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Dimona Nuclear Complex, Israel |
22 April 2021: Eschatology Today has been in the forefront in suggesting that ballistic missile fire orginating from Syria would be a primary casus belli for the fulfillment of the Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27 prophecies. This morning such an interpretation of these prophetic Scriptures took a giant leap towards becoming the reality.
In the past week the Iranians, via the Kayhan newspaper with direct linkage to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, began calling for missile strikes on the Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona, Israel in retaliation for the destruction of the Natanz uranum enrichment facility.
Today, a Syrian missile nearly achieved this Iranian objective when a long-range Syrian 5V28-S-200 Vega-E, (NATO Name: SA-5 GAMMON) missile impacted open ground just 19 miles from the Israeli nuclear reactor complex. The Vega-E/SA-5 is a nuclear-capable surface-to-air missile (SAM) if fitted with the 25kT warhead. The missle fired today was fitted with a 480 lb. High Explosive Fragmentation (HE-F) warhead, and an alleged maximum range of 155 miles; this SA-5 flew nearly 185 miles suggesting its boosters were used for the extra range needed to strike Dimona.
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Syrian 5V28-S-200 SAM |
It is currently unknown why Israel's vaunted anti-missile defenses failed to engage and destroy the SA-5. Speculation would be to preempt the potential for high collateral damage in populated central Israel, or the Syrian missile was in a controlled fight profile as suggested above. Eschatology Today believes this was no accident; it was a joint operation of Iranian-Syrian military commanders as directed by the Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei.
Israel's response has been swift and powerful with the IAF striking the originating SAM site and several others throughout the country. The Israeli response most probably has not sufficiently dampened the glee in Damascus and Tehran due to the near-success of this mission which is effectively a proof-of-concept success. Be cautious of offical statements by the US and Israeli talking heads who will seek to downplay the importance and the facts of what has occurred.
This is a very complex issue and we'll watch for valid updates.
What next?
ReplyDeleteWould all of these, and other crises, popping off in rapid succession constitute a "flood of prophetic fulfillment" as the angel Gabriel explained the future to Daniel?
Do you think we're going home at Pentecost, this year?
DeleteNot for any man to say.
Only God knows.
And what God knows (and has always known!) is when the last gentile will have been grafted in.
Romans 11.
Sean, I have always wondered about that because I do believe that gentiles will have the opportunity to be saved during the tribulation, so how would that passage indicate that we are waiting on the "last gentile?" Isn't Israel the time clock, Jerusalem the hour hand, and the Temple Mount the minute hand? I guess at times I have spent so much time reading and studying that it all begins to jumble together. I am curious though if the "last gentile" to be grafted in is applicable to the rapture if they are able to be saved during the 7 years tribulation? Thoughts?
ReplyDeleteRomans 11:25 New Living Translation:
ReplyDelete"I want you to understand this mystery, dear brothers and sisters,[a] so that you will not feel proud about yourselves. Some of the people of Israel have hard hearts, but this will last only until the full number of Gentiles comes to Christ."
It's about Dispensationalism. The different ages within God's plan to redeem fallen humanity.
This is what Paul, a Christian Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, explains in Romans 11. Verse 25 is the critical verse. I like the NKJV, but the NLV (above) may express this better.
From Jesus Ascension and the Pentecost the world and God's primary attention has been on the salvation of the gentiles of all nations. Jews can also receive Christ during these nearly 2,000 years, but they are overwhelmingly outnumbered by saved gentiles.
I believe that in Matthew 25 Jesus explained the Harpazo of the bride of Christ (in a parable) as His opening and closing of the door into Heaven. The closing of that door marks the point at which God's attention returns primarily to His Covenant to save all Israel.
Gentiles will be saved in the 7-year Thlipsis/Megas Thlipsis, millions upon millions, but the fulfillment of the Covenant is primary.
This is also the cumulative point of Daniel 9:24-27 and completion of the purpose of Israel's 70th week.
In Scripture, most especially in The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Jesus Christ, there is a very accute and distinct difference between the bride of Christ and the "Tribulation Saints."
I hope this helps.
That helps a lot actually. I forgot about the distinction between the church, "the bride," and the tribulation saints being made up of two "time" periods. That makes more sense seeing two different groups that are both Jews and Gentiles, but from different ages of time (what you mean by different dispensations, yes?). I see your point there. So would I be correct in saying God's focus before Pentecost (Holy Spirit coming down) was Israel and the covenant for Christ the Redeemer to come, then we take a break and have a focus on the church (made of Jew and Gentile)? This focus ends with the rapture and then the focus goes back to Israel for the covenant of the Second Coming/Jesus' reign to be fulfilled? Did I get that all lined up right. Okay, that last gentile needs to get saved asap - this bride is ready to go to the Father's house for a wedding feast! :)
ReplyDeleteI remember a pastor saying something once, and I don't remember it entirely, but it was something like "God the father's wife is Israel and the church is a bride for his Son, Jesus." That may be simplifying it though since I think there are times when Jesus makes appearances in the Old Testament. I am looking forward to a glorified mind that doesn't get all this tangled up.
Awesome, that's great!
DeleteAnd, yes, you do get the dispensational view very well.
The pastor is correct, Israel is the wife of God; the church the bride of Christ.
BTW, this link explains what I was saying in much greater detail:
Getting back to the nuclear issue... the notion being advanced that the destruction of Natanz would cause a 9-month set-back to Iran's weapons program may not be true afterall.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that 6 years of Iran's clandestine nuclear cheating (2015-2021) has left them, as of April 2021, just 12 to 16 weeks from having a working nuclear weapon, or by July-August 2021.
What began as isolated Arab riots (molotovs and rocks) in eastern Jerusalem and Jaffa quickly escalated into open warfare across Judea, Samaria and the whole of the "Gaza Envelope." This time the fighting was firmly attributable to the Islamic cause of jihad against Orthodox Jewish infidels, and to "defend" al-Aqsa on Temple Mount.
ReplyDeleteForeign incitement (Iran and the King of Jordan) for certain fueled the Arab violence which rapidly escalated into multiple barrages of at least three dozen rockets fired from Gaza into Israel. More than three dozen Israeli civilian communities were targeted by the rockets.
The IDF began responding to the rocket fire with its tanks firing upon HAMAS and other terrorist positions across Gaza. This was quickly followed by IAF strike aircraft striking surface and underground terrorist bases of operation in Gaza.
Again, this is no surprise as it should be expected and the end of which will be the literal fulfillment of the Isaiah 11:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:24-26 prophecies, and which are inclusive of the overarching Psalm 83 prophecy.
Key elements of Israel's government, intelligence and defense establishment are in emergency session as this is being posted.
Terrorist rockets continue from Gaza...
DeleteNetanyahu says be prepared for anything...
And Israel does virtually nothing on the third day.
What's next?
ReplyDeleteThe future.
Want to know the future?
God said He reveals the end from the begining.
Coming up next is The End of the Road Part IV which will look the end of the world as mankind has known it, but not in the manner as many prophecy teachers have taught it thus far, including Eschatology Today.
Interesting segway into part IV and a cliffhangar to boot.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the bareans here are very interested in part IV.
Let 'er rip Bereans, is SITREP E9-21 a proper reflection of the literalness found in Daniel's inspired prophetic word?