14 February 2017: No matter where one looks at the present time, if one looks with clear eyes and truth in their heart one will see all manner of obfuscation and illusion masking the true realities of the situation on planet Earth. Honestly, it has been this way for a very long time, but now the obfuscations and illusory are to be found everywhere. This, for the umpteenth time in the history of Eschatology Today, is the product of a global media which has become expert in presenting all manner of extraneous information, disinformation, distraction and just plain lies in lieu of real world facts.
As a prime example, has anyone seen in-depth reporting on the terrorist acts which have occurred recently in Hamburg, Germany? Fact: In the past month there have been three terrorist attacks, I would call these terrorist "dry runs," on public institutions in which the agent of choice has been a toxic gas.
As a prime example, has anyone seen in-depth reporting on the terrorist acts which have occurred recently in Hamburg, Germany? Fact: In the past month there have been three terrorist attacks, I would call these terrorist "dry runs," on public institutions in which the agent of choice has been a toxic gas.
January 11, 2017 a toxic gas is pumped through the fresh air ventilation system into a gymnasium making nearly three dozen students ill and blinding them at the Luisen-Gymnasium Bergedorf middle school in Reinbeker Weg, Hamburg, a third of them are hospitalized, and the entire school evacuated. The image above is from the scene of this attack. According to the German paper Bild the next day, January 12, in the secure area where hand baggage is checked at Hamburg International Airport an attack occurs with the same toxic gas pumped through ventilation ducts causing emergency respiratory injury to 68 people; causing a total evacuation and shutting down all flight operations. Image directly below. The day prior, an unmarked, unattended suspicious bottle of liquid, its top sealed with orange tape and in a type of aluminum foil bag was discovered in the airport parking garage, image second below. The bottle did not contain an explosive, but the true contents were not publicly divulged either.
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On the same day there was also a report about an identical type of toxic gas attack at the Hamburg train station. In all three instances the official word was the toxic agent was a type of pepper spray. It could just as easily have been any number of more lethal agents. But that's not the real point. A middle school full of innocent student, and airport and a train depot were targeted in dry run operations within hours of each other.
Never mind that Germany has been over run with the same kind of "refugees" infiltrated by jihadi terrorists that President Trump is attempting to have vetted at our borders (i.e. airports like JFK International in New York City) but has been blocked due to a U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code ignoring ruling of the far left U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. You didn't get this from our corporate American media, but you got it here on this blog. Remember it for future reference.
ReplyDeleteMost mornings I check in here before I do anything else and this current news I have been following but couldn't find out what was taking place. Just the old way of reporting the event but not the underlying reasoning needed. I know in my Knower that there is a very real plan afoot to cause major disaster but no real details yet.
I have complete confidence that the Holy Spirit will SPEAK loudly and when HE does, that word has to be proclaimed or the blood lost will be on the Watchman that didn't sound the alarm. Most people don't believe that God works that way anymore but believe me, HE REALLY DOES!
SHALOM and I mean that totally,
Something to keep an eye on for sure. My own Knower recalls that the 9/11 terror crew came to our shores from Hamburg, so this activity definitely ran a red flag up the pole.
DeleteQuestion: Since when does an appeals court prevent the POTUS from faithfully carrying out his sworn oath?
Answer: When it is following directives from the previous POTUS to sabotage and subvert the current POTUS.
I imagine it will be fought in the Supreme Court and will be overturned but it is sickening to see such treachery.
ReplyDeleteVice President Pence addressed the Federalist Society and one phrase which I found assurance concerning the President's promise to uphold our constitution
" make no mistake about it, my friends in the Federalist Society, we’re in the promise-keeping business in Washington, D.C. now."
I am reminded to keep them in our prayers, we need them to be successful to prevent further attacks like those shown in this sitrep.
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, without a doubt Obama thinks he is still running this nation but that hedge of protection is now off of him BIG TIME and just like God brought Esther to the aid of the Hebrews in Elam, Haman's gallows, or what ever is called for, will beckon the Deceiver who is playing these games. But what makes me so very angry is the stupidity of the vessels being used in this current voohoo hip hop taking place now. Even to the extent that professional newsmen and women are blind to the whole thing.
Can we all say Delusional and Deceived without crying? It is not so far removed from my home because dear hubby cannot get his ears or eyes off of the so called main stream media for one second. It is on from the time he wakes up in the morning until he goes to bed at night and not quietly either.
Hamburg is something that I had forgotten until you mentioned it right here. Wow that is even more gut wrenching!
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention that other Presidents of the USA have also limited certain nations from immigrating to our shores and if memory serves me correctly it was done back in Dwight David Eisenhower's administration all the way up to and including William J. Clinton's. In fact there was an amendment to immigration law but I cannot remember the number.
Indeed they have. Many of them on many occasions - the most recent was Zero who banned entry to the US for any Muslim from Iraq in 2011. No 9th Circuit Court of Appeals action against Zero's Executive Order - which proves that this same court's action against President Trump's E.O. is PURE POLITICAL ACTIVISM against the Commander In Chief during wartime.
ReplyDelete(I refer to this action as judicial treason)
FOR THE RECORD: I understood GG5's comment very well. Watchmen have great responsibility in being watchmen on the wall. This is no different than a soldier on guard duty against battlefield foes while his fellow soldiers sleep or execute other tasks. Their lives and blood are in the watchman's hands. As watchmen we labor with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
ReplyDeleteTo paraphrase our Lord in Luke 12:48, "For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; to whom much has been committed, of him more will be asked."
As for how we regard "watchmen on the wall" ... the entire basis for this is found in Scripture: Nehemiah 4.
ReplyDeleteI've become accustomed to seeing "Fake News" on CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, et cetera, et cetera.
ReplyDeleteHowever when "Fake News" passes editorial sanction and appears as a major news report in a publication such as The Wall Street Journal, then the problem has grown to an unprecedented level.