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The sky on the morning of 23 September 2017 |
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Clear artistic rendering of the top image |
Let's get straightaway to the point. We all know by now the details of the text of Revelation 12, that this prophetic sign will occur in the heavens above us on 23 September of this year. The prophecy of Micah 5:2-4 is our focus here, and verse 3 in particular: (bold lettering mine for emphasis)
"Therefore He shall give them up Until the time that she who is in labor has given birth; Then the remnant of His brethren Shall return to the children of Israel."
"Until the time that she who is in labor has given birth." In the Revelation 12 sign it is Virgo that is in labor, and she gives birth on 23 September 2017. The Revelation 12 sign specifically points to and specifies what we know prophetically about the sequence of events in these last days; and Micah tells us when! Micah says here point-blank that the change from the dispensation of the Age of Grace to the focus being returned to Israel per the 70th Week prophecy given by the angel Gabriel, as well as what Paul wrote in Romans 11, is about to occur!!
2 March 2017: In my last comment prior to this update, I mentioned I was focused on the specifics of this God-given prophecy; that because of the fact that it is The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ nothing can be added to or taken away from it. That was several hours ago at this point. I now understand the 'big picture' of what the prophecy of Revelation 12 is about. As you will see in the embedded links of this update, Eschatology Today has already touched upon most of the aspects of this 'big picture' view.
I believe the signs of Revelation 12 are literally two-fold. Notice the gap of time between verses 5 and 6 of Revelation 12 are separated by about two thousand years of literal time as we know it. So while this chapter of The Revelation of Jesus Christ is parenthetical to the book as a whole, but this chapter itself is presented in a sequential order.
First-fold: this prophetic sign (many scholars agree) appeared on 11 September 3 BC. It literally foretold by three or so years in advance the earthly virgin birth of our Lord. It was the sign that the Persian Magoi had been waiting on and were actively looking for according to what Daniel had taught them hundreds of years previous to that time. It was the sign they followed westwards into Roman-occupied Judea. When the Magoi saw the sign they immediately set out having the requisite amount time necessary to make that long journey from Persia, arriving in Judea in time to inadvertently alert the Roman puppet governor to the birth of the newborn 'King of the Jews,' and then to locate and arrive at the manger of our Messiah King to present their gifts. Satan was there also, as we know, because the Roman-puppet governor, being duly informed, ordered the slaying of all newly born male children in his realm. We know all of this from the Gospels.
Second-fold: The signs of Revelation 12 will appear again on 23 September 2017. It now foretells of what is to occur during the very near future of the 70th Week. It is a sign, among all of the other signs which our Lord has given us (Olivet Discourse), which alerts all watchmen to the season we are in. In this second-fold part of the prophecy, the woman is not Mary mother of Christ, but rather it is Israel, the bride of God, the remnant thereof, that God will supernaturally hide from the Beast (Antichrist, Satan-incarnate) in a location to the east of the River Jordan during the final 1,260 days (42 months) of the 70th Week. The twelve stars around her head signify the twelve tribes of remnant Israel, and which we also know will constitute the 144,000 Jewish evangelists who will preach the Gospel in saving the souls of millions of the Saints of the 70th Week. So this sign, this year, announces the fast approach of the 70th Week and the pre-70th Week Harpazo of the bride of Christ who will be found worthy to escape the horrific events of those final seven years.
Notice that the appearance of Satan in both aspects of this prophecy are how he appears ultimately as the Beast, the Antichrist, the little horn who rises up among ten horns who are the modern-day heir of ancient Rome. Satan, who will indwell Antichrist the man, or Satan-incarnate, is pictured in this prophecy in his final Beast form of having seven heads and 10 horns. This must occur in very close proximity to the Harpazo. Virtually all expositors of prophecy that I will pay attention to agree that the bride of Christ is caught up into Heaven in the blink of an eye with Christ, as Satan and his fallen angels cast out of Heaven permanently as the war in Heaven against the Archangel Michael and his faithful angels is lost. Would our Lord remove us from this earth to take us into a Heaven that is experiencing a final war between good and evil? No, I think we arrive there as heaven is rejoicing in verse 12.
We do not know they day or hour, but we know that the coming of the Groom for His bride is close; really, really close!
25 February 2017: It has been just over three years since this item was posted here. I have brought this discussion forward from December 2013 because at this point during these last days the astronomical events described in Revelation 12:1-2 will occur in just over 6 months time. I am reminded at this time of the sermon that Peter gave to the crowd on the Day of Pentecost. Peter's sermon leaned heavily on the God-breathed words of the prophet Joel as recorded for us in Acts 2:14-39. As commanded by our Lord, we watch therefore for all of the signs which He has foretold to us.
Revelation 12:1-2 (NKJV)
"Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth."
The video down below provides an excellent introduction to this topic. The referenced celestial event in these two verses appears to correlate to this event coming to literal fulfillment beginning on the morning of Saturday, 23 September 2017. That said, I must make one thing absolutely crystal clear. This has nothing whatsoever to do with "astrology." Period. This is a study of Revelation 12:1-2 and the purposes of the heavenly bodies which the Lord Himself has assigned to them, specifically per Genesis 1:14, which says:
"Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years..."
I have just begun to study all of the elements involved in this celestial occurrence, having previous looked at just portions of this subject, yet I do believe it is something that occurs at an appointed time as the text of Revelation 12:1-2 clearly tells us. That this particular celestial alignment occurs in conjunction with the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) on 21-22 September 2017 is special to say the least.
The year 2017 has long figured prominently in my eschatological studies, it is the year that will mark the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of Israel. It is less than four years into the future from today. It fits perfectly within the number of years discussed in Psalm 90:10, and leads me to conclude that this final generation is indeed one of "strength." I am of the belief that this celestial event marks the start of a flood of prophetic fulfillment (2017-2020) which leads directly to the commencement of the 70th Week and not it's midpoint as discussed in the video presentation. In no manner whatsoever does this date set the Harpazo, but it does inform one and all just how truly imminent the Harpazo is.
The year 2017 has long figured prominently in my eschatological studies, it is the year that will mark the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of Israel. It is less than four years into the future from today. It fits perfectly within the number of years discussed in Psalm 90:10, and leads me to conclude that this final generation is indeed one of "strength." I am of the belief that this celestial event marks the start of a flood of prophetic fulfillment (2017-2020) which leads directly to the commencement of the 70th Week and not it's midpoint as discussed in the video presentation. In no manner whatsoever does this date set the Harpazo, but it does inform one and all just how truly imminent the Harpazo is.
On Saturday, 23 September 2017 the moon rises above the horizon at 9:17 AM. It will be broad daylight if it is not a cloudy day, yet to an earthbound observer the moon will appear as seen in the image above on the third day following the New Moon of 20 September. Therefore, the woman referenced in Revelation 12:1 would appear to be standing on top of the approximately 12% of the moon illuminated on that particular day, the first day of the week following the Sabbath Day. As the angel Gabriel informed Daniel, knowledge in these 'last days' has increased to the point that we can see this celestial event in advance through the technology that has been developed. .
Enjoy the video presentation
Let the research and discussion begin.
ReplyDeleteAs always, and most importantly, when discussing anything within the text of The Revelation of Jesus Christ make no additional meaning to nor take no meaning away from the text!
Thank you brother!
ReplyDeleteTim in nj
Sean, this is awesome and requires more in-depth study to be sure. IF it's in mid trib, that would point to a late Mar. of '14 rapture. Wow. However, Israel would have to initiate soon, which they could/should do. A whirlwind victory and a few months of post-war (the Is 17, Ps 83) 'settling' and presto-here it is, VERY soon from now.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise a 2017 rapture would be very logical as well, except 'no man knows the day or hour' and with a date identified, I am thinking 2014 instead of 2017. This is cursory though and I shall study more.
The best detailed studies on Revelation 12:1-2 I have found thus far have been around since last year (2012).
ReplyDeleteThe Stellarium open source software program which shows the heavenly bodies and their movement and relative positions did not exist in a distributable form even ten years ago; it was only known to the most ardent students of astronomy.
The Stellarium program was first applied to Revelation 12:1-2 in 2011, but the parameters entered in that study were incorrect and led to a false conclusion. The video at the bottom of this entry shows the program's results with the proper parametric inputs. The false parameters led to the wrong conclusion of Rosh Hashanah 2011 and other dates as it was run forward in time.
The program can be run without the "artwork" depicting the constellations, but the artwork is a great help to those, as in most people, who are brand new to this sort of prophecy research.
Hartdawg wrote:
ReplyDelete"There is too little time for this to be a mid trib prophecy."
Bingo! That's the first thing everyone should notice about this. I wanted folks to engage this topic with their thinking caps on and fully engaged. It's better that way than someone just blurting it out.
There's nothing like a self-realization of something really important, especially something this important directly from God to Jesus to John on the isle of Patmos in circa 95 AD.
Why else would God give the description in Revelation 12:1-2 as He did if He did not want us to each investigate its literal meaning?
So, now we're on the right track to move forward.
From December 2013, and moving forward to the third week of September 2017 there are a little more than three and one half years until this particular celestial sign begins to form up in the skies over our heads. It's a process which will result in the prophecy coming to precise fulfillment.
Remember: in studying this prophecy one must never forget or lose sight of the context of the text!
It is a specific sign that signals something very, very important that we are to take notice of, otherwise, again, why even mention it because it will occur in broad day light, and probably in the context of directly overhead of Israel, as it was when our Lord was conceived and ultimately born.
The Magoi saw the sign and knew it for what it was, or do we not accept the Bible's narrative of that verbatim?
Good work Hartdawg, keep on keepin' on.
Thank you Sean. Time will tell and I appreciate your reply.
ReplyDeleteMost of humanity should be able to see this sign. A quick Google search puts 88 to 90% of the world's population within the northern hemisphere.
ReplyDeleteHaving the benefit of hindsight, it is hard for me to see why so many people in Jesus' day (especially Pharisees & Saducees) couldn't discern the signs of his arrival. It makes me think the same about today's time when info such as this is presented. It will be an interesting 6 months for sure.
I'm guessing that we'll see the psalm 83 fulfillment between September 2017-September 2018. The main word being guessing. The players are ready to go with the exception of Jordan and Egypt. I guess we'll find out in 7 months
ReplyDeleteLance, consider this, there are 8 times as many prophecies about the 2nd coming as there are about the 1st coming. If the pharisees received a harsh rebuke for not knowing the signs of the times, how strong of a rebuke would we receive today. Something to think about
ReplyDeleteThe specific reason (Spiritual blindness, deafness and hardened heart) for the most part of Israel was detailed by Paul in Romans 11, in which he referenced Isaiah 29:10 and the original as spoken by the Lord to Moses at the Covenant of Moab (Deuteronomy 29:4).
Sean, I am always impressed by the heavens and how the ancient magi were able to recognize the birth of Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThis sitrep is fascinating and I look forward to it's arrival.
I would say it is has my favorite word harpazo in Rev 12:5. I look for him today and if not I hope for him tomorrow.
The one thing about this Revelation 12 sign that doesn't sit with me completely is commentators reference this as something that happened in the past, part of which I recognize the man child being Jesus. However, the revelation given, points far more to future events of Daniel's prophesied 70th week. Could the references mean more than what has been taught, especially after seeing from this blog how many times the past is prologue to the future. Mmmmh!
DeleteThis is definitively future.
Take a look at Zechariah 11, the prophecy of the two shepherds.
Lots of symbolism here, like the 30 pieces of silver which points to Jesus.
And then comes the "foolish sheperd." This is the John 5:43 antichrist, the false moshiach ben david who will suffer a near death assassination attempt blinding one eye and causing tremendous damage to right arm.
This is a future event that occurs late in the first 42 months of the 70th Week.
Truly awesome. Praise God!
DeleteSean, do you know if the celestial event about the second part of Rev. 12 about the sign of the dragon is also happening?
DeleteIn the heavens, directly above or north of Virgo as seen in the image, is found Draco, the red dragon.
If there's a sign for us to see I think it would be in this same part of the sky, probably during July.
God harpazoed Jesus into Heaven; and He will return for us the same way.
The dragon is seen in Rev. 12 as he will be in the final 42 months of the 70th Week.
Israel is the woman, and she is hidden for those final 42 months, most probably in what we know today as western Jordan.
Thanks, I have been trying to explain these things to others with clarity.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention, Draco's head is to the feet of Virgo.
ReplyDeleteThis orientation in the sky mirrors the text of Revelation 12 exactly as the red dragon was positioned to devour the child upon delivery.
I can't imagine this happening very often. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteOne month prior to these celestial and religious events, there will be, on 21 August 2017, a total solar eclipse that transits from west to east across the midsection of the lower 48 states, in a line from Oregon to South Carolina.
ReplyDeleteHere is my thorough analysis of this sign including answers to popular criticisms of it: http://www.unsealed.org/2017/01/the-revelation-12-sign-compendium.html
ReplyDeleteThis is truly a compendium. Meticulous, extensive, thorough in every aspect. So much so that I've added html to make it a live URL to the Unsealed.Org site.
Rev 12 Sign Compendium
Hey Sean,
ReplyDeleteI know Revelation isn't necessarily chronological. There are times when John flashes forward/back through his experience. My question is, it seems like Rev 12 is definitely after Rev 4....what are your thoughts, or do you think I am oversimplifying?
DeleteI think this is more complicated than folk realize, so most tend to surface skim instead if deep diving it.
As I see it in the 'big picture' The Revelation of Jesus Christ came directly from the Father, to the Son, who gave it to His servant John. Since this all originated from our omni-everything Creator God the entire text exists outside of what we know as the confines of space/time.
Also, coming from the Father, it was given to Jesus, also the Son of Man, who put in in the form of intelligible communication so the John of Patmos could communicate it to all of us.
What mortal man could even concieve the meaning a single thought from the mind of God let alone the whole of the end of time as we know it?
This is why the text in places time-jumps freely over eons of past, present and future settings. Some of it is verbal, some of it was given as visions, or sounds and imagery.
Revelation 12 is a parenthetical chapter, a side bar, more or less, to illustrate why things are and why they will be as they will be.
Hope this made sense.
Perfect sense...I sent the comment before I read the unsealed.org article. The article is very eye-opening & i got the same sense as what your describing in your comments above. The more I look into this event, the more I am sensing the possibility of real significance of this event. There's just too much detail in scripture for this to be just a natural event without significance....IMO. God did promise a special blessing to those that study & learn this book. Could that blessing be an awareness of events to come (and more than just a knowledge of general end time events). We still have the Groom's wedding procession to look for as well. Thanks
ReplyDeleteOh, I am still going back and forth reading and searching on this posting and it is fascinating beyond anything I have studied before. Except the very first challenge that the Holy Spirit faced me with in 1964 "will you believe?"
Now I have to click over to your new URL "Rev 12 Sign Compendium". Have to get with it because September will be here very shortly, in my opinion. Much to do and people to share with.
ReplyDeleteIndeed it is a subject that just won't let go.
My personal focus of study is on the God-given text, the sign and the prophetic alignment which will be fulfilled this September.
It's Revelation which means nothing can be added to or taken away from the text as written and given to us by John.
So, this is where I focus constructively on the prophecy going forward.
Happy studying.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a feel for what major prophecies / events we are likely to witness in the immediate period of 6 months and 3 weeks leading up to September 23?
Will this be a "quiet before the storm" period? Or are we likely to see very loud and big events in the months ahead?
ReplyDeleteOne again, my view is to expect the unexpected.
So we watch for it.
When it happens we'll know it for what it is.
ReplyDeleteI'm ready. My bags are packed =)
Do you think we will be given time to show non-believers fulfilled prophecy in this time ahead or do you think it will all move so fast we don't get that opportunity.
I tell as many as I can get to listen but if we see something we can point directly too it may wake some up??
Ken B
We show unbelievers now how the stage is set for the pre-70th Week fulfillments. We teach them precisely what prophecy says will happen after the Harpazo and during the 70 Week.
ReplyDeleteNOW is the time to become born-again bride of Christ.
Eschatology Today stands for the pre-70th Week Harpazo of the bride of Christ.
ReplyDeleteWhen Jesus comes for us He takes us to His Fathers house which has many rooms (i.e. Heaven). This is the first Heaven.
This IS NOT the same heaven where Satan and his angels will fight and lose the war with Michael and his angels.
Paul has explained this, so there should be no confusion. There are 3 heavens: where God is, the heavens of space, and our atmosphere.
As a result of the war in space. Satan and his angels are cast down to the earth and the heaven of earth's atmosphere. This war happens at the start of the 70th Week.
We are Harpazoed prior to the 70th Week. The Restrainer is no longer restraining. Even so, Satan does not indwell Antichrist until the final 1,260 days (42 months). Satan indwells Antichrist after he suffers the near fatal wounds described by Zechariah 11:17 and Revelation 13:3.
Could this Possibly be the sign of the Son of Man Matthew 24:30?
ReplyDeleteI sure do wish it were that sign, but it is not.
The sign of the Son of Man is the visible, physical second coming of Jesus at the end of the 70th Week.
The sign is Jesus coming back down in the exact same manner as when He ascended which is described in Acts 1:9-11.
Will it be possible to go outside and literally see this sign, or will it occur under cover of broad daylight and only be known through astronomical calculations?
ReplyDeleteThe Rev 12 description and the rarity of this conjuction in Sept. with the "wandering stars" being in the right places still amazes me.
The point you made above quoting Matthew 24 that the text says it was a sign that appears, not that people would see the sign is a very good point.(a reason I now use).
Also only the magi (gentiles) recognized the sign in the heavens the first time around.
I truly am enjoying looking into this.
DeleteThe purpose of a sign, pretty much any sign, is to herald an event of some importance.
With Revelation 12 the above is almost an understatement, and which is almost certainly why God made it part of what John on Patmos would record for us as the "things which must soon take place."
ReplyDeleteWe are living in the age that Gabriel spoke to Daniel about, the age of increased knowledge. The Stellarium program exists because of the increase of knowledge. It is how folks who want to can "see" this sign in real-time.
Highly inadvisable to look at the sun with the naked eyes. If it's not cloudy one could probly see the heavenly bodies move into position during preceding days.
ReplyDeleteWhy wouldn't a very strong camera filter work to gaze at the heavens in subject? I would even use an older camera with the filter attached and one that you could focus with manual control.
Thanks for the study tip and I have been digging in all of the information material I have found in addition. But what you posted is far more reaching than anything I have discovered to date. I love this sort of searching and learning but it really blows the dust off of the lil grey cells in a hurry. Hubby cannot comprehend what has my focus so off of him.
I told several of my friends about it and even sent your link to a few friends in Houston.
ReplyDeleteI'm of the mind that it's not the sign that's important but what it heralds.
God said the sign will be there, and by faith I know that to be true.
So, I don't need to see it literally to know that what it heralds will literally take place on this earth.
Thanks for your response Sean,
ReplyDeleteThe passages of "signs in the sun, moon and stars" appear in Matthew and Luke 21:25 but I think maybe the key is in Luke 21:28 where it says "But when these things BEGIN to take place, straighten up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
This sort of thing should wake up all Christians to what is about to happen but sadly I don't think it will. There is so much to absorb in these studies and so few are paying attention I fear they won't know what it is when it happens like it says in vs34 “Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap;
I don't usually comment because I have trouble translating my thoughts to paper clearly but hope it's received correctly.
DeleteI purposely added the update and key comments for the reason you cite. It is my experience that quite a few folks will get lost in secondary or unimportant details or lose interest in this because of a short attention span.
So, know the sign is literal and physical; that it heralds the time of the events of the 70th Week.
DeleteAfter dwelling on this for the past week, I find it to be a great encouragement. It reminds me that all the words written in Luke 21, Matthew 24 are coming on this world as a snare and we should be watching and praying we will be counted worthy to escape these things and stand before our Savior.
To be absolutely, perfectly clear... I believe the 70th Week will come to fulfillment circa 2021-2028.
ReplyDeleteThis sign points to the imminent nearness of every prophetic occurence to occur prior to the 70th Week.
This sign heralded our Messiah's birth and now it heralds His return.
ReplyDeleteThe interesting thing about this sign isn't that it occurs on 9/23....it's that it occurs & we have been aware of it beforehand. In other words, on the morning of 9/23, it's not like we will only THEN realize the sign....it's that we are aware of the sign before it occurs (what good would it be if we couldn't see it beforehand). The wiseman were aware of the sign's appearance before it happened, or there is no way they would have known to make such a trek. I know you conveyed this sentiment in your earlier comments, but I found myself thinking about how far away 9/23 is (I know it will pass quickly). I was struck with the realization that the sign is more important than the date it occurs....anyway, just offering those thoughts.
DeleteSpot-on bro! We know it's there, and what it heralds - just as the Magoi did 2000 years ago, but this time it's our Lord's return! Marana'tha!
Marana'tha indeed brother!!
ReplyDeleteMatthew 24:27 points this out explicitly.
ReplyDeleteFor as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
It is one of the last day indicators as I call it. We will see it coming. At least for those of us watching.
ReplyDeleteSticking with "the past as prologue" theme, do you anticipate a similar pattern?
The sign occurred in 3 BC, which allowed the Magoi to begin their journey (or make preparation to begin) a full three years prior to the event that was heralded. Do you anticipate a similar pattern.....the sign occurring 3 years before fulfillment?
My mind is stuck on time obviously!?!? How much longer is a thought that loops through my brain continuously.
Finally! Some one got it! Thank you Lance for coming to understanding this through the "past as prologue" theme!
DeleteMy intent was for folks to think it through for themselves how this sign heralded Jesus' birth in advance of that event and how now it hearalds in advance the hiding of Israel by God from Satan and of Jesus' return.
Were seeing this Revelation 12 sign in real-time 2017 as heralding the literal and final fulfillment of the prophecy in the 70th Week, that is, the very near future.
DeleteWhen you say it heralds Jesus' return....do you mean his return in the air to gather us to him, or his Earthly return.....or both?
Both. Jesus return to this earth is a two-part event. The first part (Harpazo) is separated from the second part (Mount of Olives as the King of kings, Lord of lords) by a minimum of 84 contiguous months (7 years).
DeleteIt is definitely a "Great" sign as it encompasses multiple events.
DeleteI have been studying this, and find it amazing. I do have a couple of questions. First, how would the Magoi have been able to see this sign because it occurs during daylight? Second, I'd like to see a screen shot of the sign in 3BC because when I use Stellarium I am not finding that it's the same as described in Rev 12. It's close, but for one she's not pregnant. (Something I found interesting is that it appears in 70 AD also but without the pregnancy) And thank you for doing this blog; I have learned much.
ReplyDeleteHi Natalie,
ReplyDeleteFirst thing to note is that The Revelation of Jesus Christ was given to and written by John circa 90-95 AD, or about 100 years after Jesus virgin birth. So the prophecy of Revelation 12 is mostly about future events in the 70th Week.
However, that's not to say the ancient Hebrews in captivity, Daniel in particular, did not impart to the Persians their knowledge of the Mazzaroth - the Zodiac - and its meanings to them. Middle Eastern cultures were studying these things, almost certainly according to archaeological findings, all the way back as far as about 2000 BC. Seek out an on-line Chuck Missler video series on this - it's fascinating.
The Hebrews, again, probably Daniel, instructed their Persian captors that every star in the heavens was named by their God, YHWH. (Who names every star which no man or continuous series of men could ever count?) Job 9:9-10. This confirms the purpose God assigned to the bodies in space according to Genesis 1:14. And just as it was in ancient times of Daniel, it is the same Mazzaroth/Zodiac that we see in the heavens today, same names for the constellations that they used. (They say that the 12 constellations tell the story of God's plan for mankind's redemption.)
For example: The constellation Virgo (the virgin) has had nearby throughout all time a smallish companion grouping of stars. Its called the Coma and it represents an infant (a virgin with an infant?), and the title for this infant is "the Desired One." So the ancients who looked into the night sky saw these constellations and knew their meanings.
Virgo in 3 BC: There are many (more studied in this than I am) who say Jesus actual birth date was 11 September of that year. The Revelation 12 alignment, as seen from Israel, occurred for 1 1/2 hours between 6:15 PM (sunset) and 7:45 PM (moonset). So, using Stellarium, this is where one has to look. I looked and found it to be spot-on accurate.
Sean, Thank you for the detailed response. I will definitely look up the Chuck Missler videos. I find all of this so very interesting! I am looking forward to doing some more studying.
ReplyDeleteI need to study this and make absolutely certain the exegesis and conclusions are correct before posting anything about this here.
The information in the link you sent is a definitive date setting for the Harpazo/Rapture, so it must be confirmed as accurate. Nothing less is acceptable.
Thank you for this task; I'm on it
ReplyDeleteWhat I have found is that this is is a work in progress that is based upon a series of assumptions and speculations; when either fail to materialize, the the attempt goes to creating more or modifying what failed in order to fit contrived timelines. Short story, I'm not seeing the Holy Spirit leading here.
The one good thing is that I am more convinced than ever that the Harpazo/Rapture of the bride of Christ is not a completely signless prophetic event.
Paul's multiple references to the Harpazo event occurring at the last sounding of the shofar during a certain Feast of Trumpets is a sign, and that the sign of Rev. 12 occurring this coming September along with Ro'sh Hashanah trumpet blowing creates a sense of heightened expectation for our blessed hope to occur.
Sean, I'm looking for some insight on these verses in Micah,
ReplyDelete"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.” Therefore He shall give them up, until the time that she who is in labor has given birth; Then the remnant of His brethren shall return to the children of Israel.” Micah 5:2-3 NKJV
The first part I see as a refence to Jesus. Does the second part point to God putting Israel aside (giving them up) 'til the church is caught up and the Rev 12 sign finishes His plan with Israel with the final week of the 70 sevens.?
ReplyDeleteYes, that is exactly the meaning I have of Micah's prophecy, and why I hold the sign to occur this September to be as literal as literal can be.
This is very serious business which no one should dismiss or take lightly. The LORD God is now going to be dealing with Israel as He did in ancient times - signs, wonders, miracles and prophets His two witnesses) acting powerfully by the Holy Spirit.
Also - notice all of those former references have been removed... he went too far in exegesis and in setting dates. I could not abide that kind of excess, so I removed all links and references to that material from Eschatology Today.
ReplyDeleteThe Revelation 12 sign is very real, but the assignments and times he added to it were too much and too soon by about 3 or 4 years I believe.
Thanks, we don't want to get off at any wrong exits on this journey.
Just an observation to note that today, March 20th, spring equinox, the planet Jupiter (the King planet/Jesus) is close to the same position in Virgo that it will be when the Rev. 12 sign occurs in September.
ReplyDeleteI know we have discussed the issue of foreknowledge of the rapture, and I am convinced we will have some sort of direct foreknowledge of the event. Like the parable of the good servant, Rev 3:3 also tells us something in what it doesn't say. Rev 3:3 says “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.”
To me that tells me that if we are watching, we will know the hour that Jesus will return for us. Scripture uses multiple measurements for time (years, weeks, days, time, times, half a time, etc), using the term "hour" would seem to indicate a fairly precise measurement.
I picture the Magoi that were watching and looking for a sign....when they saw it, they went to it. I imagine that their contemporaries of the day didn't think them "wise"....to follow a star. In a "past as prologue" type of scenario, people looking for Christ's return today face the same scrutiny. We are a little less than 6 months from the sign's appearing....should be interesting.
ReplyDeleteTo borrow a famous declaration...
I know not what other men may do. But as for me... as for me, I shall watch 'til He comes or I breathe a last breath.
Amen brother
ReplyDeleteIt occurs to me that if the church were removed in close proximity (prior to) to the appearing of the Rev 12 sign, someone who was left behind and able to understand the sign (probably a Jewish person familiar with the OT/Torah), would recognize the sign as such.....God turning his attention back to Israel. The sudden disappearance of untold numbers will prove to be a powerful witness to the identity of the true Messiah. I just thought it interesting that signs normally point to a future event, but in this case, it will possibly point to a past (the harpazo) event & a future (the 70th week & the remnant of Israel's protection) event.....a great sign indeed.
Time check: T-minus about 5 months and counting.
ReplyDeleteHave no doubt the Harpazo occurs prior to verse 6; that is clearly the 70th Week.
I agree. There is so much to this sign....Micah 5:2-3 is another hair raising verse to me as well.
ReplyDeleteI've just read a very well written, detailed and informative article on the Rev. 12 Sign concerning the doctrine of imminence (among other things). If it's okay, I'd like to share it:
Hello Nora, I've read Greg Lauer commentary's and do like them. He has a gift for teaching with a bit of humor thrown in. Good find!
ReplyDeleteYes, I like his site! :)
I've read another article today concerning the Revelation 12 Sign, I really liked it. If it's okay to share:
90 days till the sign's completion....
ReplyDeleteI count from 24 June to 23 September a total of 7 + 31+ 31 22 = 91. The sign occurs the following day.
DeleteSo, to recap, what will the occurrence of this sign mean? Harpazo? 70th Week?
No, the occurrence of this sign will mean that Revelation 12:1-2 has been fulfilled. That's all.
This is essentially what I noted in the last update as the "second fold" meaning for the sign.
But we already know all of this, so the sign is a confirmation of what we believe in faith.
Noted....didn't factor the two 31 day months! It is certainly a contentious sign.....mainly because some are proclaiming the rapture will occur on that day. As for me, I still think the main focus of the sign is....it is appearing (and was described in great detail by John), and it tells what God is about to do (as you've noted). If it tells of events that are going to occur and the church is going to be absent from the Earth for said events, then we ought to stand up (look up) and take notice. Should be interesting!
Thanks Sean, I emailed you first, for your valued opinion, (due to my fear of adding or taking away from anything in Revelation). Any credit besides to God I will pass on to Brad at the link below. When I read his blog on Micah 5 my WOW factor pegged to the top.
“No, the occurrence of this sign will mean that Revelation 12:1-2 has been fulfilled. That's all.”
ReplyDeleteI think that at the 23th of this September verse 5 is also included, at least the part which says “….And she gave birth to a son…” That part I’m sure of, since Jupiter allegedly leaves Virgo’s “womb” at the 9th of September and after a long travel in the “birth canal” (circa 2 weeks), Jupiter will finally leave Virgo on the 23th of September if I remember it correctly from the studies I’ve read on the Rev 12 Sign. The only question remained if the Rapture will happen prior to or sometime after the Great Sign. I think none of us will know for sure until the Rapture actually happens. (Except if God will give a one week notice to us prior to it like He did in the case of Noah as Sean mentioned.) Maybe the rapture will happen at the Feats of Trumpets this year, maybe not. But I’d like to add something, just a food for thought, an idea, nothing more (since I might be wrong). If I’m right in my knowledge about that, a prophetic event usually happens in close proximity to the sign that heralds the event. After the 23th of this September, the Great Sign will (slowly) start to “disintegrate”. The Star of Bethlehem came to my mind. I know that the star appeared to the Magi years before the birth of Christ but after the reason of that star was fulfilled and the Magi met baby Jesus, the sign that lead them there was no longer “in view”, at least I guess the star haven’t remained above the holy family for additional months! Paralleling all of that maybe just MAYBE we also won’t have to wait too long for something significant to happen in close proximity to the date of the 23th of this September. (What does that “close proximity” exactly mean, I don’t know. Maybe days or weeks, a month or a bit more.)
Generations of people lived and died without seeing even a little portion of what we are seeing being fulfilled before our eyes. We long for His return, we pray He gets His just due that EVERY knee bow and tongue confess Jesus is Lord. For me, I have friends and family, work people I like, heck, even the ones I don't like,that while I am here, I want to use this time, to see them get saved. God's longsuffering should be our longsuffering. I know we are all in different and some very difficult trials and long to go home but we must pray and watch.
ReplyDeleteA BIG AMEN Bro Jeff!
ReplyDeleteAs I was reading the comments this morning and you quoted Luke21:34 and said "This sort of thing should wake up all Christians to what is about to happen but sadly I don't think it will" and I thought, your absolutely right but how can we change that thinking. The word EPIC is used alot today, but the Rev 12 sign in the heavens and all the last days events are truly EPIC. I for one will be sending the links to the teaching of this event to my contacts list and give them the ability to seek it out or have the link when I'm gone.:)
In the end, I like Sean's quoted words I know not what other men may do. But as for me... as for me, I shall watch 'til He comes or I breathe a last breath.
And also heed Jesus' words in Luke 21:36 to watch and pray that I will be accounted worthy to escape all these things and stand before The Son of Man. (Jesus).
Thanks for your input.
Sean, in all these long years verse 3 of Micah made no sense til now. I am still awe-struck by it. No commentary that I have read touched verse 3. Wisely I might add. Better to say nothing than to make something up.
ReplyDeleteEPIC indeed! Why?
ReplyDeleteConvergence of the end times prophecies, ALL of them on overdrive-Check.
Convergence of a great many Bible verse pointing to the woman in travail-Check.
(Great find with Micah by the way)
For me the kicker is still the study of Strong's 726. I know I have said it before folks, but we have a God that speaks clearly. The Word for rapture is in Revelation 12:5, so why do so many exegete 1 Thessalonians 4:17 but conveniently neglect Revelation 12:5 when the Word for rapture is in both verses? I for one do not ascribe to hermeneutical gymnastics.
The ONLY difference in each verse is tense and that only strengthens the discourse, consider:
1 Thessalonians 4:17 V-FIP-1P
GRK: σὺν αὐτοῖς ἁρπαγησόμεθα ἐν νεφέλαις
NAS: and remain will be caught up together
KJV: [and] remain shall be caught up together
INT: with them will be caught away in [the] clouds
ἁρπαγησόμεθα = will be caught up
Revelation 12:5 V-AIP-3S
GRK: σιδηρᾷ καὶ ἡρπάσθη τὸ τέκνον
NAS: and her child was caught up to God
KJV: her child was caught up unto God,
INT: iron and was caught away the child
ἡρπάσθη = was caught up
Right about now today's generation would be doing a mic drop:)
Hello I am sharing my testimony on video called "Christ testimony of the churches around the world". Just google name of video.
ReplyDeleteI am the witness in seeing two images of Jesus Christ in the heavenly realm spoken of in Torah Chabad Daniel 8:11; Torah Chabad Ezekiel 8:3,5; KJV HB Matthew 24:15; KJV HB Revelation 11:1-2.
Many people who hear my testimony on video or read this message will see the image of the beast!
The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: "and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is" Revelation 17:8
The Messiah
For almost two thousand years there has been two different teachings of the Messiah from two different bibles with the same names of the prophets.
We have the Holy Bible of the Gentiles which started teaching the Messiah comes from the seed of David by non-human conception.
KJV HB Isaiah 7:14, Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
KJV Holy Bible Isaiah 9:6, For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Then we have the Torah of the Jewish people which have been teaching for over two thousand years the Messiah comes from the seed of David by human conception.
Torah Chabad Isaiah 7:14, Therefore, the Lord, of His own, shall give you a sign; behold, the young woman is with child, and she shall bear a son, and she shall call his name Immanuel.
One true living G-d of the Hebrews only opens and closes the womb.
Torah Chabad Judges 13:2-3, And there was one man from Zorah, from the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and had not borne.
And an angel of the Lord appeared to the woman, and said to her, "Behold now, you are barren, and have not borne; and you shall conceive and bear a son.
Torah Chabad Isaiah 9:5, For a child has been born to us, a son given to us, and the authority is upon his shoulder, and the wondrous adviser, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, called his name, "the prince of peace."
The message
In this message tells the shocking hidden truth that over two thousand years ago chosen disciples did teach the man Jesus Christ son of Joseph from the house of David is the KingMessiah who fulfilled the scriptures of the prophets from the Torah Chabad and were eyewitnesses of Jesus Christ sufferings, death and resurrection from the dead on the third day by the Spirit of One true living G-d of the Hebrews!
It was ungodly men who knew G-d (Jewish council) that commanded chosen disciples to stop teaching and speaking the name of Jesus from scriptures of the prophets in the Torah Chabad!
KJV HB Acts 5:27-28, And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them,
Saying, Did not we straightly command you that you should not teach in this name? and, behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your witness (Acts 2:32; 4:33), and intend to bring this man's blood upon us.
When the Jewish council were unsuccessful in stopping chosen disciples teaching the man Jesus is the KingMessiah who fulfilled Torah Chabad Messianic scriptures of the prophets, they devised a cunningly plan and made written copies of the Torah specifically changing the Messianic words of the prophets and began sending false brothers to teach the gentiles another word of prophecy about Jesus Christ drawing disciples after them.
Chosen disciples knew false brothers were teaching another word of prophecy about Jesus and warned the brothers to continue in the "traditions" they were taught which was the Torah Chabad of the Jewish people. pg1
Meanwhile men who knew G-d started the great persecutions against chosen disciples by persuading Roman kings, governors, soldiers, and even the people to seek out chosen disciples and most of their followers with great persecutions to the point of death in the hands of sinful men. Disciple John escaped and fled to Patmos island. Seven chosen disciples fled to Asia.
ReplyDeleteActs 21:8, And the next day we that were of Paul's company departed, and came to Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the chosen disciple, which was one of the seven; and abode with him.
Disciple Peter (John21:8-9) and James (Acts 12:2) died in the hands of sinful men.
The other two disciples deaths were not recorded in the bible.
Disciple John (John 21:20-24) who fled to the island Patmos, received the book of Revelation and sent it to the remaining seven chosen disciples in Asia.
Revelation 1:11, Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What you see, write in a book, and send it to the seven disciples which are in Asia; to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamos, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.
Revelation 1:4, John to the seven disciples which are in Asia: Grace be to you, and peace, from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven angels (Revelation 8:2) which are before His throne;
As persecutions spread to Asia the remaining seven chosen disciples fell into the hands of sinful men.
The book of Revelation and most of their written letters and testimonies were confiscated by roman soldiers and delivered into the hands of men who knew G-d.
Disciple John the last of the twelve survived great persecutions only to witness and testify to the many antichrist believers entering into the world.
1 John 2:18, Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
Disciple John referred to last time in teaching the true testimony of Jesus Christ from the Torah Chabad scriptures of the prophets until now!
1 John 4:3, And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
Antichrists believers (forefathers who started Roman Catholic Church) were those who believed in another word of prophecy about Jesus that denies he fulfilled the Torah Chabad scriptures of the prophets which is the base foundation of the kingdom of G-d.
2 John 1:7, For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.pg2
The rise of the antichrist
ReplyDeleteThe antichrist was already at work when Jesus open the first seal in the Holy of Holies. It was then on earth men who knew G-d changed the truth of G-d into a lie. Who sent out false brothers teaching Gentiles this other word of prophecy known as the "virgin birth". They changed Mary's conception into a fable (myth). They had roman soldiers confiscate disciple Paul letters and testimonies. They changed the mystery of G-d, true meaning of the body of Jesus and the revelation of the mystery! They added (church, gospel, and cross) and took away words in the scriptures to cover up the true words of the kingdom of G-d! They created another bible for the gentiles to teach counterfeit scriptures of the prophets from the Hoy Bible so that future Jews would never find the true testimony of Jesus Christ came from the Torah Chabad scriptures of the prophets. So Gentiles would never teach true testimony of Jesus Christ from the Torah Chabad scriptures of the prophets known as the Mystery of G-d.
This would explain to the Jewish people why certain prophecies in the Torah Chabad have not yet been fulfilled because gentile churches continue to teach counterfeit scriptures of the prophets!
I study Torah Chabad scriptures with Holy Bible scriptures. There is proof! I am telling the truth. I am the woman who fights the dragon night and day to bring forth the true testimony of Jesus Christ from the Torah Chabad Messianic scriptures of the prophets.churches have been teaching this other word of prophecy about Jesus Christ which is why this other image of Jesus appears to people in churches.
This other image of Jesus is Satan coming as an angel of light speaking the word of G-d and giving power to do lying signs and wonders with a false spiritual seal on their foreheads and right hand! Take a look at Ezk 28:12-14
Torah Chabad "Son of man, raise a lamentation over the king of Tyre and say to him, So said the Lord God: You are the one who engraves images, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
In Eden, the garden of God you were; every precious stone was [set in] your covering; ruby, topaz, diamond, chrysolite, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, carbuncle, and crystal and gold; the work of your drums and your orifices is in you; on the day of your creation they were established. You were a cherub of great measure, that covers, and I gave that to you; you were on the mount of the sanctuary of God: you walked among stones of fire.
Now look up in KJV HB the same scriptures. Satan is the engraver of images. In Luke 9 he came to Jesus looking like Jesus and showing his earthy kingdom by deceiving the whole world through counterfeited words of the prophets in the name of Jesus. That's why in Revelation G-d sends Jesus first into heavenly realm with a new name to remove the beast from its seat in Torah Chabad Daniel 8:11 because the gentile churches around the world are using the name of Jesus to do works of iniquity that is causing increased violence and perversion in the land!
I am telling the truth. If one would study Torah Chabad with Holy Bible, one will see and know the truth. Jesus Christ came in the flesh by human conception to deliver man and woman from the law and to put all works of flesh to death through the death of Jesus Christ body on the tree which destroy all powers of the Satan (old serpent) known as the evil inclination! Galatians 4:4-5, But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a man and woman, made under the law, To redeem THEM that were under the law.
ReplyDeleteAlso in Col 1:20,
And having made peace through the blood of his body, by him to reconcile all things to Him; by Jesus, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
Eph 2:16, And that he might reconcile both to God in one body by the death of his body, having slain the enemy thereby:
Philippians 2:8, And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient to death, even the death of his body.
John 3:14, And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of God be lifted up:
Col 2:14, Blotting out the handwriting of the law of Moses that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his body
Gal3:13, Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
1Peter 2:24, Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live to righteousness:
Roman 8:3, For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
Heb 2:14, Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
Heb 2:16, For truly he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.
Soon Revelation 11 and 12 shall be fulfilled in the spirit world, then comes outpouring G-d's spirit then immediately follows End of days known as great tribulation. Must get into prayer and be ready for outpouring for your household to be truly saved. Churches inside are getting worse both spiritually and physically because they do not have true spirit of G-d and do not teach daily Jesus Christ came in the flesh according to the Torah Chabad scriptures of the prophets, therefore the flesh continues to live. That's why ministers reported of sexual misconduct and many other works of the flesh. Catholic priests doing terrible works of the flesh. I am telling the TRUTH! I am the woman who fights the dragon to bring forth the true testimony of Jesus Christ. This is Revelation 12. Please G-d of the Hebrews in the name of the man Jesus Christ who came by human conception between Joseph and Mary, whom You anointed in the presence of John the prophet performing your commandment by immersing the man Jesus in water known as a Mikvah, please grant mercy and open ears and eyes of the people to believe the love of the truth and bring them out of MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH just like You brought out the children of Jacob from Egypt!. Thank you Holy G-d of the Hebrews