Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Global SITREP B1-24: The Psalm 83 War

Expandable Map of Lebanon, N. Israel, W. Syria

12 June 2024: Eschatology Today has so noted of late the incremental escalations in the war in the North between Israel and the host of enemies in both Lebanon and Syria it's necessary at this time to lean forward with the 2024 B-series of SITREPS in anticipation of full-scale warfare erupting. 

The Gaza War (a/k/a 'Swords of Iron') is nearing its finale as far as HAMAS and the PIJ in Gaza are concerned. Israel has achieved full operational control of the Philadelphi Corridor along the Gaza-Egypt border, the Rafah Crossing and is passing through the city of Rafah itself enroute to the Mediterranean Sea. Whatever the manpower level of remaining terrorist formations may actually be, their finite days are numbered and few if any will survive to fight another day. Eschatology Today will note developments in Gaza and with Egypt, but our intensive gaze is now focused to the Northern Front.

It is also necessary at this juncture to reinforce what has been noted here from the start of this current war - that it is the Psalm 83 War as prophesied as a lyrical song by the musical chozeh (prophet, seer) Asaph 3,000 years ago. Eschatology Today also reiterates that there are many who do not see this war as the Psalm 83 War. We believe this is due to the fact that in their interpretation all of Asaph's named enemies would come at Israel at once. 

However, a in more careful exegesis of Psalm 83 they should have noted that the Psalmist did not expressly say such would be the case. Asaph named the enemies, that they were of one accord, had taken crafty counsel together and conspired against the people of Israel, "to cut them off from being a nation: that the name of Israel be remembered no more." The difference here is that God is in full control, the Restrainer has always very active. It must be noted that at no time in Israel's history of the past 76 years did all of Israel's enemies come against Israel at the same time, in complete unison of an action to destroy Israel. Not in 1948, 1967, 1973 and not since. And not even at the present time. Eschatology has attempted to get the reader aware of this fact by asking folks to read up on the history of Israel's wars, particularly the Six Day War of 1967.

And furthermore, a more careful and thorough exegesis of Psalm 83 should have noted that in verses 9 through 12 the "deal with them as with Midian, Sisera, Jabin," as well as with the nobles and princes, were not concurrent; each of these individuals was dispatched at differing intervals of time, in differing locales and in differing episodes of warfare. Thus is the fact of the matter now, and why Psalm 83 is a currently transpiring prophecy coming to a final fulfillment in the days, weeks, or months ahead.

Marana'tha and in the interim, and without any doubt there is more to come!

Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars

Update 12 June 2024: The rapid replay video above was captured by the SOHO (A spacecraft which observes our sun 24/7/365) LASCO C3 observatory. The time lapse is from 05:30 on 11 June to 03:42 on 12 June 2024. The arrow pointer directs the eye to a large comet where it first appears on its approach to impact the sun on its far side. The resulting blast of solar material into space is nothing short of epic. A nearly 360-degree ejecta halo around the sun is the result of the impact. Thank God the solar material ejecta was directed away from the Earth.

Update 25 June 2024: "Time is running out" to address Iran's quest for nuclear weapons capability, said DM Gallant recently to U.S. SECDEF Austin. The above image was posted recently due to I&W that suggested a series of strategic strikes were possible next month. The US-Israel strategic working group on Iran's nuke program is scheduled to convene again in mid-July.


  1. I had been sitting on this SITREP and its details for some time, but arose this morning knowing that the time had come to make these details known.

  2. The importance of this explanation, I think is critical.
    Our impatient at times tends to keep our focus on the final event for the church and not the intricate details that God has given us in His Word.
    All things spoken by God will be fulfilled.
    No where else have I read such detail and explanation.

    Also, I always keep an eye on the sun, moon, and stars. You never know when you might see a wondrous event or maybe even a doorway. :)

    1. Jmoll,

      Thanks for your comments, always!
      The opening for this SITREP, even though stated previously, was impressed upon me to reiterate along with a prayer that others would understand these events more clearly.

  3. The Book of Obadiah is a must read.

    1. It's so spot on for where we are.Thanks Sean for the prompt to read

  4. Timing is everything.

    Israel has eliminated a top Hezbollah commander, Abdullah Talib.

    This strike so enraged the Iranian terrorist proxy that they all but declared war on Israel this morning.

    At present a minimum of 216 rockets, missiles and drone UAVs have been launched into northern Israel in just the past few hours. Great swaths of forest in north Israel as ablaze as a result with Hezbollah spokesmen declaring that this is only a start, much worse is coming.

    The IDF now has no choice but to respond in an unprecented manner. This war is on.

    1. IAF striking Hezbollah targets from the southwestern coast to well north of Beirut to the central southern region of Lebanon.

  5. Just a real quick observation about what you wrote, "Psalm 83 is a currently transpiring prophecy coming to a final fulfillment in the days, weeks, months ahead" I noticed you didn't add years. Is that because there's not "years" left?
    I, personally believe this war could drag on for 1, maybe 2 years.
    A quick true story, back in November, I told some friends who I used to teach prophecy to that this is likely the start of the Psalm 83 war. I saw them a few days ago and they were like"didn't you say this was likely the start of the Psalm 83 war? It's been 8 months " I asked them where does it say that the prophecy will be fulfilled quickly? I told them to read the passage again, and look at the nations and look at the rhetoric that's being said. Sound familiar? Let's stick with the Scripture. They could not argue with that and as I was leaving I told him to keep looking up and always be ready for the coming of the Lord

    1. Jon,

      Given a whole slew of various factors, I don't assess that Israel (government and public) would cotton to a "forever war" against their Islamist enemies lasting more than a year. The terrorists in Gaza will be vanquished by December. Esau (Edom) and the rest follow suit quickly.

      A long war is also also not within the 'Israel Victory' warfighting doctrine which is finally taking precedence.

      More importantly, where God says through Scripture that "the nations will know that I AM the Lord God," He's referring to Muslim nations. Allah is the new Ba'al.

      Finally, Gabriel's God-breathed prophecy that "the end shall come as a flood" remains intact.

    2. I momentarily forgot about Gabriels prophecy about the end coming like a flood. I must be slipping. That's what happens as you approach 21😉

  6. Based upon the chosen targets that hundreds of Hezbollah's rockets have been launched against, (they form a continuous but narrow corridor which parallels the southern line of Israel's Golan Heights down to the Sea of Galilee), it does appear the enemy intends to invade Israel's Galilee region so to encircle the IDF in the Golan and force the IDF Northern Command to fight a two front battle. The geography here is key. Surely IDF commanders see this and will preempt it.

    1. Joshua 13:6 - “As for all the inhabitants of the mountain regions from Lebanon to Misrephoth Maim, that is, all the Sidonians, I myself will drive them out before the Israelites. Be sure to allocate this land to Israel for an inheritance, as I have instructed you, ...

      "I myself will drive them out before the Israelites..." - They are preparing to fight the IDF - they are also going to meet Hashem (and Michael).

    2. Bingo! This verse is one of the reasons why Eschatology Today has always cited Joshua 13:1-7 as being part of the overall Psalm 83 scenario.

  7. Thursday afternoon Hezbollah sent 30 drones to attack Israel’s northern command HQ, an intelligence headquarters and a military barracks. Hezbollah also executed a simultaneous launch of 100 rockets into Israel, the heaviest rocket assault ever.

  8. Yesterday IDF Northern Command's CO, MG Ori Gordin, told the evacuated residents of north Israel that a diplomatic solution to remove Hezbollah from the border to the area north of the Litani River, or a war to achieve this goal, will be possible only after the fighting in southern Israel is completed.

    Is this what God has said in His prophetic narrative to Joshua?

    No, it is not. Not even close.

    "I Myself" has a much different course of action than the IDF does at present.

  9. I know Israel is the focus of prophecy, but watch Europe and Macron who is maneuvering well to keep power beyond what the French constitution normally allows. It's a dangerous game with the far right, but he is outmaneuvering them, I believe.

    1. Holy Scripture, the angel Gabriel in fact, is rather specific about antichrist; his attributes, personality traits and national point of origin. Antiochus IV Epiphanes is the past as prologue' forerunner. As Dr. Fruchtenbaum has said, it's about a bloodline.

  10. I don't recall a situation where so many Western leaders are simultaneously so deeply unpopular - many to the point of being an embarrassment to their respective nations. Together with so many (often manufactured) problems actively presenting.

    Certainly a very 'fertile soil' for a single leader of great charisma and power to emerge from the sidelines at the appointed time. Bro. Steve

  11. YNet posted a report this morning on how "US officials" told the Left-wing Columbia Broadcasting System (a/k/a CBS News) they have "concerns" and "are worried that Israel is poised to launch an all-out war against Hezbollah; a war Israel cannot win without US support."

    See how this works with mainstream Israeli news organizations? They parrot left-wing US media who parrot left-wing Biden officials without a thought to balance their reporting with input from conservative US news sources. They also routinely do this with Arab-world news reports. Israel's own media is not as patriotic as most might think it is. Read YNet, INN, and the others carefully.

    1. And then the Times of Israel parroted the exact same report, so tread carefully when reading YNet, INN and ToI "news" reports. They all contain left-wing spin on basic facts and truths.

      Hezbollah, a proxy of the Twelver Hojjatieh clerical Shi'a regime in Iran, attacked Israel within hours of the HAMAS massacre and hostage taking of Israeli civilians (men, women and children/infants) on October 7, 2023.

      We know the goal of these enemies, so why would Israeli media provide media support to them?

    2. Here is a prime example of Israeli media (INN, YNet, ToI, etc.) leftist bias.

      Members of the Knesset who are politically conservative or religious are always labeled as "far right" which is code for extremist, neo-nazi, Zionist, et cetera, et cetera.

      Their opposition of the liberal or leftist varieties have no labels whatsoever.

  12. The foundation of their thoughts and lives are built on the sifting sand.

    1. One of the ways the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of unbelievers is through God's prophetic word. Hence, the value of this blog.
      The heart of a person must be humble and seek God to have their eyes opened and see the truth.
      The enemie aka the devil does everything in his power to deceive and try to harden a person's heart so God's word won't take root.
      The church is God's mouthpiece at this time to stand in the gap, to pray, to be a light in the darkness of this world to shine on the truth.
      Keep shining Sean and all believers!
      Our service to God is not in vain.

    2. Still very much alive and kicking through 15 years, Eschatology Today remains on mission.

      We began back in 2009 "talking" about Bible prophecies.

      Now were seeing those prophecies fulfillment in real time or as imminent fulfillments.

      Only the Harpazo will silence what we do here!

    3. My prayer is that the harpazo won't silence what's said either. My prayer is that after the harpazo, people left behind will happen to come across this site before it's shut down and continues what's started. I know it'll probably never happen, but we can hope and pray can't we

  13. RADM Daniel Hagari has given Hezbollah their final warning.

  14. As of this morning the Israeli War Cabinet is extinct.

    From now on Netanyahu and Gallant will pow wow regularly and take their wartime decisions to the regular Security Cabinet for approval.

    1. Sean,

      I have not had the opportunity to read anything about this yet. I will begin to look, but could you expound on this just a little more? What happened? Is this due to US meddling?

    2. Israel has the same problem as we have in the U.S. - rampant leftist take-over of the media. The major media in Israel are not much removed from their American counterparts, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc. etc.

      Just today in Israel there was published a poll saying 60% of Israelis would prefer to surrender than achieving victory over the terrorists - as long as the hostages are returned.

      This is nonsense. It's information warfare, influnce operation. And it goes hand-in-hand with U.S. and EU medling efforts.

      Just before OCT 7 one of the IDF's best generals, BG Ofer Winter, was passed over for a combat command assignment. Ofer was dismissed from the IDF. Had he been in Yoav Gallant's position the Gaza War would have gone much differently and HAMAS would not exist today.

      He's making himself heard now, pointing to how an ill-equipped Israel defeated all of the Arab armies that attacked in 1948. And did so again in 1967 and again in 1973.

      So here's HAMAS in Gaza fought repeatedly in recent years, and now 8 months later the war against rag tag terrorists goes on with new operational pauses for humanitarian endeavors. He says it's not a war, but a police action when compared to previous wars.

  15. Good News: The IDF says it has full control of the Philadelphi Corridor. It's maneuver warfare caused HAMAS battalions to respond to tactical feignts. Hundreds of terrorists have been dispatched, tons of war materiel captured. The IDF assaults were simultaneously above and below the ground. Only two battalions are assessed to remain to be destroyed. The Rafah Op is nearing mission complete status.

    1. IDF says 30 days or less remain in Gaza War; battle plan for Lebanon has been approved.

    2. That's (IMHO) a good I&W that the long expected kinetic strikes (cyberwarfare like Stuxnet won't get the job done at this point) on Iranian nuke sites are imminent. Might be the lead off in fact. Update coming.

  16. IDF combat drones attacked and destroyed targets in Quneitra and Dara'a, Syria this morning.

  17. I strongly recommend all to carefully re-read Joshua 13:1-7.

    I'm holding off on an update, mostly because it would be a repeat of what has been written here before.

    In re-reading Joshua the connection between the ongoing war in Gaza and Lebanon should become obvious. Very, blatantly, obvious.

  18. The prophecy of Psalm 83:7b reads: "Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre."

    The Prophetic fulfilled FACT:

    HAMAS began the war against Israel on October 7, 2023. Hezbollah began the war with Israel less than 24 hours later on October 8, 2023.

  19. A day like Pentecost is coming to Israel soon.

    Joel 2, 3; Acts 2; Romans 11.

  20. We all know the result of the coming prophetic war in advance from Scripture; from Ezekiel in particular. My comments now would be redundant.

    1. Except to make crystal clear the following fact:

      At no time has any knowledgeable official in Israel (IDF, Shin Bet, ISA, etc., etc) made any mention of the IDF's operational plans or tactics to be used against Hezbollah in Lebanon of their IRGC-QF proxy allies in Syria.

      Yesterday US Biden Admin officialdom made clear the IDF's planning is for "blitzkrieg" style warfare, and that it will be unsuccessful.

      So much for Israel giving the Biden traitors a heads-up on the down-low.

  21. Togarmah (Armenia) recognizes the "State of Palestine."

  22. Since God is the one who is going to drive them ( Israel's enemies) off of the land of Israel, and scatter Elam to the four winds, and end Gog's reign on the mountains of Israel, it will take place whether the nations or Israel want it to happen.
    God knows the end from the beginning.

  23. The objective in any war is 100% to kill the enemies soldiers, break their warfighting equipment and create a situation leading to defeat ( physical and ideological) leading to unconditional surrender of the enemy.

    No differenent for Gaza, Lebanon or Syria.

  24. It took the passage of 8 years and 5 months for Global SITREP A6-16: The New Mediterranean Alliance to fully show its importance.

    A week ago Iranian proxy Hezbollah threatened to strike the island nation of Cyprus in its war against Israel. Now the EU - in the person of the Greek Foreign Minister speaking on behalf of the entire EU - steps into the fray in calling Hezbollah's threat to a sovereign EU member state "completely unacceptable."

  25. Islamic terrorists ROUTINELY use non-combatant civilians as human shields, and civil infrastructure like schools, hospitals and international aid organizations as weapons depots.

    So it is without question that Hezbollah has made and continues to make the Beirut International Airport its primary armory for use against Israel.

    Israel routinely strikes Iranian weapons deliveries at Damascus International Airport, so why would Beirut be any different? Its days are numbered.

  26. Iran denies it (yeah, what else is new) but it's a virtual certainty that the IRGC-QF is the force behind significant and repeated attempts to destabilize the Jordanian government.

    The objective in the destabilization effort is obvious: to open up Jordan as an eastern front in the war against Israel.

  27. Preparations (i.e. Brigade-level exercising) continue for combat operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon. These preps were inclusive of PM Netanyahu, his Chief of Staff, Military Secretary, Northern Command and other senior IDF officers from 55 BDE. This clear I&W that an offensive is very near.

  28. Reports of IAF airstrikes on targets in or near southern Damascus' Sayyidah Zaynab. Syrian air defenses are active.

  29. The current handwringing and threat warnings among the nations around the globe over the prospect of full-scale war (Mt. 24:6 πολέμους καὶ ἀκοὰς πολέμων) is at a level not seen before the present, and most certainly not in 1967 or in 1973.

  30. Foreign Minister Israek Katz threatened Iran powerfully.

    "A regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed.

    Then FM Katz addressed Hezbollah:

    If Hezbollah does not cease its fire and withdraw from southern Lebanon, we will act against it with full force until security is restored and residents can return to their homes."

    The threat to Israel from all around her will be neutralized. Ezekiel 28:24-26.

  31. The Psalm 83 War - current headline in Israel:

    "Iraqi militias said threatening to escalate attacks on Israel if war erupts with Hezbollah."

    These "Iraqi militias" are from the lands of ancient Assur. These militias are forward deployed in Syria and along the Jordan border regions near Israel.

  32. SITREP: The obvious crisis within Israel and all around its periphery has reached an unprecedented critical mass in every category imaginable in time of relentless war: political, societal, economical, religious and military.

    1. In keeping with this SITREP update, and barring the possibility of a significant eruptive event occurring this 4th of July week, Eschatology Today will be on hold.

    2. One final word. The crisis described above not only pertains to Israel and its periphery, but is, in fact, a global crisis.

      America is without effective leadership; Chinese, Russian, North Korean and Iranian war mongering belligerence is controlled only by the still present Restrainer; European internal order is collapsing; Africa is a basket case collapsing into continental chaos...

      Even so, we do not fear for the sake of fearful events, but go on in faith knowing that the will of God controls all things, including our hope in the advent of the Harpazo.


  33. Sean, I found this video informational and helpful in understanding the goegraphic location of the people groups identified within the Bible related to end times.

    Consider sharing with others if you see worthy.


  34. Hi Sean, I know you want to take a hiatus till we see what happens on Jul 4, but i'm wondering if you would comment on the release of 50 Palestinian prisoners, including the former head of Shifa hospital, without anything in exchange?

    1. Could it be reflective of infighting among agencies as you allude to above,
    2. A desire to embarrass the gov't by agencies involved
    3. A backdoor way to release them for targeted elimination--without having to go through lengthy trial and incarceration in overcrowded jails?
    4. All of the above?

    1. Hmewrdbd,
      Actually, the temporary time-out is for needed R&R pending the war going big-time with Hezbollah, most likely in a week or two.

      I think #1 is the fact. There's a strong effort to end Netanyahu.

    2. Eschatology Today has for 15 years believed that Jeremiah 49:34-39 would be the critical event in the current war scenario.

      Today Avigdor Liberman, the chairman of the Yisrael Beytenu party, has publicly announced that neither HAMAS or Hezbollah can be militarily defeated without first neutralizing the Iranian nuclear program; that it has progressed to the weaponization stage; and is far beyond being successfully dealt with via conventional weapons strikes.

  35. This morning, July 4, Hezbollah launched its most massive rocket and drone barrage into northern Israel. Well over 200 launches thus far with active siren warnings continuing.

    Waiting on the IDF/IAF response.

    1. The IDF/IAF response in ongoing at this time.

      It's worth noting here that 9 months of Israeli strikes upon Hezbollah's infrastructure have almost completely depopulated southern Lebanon; the 3 miles north of the common border have been rendered completely uninhabitable. This part of southern Lebanon's above ground landscape has literally been returned to the stone age.

  36. A thought kept occuring to me, we're seeing Psalm 83 being fulfilled before our eyes, the Ezekiel 38&39 coalition all but formed, Isaiah 17 on the verge of becoming a reality, and everyone is distracted by the coming election. Even a lot of the prophecy teachers. If what's going on in Israel and Gaza was happening 10 years ago, prophecy teachers would be sounding the alarm much louder than they are today. It seems to me that while prophecy is coming to pass everyone is distracted. Am I alone in that assessment?

    1. Jon,

      No, you are NOT wrong! The so- called "teachers" are not leading by the Spirit. Being led tby the Spirit means one CANNOT be wrong. Timing may be off, a human error, But it is as simple as that, Bro! Period.

      The Spirit IS God. One and the same. Error is not possible.

  37. Anyone else interested in the fact that all of NATO is currently gathered in DC along with Zelensky, July 9-11, and some of the Summit sessions are entitled “peace and security” in part…? Convenient target?

  38. The NATO Summit in Washington DC, July 9-11, is not a target, convenient or otherwise, for Russia because a direct attack upon it would immediately trigger Clause 5 of the NATO Charter and therefore a nuclear world war. This will not happen.

    At 2 PM tomorrow, July 11, the critical and highest level meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council will commence at the NATO Summit. This meeting will involve all 27 NATO heads of state (Presidents and PMs) charting the NATO-Ukraine de facto alliance through July 2025 and possibly longer.

    Before then the November 2024 US election, and likely second term of President Trump, will result in agenda Item #8 of the just released Trump "Contract for America" being implemented in January 2025 (along with the other 19 agenda items):

    8. Prevent WWIII and restore peace to the Middle East.

    The next 6 months deserve our utmost prayer and attention.

  39. There is anticipation, based upon official statements and very recent events, that the IDF may launch full-scale air and ground combat against Hezbollah within the next 120 hours or so.

    This will give the several IDF combat brigades enough time to finally mop up remaining HAMAS terrorists in Gaza City and elsewhere in Gaza.

    1. Bro. Sean; I've seen some reports claiming Hamas' "political leadership" is in the process of relocating to Iraq. Can't confirm it's verified. Interesting if true - I would have thought that Doha would be relatively safer for them. Bro. Steve

    2. Bro. Steve,

      A Qatar government official in Doha denied the report to the JPost two weeks ago.

  40. IDF artillery and tank fires located on the Golan Heights have today (two hours ago) attacked and destroyed Syrian Army positions which were in violation of the 1974 disengagement agreement which ended the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

    This serves to forcefully warn Hezbollah in Lebanon (and Iran) that the IDF is about to enforce the terms of UNSCR 1701 which concluded the 2006 Lebanon War.

  41. Timing is everything, as the adage goes, and time has litera because the Lord'slly run out. There's no more sand in the hour-glass.

    There's no more time for Iran's nuclear weapons program; no more time for a US-Saudi defense pact or Saudi-Israel pact because there's no more time for the Biden Administration's fervent desire for an end to the Gaza War, and that means there no more time for Hezbollah either.

    July 11, 2024 is the day that should be remembered when time ran out for a host of human plans because the plan of Almighty God is and has always been Supreme.

    Final comment to SITREP B1-24. SITREP B2-24 commences next.


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