Saturday, July 13, 2024

Global SITREP B2-24: Unprecedented Events Taking Place


BREAKING 13 July 2024: About 40 minutes ago a sniper attempted to assassinate President Trump at a MAGA Rally in Butler, PA. The image above is a screen capture of the Secret Service detail extracting President Trump from the stage area. Chaotic situation, details will become clearer as time passes.

UPDATE 21 JUY 2024: Much has taken place in the past week as noted in the comments section. We know about the would-be assassin and his three encrypted offshore accounts. Video recordings of the event, most of which include multiple after-the-fact analyses, illustrate that there's very likely more to the attempted assassination of President Trump that we can currently wrap our heads around. It's also quite obvious that the on-the-ground SS Protection Detail was not a Tier One response team, and that requested augmentation of those security assets was denied by the SS and or its Director (whose position as such is now in jeopardy - as it should be). This event was not prophetic, but was clearly an episode of the Lord's intervention, and this is where Eschatology Today will leave it for the time being.

IAF Strike on Hodeida Port in Houthi-controlled Yemen.

The Houthi drone strike on Tel Aviv received a next-day response from Israel as seen in the above image. Approximately one dozen IAF strike aircraft, including F-15, F-35, Reconnaissance and Refueling aircraft in the strike package, delivered that response on-target and on-time after a flight of over 1,100 miles. All IAF aircraft return to their bases safely. 

Early this morning the Ye3meni Houthi's attempted to retaliate for this strike with the launch of a single surface-to-surface ballistic missile. The Houthi missile was blown out of the sky by Israel's Arrow-3 aerial defense system outside of Israeli territory. This Israeli strike occurred after more than 200 attempts by the Houthi's to strike Israel in support of their terrorist allies in Gaza with Iranian-made weaponry. Further decisive military action will have to occur in order to subdue these enemies in Yemen, and military action against Iran has become more likely now with Israel clearly demonstrating its capability to launch strategic strikes far from its territory. There was no American or allied involvement in the strike on Port Hodeida. Make no mistake, this war continues to escalate.



  1. Tracking info as best as possible. Prayers needed!

  2. President Trump is in very good shape considering the bullets missed killing him by 3 inches or less.

  3. The would-be assassin is reported to be dead. One attendee was also killed in this event.

  4. It's early morning 14 July and the IDF has attacked a Syrian military HQ in response to a combat drone attack that targeted Eilat yesterday which came from Syria.

  5. Your the first to report a sniper. I just heard it alluded to on the news

  6. There was a sniper on the roof of a nearby structure. He was killed by a Secret Service counter-sniper.

  7. I am not worried In fact I am quite calm. If it's God's will for Trump to get in the second term he will be supernaturally protected. And I believe that is exactly what happened today half an inch in the other direction he would have been dead on the spot say what you will but I believe God's supernaturally protecting him

  8. I have expressed deep concerns and warnings about what I've termed the "War for America" for over a decade.
    I said the enemy would stop at nothing in order to prevail.

    Global SITREP D3-20: The War for America was among the the most detailed of them all. Yesterday, but for the protection of God Almighty, the war would have been lost in a single heartbeat.

    Instead of the norrowly averted catastrophe the nation has now, IMHO, entered a potential and possibly terminal phase where only the will of God and the Restrainer have control.

    God blesses America because for most of the past 76 years America has blessed Israel.

    1. Pharaoh thought he was going to prevail too. In fact he was so sure of it that he sent his military force into the Red Sea to pursue God's people.
      It strikes me that much of what we see happening may be a trap like the one that Pharaoh encountered. I also suspect that the events of yesterday may backfire in ways we can't even imagine yet. God wins.

    2. Amen, Bro. Sean. I am greatly encouraged by the efforts of the Governor of the State of Tennessee, Bill Lee. He is instrumental in having passed a bi-partisan (!!!) bill asking all citizens of the state to join together in prayer and fasting for the nation throughout the month of July. (Tennessee House Joint Resolution 0803).
      I believe Trump’s life was spared yesterday as a result of God’s people praying right now… not just in Tennessee, but all across the nation.
      It’s heartening to see government officials using their platforms to encourage their constituents to seek the help of God through prayer and fasting. My family and I are thankful to have the ability to join this endeavor. We were also blessed this morning as our pastor encouraged our church congregation to make this a priority, then went on to continue preaching through the book of Revelation. Praise the Lord for these concerted efforts.

    3. All of what we have witnessed is proof of the activity of the Restrainer.

      He is the Holy Spirit working through the indwelt Bride of Christ.

  9. President Donald Trump in his own words:

    [It was] "God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening."

    1. Looking forward to your next update, you have a "special set of skills" and insight Sean and at times like these you always come to mind - Tim Cameron

  10. Tim,

    There are, as I alluded to a few days ago, several hot items I'm tracking closely for inclusion in the next update. NATO going "all in" for Ukraine, the continuing crisis in Israel, Judea, Samaria, Iran nukes, Hezbollah, and fall-out from the attempt on Trump's life, not to mention the 'Deep State' and globalists, and Russia.

  11. It's not accidental that Commander US CENTCOM, General Michael Kurilla, visited the Kirya (IDF Pentagon) in Tel Aviv, Israel in the immediate aftermath of the assassination attempt on President Trump.

    Although that event is not related to the Twelver regime's 4-year old and ongoing threat to assassinate Trump in retaliation for the death of BG Soleimani formerly the commander of the IRGC-QF, it's also no accident that US intelligence publicly confirmed the longstanding Iranian threat within hours of the bullet piercing Trump's ear.

    It is certain that local military issues were discussed, but the strategic issue of Iran was at the top of the list.

    1. It’s interesting to me that the biden cabal almost immediately pointed the finger at Iran and their plans to get Trump. However with all the failures of that faithful day President Trump was shot, coincident upon coincident would have to stack up pretty high that this was a spontaneous event. The breakdown in everything at the exact same time cannot be coincidental. This is unbelievable and exactly a miracle that President Trump wasn’t killed.

    2. Zoe,

      The Biden 'deep state' admission about an Iranian plot is, IMHO, a blatant attempt at deflection from several abject physical security failures.

  12. Tonight, by an overwhelming margin, the Israeli Knesset adopted its position AGAINST the establishment of a "Palestinian state" west of Jordan (i.e. in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan River Valley).

    1. Also today Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned Hezbollah (once again) that the IDF is in a position to suddenly and decisively move into Lebanon.

  13. Everyone has noticed how Trump's demeanor has really changed since the attempt on his life on Saturday I am wondering if this will be the event that will bring Trump to Christ I am really hoping and praying that that is the case.... And not only Trump but there is a lot of people on Fox News and other places as well that are truly recognizing that there is a true God in heaven I think God allowed it to be this close to reveal himself because it seems like that's what he's doing. I hope you don't think I'm overly optimistic or being way off because I probably am but that's how I see it

    1. Jon,

      I think you're spot on in this. As one individual noted the other day, "God is not done with Donald John Trump." Clearly, the miraculous escape from death is how God has revealed Himself to a great many people.

  14. By the way, unprecedented events are taking place and will continue!


  15. We're witnessing Asaph's Psalm 83 prophecy being literally fulfilled, day in and day out, for the last 8.5 months.

    Verses 9-12 in particlular:

    "Deal with them as with Midian,
    As with Sisera,
    As with Jabin at the Brook Kishon,
    Who perished at En Dor,
    Who became as refuse on the earth.
    Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb,
    Yes, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna,
    Who said, “Let us take for ourselves
    The pastures of God for a possession.

    Israel has today has dispatched into eternity yet another in a long line of enemy nobles and princes.

  16. There's an investigation to determine if Trump's wannabe assassin and his three encrypted overseas banking accounts have an Iranian connection.

  17. An improved Iranian-made Samad-3 long-range, fixed wing drone launched by Yemen Houthis hit Tel Aviv early this morning killing one and injuring ten others. IDF says the drone was spotted but "human error" was responsible for it not being intercepted.

  18. Hezbollah is in the midst of a massive barrage of rockets into Israel. At least 70 thus far.

  19. Defense Minister Gallant says Israel will respond against those responsible (Yemen and Iran) for this morning's drone strike in Tel Aviv. Israel will likely strike in their national territories.

    The current intel is that this strike was targeted at the U.S. Embassy annex in Tel Aviv.

    1. Israel today sent its best strike aircraft on a mission to strile Houthi-controlled Hodeidah post in Yemen

  20. Speaking of unprecedented events, here's a doozy!

    The World Court today handed down a ruling that Israel is an illegal occupier of the covenant land God has given it. The ruling says Israel must withdraw and remove everything established in Judea, Samaria, Binyamin and the Jordan Valley since June 1967 ASAP. The court said it is the responsibility of the UNGA and UNSC to enforce its decision.

    PM Neranyahu rejected the ruling immediately upon issuance. MKs Smotrich and Ben Gvir have called for the immediate declaration of Israel's sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.

    Again, here we go!

  21. Thanks, Sean. I’ve been waiting for this, knowing it was going to have big repercussions. As you say… Here we go! Let’s pray so! 7.4 earthquake in Chile today.

    1. Earthquakes, tectonic movements, sun activity peaking, earth's magnetic field and auroras... all related prophetically.

      But now with the Hague saying the UN must enforce its decision, well this invokes Daniel 11:41, a 70th Week of Years event. That's when the antichrist's military forces invade Israel during a major war.

      It's about our temporal proximity to that time and the Harpazo of the Bride of Christ which precedes it.

  22. Hey Sean, something I been meaning to say, in your final comment on the previous SIT-REP you were saying how time is run out.
    I felt the same way. In light of the shortness of time, I made the decision to leave Washington, cash out on my retirement, get out of debt and move back to Alaska to be with my family. Last year my brother had an aneurysm and didn't make it, leaving my 77 year old dad with nobody and I came to the conclusion that the Lord will come back before I retire (at least 20 years from now) and my dad and family need me up in Alaska so I decided given the shortness of time to pull my retirement and go be with my family to help them out.

    1. God bless you from Ireland

    2. Jon,

      Family comes first, so good call!
      Besides that time has run out; it's borrowed at this point, a few grains of sand remain in the hourglass. He comes at a time we least expect.

    3. Anonymous from Ireland,

      I pray for your country and your leadership; incredibly they seem to have lost their way without general citizen approval. That's a form of tryanny.

    4. Jon, I admire your leap of faith. Caring for your father is very admirable. I will pray that the time you both share will be a blessing beyond measure.
      YBIC - Joe

  23. Hey Brother Jon, I think that is a wise and compassionate choice you made. I’m thinking (really hoping) we may have less than a week, much less another 20 years!!! All things are starting to converge quickly. Pretty much as one would expect it to right before the Rapture. God Bless. Praying for you that all things associated with the move go well. Shelley

  24. Today Israel sent its very best to devastate Houthi-controlled Hodeidah port in Yemen. Mission completed.

  25. The aftermath of the attempt to assassinate President Trump has been most interesting to watch. The hand of God is clearly seen moving throughout the subsequent 10 days. The immediate fallout is the ejection of Joe Biden from the coming national election and the swift resignation of the USSS Director. Divine Justice is very swift indeed, and leaves one with the sense that more is to come.

  26. The clash between religious and secular Jews in Israel, as most are already aware, appears to come to a head every time Ben Gvir ascends the Temple Mount and advocates for Jewish prayer there. The most recent visit to Temple Mount by Ben Gvir resulted in Gantz launching a public ad hominem personal attack by referring to him as a "pyromaniac." We also know from prophetic Scripture that what Ben Gvir iscalling for, and much, MUCH more will become reality.

    1. And Defense Minister Gallant is no different than Gantz. DM Gallant accuses Ben Gvir of "constantly trying to blow up the Middle East."

      Seems a great cleansing of secularity in Israel is coming.

  27. A covenant with many?....
    moving closer...

    1. And it was suggested today before the U.S. Congress by PM Netanyahu. A regional alliance to confront Iran.

      The war has to conclude first. Israel fights HAMAS but the war is with Iran. Israel fights Hezbollah but the war is with Iran. Israel fights the Houthis but the war is with Iran.

      Iran is the primary enemy.

  28. Yellowstone is acting up. Two major eruptions in the past week. Steamboat and Black Diamond Pool.

    1. Yes - Cascadia proper is also wound like a spring now. And New Madrid I believe has shown some latent activity. Any one of those three, could trigger one or both of the other two IMO. Bro. Steve

  29. Greetings;

    I have now seen multiple reports of many muslims in Gaza reporting visions and converting to Christ. Some more credible than others, but there is clearly something significant going on there.

    I actually think that a goodly portion of the 70th Week saints may well be (ex)muslims who abandon islam - possibly en masse - after witnessing Divine deliverance of Israel from the Ez.38-39 events. Just a 'gut' feeling.

    You only have to look at what Jesus did with Saul of Tarsus, to see what can happen. Bro Steve.

    1. Bro. Steve,

      Yes, for years now there have been ongoing conversions of ex-muslims to Christ. These are now members of the church body, the Bride of Christ, and will be Harpazoed at the appointed time.

      However, the Saul of Tarsus conversion will be repeated in the immediate aftermath of the Ezekiel 38/39 battle of Gog or Magog.

      There will be 144,000 Jews, like Saul, who will be given a special mission - and sealed by God to complete that mission of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ezekiel 39:29 notes this, as does Romans 11:25-27.

      This is concurrent with the ministry of God's Two Witnesses (Enoch and Elijah) in Jerusalem during the 42 months of the Thlipsis.

      Furthermore, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 7 verses 4-9 reveals the details how their preaching results in “a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language” will convert to faith in Christ. No question this multitude is literal as literal can be.

      Not a gut feeling actually, but the Holy Writ of God, given to Christ and passed on to John on Patmos.

    2. By the way, it is good that we refresh with this knowledge from the Word of God.

      I know most are not likely to review through 10+ years of archives via the Eschatology Today search engine in order to locate "The Day The Earth Will Stand Still" posted in 2013.

      I'll grab the URL and add it here below.

    3. Bro Sean; Many thanks for this response and clarification. Taking another look at the 'Seals' now. As the time of our departure draws near, more and more things come into renewed focus. Bro. Steve

    4. Eleven years later and...God's Word is still timeless!

  30. Did you get a chance to listen to Netanyahu's speech? I was traveling and couldn't. Is it worth listening to? I heard it's good. I also heard democrats protested the speech

    1. I did watch it live on CSPAN, a very good speech, forceful, and classic Netanyahu. Islamo-Nazi terrorists did their worst to disrupt, both inside and outside, but it was futile.

  31. "When the moment comes and we go on the offensive, it will be a decisive offensive. And the reality we are building now, in terms of striking the other side and pushing the enemy back, enables us to carry out this offensive in a very, very high-quality way."

    -MG Ori Gordin, Commander IDF Northern Command

  32. The Hezbollah strike today on an Israeli soccer field could easily be the event that triggers the ground war into Lebanon. Multiple dead, even more injured.

    1. Bro Sean; Aside from the indisputably appalling nature of this event, there are a sizeable number of Druze in Lebanon. Hezbollah have really blundered here. And of course, Joshua 13:6 also comes to mind yet again. Things are advancing at a geometric (i.e. non-linear) pace. Bro. Steve

    2. We shall see what " heavy price" Israel says Hezbollah will pay as well as what "consequences" Iran is threatening.

      'Never Again' happened again yesterday.

    3. Bro. Sean; This article looks credible:

      The Druze will clearly be - at a minimum - a material nuisance to Hezbollah, when things inevitably escalate on the northern front. Bro. Steve

    4. Bro. Steve,

      Lots of bluster sans substance. Two real world reasons.

      #1 The IDF would not allow armed Druze militia to cross into Lebanon.

      #2 The 4-hour ultimatum expired well over 48 hours ago.

  33. I'm going to come out and say it, anyone who still supports "palastine" are either really stupid, seriously misinformed, or have a demonic spirit. The democrat party is neither stupid or misinformed.
    Any professing christian who supports "palastine" needs to check to see if they're truly born again.
    I say this because I'm seeing more and more denominations turning against Israel and siding with the "palestinians" now I have some members in my family doing so.

    1. And, FYI to all, Kamala Harris is a Communist, by her own words.

  34. Turkey's Erdogan is threatening Israel with military action. Turkey has previously intervened militarily in the Libyan civil war, the Armenia-Azerbaijan war, and the Syrian civil war.

    1. Bro. Sean; The 'Turkish dynamic' is fascinating in the near term IMO:

      1. Turkey has all but left NATO and has been an invited guest at recent SCO meetings and exercises.

      2. Turkey has an ongoing border dispute with (NB: fellow NATO member) Greece, over parts of the Evros River (the Turks actually 'invaded' back in 2020 I believe).

      3. Plus, Greece temporarily suspended its NATO cooperation, when Turkey went into Cyprus in 1974 (interesting that they both joined NATO on the same day in 1952).

      4. Then there is the 'Tripartite' between Greece, Israel and Cyprus - which although not yet 'officially' military is edging that way.

      5. Not to mention arguing over all that offshore gas in the eastern Med (i.e. that God clearly intends for Israel).

      We at ET of course know how the ultimate end-game will play out (now 'near-term' clearly), but the (very!!) near-term dynamic vis. the foregoing, will likely be central in shaking the final pieces of the metaphorical 70th Week chessboard into position.

      My thoughts. Bro. Steve

  35. Hey Sean,
    Just thought I would pass this along.


    1. Jmoll,

      A prime example, IMHO, of the left-wingnut media disinformation I refer to constantly. This is one from Jpost is especially speculative, as if the ongoing kinetic warfare isn't destructive enough. There's nothing in Bible prophecy indicative of local or regional collapse due to EM weaponry.

      At the least Isaiah 17 alludes to bio-chemical warfare, but it's not a long-term problem which indicates non-persistant agents being used.

  36. I want to impress upon all readers once again the critical need to please discern for themselves media reports which are false, disinformative, designed to stoke fear and uncertainty. As Scripture informs us - "Put on the WHOLE armor of God."

  37. Northern Israel is on high alert after briefing of local council officials by Home Front Command.

  38. What is the ultimate unprecedented event that must take place?

    If you said "the Harpazo of the Bride of Christ" you are absolutely correct!

    Like a thief in the night, when least expected, it will happen in the twinkling of an eye.

    All of the prophetic signs are pointing to this. All are currently a glaring reality today.

  39. Thank you, Sean. That makes perfect biblical sense!


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