Monday, July 29, 2024

Global SITREP B3-24: Please Stand By

29 July 2024: In the wake of Hezbollah's murderous massacre of 12 Druze children on a Majdal Shams soccer field on Saturday (Shabbat), Israel's security cabinet has authorized the launch of a major retaliation against Hezbollah in Lebanon. It is currently inconceivable that such an Israeli counter-strike would not spark a much larger war than is occurring at the present time. Hence, the title for SITREP B3-24. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran should also be on the receiving end of the Israeli response since they manufactured and delivered to their Hezbollah proxy the Falaq-1 rocket (110 lb. HE warhead) used in the attack. Shrapnel from the rocket proves beyond any doubt that it was a Falaq-1 of Iranian manufacture. The mere threat of a significant Israeli retaliation has not had any effect upon Hezbollah as four new rockets were fired this morning into the Gome Junction area of Kiryat Shmona this morning, with an additional report within the past hour of more rockets coming over the border into northern Israel. 

UPDATE 1 August 2024: Can't help but to make note that Tisha B'Av occurs eleven days from today. In light of Iranian threats for direct strikes on Israel, one might suppose some type of preemption might take place. Powerful US Navy task forces are on station off Lebanon and in the so-called Persian Gulf. Iran and its proxies had better think twice before launching an attack because these forces are more than likely to robustly defend Israel and then take the fight to all of them. The Iran-linked PMU forces of Babil Province in Iraq (south of Baghdad) got a taste of the power arranged against them this past Tuesday. And this was no preemptive strike but a direct, on-target punitive strike, which Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Iran-aligned Shi'a of Iraq and the Twelvers in Tehran never saw coming. 

To be continued...



  1. One hour ago a Hezbollah spokesman spoke to the AP saying it had begun the deployment of its Iranian-made precision missiles and their warheads into their firing positions.

  2. And... everything seems to be popping off super close to the feast of new wine. Lord, could this be?

  3. "The US SECSTATE and Foreign Ministers of Australia, India, and Japan, have just published a joint statement demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and the creation of a Palestinian state."

    Here the nations are DEMANDING the division of the Abrahamic Covenant of land for Israel established by God Almighty. Judgment upon them pending the appointed time.

    1. With each escalation and the world's response, I feel like it is becoming more and more clear how Daniel 9:27 will happen.

    2. Yeah! What idiots those people are. Reward blood thirsty killers with their own state after all they have done.

    3. The prophecy of Daniel 9:27 will occur exactly as it was given by God to Gabriel and then spoken by Gabriel to Daniel.

      The antichrist doesn't create the covenant among many, he is an abomination who merely confirms it.

  4. As Israel prepares to confront Hezbollah and other enemies in the north, the nation is also in the midst of a three-pronged internal conflict between the Right, Left and Government in the middle.

    1. If folks are following events in Israel, then today's virtual revolt by Likud, religious MKs as well as armed masked men in IDF uniforms should have the attention it deserves. Talk about harbingers.

  5. Within the past hour the Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, has called upon NATO to expell Turkey from the alliance for Erdogan's threat to invade.

  6. Today and tomorrow a bunch of "sun stuff" (Coronal Mass Ejection or CME) will strike the magnetosphere of the Earth. Geomagnetic storms are highly probable; aurorae dipping farther south than is normal are possible also. Radio blackouts for certain where the CME strikes.

    1. Another X1.5 flare erupted from our sun today. There's a type of CME wagon train heading our way.

  7. The Druze in southern Syria are feeling beset by Iran and its proxies. Their relatives lived in Majdal Shams, and the rage against Hezbollah and Iran will certainly be a great benefit to Israel. Ditto for the Druze in Lebanon.
    Think 'fifth column' in the enemy's front yard.

  8. No doubt you already have this Sean, but just in case....
    Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh killed in Iran, Hamas says

  9. So, we've now seen Israel's twin retaliation for HAMAS attack on Israeli children: the airstrike in Tehran to eliminate Haniyeh, and in Beirut to eliminate Shukr.

    The fallout is the Twelver clerics call for widespread incitement to violence from mosques in Judea and Samaria. Israel has put them on notice that such incitement will result in prompt IAF destruction of each mosque involved.

    1. Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Forces, has been assassinated in an attack near the Syrian Capital of Damascus.

      3 for 3.

    2. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered a direct attack on Israel in retaliation for the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

  10. Perfectly chosen…

  11. Israel has done an outstanding job of hitting enemy C2 targets. Well, they've always been pretty competent at it, but lately it's been like dominoes. They've got to be feeling these losses.

    Also, islamists are known to refer to mosques as their 'barracks', so it is also good that Israel has openly telegraphed their intention to treat these structures as such. Long overdue IMO.

    On a related note, I think the (imminent) Joshua 13:6 fulfillment will be quite spectacular: "I myself will drive them (Sidonians) out before the Israelites." This infers something greater than the (in themselves, impressive) wind and other weather phenomena we have seen previously. As you have said before, Bro Sean - time to 'buckle up'. Bro. Steve

  12. "Then behold, at eventide trouble!
    And before the morning, he is no more.
    " Isaiah 17:14

    For as long as I can recall this verse has always indicated timing; as the devastating events described happen between an evening and the morning of the following daybreak.

    Overnight devastating warfare takes place.

  13. Iran and proxies had their war council yesterday in Tehran.

    I&W that the order from Khamenei was for an immediate all hands on deck assault against Israel is the sudden abandonment of C2 sites, such as Dahieh in Beirut, as of this morning. The rats have scattered and dispersed knowing that their attack will trigger massive IDF counter-strikes. They fail to recognize the Israeli IC, aided by allied ICs, such as the US, has a bead on their 2nd, 3rd and even 4th echelon hideaways. This was aptly demonstrated in the Hanieh assassination in Tehran. They run but cannot truly hide.

    Eschatology Today anticipates a massive, coordinated strike is coming from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen which may well include a bio-chemical warfare element per Isaiah 17.

  14. Once again, for good measure...

    "Deal with them as with Midian,
    As with Sisera,
    As with Jabin at the Brook Kishon,
    Who perished at En Dor,
    Who became as refuse on the earth.
    Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb,
    Yes, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna,
    Who said, “Let us take for ourselves
    The pastures of God for a possession.

    Israel hunts them down.

    1. I must say, I'm pleasantly surprised with Netanyahu. I was fully expecting him to either wait until November or either January to do something. I pray his resolve continues.

    2. Bibi gets kudos for sticking with his guns. Good thing too because his security chiefs either have no spine or they are caving to US pressure. Probably both are true.

    3. Bro Sean;

      Ps 83: 13 Make them like tumbleweed, my God,
      like chaff before the wind.
      14 As fire consumes the forest
      or a flame sets the mountains ablaze,
      15 so pursue them with your tempest
      and terrify them with your storm.
      16 Cover their faces with shame, Lord,
      so that they will seek your name.

      17 May they ever be ashamed and dismayed;
      may they perish in disgrace.
      18 Let them know that you, whose name is the Lord—
      that you alone are the Most High over all the earth.

      Isa 17: 14 In the evening, sudden terror!
      Before the morning, they are gone!
      This is the portion of those who loot us,
      the lot of those who plunder us.

      They will indeed be hunted down like 'tumbleweed' & 'chaff', so that they will know that the Lord is the 'Most High' and will seek [His] face, and the world will see what happes to 'those who plunder' Israel.

      Bro. Steve

    4. Verse 15 contains the names of two of the IAFs best weapon systems.

  15. IAF pre-emptive strike this evening on Dabaa airfield (near al-Qusayr, Syria) which is a waypoint for IRGC-QF weapons consigned for Lebanese Hezbollah.

  16. Feel like this is the last trailer at the theater .. the show is about to begin

  17. It's good to learn that the IRGC is in turmoil over the massive security failure that resulted in the assassination of Hanieh in Tehran.
    It's good because with the IRGC in turmoil that means they are off-balance, off-guard, off-focus and pointing fingers everywhere to shift responsibility. The regime itself is vulnerable.

  18. Amen.I pray the Lord will continue to send confusion into the camp of the enemy

    1. Marguerite,

      Reading here imparts all with better current info than received anywhere else.

      The Lord told has us precisely what He will do. It will be epic, as it always has been.

  19. From Second Chronicles 20: 22 As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated. 23 The Ammonites and Moabites rose up against the men from Mount Seir to destroy and annihilate them. After they finished slaughtering the men from Seir, they helped to destroy one another.

    24 When the men of Judah came to the place that overlooks the desert and looked toward the vast army, they saw only dead bodies lying on the ground; no one had escaped. 25 So Jehoshaphat and his men went to carry off their plunder, and they found among them a great amount of equipment and clothing and also articles of value—more than they could take away. There was so much plunder that it took three days to collect it. 26 On the fourth day they assembled in the Valley of Berakah, where they praised the Lord. This is why it is called the Valley of Berakah to this day.

    27 Then, led by Jehoshaphat, all the men of Judah and Jerusalem returned joyfully to Jerusalem, for the Lord had given them cause to rejoice over their enemies. 28 They entered Jerusalem and went to the temple of the Lord with harps and lyres and trumpets.

    29 The fear of God came on all the surrounding kingdoms when they heard how the Lord had fought against the enemies of Israel. 30 And the kingdom of Jehoshaphat was at peace, for his God had given him rest on every side.

  20. The Ayatollah Khamenei's order for to Hezbollah strike "broader and deeper" into Israel than ever before falls well within the prophetic narrative of broad Israel consequences per Isaiah 17 as well as Pslam 83.

  21. The IDFs rampage of turning armed terrorists into domen for the earth just added 10 more to its ever growing list of former national security threats.
    Nine in Judea/Samaria and a biggie in Lebanon. Names are unimportant.

  22. Wondering Seán about the forward progression, there to be another period of peace after this war? I know Israel will be at peace before Ezekiel war but the way Erdogan is talking it seems to be on the horizon.I know things will be as a flood in the last stages..I know we are not there yet but it is hard to imagine things going back to normal.Things so unsettled, on a knife edge in UK and NIreland at the moment.It feels like we are on the edge of great chaos but the restrainting hand of God is holding .Has the peace before already happened or is it yet to come is my question?

    1. There's always constant forward movement, but there no indication of another "peace" after this, only Israel recovering from war, so sez Ezekiel 38.

  23. As is the norm in American left-wing media, Israeli media also do not comprehend the difference between "preventative" and "preemptive" military action.

  24. What if Jeremiah 49:35 is now in 'play'?

    “Thus says the Lord of hosts:
    ‘Behold, I will break the bow of Elam,
    The foremost of their might.'"

  25. Iran Announces It Will Attack Any Arab Country that Attempts to Intervene in Its Attack on Israel
    Ezekiel 38:
    21 I will call for a sword against Gog throughout all My mountains,” says the Lord God. “EVERY MAN’S SWORD WILL BE AGAINST HIS BROTHER. 22 And I will bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed; I will rain down on him, on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, flooding rain, great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.

  26. Iran announces a lot of stuff, most of it is pure bluster. Even so, they are cruisin' for a severe bruisin'. Sooner the better.

    1. Hopefully we clearly see through the propaganda, both Biden's and feckless Israeli security "elites".

      We noted the punishing US strike against PMU bases in Babil, Iraq. It was, as always, worthless exercise and waste of ordnance.

      Yesterday the PMU attacked Ain al Asad Air Base with Iranian rockets, injuring 5 US personnel.

      Where was the preemptive strike by the US? Claims of "seeing" enemy rocket forces being pre-positioned in Iraq and Iran over the past weekend to attack the US and Israel were what, peek-a-boo I see you nonsense?

      It's not clear to US and Israel that the enemy objective is to bombard a dozen or more US bases and also to devastate the thin corridor of Israeli civilian cities and its industrial base from Haifa to Tel Aviv and beyond?? So they sit and wait without preemptive strikes.

      Now it's becoming much clearer why Isaiah 17 reads as it does.

  27. Sean, I've been meaning to ask your opinion. Do you think the leaders of Israel believe in bible prophecies? I'm curious how you think this would affect political and military decisions past and present ?

    1. They know of the prophecies but do not understand them. Deuteronomy 29:4 has been effect since Moses time. Romans 11 explains how that curse will end, as does Ezekiel 39:29.

    2. doesn't Netanyahu have messianic jews in his cabinet who can explain the prophecies, kinda like how trump has people like Franklin Graham advising him? I thought he did.

    3. By the way, the lack of understanding is why Jesus taught the Jews through parables.

    4. There are zero MYB (Messianic Yeshua Believers) in Netanyahu's cabinet.

      The MYB keep a very low profile in Israel. In Israel if you profess Yeshua as 100% both God and Man, and have recently become an Olim (made Aliyah to Israel), you can have your Jewish citizenship revoked by the Interior Ministry. (Legally, If you believe in Yeshua, you are determined to not a Jew.) Thus, the 15,300 MYB in Israel keep a very low profile. Of the 15,300 only 42% speak Hebrew.

    5. Brother Sean, I’m a little confused by this. I am aware of multiple MYB’s that are in very highly public positions. Not political positions, though. Is that the distinction? I’m also not only speaking of Amir Tsarfati, who was the last governor of Jericho as well as a major within the IDF. There is also TV7’s Jonathan Hessen who does not shy away from interviewing political and military figures on a weekly basis. He ends every newscast with a plea for prayer, and is a confessing Believer. TV7 has a worldwide audience. Also, Yair Pinto who began as an anchor on TV7 by hosting their 30 minute prayer episodes , but has now moved on to being a correspondent for TBN. He regularly addresses Jesus as Messiah. Joshua Aaron, the Messianic Jewish Alliance, etc… all based within Israel. They have not seemed to me that they are at risk of prayers their citizenship, or are in any way fearful of being a Believer living in Israel. They are very loud about their beliefs.
      I believe that you display with your comment a more informed understanding than what I have, regarding their reality of living in Israel. It is not something that I knew. The question that I’m asking is whether or not the MYB’s that keep a ‘low-profile’ are in reference to the citizens as a whole, or is it military/political figures?

    6. Anonymous,

      TV7 is an exception, as are Mr Hessen and Mr Pinto, and a few others. Believing Christians in Israel are always the exception. As they and all MYBs are like us awaiting Harpazo their role or ministry is one determined by God and of finite duration, as they'll be replaced soon by the Two Witnesses and 144,000. This is what prophetic Scripture tells us. Messianic Jews in Israel, especially in Orthodox Jerusalem, are more likely to be spat upon than treated with human dignity.

    7. Please forgive me, Brother Sean. I had submitted my previous comment before realizing that I had not signed in. I am the “Anonymous” who asked for clarification. I believe I understand your explanation now, and understand the distinction. Thank you for your reply.

    8. E Tallent,

      It's also true that while MYB are only a very tiny fraction of Israel's population, Spiritually they are hugely important via the Ruach Ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit) a/k/a the Restrainer, also soon to be taken out of the way.

  28. 7.1 Richter quake southern Japan;
    Tsunami Warning issued.

  29. Ukrainian mechanized forces invaded Kursk Oblast, Russia on 6 August.

    As of 1800 on 7 August they had overwhelmed Russian defensive lines and severely mauled Chechen defenders and captured as POWs about 40 Russian troops.

    The mechanized columns have advanced 10km into Russia and captured 42sq km of territory in Kursk Oblast. The Russian town of Sudzha is in danger of being over-run by the Ukrainian forces, several smaller towns are also captured.

  30. White House know-it-alls said Iran and its proxies would attack Israel on Monday. Nothing. Then Tuesday. Nothing. Wednesday. Same thing, nothing. Now they say Iran has been deterred because of Biden Administration warning not to attack Israel. Laughable and pathetic at the same time.

    IDF, on the other hand, says its intel assets monitoring Iran and proxies closely and warnings to the entire country will be issued in real-time upon detection of hostile action.

    1. Moreover, Eschatology Today assesses that Israel's overhead reconnaissance assets are 24/7 dedicated to observing Iranian launchers and mountain missile depots/silos. Detection of pre-launch activity will result in preemptive strikes on those sites.

  31. It is long been clear that most of Washington, D.C. inside the Beltway does not comprehend Shi'a Twelver theology / eschatology or they summarily dismiss it as irrelevant.

  32. USCENTCOM announced today the arrival of F-22 Raptors in its AOR as part of its force augmentation.

  33. And a repeat reminder...

    Tisha B'Av (9th of Av) begins the evening of 12 August and concludes on the 13th.

  34. Given the current situation SITREP B4-24 will launch in the morning.


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