that and likely adjusting my perspective. I've always gotten hung up on Revelation events not necessarily occurring in chronological order.

      Also, a question that arose for me as I watched was, when Jesus pronounced the woe on pregnant women and nursing women in Matthew, did this apply to all (believers included) living at the end? Will believing women be raptured if they are pregnant? Maybe someone here can add some insight to this. Is there a reason why the Lord would leave a pregnant believer here? Does a child need to be physically born to be raptured? Again, this is just my human mind trying to figure it all out. Forgive me for my ignorance, I am going to study this more.

      Thank you again for always sharing the truth!

  3. Sean, thank you for this post. I can't wait to block out some time today to watch them. Started the first one and am excited to finish it.
    When it comes to date setting, as well as so many other topics discussed by Christians and so-called Christians today, the constant and increasing conflict and argument saddens me. In regard to date-setting. I believe there is a difference between date setting by false teachers or non-Christians (although God only knows the heart, we are still called to judge others by their fruit) and true Christians. As the Body of Christ we are filled with the Holy Spirit and discernment. Someone calling out a date which is not based on any real, in-depth biblical research is not to be listened to. But a teacher that spends hours in the Word, loves the Lord, and demonstrates a humble spirit is someone that should be listened to. Watchmen are called for such a time as this. Are they right all the time? Is any Christian? We see as in a glass darkly. But, I believe they are called to watch because they love the Bridegroom and they are called to encourage all of their brothers and sisters in Christ who likewise love their Lord and earnestly watching for him.
    Date setting (or date speculation, as I and others like to call it) is healthy. As humans, God made us to set goals, to have things to look forward to. It gives us hope. As I started to read and study the ancient jewish wedding ritual, I was gratified to find out that the bride does eventually know the day and pretty close - the hour. No women would want to be surprised on her wedding day with the groom showing up and she's all sweaty from working around the house and still in her jeans and flannel shirt. She would need time for preparation! Does anyone know a women that doesn't? Also, the father of the bride picks the date and he would have to know the details of the women's monthly cycle in order to set the wedding night at just the precise window of highest fertility. So, I do not look at it as date setting. If a bride is truly in love with her betrothed, she can't wait for him to arrive, sweep her off her feet, and take her to be with him forever. She would be watching for any and every sign of his coming - and have all her watch-ladies out spying and bringing her reports. Every one of us Christians should have the same mind set. Unfortunately, most are asleep. Nonetheless, thanks be to God that there are people out there like you, Sean, that have answered the call of God and been faithful to it. I've been watching for over 25 years and I'm not going to stop now. I pray for all of you watchmen. God Bless you and Maranatha!!!


      Watching 24/7/365 as the Lord's appointed times are kept!

  4. Sean,

    As a long time reader (even back to forum days) and absorber of all things eschatology... I don't see it as date setting. You nor they are saying "Yeshua is returning May 14, 2018!!!!"

    I see it as students of GOD's word, seeing signs and trying to hypothesize, which is healthy. It certainly keeps me looking up as we were instructed to do!

    Another expositor of eschatological research (I will leave names out just in case you don't want it here) has found NASA info of a strangely named asteroid likely to impact the earth during 2025. His hypothesis is that it is wormwood which happens 3.5 years into the trib, add another 3.5 years and you are at 2028.

    Is it coincidence that these numbers from different sources point to a same year? We shall see!

    I will watch the posted videos!

    Ken B

  5. Ken,

    Thank you, and I agree.

    "Wormwood" is coming and I think mid-2025 would be right on schedule, so to speak.

  6. And you know, that June 1,2022 date is only 4 days away from the next Shavuot/Pentecost. Just sayin'...

    1. 😁 That has been on my mind since my first viewing of video #1. Been waiting from someone to bring it up. Thanks for that!

    2. You got it, brother! I think I see the two loaves being waived in the air!

  7. This subject has done one thing and has done it very well at that...

    Everyone is looking at and focused upon Jesus, as it should be. Everyone is looking up!

  8. Some detractors are already saying the third trumpet which brings a flaming star (Greek:Apsinthion) to poison a third of the waters of Earth will miss according to NASA.

    Looking closer, that rock is known as Apophis.

    But Jesus told John on Patmos the name of that object is Apsinthion, not Apophis.

    The conclusion for Christian's is therefore academic, Apsinthion will strike the Earth at the blowing of the third trumpet. End of controversy.

  9. Sean, I'll be looking at the videos probably tomorrow, for what it's worth, this is my view (which is subject to correction) I believe that psalm 83, Ezekiel 38, Isaiah 17 are all pre-70th week prophecies that happen in rapid succession and the harpazo occurs during these prophecies and the 70th week begins within weeks following Ezekiel 38. Also looking at hosea prophecy of 2 days it would begin around 30-33 AD placing the start of 70th week from 2023-2026 for what its worth that's my view. Open to correction

    1. Jon,
      It will be interesting post-rapture when we see how all these prophecies fit into the prophetic puzzle. I always found the Hosea prophecy interesting.
      My prayer is we will know from the nudging of the Holy Spirit because we watch and have fellowship with God.
      Even today would be a good day to be caught up.

  10. Hi Sean
    I've watched the embedded video's several times now and Stephen has done a great job with presenting a complicated set of prophecies.
    I can see why you have embedded them here.
    The date setting aside, were commanded to watch, If we don't watch and identify what we are seeing and hearing we will never learn.
    The first coming was revealed to people by direct revelation, by Angel's, by studying the prophecies, by those watching and waiting,
    their were also false prophets and messiah's that deceived many , why should it be different now. Mockers mock but the wise humbly learn.
    On the first video around the 22:00 mark is where he begins explaining the fig tree generation, an interesting point was
    "The days of Tarry" that he mentions(not sure of spelling?)
    where he quote's Habakkuk and 1Peter. Also here implies the 7 days you mentioned the Lord showed you. Wow!
    Certainly the meat of this video goes from here to the end, I liked how he brought in the Rev 12 sign and it's depiction of the rapture.
    Obviously Jun 1, 2022 is right around the corner so we won't have to wait very long for that date. I would point out that all the number calculations would probably work if we change the "generation" interpretation with other generation lengths that are mentioned in the bible and start on a Jewish feast. 40,70,80,120. (I am not a numbers person though) but it is interesting to think about.
    Thank you and Gail again for bringing these videos to our attention. I look forward to hearing the comments on these videos. I want to listen to the second video again before commenting .
    God bless you brother!

    1. Jeff,

      Thank you. I don't see any record of a 7 AM comment or email, must've been gobbled up by the ethernet?

      As I stated to Gail, mine was an error of omission when considering days of this 80 year generation, but citing the prophecy of Habakkuk (and I Peter) hopefully has rectified that error.

      If there were any remaining tarry it would be for the last decisions for Christ Jesus.

      As Peter wrote, the Lord tarried with sending the flood while Noah (a human being!) built the Ark to save 8 people, so perhaps the Father had tarried while His Son (God incarnate!) prepared a place for His bride.

      There should not be any Christian unaware of the Lord's 7-day (a holy number) advance notice to Noah of how much time was left before the door would be shut and sealed. Matthew 25 contains the Harpazo/Rapture parallel. "Past as Prologue" and "Parallels in Prophecy" also instruct there is nothing new under the sun.

    2. Thanks Sean,
      We all benefit from truth and should follow it wherever it leads. I think that's why people come here.
      Your much appreciated.

    3. Considering the span from June 1 to June 4/5 (Shavuot/Pentecost), I think it's safe to say we still do not know the exact day or hour.

  11. Massive eruption of a known undersea volcano adjacent to Tonga, South Pacific has occurred.

    Tonga Trench is part of the Pacific 'Ring of Fire.' Best views are via overhead satellite reconnaissance. Incredible!

  12. Eschatology Today is now entering its 13th year, and for many of those 13 years Psalm 90:10 has Eschatology Today is now entering its 13th year, and for many of those 13 years Psalm 90:10 has been a staple, the interpretation of which has been a literal 80 years.

    According to this interpretation, Israel will enter its 74th year of existence in May 2022 (2022-1948=74).

    Then, two years ago, a compelled update was posted on Monday, April 13, 2020 and titled: SITREP A3-20: Psalm 90:10 Exegete.

    That SITREP contained the essential context missing from the original posting. As it is directed related to this current SITREP A3-22 an invitation to revisit is encouraged for that context.

  13. We are called to closely watch the unfolding of events in the context of prophecy, so that we are not discouraged or demoralized by what we see around us, and are ready and waiting expectantly when the bridegroom arrives. This blog is certainly in harmony with that objective. At the same time, it is wise to bear Matthew 24:44 in mind:

    44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

    This is echoed in Luke 12:40.

    Taking Jesus’ words at face value, I’m sure the exact timing of the Harpazo will surprise us all.

    1. Especially those who believe in a mid or post Thlipsis timing of the Harpazo, and those who do not accept a literal imminence for the event. Truly a surprise is in store!!!

  14. Jon Hartman (hartdawg)January 17, 2022 at 5:34 PM

    I just finished the first video. Will start the second one Thursday (lots going on this week) June 4th is my birthday. I can't think of a better early birthday present than to be caught up

  15. The increasing nearness of the 70th week inspired an updated inquiry on where things stand.

    Here's an excerpt from the Temple Institue.

    "Another example of research currently underway involves the topography and makeup of the Temple Mount and the structure of the Holy Temple, as well as a working architectural plan for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah, according to modern building standards and with the best materials and technology available."

    1. Jon Hartman (hartdawg)January 17, 2022 at 7:08 PM

      Unless I been misunderstanding, they ALREADY have everything needed, the spot picked out, EVERYTHING is ready to go. All that needs to happen is the green light and they can have it built in a few months time

    2. Jon,

      Continuing researching by the Temple Institute is a full-time, ongoing, professional career, as is the study of Temple laws.

      The Islamic Wakf to this day continues destructive processes of excavations on and under the mount. And there can be no Temple built as long as the Dome of the Rock still stands. That means its removal will occur by one means or another; that's the "green light" being waited for.

    3. Jay,

      The reference point is the mid-Thlipsis, specifically the abomination that the False Prophet will have men put in the "Holy Place" within the 3rd Temple. That's the point when fleeing of the Jews will begin.

      The Harpazo is a historical fact by 3.5 years (at the minimum), there's plenty of time since then for children to have been born.

  16. Great videos. I for one do not care about the dates; if they are correct all I would say in rejoicing is "come Lord Jesus Come!"

    That said, let us not patronize each other, he is date setting. I don't know that he is saying "thus sayeth the Lord," so that is good, but he is date setting nonetheless and it is ok to call it that because the video clearly has dates...a timeline.

    I don't care about the dates, for me it is about the framework and for the pre-trib believer the framework is very sound. Let us talk about the dates for a moment, in 2009 I started telling people that the rapture needs to happen in or around 2021 if we understand three things together correctly:

    -rapture is pre trib
    -Israel is the Fig Tree re-birthed in 1947
    -Psalm 90:10 is THE definition of a generation we thesis from, not 40, not, 50, not 100 years..."70 years and if by strength 80"

    if...IF we understand those three things together correctly THEN the Bible says the rapture must happen in or around 2021. More succinctly, all of the end times events that are part of Jacob's trouble leading to the Lord Jesus Christ second coming must happen in the 80 years and the rapture is part of that. Clearly the rapture has not happened yet.

    The way I see it, to borrow a soccer (football) term that for me relates to the Habakkuk verses nicely: "we are in injury time."

    I saw the June 5 Pentecost closeness as well. I may be alone here is thinking that a proper read of Leviticus 23 equates to Pentecost requiring two 50 day counts as it is a SUMMER feast, a "feast of Weeks" that connects to the "Feast of New Wine" and the "Feast of New Oil." This calendar in 2022 is interesting as June 5 is late for the standard 50 day count the world religious systems seem to use. This takes some scholarship, I am not alone in my thinking, there are others who have seen two 50 day counts and there are others like Dr Ken Johnson who teach the hidden summer feasts from dead sea scrolls "feast of new wine" and feast of new oil."

    Nothing to be dogmatic about, just like this videos dates are nothing to be dogmatic about. I only mention all of this because the framework is sound for the pretibulational believer and for me we are in "injury time" and I think it is going to the full 80 years for Jesus Second Coming because Jesus is bringing EVERYONE who believes into the Storehouse, HE does not lose one sheep..."not even one." He does not tarry due to "slackness" as He comes precisely when He means to! We are the ones who need extra time :) Which is to say we are "in the season of the Lord's return", but first the mystery of the rapture of the Church...soon so very soon!

    If anyone wants a slightly different way of looking at the fig tree look at this article by Jack Kelley:

    I believe the Fig Tree is unbelieving Israel given that Jesus curses the fig tree when he doesn't see it bearing fruit (mind you out of season). I think we are to always be "in season" and they did not recognize the "time of His appearing." That said, Jack shows there is enough evidence without the fig tree for Israel to be the nation that answers the prophecy in 1948 specifically, so I think it is well worth your time:

    Thank you Sean for your excellent teaching and guidance over the years :)

    1. TP,

      Thanks and Jack was always one of my favorite prophecy expositors.

      I agree, there's nothing to be dogmatic about in these very well done videos. Yet they are a powerful reinforcing of our dispensationalist pre-trib theology.

    2. yes sir, yes indeed. Dispensational and pre-trib. The Hosea verses above are a good point as well relating to 30-33. Some have put 2025 then as a pre-trib rapture with Apophis landing 2028/9. For me again the point is we are in a window of time, a season of human history when "these things too must take place.". The way I explain it to brothers in Christ locally is, a window has a frame, we can see through the window and then we can't see past the window unless we move to the side and then we see a different part of the world outside through the window from a different angle. Point is, these things simply MUST happen because the Inspired Word of God says so. Our sight line changes as we move forward in the window of time that we see through. In this respect, the 7 day warning "as in the days of Noah, so will the coming of the Son of Man be" is highly instructive. I pray we get that literal warning from God. I do think your title is interesting, "is the 70th week upon us?" I know everyone here is pre-trib for the most part, I believe the events come like a flood. Is there any room for it all happening simultaneously and the rapture is a rescue mission, with perhaps the event happening slightly, ever so slightly after the confirmation of the covenant with many? The question makes a point in that I see the timeline as a tapestry or mosaic of events, while so very many people create Clarence Larkin like timelines, like the videographer in question, so that it fits neatly in their little box. I mean no offense, I learn a lot from Clarence Larkin, this videographer, and so very many others. All I am saying is that we tend to make it a perfect little box to understand it and I think the Scriptures describe a chaos and catastrophe, a flood of events, and a rescue of His Body from Christ Himself as He trumpets "come up here." I don't see a neat box of successive events, I see a tapestry of interwoven events; so if it happens 3 days after a covenant with many (just an example) and the church needs rescuing, well, you get the idea. That doesn't mean I am not pre-trib or dispensational; I believe I am; yet that would also explain how no one really knows the day or hour and it also explains how the events seem to collide because they are intertwined as a tapestry. "The Lord will come when you least expect Him" lingers...Sorry for the rambling, I don't know if I am making sense...

  17. Super busy today with incoming OSINT, mostly from the EU, but also the WH, urgently warning of Russian invasion, potential nuclear exchange, and so on.

    Germany declaring it will make enormous economic sacrifice to defend Ukraine, even cancel the Nord Stream II pipeline deal if an invasion occurs.

    The UK is rushing anti-tank weapons and a limited number of troops into Kyiv to help defend.

    There's also talk of a two front war from Kaliningrad and Belarus.

    The fear factor is huge, but none are openly acknowledging Russia's inability to sustain warfare against NATO for very long.

    1. I see a popular narrative among conservative Americans that is absolutely, (perhaps radically in many cases) pro-Russian. According to them, Russia is just defending itself against aggressive NATO expansions. Even if I'm not an apologist for either sides, I think that this pro-Russian narrative is far fetched to put it lightly. The cherry on top was when someone (also a conservative American)wrote (on his website) about Putin that he's exactly in the same situation President Kennedy was at the time of the Cuban missile crisis! I don't really get why so many self claimed Christian conservatives in America have that kind of pro-Russia view. They also like to repeat that Russia will wipe the floor with NATO and the USA. Sean, what do you think about all of that? About that pro-Russian narrative/view among American conservatives?

  18. Instead of a new SITREP, which will happen when Russian forces invade Ukraine, here are some new items to update the situation.

    The UK has been sending troops and anti-tank weapons via RAF C-17 transport to Kyiv for the past 3 days. The inbound and outbound flights have had to detour north over Denmark's airspace and enter Ukraine via Poland because Germany had refused permission for the flights over its territory to avoid angering Vladimir Putin.

    Russian Baltic Fleet (RFS Korolev, Minsk and Kaliningrad) and Northern Fleet (RFS Gornyak, Morgunov, and Pobedonosets) major surface combatant ships and amphibious landing ships have transited southward through the English channel. The 6-ship combat flotilla is assessed to be enroute to the Mediterranean Sea for operations ultimately on the Black Sea coastline of Ukraine.

    Eschatology Today assesses that Russian forces pushed up on the Ukraine border, including those that have recently moved into Belarus in the north, plus those in the Donbas and in Crimea now number in total approximately 170,000. Ukrainian defenders number 220,000 with 900,000 reserves to initially oppose a full-scale Russian invasion.

    If this full-scale invasion materializes, then according to the text of the Ezekiel 38/39 prophecy there is no further ambiguity in positively identifying Vladimir Putin as Gog of Magog.

    All preparations for the invasion will be complete within two weeks, three at most. It is more expensive to Russia to keep this huge invasion force sitting idle than it is to launch them into combat operations.

  19. Here are some bedrock facts.

    The collapse and disintegration of the USSR 32 years ago was essentially codified in the Budapest Memorandum (BM).

    The BM created the CIS and guaranteed the independence, integrity and territorial sovereignty of ALL the former Soviet Republics.

    In 1994 Ukraine was still the world's third largest nuclear power. It had about 1,700 nuclear warheads, many of which were MIRV'd with 10 and 6 warheads per each of a couple hundred ICBMs. As part of the BM they were all destroyed. Belarus and Kazakhstan destroyed their nukes also.

    Since 2008 there isn't a single part of the Budapest Memorandum that the Russian Federation has not unilaterally broken, trashed or ignored. The proof is in Abkhazia, North Ossetia, Georgia and since 2014 in Ukraine.

    And now Russia is making demands of NATO for "security guarantees." One would have to possess an exceptional kind of stupid to make anything approximating a security agreement with the Russian Federation.

    1. "And now Russia is making demands of NATO for "security guarantees."

      They've been continually doing that in the past few weeks, it stood out indeed.

  20. Jon Hartman (hartdawg)January 19, 2022 at 8:54 PM

    I don't know exactly how the end time scenario will play out except for what the scriptures reveal. I do know this
    1) I still believe in a psalm 83 war BEFORE Ezekiel 38/39
    2) I still believe that both prophecies are pre-70th week
    3)I still believe that the fig tree generation began in 1948
    4) I still believe that the harpazo is imminent

    A friend of mine asked me if I still believe psalm 83 is a prophecy that precedes Ezekiel 38 and the 70th week. I told him I believe the Bible and gave him those points mentioned. I told him that the generation is winding down and ttho I don't know how it will go down but just that it will.

  21. Hi Sean!

    I have never commented before but have been following for a while, and wondered if I might ask a question pertaining to the pre-trib rapture. I am familiar with scriptural passages in favor of pre-trib and tend to lean that way, but the only thing holding me back from believing completely is the idea that when those in Judea flee into the wilderness, it says they are "nourished" during that time. When I think about the modern day Book of Acts movement happening in underground churches in the Middle East, I keep thinking about the possibility of these former Muslims who are now Christians being the ones to shelter the Jewish people who flee from the land. If all of the church is gone, who do you think the people will be that will shelter them when they leave Israel? Or is it just a place and not a people that will shelter them?

    Thank you so much for all you do!

    1. Creingardt,


      The Harpazo of the bride of Christ does not end the presence of Chistians on this Earth. There will be the 144,000 of the tribes of Israel who will evangelize many millions of people into Christian faith. These are the saints of the 70th week.

      Beyond that, the Harpazo has no relationship to Jews fleeing into the wilderness of ancient Moab, which during the 70th week will be a part of Israel's eastern territories to the east of the Dead Sea. All of this is detailed in Scripture, such as Daniel, Isaiah 11, Ezekiel 39 and The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ.

    2. Creingardt,Or is it just a place and not a people that will shelter them? Many believe the place is Petra in Jordan, and that God will provide and protect them.

    3. Seems a lot of brethren are missing the point. Where Israel will go after the AoD occurs in the 3rd Temple is made very clear in Daniel 11:41.

  22. The newly installed Apocalyptic Shi'a Twelver president of Iran (Persia) traveled to Moscow this past week for two days of talks with Gog of Magog (Putin) to inaugurate a new "strategic" relationship with Russia.

  23. The U.S. State Department and Foreign Ministry of Germany have ordered families of their respective embassy personnel in Kyiv, Ukraine to begin evacuating the country.

    Evacuation transport will commence on Monday, 24 January.

    1. Jon Hartman (hartdawg)January 22, 2022 at 9:17 PM

      Really? I know that things are really escalating over there, but deep down I been thinking that it'll blow over and things will be back to normal again

  24. Hummm. So then you find disagreement that Putin is Gog of Magog, and that Ukraine is the place in the far north where God will put hooks in his jaws to turn him around and lead him to demise on the mountains of Israel.


    1. Jon Hartman (hartdawg)January 22, 2022 at 9:59 PM

      It's not that I find disagreement, in fact, quite the opposite. I think that the sinful old man in me, the sinful human nature, has fallen into the trap that Christians who aren't watching have fallen into, that is the human nature that says "everything is just going to go on". May the Lord forgive me for dozing off while on watch.

  25. The fact is the aggression and warfare by Magog against its neighbors, in flagrant violation of the Budapest Memorandum, has been continuous for 14 years.

    It's not blowing over.

  26. Update: The former Soviet-occupied and now NATO countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are sending significant numbers of anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine.

    The urgent transfer of these weapons has been endorsed by the U.S.

    1. In addition to the above...

      200,000 pounds of highly lethal U.S. military aid to help Ukraine defend against an further invasion by Russia began arriving last night (Friday), according to the US Embassy in Kyiv.

    2. A second US 80,000 lbs of lethal weapons shipment has arrived in Kyiv.

      The Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania weapons shipment noted above has been confirmed to have included a large number of US-made Stinger MANPADS.

      Stringer's, Javelin's and AT-4s constitute a significant increase of firepower for Ukrainian forces.

      Also, reports indicate that major Ukrainian artillery barrages along the entire Donetsk/Luhansk front occurred today.

      The supposed ceasefire no longer exists.

  27. Global SITREP A5-22: Hooks (coming soon!) will continue the close watch of events that have provided a hot start to 2022.

  28. Finally, there's a Jerusalem Post OpEd that mirrors precisely the longstanding views expressed on Eschatology Today about the coming prophetic war.

    Israel Should Preemptively Strike Hezbollah


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