Thursday, April 8, 2021

Global SITREP E6-21: End of the Road


8 April 2021: No other way to express this, so here it is. On 03 November 2020 a coup d'etat took place in the United States and its architects seized near total control of our government. The so-called "Establishment" in Washington, D.C. and capitals of several states in the political control of the Democrat Party and the Grand Old Party (Republicans In Name Only) ensured its successful completion. 

Combined these two parties plus the big banking concerns and corporate allies constitute the so-called "Deep State." They have been a long-standing "shadow government" of committed socialists, communists and globalist elites. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is an executed conspiracy in fact. We the People and our Constitution are its victims.

Make no mistake, President Donald J. Trump won the election with approximately 80 million votes, and he is the legitimately elected President of the United States, not withstanding the outrageous electoral fraud perpetrated by both of the above named political parties, but also aided and abetted by the elite of several foreign entities, most notable among them are those we know as "the kings of the east." 

Here is the bottom line as understood by Eschatology Today: The United States of America now has precisely the kind of government eschatologists have long surmised would exist in the post-Harpazo world and Israel's prophetic 70th week of years. Lo and Behold, it is here today and only the occurence of the actual Harpazo of the bride of Christ will make it a standing fixture during the Thlipsis and Megas Thlipsis.

There's No Such Thing As Coincidence

While the American political coup d'etat and resistance against it continues, the rest of the world continues with all of its problems, and when it comes to these problems there is no such thing as coincidence.

It is no coincidence that Russia and its Belarussian puppet are both sabre rattling and fomenting continued warfare in southern Ukraine. They know an opportunity when they see one; and they are willing to risk the chance that neither the U.S. or the EU or NATO will do much to stop them, just as in 2014-15 in Crimea. A the gambit may even be expanding as a massive and unprecedented Russian military buildup is occurring in in the Artic regions. The U.S. is also responding with our own Artic military buildup to counter the growing Russian threat.

Of particular concern is the new Russian 'Poseidon' 2M39 nuclear topedo currently in advanced stages of testing in 2021. The Poseidon is an unmanned stealth nuclear weapon which is designed to evade coastal defenses to deliver multiple megaton warheads in shallow waters. The resulting nuclear tsunami(s) would render seaboard cities and coastland uninhabitable for decades. Unlike the easily detectable launch of nuclear ICBMs, the Poseidon could strike without warning. We'll hear more about this going forward.

And then there are the Iranians. The IRGC's proxie militias in Iraq have increased their attacks on the US forces that remain in country. They strike and we strike back, and on and on it goes. Now there's a new wrinkle with the emergence of a Iraqi Shi'a militia calling themselves "Zulfiqar Force." Zulfiqar have made multiple threats in major online forum to attack Washington DC. The threats are taken seriously as this group has been proven to have attacked the U.S. Embassy in Baghad, and more recently was detected to be involved in planning to attack a U.S. Army base in Washington DC and assassinate the U.S. Army chief of staff. This plot made MSM headlines recently, but was rapidly brushed under the rug and denied by Washington DC elites. Right, and there's no crisis on our southern border either.

Finally, both Chinese and U.S. Carrier Strike Groups will be coming into close proximity to each other in the South China Sea very shortly. The issue of Taiwan and ongoing Communist Chinese PLA mock attacks on the island nation continue apace. This is to say nothing about the increasingly belligerent North Korean dictatorship. Don't look now but the illegitimate government in Washington, DC has its plate more than full with a bogus president and administration who may not even know what day it is. 

In God We Trust.


  1. I have a question/thought
    What would have been better, trump running a second consecutive term being surrounded by democrats and traders and enemies and rinos, or trump leaving office for 4 years And working behind the scenes selecting the members of house and senate and being sort of a kingmaker and coming back 4 years later with full control of the house and senate? While in the meantime working with the States to implement their own election laws the by pass whatever laws the democrats might implement to steal elections? Could it be that that's what's going on, and perhaps if Trump doesn't run in 2024 he's endorsing someone like DeSantis while Trump himself having a position kinda like a czar? It's just some thoughts I been having

    1. Hartdawg,

      Don't know what would have been better, but I do know that things are proceeding in accordance with God's will.

  2. Kenny,

    Thanks for your comment, it is appreciated!

    Unfortunately I cannot allow it to post because of the included Wanda Alger link.

    I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but Wanda is an avowed leader and "prophet" of the so-called 'Dominionist' and 'New Apostolic Reformation" cult and their false prophetic teaching and overall doctrinal issues.

    I have learned that these groups play over-sized roles in the opposition to the Biden Administration.

  3. Regarding Communist China... word is out that the PLA (missile forces, air forces, marine forces, army and navy) all but set to attack Taiwan. The invasion could take place at any time.

  4. Breaking news... Israel-Iran tensions going next level. Iran accuses Israel of "nuclear terrorism" at Natanz nuclear site as power turned off.

    1. The attack on Iran's top secret Natanz nuclear centrifuge facility is being reported by multiple western media (US and Israeli) as having caused very significant damage to the underground facility.

      These reports are based on anonymous U.S. and Israeli intelligence sources who've been briefed on after-action damage assessments -presumably from clandestine Iranian sources. These initial assessments hold that Iran's nuclear weapons program will not fully recover until January 2022.

      This assessment incorrectly assumes there will be no other attacks on the weapons program, the severity and frequency of which have increased in the most essential areas in the past 24 months.

  5. It feels like the world is attacked to a ticking time bomb 💣!

    1. Yes, it is. And it's a big one.

      PM Netanyahu:

      "The struggle (war) against Iran and its proxies and the Iranian armament efforts is a huge mission. The situation that exists today will not necessarily be the situation that will exist tomorrow,"

  6. Here they are, the three greatest threats to another world war involving nuclear-armed combatants:

    Russia and Belarus vs. Ukraine (and NATO).

    Communist China vs Nationalist Taiwan (and U.S./Japan).

    Israel vs. Iran (and Syria).

  7. The Russian 2S4 Tyulpan (Tulip) self-propelled mortars were detected moving toward the border with Ukraine in the past week.

    The 2S4 can fire many types of mortar munitions, including tactical neutron and nuclear weapons.

  8. Secular media took 4 days to catch up to the imminent threats identified in Eschatology Today's Global SITREP E6-21 published on 8 April 2021.

    Both American Thinker and Zero Hedge reported yesterday that war appears imminent between Ukraine and Russia, China and Taiwan; Israel and Iran.

    The difference here being the secular reports are totally devoid of "last days" implications.

    We see them as sign posts on the Prophetic Road to the Apocalypse (Revelation) of Jesus Christ.


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