Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Global SITREP A2-16: The Groom is Coming for His Bride

06 January 2016: This is likely the most important ten-minute instructional video ever presented on Eschatology Today. And a big Thank You to KenB who brought this to my attention earlier today! 

If you have been following the informal comments section of SITREP E10-15 where the subject of when Groom arrives for His Bride at the Harpazo has been discussed in detail over the past few days, then you will find what Messianic Rabbi Daniel Thomson has to say about that coming monumental moment in time to be exceptionally fulfilling. 

This entire video is an absolute blessing, but I would ask all to pay extra close attention beginning at about the 6-minute mark. That's where the teaching begins which makes the 8-minute mark so significant and is spot-on with the tremendous significance of Genesis 7:4 as the leading edge prophetic template for the Harpazo and what will happen at that time. 

Post Script 27 January 2016: Normally I put updates to the top of a given SITREP, but not this time. This update is a Post Scriptum, a PS. 

What has been presented to me in unrelenting fashion by the Holy Spirit over the past three weeks is an increasing burden about Noah's instruction from God in Genesis 7:4 "For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights..." Noah was informed by God in advance (7 days) of the coming judgment. In the Jewish betrothal, as seen in both of the italicized underlined words above... the virgin bride did have foreknowledge of the imminent arrival of the torch-lit procession of her bridegroom.

Underpinning this is the knowledge that Noah and the Ark/Flood were an illustrative type foreshadowing of the Rapture; just as the historical figure Antiochus IV Epiphanes of the Macedonian-Greek Seleucid Empire was an illustrative foreshadowing of the coming Antichrist... and just as the Jewish betrothal custom was an illustrative type foreshadowing of the coming Harpazo.
In Jesus' ten virgins parable the five virgins (lamps lit with oil) went out to meet the arriving procession of the bridegroom. In Matthew 25:6 the virgins are alerted to the fact that the bridegroom's procession was coming - it had not arrived yet, but it was coming - as in enroute to where the bride was. This teaching is echoed by Messianic Rabbi Daniel Thomson in the video above.

Jesus says we, His bride indwelt by the Holy Spirit, are to watch, to be prepared at all times for His coming at the Harpazo. What are we watching for but signs of His coming for us!

In Matthew 24:36-39 Jesus teaches, "But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."   Indeed!
This statement is specific to the Harpazo.  In the days before the flood (judgment) life was going on as usual in the world, right up until Noah entered the ark - but Noah had 7 days advance notice according to Genesis 7:4!  It was the doomed who were totally ignorant!
Again, we, the bride of Christ are commanded in multiple ways and multiple times by our Lord and Savior to watch for His coming. Are we commanded by Him to watch for an event which occurs in a microsecond? NO! We cannot possibly see that. What we the indwelt temples of the Holy Spirit are exhorted to do is to watch closely for His coming prior to that instant in time!!!

Then we come to Jesus teaching of Matthew 24:43: "But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into."

In His very next breath Jesus teaches the parable about the faithful and wise servant and evil servants. Who is it that is completely caught unaware of the day and hours of the master's coming? The evil sinner servant. 

But the faithful and wise servant was not caught unaware was he.

These parables are instructions to the bride of Christ emphasizing that we are to watch for our Groom's coming for the Harpazo. We already know that we're in the season, but we're not looking for the day or hour... we're supposed to be looking for the sign of His coming... the procession of the Bridegroom.
I have been burdened and do believe though this study that the bride will receive immediate for knowledge of His coming, and we will be ready, out to meet Him, our lamps lit and full of oil.

For many years, decades worth of years, I blindly accepted what I had been taught by a host of Bible teachers, just as we have all been taught for many decades by a great many teachers, as virtual doctrine if you will allow, that the Harpazo will be a "secret" Harpazo; that it will be a signless, unheralded event.  

That was then. 

Within the past month all of this former teaching has been re-instructed by the Holy Spirit through multiple Scriptures. I now firmly believe that many of us have received and accepted a fairly significant interpretive inaccuracy regarding the Harpazo, in that what we've been taught is purely an interpretation that came from well-meaning men. At this time the Holy Spirit has been instructing via whole cloth Scripture to teach the truth of the matter. 

Why now? Perhaps it is because the time is right for an instructional correction regarding the Harpazo.

I now firmly believe that just as the ancient Hebrews we're led out of Egypt, across and down the length of Sinai by an unmistakable visible sign, the Amud Anan (Pillar of Cloud), the bride of Christ will also receive very visible signs of the coming of the Lord for the Harpazo. I am absolutely certain that in our obedience to the Lord's command to watch we literally have to look up into the sky, day or night, to see what it is that will be a sign for us for this blessed event.

This is where this dutiful Spirit-led Berean dove in and searched Scripture. Accordingly, I think it will be exactly as Jesus said in Luke 21:25, we will receive extraordinary, and very likely naked-eye visual indications in the sun, in the moon and in (a certain constellation of) the stars." These specific and highly probably unprecedented signs are to occur in conjunction with a time of  synochē and aporia (Greek, meaning: acute distress and confusion) among the gentile nations. This visual signs activity is also in conjunction with turmoil in the regions of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Seen a newspaper or a media report recently about this kind of problem in Europe coming from the Middle East? I have, and I know you have as well, especially if you have read this blog for more than the past month or so.

A coronal hole in the sun this large has got to get your attention, right?
When it comes to an unprecedented sign in the sun I have noticed that there have recently occurred great black voids, massive coronal holes, in the sun's surface. These voids are many thousands of times the size of the earth. They cannot be missed via our current technological means of observation of the helios. If you are not awed immediately, please have a doctor check your body for a pulse. The most recent of these holes to appear was just last October. It was one-quarter of the sun's visible surface. Yes, Lord, you have my attention!

So, now I look for something to occur with the moon and one or more of the twelve constellations. I happen to think or have the impression that Orion may be worth watching. At the present and for near foreseeable future the flood across the Mediterranean Sea of people from the Middle East certainly is causing distress and confusion, which will likely increase as time progresses into this year. 


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Global SITREP A4-16: IDF Northern Front Exercise

IDF UH-60 Blackhawk in Northern Front Exercise (IDF photo)
21 January 2016: The IDF has conducted a two-week long warfighting exercise along the entire length of the border with Lebanon and Syria. The objective of the exercise was to train up land, sea and airborne elements of the IDF for a protracted, simultaneous war against Hezbollah and Islamist elements operating in both Lebanon and Syria.

Head of the Northern Command Gen. Aviv Kochavi, right, speaks with IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot, center, alongside head of the Operations Directorate Gen. Nitsan Alon, during a military exercise on January 20, 2016. (IDF Spokesperson’s Unit)
Northern Command General Aviv Kochavi recapped the scope of the simulated warfighting as encompassing vast maneuvers, substantial firepower and offensive, high efficiency strikes on thousands of targets, including residential areas being exploited by the terrorist forces. Concurrent with this exercise the IDF has deployed mechanized artillery in many locations opposite Gaza.

In this activity we can see major elements of the prophetic pre-70th Week wars being actively readied in advance by the IDF, and which are currently missing only the Sinai and Jordanian sectors in the full-scope of the Psalm 83 scenario. As with most military pre-war planning, first contact with the enemy usually requires the implementation of additional ad hoc vignettes into the overall war plan. The IDF has proven itself extremely adept in this regard in the past, and as is evident in the prophetic narrative on these coming wars.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Positional Statement on Salvation

19 January 2016: It has become necessary due to recent events that I present a Positional Statement which explains in detail per Scripture how an individual is saved and how that individual maintains their salvation through to death or the Harpazo.  This Positional Statement is not being made so that it may be debated in any matter whatsoever; no debate in the comments section will be allowed because every jot and iota of what follows is based upon Scripture. 

I have long been a student of the Biblical teaching of Dr. David R. Reagan of Lamb and Lion Ministries and his teaching which follows in the embedded link to the Lamb & Lion Ministries website is expressly what I also believe and therefore I present it as the Positional Statement on Salvation.  

In this Positional Statement you will learn that the salvation of the individual is an ongoing process that begins with justification, continues with sanctification and is finalized with glorification at resurrection from the dead or at the Harpazo. You will also learn that the so-called doctrine of "One Saved Always Saved" is an extremist doctrine; it is not Biblical and I do reject it as not being in accordance with the Word of God.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Global SITREP A3-16: The Invisible Persian Gulf Tsunami

UPDATE 19 January 2016: This link to will provide the reader with former U.S. Navy SEAL Matt Bracken's assessment on what was really going on last week in the middle of the Persian Gulf. This is a MUST read for those week seek the truth not coming from Obama's lap dog media.

17 January 2016: No single image has exposed the abject malfeasance of the Obama Administration and its military rules of engagement (ROE) than the above image of the two crews of the two U.S. Navy combat watercraft surrendering, weapons still cold from not firing a single shot, to Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps naval forces in the Persian Gulf. This image and others in a series of images released by the Iranian regime has resulted in a tsunami of unprecedented intensity through the entirety of the United States Armed Forces.

That these US Navy combat vessels did not know their location is belied by the fact that Iran seized as a part of its booty the DAGR GPS (Defense Advanced GPS Receiver) devices which were on board both vessels. An image of the DAGR GPS is above. 

These devices, along with their integrated and now fully compromised COMSEC (Communications Security) electronic circuits, were also summarily surrendered to Iran by the Obama Administration. This loss is a high level crime and misdemeanor. Per American federal law (Title 18, US Code sections 641, 793, 798 and 952) it is illegal for any person or organization to be in possession of these devices irregardless of the fact that they are operational or not without the express authorization of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps now has possession of at least two DAGR GPS devices. And the U.S. Congress has done exactly what about this compromise?

In recent times we have seen the illegal launching of Iranian nuclear-capable missiles and volley missile fire in very close proximity and with virtually no warning as the USS Truman Carrier Strike Group transited the Strait of Hormuz. No reaction of substance from the Obama Administration whatsoever to these overt provocations.

More importantly, The IRGC Naval Commander, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi (image above) claimed that news of the IRGC seizure of the two small combat craft was reflected in preparations for combat operations that were immediately executed over a forty-minute period by the USS Truman CSG. The Truman's obvious call to battle stations also resulted in Iran targeting the Truman CSG with its shore-based missile batteries and other naval missile firing platforms. War was imminent.

I have no doubt that yet another in a now infamous series of "stand down" orders was issued by the Obama Administration on 13 January to the US naval commanders afloat in the Persian Gulf and other US military commands in the region. 

The "stand down" order was issued within three days (16 January) of the JCPOA nuclear deal lifting of sanctions on Iran and the freeing of $100 billion in frozen cash assets. These things could not have occurred had the United States Navy gone to war with the Iranian regime on Wednesday of this past week. As suspected, what is truly sacred to the Obama Administration above all other things is on full display to all who would dare to look with eyes wide open.

How completely revealing of Iran's true intentions, and the internal Iranian political struggle noted on 28 December (see: fourth paragraph of SITREP E10-15) is it that within 72 hours of the lifting of sanctions the Ayatollah-led IRGC would literally go to the brink of war with America, a war they have ostensibly had been working to avoid at all cost by engaging in the nuclear weapons JCPOA negotiations to begin with? 

There is a point coming where orders from this White House will no longer be considered lawful and will be disobeyed. This is when the invisible Persian Gulf tsunami will have hit Washington DC.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

American Pastor Saeed Abedini Imprisoned in Iran and Facing a Hanging Muslim Judge IS NOW A FREE MAN!!!

Naghmeh Abedini, Pastor Saeed Abedini and their son and daughter.

UPDATE 16 January 2016: According to numerous media reports which were confirmed a few hours ago by the American Center for Law and Justice, Pastor Saeed Abedini was one of five dual-nationality American-Iranian prisoners released from Iranian imprisonment today. 

Also released with Pastor Abedini were Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, and businessman Nosratollah Khosravi. The fifth one released was Matthew Trevithnick. These five were part of a deal that released seven Iranian prisoners from U.S. jails, six of who were also dual US-Iranian citizens who had been convicted as guilty of violating sanctions against Iran.

The release of Pastor Abedini is indeed an answer to many prayers offered to God by his brethren.

20 January 2013: Brothers and Sisters in Christ all over the world the situation of Pastor Saeed Abedini is our immediate concern, and we must lift him, his wife Naghmeh and their two young children up to God in prayer. Pastor Abedini, an American-Iranian citizen, was pulled off a public transportation bus and arrested in September 2012 for the same "crime" as Iranian Pastor Yusef Nadarkhani - his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and his preaching of The Word to the Iranian people.

Pastor Abedini in being held in the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran where is subjected to an alternating daily regimen of physical torture, mental anguish, sleep deprivation as well as an unrelenting assault upon his inviolable human rights. A hastily scheduled trial before Judge Pir-Abassi the day after tomorrow, Monday, 21 January 2013, stands  before our brother-in-Christ. Judge Pir-Abassi is infamous the world over for the number of unwarranted death sentences he has handed down.

At the present time and to the best of any one's knowledge the United States Department of State under Hillary Rodham Clinton has done absolutely nothing to intercede on Pastor Abedini's behalf. Neither has U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama made an official statement regarding Pastor Abedini's imprisonment and impending trial. However, in a "better something than nothing" development the following statement was issued on Friday, 18 January by National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor:

“We remain troubled by the case of US citizen Saeed Abedini, who was arrested by Iranian officials more than three months ago on charges relating to his religious beliefs. We call upon Iranian authorities to release him immediately.”

Even though the United States of America's National Security Council remains "troubled," let us continue to pray in vigil wherever we are in the world for Pastor Saeed, his wife Naghmeh and their children in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Global SITREP E10-15: Israel Threatens "Crushing Blow" on Lebanese Hezbollah

Update 05 January 2016:  That didn't take long. Exactly one week after posting the three sentences highlighted below (in red), Hezbollah has begun its attack upon Israel as ordered by Ayatollah Khamenei for the reasons outlined in the opening paragraphs of this SITREP. The next steps will be to witness the response Israel has promised will be the result of such attacks. 

That this attack occurs just as Saudi Arabia and its Sunni Arab allies have entered into a state of virtual war with the Islamic Republic of Iran fully exposes the overall eschatological mindset of the Twelver regime in Tehran. In keeping with the Twelvers fervent brand of political messianism and desire to hasten that eschatology by all means available to them, the greater the chaos in the Middle East the better their chances of self-fulfilling their eschatological expectations. War with Israel has always been the key to this expectancy. 

What is occurring on Israel's border with Lebanon and the Golan is far more than mere retaliation for Israel's dispatching into eternity of the baby-murdering Islamic terrorist Samir Kuntar; this is an emergent battlefield which could quickly envelope the whole of the Northern Front, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Sea of Galilee with the eternal fate of the city of Damascus hanging in the balance.

28 December 2015: There is every indication this morning that Israel is prepared to strike "crushing blows" against Hezbollah in Lebanon. Whether those blows are preemptive or reactionary may depend a lot on exactly what intelligence Israel has collected regarding Hassan's Nasrallah's bombastic rhetorical threats against Israel. 

Preliminary airstrikes launched within the past 24 hours by the IAF appear to have occurred along the Lebanese-Syrian border; according to YNet the strikes were confirmed by Israel's Foreign Ministry Director-General Dore Gold to have preempted the transfer of SA-22 'Greyhound' mobile SAM systems (Pantsyr S1) from Syria to Hezbollah.  These strikes are likely both a stern warning and a dare to Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah: if Hezbollah is feeling froggy - go ahead and jump, but the result will be a dead frog hitting the ground impaled on an IDF bayonet. See Samuel 13 for the strong prophetic relevance here.

Hezbollah's forces have been decimated in Syrian combat, not unlike their Iranian officer corps, regular IRGC forces and proxy militias. The recent combat death of IRGC Major General Hossein Hamedani, among the hundreds of IRGC combat deaths suffered in the last two months, has resulted in Ayatollah Khamenei's appointment and return as overall IRGC commander in the region their most senior veteran flag officer, Major General Mohammad Jafar Assadi, a/k/a Abu Ahmad. Major General Assadi was the IRGC commander in Lebanon a decade ago so his appointment to return along with another thousand or so fresh IRGC troops may well be what lies behind Hassan Nasrallah's braggadocio regarding what he is sending to Israel in retribution of the recent assassination of the child murdering terrorist Samir Kuntar.

This also belies the seriousness with which Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei regards the overall situation in Syria where continued defeats will almost certainly provide cause to the Iranian Expediency Council's Assembly of Experts, led by Hashemi Rafsanjani, to call for the ousting of the Supreme Leader. After all, in Twelver-Hojjatieh ruled Iran there is the essential necessity for a Supreme Leader who effectively demonstrates the kind of "rightly guided" leadership for hastening the arrival of the al-Mahdi. Negotiating away Iranian nuclear weapons with the "Great Satan" is another sign of weakness in the velayat-e-fiqh this Ayatollah has come to personify, and is not something a Twelver truly worthy of his jihad can live with. Regime change in Iran is an integral theme of the Jeremiah 49:34-39 prophecy.

Therefore, attacking Israel in an attempt to instantly widen the war, and thus the al-Mahdi-hastening chaos that would ensue, appears to be what the current Ayatollah is counting on to maintain his position. A Syrian regional official from Quneitra, Ra'afat al-Bokar, confirmed this Iranian plan in telling the Fars News Agency the coming attacks will occur from Israel's Golan as well as from Syrian territory as well. This does not bode well for the longevity and well-being of Lebanon, Syria or Iran and is certainly in keeping with the multiple prophecies levied against them by the Lord's prophets of Israel.

The above map indicates the triangle-shaped area (left of the red-line) on the Golan frontier between Israel, Jordan and Syria where the Islamic State-aligned terrorists of the Liwa Shuhada al-Yarmouk (Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade) are known to have maintained predominant territorial control since 2013. An official IS announcement of a 'Wilayat Yarmouk' or 'Wilayat Deraa' may be only a matter of time.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Global SITREP A1-16: The Sunni-Shi'a War Continues

Gutted remains of the Saudi Embassy in Tehran, Iran
4 January 2016: How does a foreign nation know if the Islamic Republic of Iran has formally declared war upon it? Their sovereign embassy in Tehran is invaded, pillaged and gutted by fire. It's been a tradition of the Shi'a Twelver regime in Tehran since 1979; it's what they do. 

This is how the new year of 2016 begins for Saudi Arabia and Iran. Following years of sectarian Sunni versus Shi'a conflict and outright proxy warfare in the eastern al-Awamiyah province of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria and, as of 2015, Yemen, the two leading adversaries of the opposing camps of Islamist ideology (Wahhabi jihadists vs. Khomeinist-Twelver messianism) are now directly at each others throats. Any pretense of diplomatic relations between the two are as burnt out as the image of the above structure. War is inevitable.

The key event was the Saudi government's execution on Saturday, 2 January of a Saudi-born Shi'a figurehead cleric and instigator of Shi'a insurrection known as Nimr al-Nimr. Along with al-Nimr the Saudi government executed a total of 47 Sunni al-Qaeda terrorists and common criminals. The subsequent rioting by Shi'a throughout the Gulf region belies the fallacy of the claims of Islamic martyrdom. If al-Nimr was truly an Islamic martyr as declared by none other Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei, then what is behind all of the rage exhibited by thousands of Shi'a? Thus a spiritually bankrupt ideology is on full display and is likely to fan the flames of war between Sunni and Shi'a in an already at-war Middle East.

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Positional Statement on Salvation

19 January 2016: It has become necessary due to recent events that I present a Positional Statement which explains in detail per Script...