Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Global SITREP E9-21: End of the Road Part IV

28 April 2021: It would be quite the task to accurately count the number of times Eschatology Today has made reference to the ḥălôm or dream of prophetic meaning that so obsessed Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. It was an obsession so much so that that the Nebuchadnezzar issued an edict to his royal guards to kill all of the magicians, sorcerers, soothsayers and false prophets in the Babylonian Empire because they could not complete the utterly impossible task of telling the king what it was that he had dreamed and the meaning of that dream. 

There is doubt God had caused this dream to come upon Nebuchadnezzar because it served His purposes in any number of ways, but importantly, in order to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 46:10 - "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things which are not yet done, saying 'My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.'" 

Daniel 2 is where the prophet Daniel begins to tell us the end from the beginning. It's all right there in plain text what the end will be in these latter days. Daniel asked Nebuchadnezzar for some time and time was given to him. Immediately returning to his house and informing his Judean companions Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah that they all join in prayer in asking God in heaven to reveal what was unknowable to them about Nebuchadnezzar's dream. God's response was immediate and given to Daniel in a vision that night, to which Daniel awaoke afterwards and began thankfully praising God for His omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience and for making known to him what was unknowable to any man.

And Daniel rose and approached the commander of Nebuchadnezzar's guard, saying don't kill the wise men of babylon, take me to Nebuchadnezzar and I will tell him his dream and its meaning. Fortunately for us, the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar's prophetic dream has a bit more meaning for us than it did for that ancient king, aside from assuaging his king-sized ego. So Daniel began telling Nebuchadnezzar that the one God in heaven had revealed to the king details about the future, even into the last days of the rule of men on the earth and that none of the wise men of the empire could possibly know what God had given to Nebuchadnezzar in his vision.  

From Daniel's description artists have long drawn representations of the human-form statue seen at the head of this SITREP. But the representation has always been a simple, static image, whereas what Nebuchadnezzar had actually dreamed was like a video of the future after him. Again, this vision came from God so we can only imagine how awesome it must have been. The conclusion was an illustration the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, as a stone cut without human hands to establish the Kingdom of God that would endure forevermore afterwards. Daniel also told Nebuchadnezzar the meaning of the great statue he saw in his videographic dream about the future, that it was one of both great splendor and of terror. The terror was such that Nebuchadnezzar would have slaughtered all in searching for its meaning.

Daniel's interpretation revealed the head of gold kingdom (Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian Empire) was followed by an inferior kingdom represented as a chest and arms of silver (Medo-Persian Empire), which was followed by a third kingdom represented as a belly and thighs of bronze (Alexander's Macedonian-Greek Empire), and followed further by a fourth legs of iron (Roman Empire), and finally a fifth consisting of feet and toes as a mixture or iron and ceramic clay.

A Fifth Kingdom

Daniel's interpretation details how the Roman kingdom would divide ("that kingdom will break in pieces"), and as we know from history the Roman Empire indeed broke in two halves, Rome in the west and Byzantium in the east. Yet even this while represented as two legs is still the fourth in the line of succession of earthly gentile kingdoms. 

Daniel then focuses on the mixed iron and ceramic of the feet and toes and how ("the kingdom shall be divided") which represents both Rome and Byzantium further divided into individual countries and kingdoms that exist where Rome and Byzantium has previously existed. Collectively, the iron and ceramic toes are a fifth kingdom; the ultimate and last human-ruled kingdom of consequence in Scripture. 

In a further detail Daniel reveals about the feet and toes, "they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with ceramics." This, for us, is an exquisitely important detail. It describes a society in each these countries of different ethnicities which will not adhere to one another. What is this saying about the elites in the European Union who have sought a unified super-state since the end of World War II. Will their efforts succeed in such a creation? No, according to the Lord's prophetic word, that continuing effort will not ultimately succeed. 

The so-called revived Roman Empire will not be. What will be is what Scripture found in Daniel 7:7-8 foretells will be. The ten toes representing ten kings or nations, three of which will be absorbed in the sudden rise of an eleventh king or nation, the Antichrist's kingdom, and to whom the other seven will pledge their kingdoms. 

These are the sum of the seven heads and ten horns foretold in Revelation 13:1. Are these ten the descendants of ancient Rome and Byzantium? Yes, there is no doubt about that, otherwise the consistency of a single human form from a single head down to ten toes in Nebuchadnezzar's vision would be erroneous, and there is no error in the Lord's revealed prophetic word.


  1. The "Revived Roman Empire" teaching has been around for more than a half century.

    Being a literalist of the pre-trib dispensationalist view it became a necessity to make my view clear as based on Scripture.

  2. One of the key points that rules out the European Union as the "revived Roman Empire" is that it has, now that the UK has exited, a total of 27 "kings."

    Antichrist is an 11th king who rises up among the ten toes/ten kings who are the remnants of western and eastern legs of ancient Rome.

    Symbolically, five of these toes are on the left or western foot and five more toes are on the right or eastern foot.

  3. 10 kings, not something more than two dozen kings.

  4. News Item:
    You won't hear about this on MSM propaganda broadcasts.

    Former Lebanon minister and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have declared Hezbollah has turned Lebanon into a failed narco-terrorist state.

    "Hassan Nasrallah is the new Pablo Escobar; real action must be taken against Hezbollah."

    This will serve as a green light for IDF action against Hezbollah.

    Psalm 83, Isaiah 11, Ezekiel 28, Joshua 13 are all prophecies about near-term IDF military conquest of Lebanon, Gaza and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. These territories will become Israeli protectorates (vassal states) prior to the 70th Week of Years; make the 3rd Temple construction a reality.

  5. I really like how you use their real names (hannaniah misheal and azeriah) instead of their Babylonian names like most people do. Just thought I'd mention that

    1. Indeed, pagan names have inherent pagan connotations related directly to several false gods. Nebuchadnezzar's emblem was a dragon. Shame on those who use them.

      The male Hebrew names are centered on attributes of the One True God:

      Hananiah - Yahweh is gracious.

      Mishael - Who is like God?

      Azariah - Helped by God.

  6. The 2020 Election Audit is rolling right along in Maricopa, Arizona, having overcome all manner of Establishment opposition trying to prevent it or shut it down.

    A majority of observers, many of whom are neither GOP nor Trump supporters expect the final result to validate a Trump landslide win occurred in November 2020.

    That result will compel audits in PA, WI, MI and GA.

    Trump audit wins in all five states will lead to a Constitutional crisis such as the USA has never before experienced.

  7. CENTRAL ASIA: Border fighting over water resources erupted today between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Main battle tanks and other armored vehicles and mechanized troops of both nations are rushing into the conflict zone.

  8. Thank you Sean. Wrt the 2020 Election Audit in Maricopa, Arizona, I see the Dems are making another effort to get involved. They obviously fear the result.

    1. Ben,

      They'll complete the audit of 2 million ballots and about 350 suspect machines by the 14 May 21 deadline.

    2. Keep an eye on Mike Lindell and his website this week. Big things happening per his interview on The War Room with Steve Bannon.

  9. I read that the Biden Administration denied the permit for this year's National Day of Prayer scheduled for May. The globalists trying to cancel God! Ha ha. They will not be laughing when God cancels them! Oh, and interesting, there has been a National
    Day of Prayer in Washington DC for the last 70 years!

    1. Rhonda,

      What was denied was a permit to have a prayer service at the U.S. Capitol Building on May 6, 2021.

      The U.S. Capitol Building has been closed to the American public since January 6, 2021.

      But this does not mean there won't be a prayer service in Washington, D.C. on May 6th, there will be several prayer services in various locations in the district as well as prayer services in thousands of cities and communities across the USA.

  10. Sean,
    A very good explanation on the 10 Kings. I certainly hope this stays up after our departure, it will be very helpful. I went back and read the sitrep from 2018 and it was extremely informative and relevant to this one.
    Here's the link for anyone who's interested.

    1. Jmoll,

      I'm also looking at the teaching put forward in our time of the Antichrist's rise as a "peacemaker" and how he was presented to John the Revelator by Jesus Christ as the rider of the white horse going out 'conquering and to conquer.' Details matter!

    2. The rise of the internet pulpit has brought forth a multitude of teachers and interpreters of prophecy. Also the desire (rightfully so) of many in the church to depart can cause us to not look at the finer points of prophecy.
      The antichrist will certainly be in a position of power prior to the signing of the "covenant among many" and the rise of a global system and the ten kings.
      He will certainly work for peace as he plans to conquer.
      Though the church's departure can be anytime between now and the signing of the "covenant among many", we will have to tune in here for all the fulfillment of God's word. The world probably has a little ways to go to the last 7 years til Jesus reigns physically in Jerusalem.
      Thanks for keeping us informed.

    3. Jmoll,

      Excellent summary, and I thank you!

      Daniel 7 is a key prophetic chapter. Verses 7 and 8 chief among them. These have a specific sequence within them, i.e. the ten horns preceed the rise of the little horn who immediately subdues 3 of those 10.

      But, what are those 10 horns doing prior to the rise of that little 11th horn? An important prophetic detail here.

      I also note all of the empires are described as beasts. To this day nations and empires use beasts as emblems - eagle, bear, lion, dragon are just a few of them.

    4. Daniel 9:23,24 tells us the fourth beast(empire) will devour the whole earth, tread it down and break it in pieces. I am not sure if I'm right but the "whole earth" does not include every nation. The 10 horns(kings thus rulers) are ruling over the pieces. It is clear from the ten toes the mixture is not totally unified under the 4th beast(kingdom) until the little horn (antichrist) arises taking out 3 rulers. Revelation 19:20 shows us or magnifies the beast(empire) to the beast(antichrist himself) and the false prophet(another beast) who ultimately rule over the 4th beast kingdom. It seems clear to me a massive upheaval must take place for these things to happen. In my humble opinion the removing of the restrainer will be the catalyst.

    5. Jmoll

      I agree, the phrase "whole earth" doesn't mean every nation.

      The angel Gabriel made very clear that what we know today as western Jordan (eastern Israel) would "escape his hand." (Israel hides there during Megas thlipsis.

      Gabriel also made clear that concurrent with that the northern (Russia) and eastern (Red China) nations oppose Antichrist, and even are at war with him (Battle of Har Megiddo). Hundreds of millions die during the campaign. The four horsemen, etc. etc.

  11. If the U.S. reaches a nuke deal with Iran that's a JCPOA do-over or worse, it will guarantee a nuclear war in the Middle East. Guarantee.

  12. It is neither accident nor coincidence that Israel remains without a government.

  13. Two days, two IDF strikes on Hezbollah targets in Syria.

    Monday saw the IAF striking at Port Latakia, Tuesday at Quneitra Golan FOBs.

    Isaiah 17 inching closer by the hour.

  14. Russia Is letting Israel attack against Iran in Syria is in it?

    1. Yes, they're been none to quick to defend their so-called Iranian allies in Syria as Israel incessantly rolls them backwards from Damascus to Dier Ezzor.

      I believe it's all coming to a major prophetic reckoning shortly.

  15. Sean,

    How could the change in Israel PM effect the Israel strikes/ preemptive defense, etc.?

    Will they be less/more aggressive?

    Ken B

    1. Ken B,

      SITREP D9-21 reveals the new Israeli warfighting doctrine "IV" or "Israel Victory."

      No matter which 'right wing' party has its leader become PM (The Left in Israel is virtually kaput!),
      the Israel Victory Warfighting Doctrine will reign supreme.

      Yesterday a major IDF exercise began which is testing this doctrine across all fronts. The result is known prophetically!

  16. Happy 73rd birthday Israel 🇮🇱 I believe it's 1 week from today.

    1. Yes it is. And you know that 73 + 7 = 80.....

    2. Now that's some math! I can almost taste it.

      And the insane unrest on Temple Mount, Judea, Samaria and Gaza smells of sulfur.

  17. The CCP and Iran are behind yesterday's cyberattack on US east coast oil infrastructure. It is without question an act of war. It is a signal to Biden to immediately restore JCPOA - or else. Biden will capitulate, no stomach for war.

    1. Update 10 MAY 21- The U.S. Government declared a state of emergency due to the "DarkSide" proxy cyberattack on the Colonial east coast fuel pipeline (Texas to North Carolina to Philadelphia).

      This pipeline has within it four fuel-specific pipes (1, 2, 3 & 4) which carry 2.5 million barrels of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and other refined fuels per day northward.

      Lesser ancillary pipes are operating, but Colonial says it will not restore services to the primary lines until experts assure it can be done safely.

  18. Another airborne drone attack has occurred against a Syria-bound tanker transporting Iranian oil.

    The frequency of these attacks has increased several fold in the past few weeks, so much so that they've become constant.

    1. HAMAS has sent rocket fire into Jerusalem. A rocket hit a house... breaking news.

    2. HAMAS made ridiculous ultimatum demands upon Israel regarding Temple Mount. Israel ignored the demands and HAMAS responded with a 60+ rocket barrage. A home was hit, civilians injured, Israel striking GAZA. This could quickly escalate into the prophetic war we've been expecting.

    3. The action in Israel today is concurrent with a Strait of Hormuz incident between the IRGCN and US Navy in which an exchange of fire occurred, approximately 36 shots were fired.

      A swarm of IRGCN fast boats got within 150 yards of a USN convoy the included a US fast attack submarine in international waters.


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