14 April 2021: SITREP E7-21 is a continuation and update from SITREP E6-21.
The above image is of the Iranian IR-6 centrifuges that had very recently begun operation in the underground uranium enrichment facility in Natanz. Had is the operative word; a full 66% of centrifuges were completely destroyed in the cyberwar action that resulted in a full kinetic attack which has been widely attributed to a covert operation executed by the Israeli Mossad over the past two years. The remaining 33% of the centrifuges were damaged enough to be rendered completely inoperable.
Eschatology Today assesses that the Israel-Iran conflict will ultimately result in prophetic fulfillment, primarily Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27.
This map was collected from a Taiwanese news source. It illustrates the Communist Chinese People's Liberation Air and Navy (PLAN) incursions into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). In the past 48 hours more than 40 PLAN fighters, bombers and transport aircraft staged raids well within the Taiwanese zone. "Kings of the East" developing.
As noted in SITREP E6, American and Communist Chinese fleets are in close proximity to each other in the South China Sea. The massing of two American naval groups, the USS Theodore Roosevelt CSG and the USS Makin Island ARG (Amphibious Ready Group) with the 15th MEU embarked are exercising in defense of both Taiwan and the Philippines' Whitsun Reef in defense against large-scale ChiCom Coast Guard and PLAN aggression in those territorial waters.
The USS Theodore Roosevelt and USS Makin Island cruising the South China Sea on 9 April 2021. |
The Russia-Ukraine crisis is continuing to expand. Russia is now making the threatening demand that the U.S. Navy keep its ships out of the Black Sea "for our own good." Two U.S. Navy warships will enter the Black Sea within a day or so. The U.S. has also made certain that Russia and Belarus understand that we and our NATO allies "have Ukraine's back" if and when they should attack Ukraine.
Ukraine and the location of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts and the separatist-held areas supported by Russia. |
According to the Ukrainian Defense Minister there are now 80,000 Russian troops on the Ukrainian border and in the Crimean Peninsula and more than a dozen ships from its Caspain Sea fleet moving into the Black Sea via the Don River. Fighting in the Ukrainian breakaway oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk has intensified in recent days, artillery barrages interrupt whatever quiet might occur on a near daily basis across the entire front lines. The Russian-backed separatists control a little less than half of the territory of both Donetsk and Luhansk. One can assume the Russian special forces are already deep inside Ukrainian territory. Hooks at the ready.
Keeping watch on these flash points and more.
also, this just in from a reliable source -
ReplyDeleteNorthern Iraq: rockets attack on the US portion of Irbil's airport.
Arab reports: a US soldier and a US civilian contractor were severely injured in the rocket attack in Irbil, northern Iraq.
Two separate attacks occurred in northern Iraq today, in Kurdish territory.
ReplyDeleteThe first attack was heard at Erbil International Airport which is a short distance from a base hosting US troops. Apparently a drone dropped an IED containing TNT explosive. No casualties were reported.
A short while later three rockets were fired at another nearby base adjacent to Bashiqa village which is hosting Turkish troops who are part of the NATO force in Iraq. One rocket hit the base killing a Turkish soldier, the other two rockets landed in Bashiqa village killing a young boy.
The weak and ineffective Biden Administration just blinked and turned tail versus overt Russian aggression and threats.
ReplyDeleteThe two-ship Black Sea deployment has been abruptly cancelled according to Turkish sources.
With due respect to the
"have you come to take spoil" response of
"Tarshish and all its young lions" within Ezekiel's prophecy...
...the prophetic facts are becoming clearer and nearer by the day.
ReplyDeleteNot Biden per se, he's just a Globalist DC Establishment sockpuppet; not really in charge of anything, a figurehead.
Bigger problem is ChiCom threat; Russia is the EU's problem to solve.
Agree on Biden: could also include him being just a signature generator for administrative documents.
ReplyDeleteThe mullahs are just begging for Jeremiah 49:34-39 fulfillment to commence...
In my analysis there are three distinct possibilities in the 60% enrichment claim.
Delete1.) The claim is a bald-faced Shi'a Islamist lie. Iran put all of its weapons-grade enrichment eggs in one underground basket at Natanz, which Israel destroyed as soon as it went operational.
2.) Iran has long feared the pre-emptory destruction of Natanz and built a second covert centrifuge cascade elsewhere which none of the JCPOA countries or the IAEA have any clue about, and it has produced and continues to produce 60% and higher HEU.
3.) Iran has been producing and stockpiling 60% and higher enriched HEU from the get-go.
I believe psalm 83 precedes the Ezekiel 38&39 invasion, but based on what I'm seeing it seems that Russia and Co. are jumping the gun. I'm wondering if someone is going to happen to slow this down a bit. Or perhaps there are other things going on that I'm not aware of. If number 3 on your list of possibilities is the case then I'd expect Jeremiah 49:34-39 to come to pass somewhat soon. A side note, isreals 73rd birthday is coming up soon
DeleteIn neither the Psalm 83 or Ezekiel/Isaiah prophecies is the any mention of the third temple. That's a timing indicator.
Also, I've always looked upon this as another timing indicator: Ezekiel clearly states that Israel is at peace and fearing none prior to Gog getting "hooked" in his jaws.
These are sequential indicators, and there's a lot more that can be inferred by them in proper sequence. Of course Jeremiah 49:34,39 could preceed all of this.
The danger level in the Russian aggression against Ukraine has been ecalating exponentially since 15 April.
ReplyDeleteUkraine will opt to arm itself with nuclear weapons for its defence if NATO does not fast-track Ukraine's admission into the mutual defence pact as a derrent to Russian aggression.
Russia and Ukraine have expelled each others "diplomatic" representatives.
The UK will send its naval forces into the Black Sea in May. It's likely other NATO members will join in the deployment.
The Ukraine-Russia crisis is ready-made for the EU proponents of their own military force to deal with threats such as this to European peace.
Fighting in Donetsk and Luhansk continues to increase as well.
This war between Russia and Ukraine has been ongoing for more than 7 years.
ReplyDeleteThere are approximately 6,000 regular Russian federal troops on Ukraine's Donbas and Crimean territories, plus thousands of Russian mercenary troops and warfighting hardware.
UPDATE - BREAKING NEWS More than 150,000 Russian troops have massed on Ukraine's border and in annexed Crimea, the EU's top diplomat Josep Borrell said on Monday after EU foreign ministers were briefed by Ukraine's foreign minister.
DeleteOne of the key prophetic insights and interpretive staples of the past decade on the Eschatology Today blog has been the growing military and economic alliance between Israel, Greece and Cyprus.
ReplyDeleteTo this trilateral group of Israelis, Greeks and Greek Cypriots has now been added the Arabs of the United Arab Emirates.
The JPost has an article worth reading. Copy/paste this URL:
Mike Lindell and Brannon Howse are on FRANK.TV (frankspeech.com) LIVE for the next 48 hours.
ReplyDeleteMike just announced a $1.6 Billion lawsuit against Dominion due to Dominion's efforts to destroy MyPillow Inc and its 2,500 employees.
*Russian military pressure on Ukraine will continue for a minimum of the next four to five months.
ReplyDelete*Russia seeks to provoke a Ukrainian military response as a causation for their forces to invade Ukraine.
USSTRATCOM Warns Biden: Prepare for Nuclear War; Conflicts Will Escalate Rapidly.
ReplyDeleteGordon Chang should not be ignored; published this yesterday.
That was a sobering article. We do appear to be teetering on a precipice, and we have the worst, inept leadership making decisions. I don't think this is going to go well.
DeleteAgreed Big Time!
Most of the world, and many of our brethren, are asleep, ambivalent or just plain disinterested, or perhaps they're just overwhelmed by all of it.
The LORD God had great purpose in giving us a prophetic word about the Nothern and Eastern threats. He sent Gabriel to explain it to Daniel, and Daniel recorded it for us; we must make use of its purpose, not just as a signpost, but as a claxon alarm.
The door of our blessed hope is about to be opened... and will shut just as quickly.
ReplyDeleteI agree our brethren fall into the categories you listed above, just in my little world around me the differences in understanding and belief on the "end times" is wide and deep. I continue to pray the Holy Spirit will open our understanding to the truth of what God has given us in His word. Unfortunately the enemy has used every means at his disposal to weaken and confuse a vast amount of the brethren. Our prayer should be for God to cause a final rush of a mighty wind of the Holy Spirit to fill those who have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is telling us in these last days.
On the Ukraine front... I see a lot of Ambassadors from the various surrounding countries recalling their Ambassadors from Russia, including the USA, it certainly validates this Sitrep on current affairs.
Watching and hoping for our departure.
Amen. And therefore the title assigned to this series of SITREPs.
DeleteVery Good News if true! (Source: Defense Blog)
ReplyDelete"Russian media on Tuesday reported that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu instructed the commanders to begin withdrawing troops deployed on the border with Ukraine and in the occupied Crimean Peninsula on April 23."
Wondering what made them to do such decision. Saw the news too.
ReplyDeleteShoigu's order could be nothing more than a ruse. In fact, a ruse seems to be evident now with only troops being told to return to base (RTB), but the deployed armor is to remain in place.
This means a massive invasion force, with a large airborne element, is pre-positioned and remains a threat to both Ukraine... and Israel.
I just read an article on this subject published by the Globalist Elite mouthpiece, The New York Times. The article contained a tremendous amount of disinformation.
DeletePutin's "red line" that cannot be crossed is Ukraine joining NATO or the European Union. If either of these happen Russia will invade. This is Putin's message. It's brinkmanship.
If neither NATO or EU membership happen then Ukraine will begin re-building its nuclear weapons arsenal. A Catch-22, no-win situation.